ProForm Elliptical Intermix Acoustics 20 Manual
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21 Inspectand tighten allpar tsof the elliptica lreg ularly. Replace anyworn parts immedia tely. To clean the ellip tical,use adam pclo th and asmall amo untof mild soap. IMPOR TANT:To avoid damage tothe cons ole,kee pliquids awayfromthecon - sol eand kee pthe console outofdirect sunlight. CO NSOLE TROUBLESHOOTING Ifthe con sole display beco mes dim ,re place allthe bat teries atthe same time;most consol eproblems are the result of lo w batte ries. Seeassembly step9on pag e\f0 for repla ceme ntinstr uctio ns. Ifthe con sole does not displ ayyou rheart rate when youuse the handgrip pulse senso r, se estep 5on pag e\f7 . HO WTO ADJ UST THEREED SWITC H Ifthe con sole does not displ aycor rect feedba ck,the reed switch should beadjusted . Toadju stthe reed swit ch,youmust first remove theTopShie ld (20). Using aflat scre wdriver, release the tab son the front and rear ofthe Top Shield andthe n remove theTopShie ld.Next ,locat ethe Reed Sw it ch (69) .Loose n,but donot remove, the M4 x\f6m mScr ew (93 ). Next ,rot ate th e Lar ge Pul ley (74) until aMagnet (75) is aligned with th e Reed Swit ch (69). Slide theReed Sw itch sligh tly tow ardor aw ay fr om the Mag net. Then, ret ight en the M4 x\f6 mm Scr ew (9 3). R ot ate the Lar gePulley (74 )fo ra moment. Repeat these actio ns unt il the consol edispl ays correct feed\b back. Whe nthe ree dsw it ch is cor rect ly adjusted, reattach the top shield. M AI NT ENANCE ANDTROUBLESHOO TING 20 93 69 75 74

22 HOWTO ADJ UST THEDRIVE BELT If you canfee lthe pedals slip whil eyou arepedaling, even when the resistanc eis adj ust ed to the highe st leve l,the drive belt ma ynee dto be adjusted. To adju stthe drive belt, youmust remove thetop shield and the lef tshield (seethe instr uct ions below). Usin gafla tscre wdriver, rel ease thetabs onthe fron t and rear ofthe Top Shield (20) and thenremo vethe TopSh ield .Next ,rem ove the M4 x\f6m mScr ews (93)and theM4 x42m mScre ws (\f24) fr om the Rig ht andLeft Shiel ds (\f8 ,\f9) .M ak esure to not ewhi ch size ofScr ew you remov efr om each hole.Then, gently remove the LeftS hiel d. Lo osen the Pivot Scre w(97).Then ,tigh te n the Belt Adj ust ment Scr ew (85) until the Drive Belt (38 )is tight. W hen the Drive Belt (38 )is tig ht, tighten thePivot Scr ew (97) . Then, reat tach the lef tshi eld and th e top shield. 20 38 8597 \f8 \f993 93 93\f24 \f2 4 \f24

2\f These guide lines will h el p you toplan you rexercise program. Fordetaile dexer cise infor mati on, obta in a reputable book or consul tyour physi cian. Remember, proper nutritio nand adequa terest are essential for successf ulresult s. EXER CISE INTENSITY Wh ether your goal is to burn fator tostren gthen your cardiovascula rsystem ,exer cisin gat the proper inten \b sityis the keyto achi eving results. You canuse your hea rtrate as a gu ide tofind theprope rintensit ylevel. Th echart below showsrecomm endedheart rates for fat burnin gand aer obi cexer cise. Tofind the prop erintensity level ,find your age atthe bot tom ofthe cha rt(ages areroun ded off to the near\b es tten years). Thethree numbe rslisted above your age defin eyour “trai nin gzone.” Thelowe stnumbe ris the heart rate forfat burn ing,themiddl enumbe ris the hea rtrate for ma ximum fatbur ning,and the high est number isthe he art rate foraerobicexercise.Burni ngFat—To burnfat effect ivel y, you must exer\b cise atalow in te nsi ty level for asustained period of tim e. Dur ing the first few minut esofexerci se,your body use sca \fbo\byd \fate cal o\fies for energy .O nly after the fir st fe w minut esof exer cise doe syour body begin to use stor ed fa t ca lo \fies fo r en ergy. Ifyou rgoal is to bu rn fat ,adj ust the in te nsi tyof your exercise untilyour he artrat e is nea rth e low est num berin your traini ng zone. For maxi mum fat bur ning ,exercise withyour heartrat e nea rth e middl enu mb erin your training zone. Aer obic Exerci se—I fyour goal is to strengthen your cardio vascul arsyst em,yo umust perfo rm aerobi c exercise ,wh ich is act ivi ty tha tre qui res large amounts ofoxygen forpr olonged periods of time. Foraerobic exercise ,adj ust the int en sityof your exercise until your hear trat e is near the hig hest numbe rin your trai ning zone. WOR KO UT GUI DELI NE S War ming Up—S tar tw it h 5to \f0 minutes ofstretching an dlight exercise. Awar m\bu pincr eases yourbody tem pera tu re ,hear trat e, and circu la tion inprepar ation for exer cise . Traini ng Zone Exer cise —E xercise for20to30 min\b ute swit h your heart rat e in your tr ai ning zone. (D ur ing the fir st fe w weeks ofyour exercise program, donot keep you rhear trat e in yo ur tr a in ing zone forlonger tha n20 minu tes.) Bre at he regul arly and deep ly as you exercise –never hol d your bre at h. Cool ing Dow n—Fi nish wit h 5to \f0 minutes of stretchi ng. Str e tch ing incr eases the flexibilit yof your muscl esand hel ps to pr eve ntpost \bexercise probl em s. EXE RCI SE FR EQU EN CY To maint ain or im pr ove your condi tion, compl etethree wor kou ts each wee k,wit h at le ast one dayofrest be twe en wor kout s.After afe w mo nths ofregul arexer \b cise, youmay com plet e up to five workou tseach wee k,if desi red. Rem em ber ,the key tosuccess is to make exercise are gul arand enjoya ble part ofyour everyday lif e. EXE RCISE GUI DE LINE S WARNIN G:Beforebegi nning thi s or any exe rcise progr am,consult your physi - cia n. This is espe cially import antforpersons over age \f5 or perso nswith pre-exi sting he alth problem s. Thepulsesens orisnot am edical device. Vari ous factors mayaff ect the accura cyof heart rate readi ngs. Thepulse sens oris inte nded onlyasan exer cise aidindete rmin - ing hea rtrate trends ingenera l.

24 KeyNo. Qty. Descript ion KeyNo. Qty. Descripti on PART LIST— Model No.PFE L55909. 2R\f0\f0A \f\f Frame 2\f FoldingFrame 31 FrontSt abil izer 41 RearS tab ilizer 51 Upright 61 RightU pper Body Leg 71 LeftUp per Body Leg 81 RightU pper Body Arm 91 LeftUp per Body Arm \f0 \f RightH andl ebar \f\f \fLeftHa ndle bar \f2 \f RightPeda lAr m \f3 \f LeftPedal Arm \f4 \f RightPeda l \f5 \f LeftPedal \f6 2 Disc \f7 2 DiscCover \f8 \f RightShi eld \f9 \f LeftShie ld 20 \f TopShield 2\f \f RightFr am eCover 22 \f LeftFr ame Cover 23 \f TopCover 24 \f RearUprightCove r 25 \f FrontUpright Cover 26 \f WaterBottleHol der 27 2 Inne rLeg Cove r 28 2 OuterLegCover 29 \f RightR ear Leg Cover 30 \f RightFr ont LegCo ver 3\f \f LeftRe arLeg Cover 32 \f LeftFr ont Leg Cove r 33 \f Console 34 2 PulseSensor /W ire 3 5 2 Handgr ip 36 2 Wheel 37 4 Stabil izer Cap 38 \f Drive Belt 39 \f RightC ran kArm 40 \f LeftCr ank Arm 4\f \f Level ing Foot 42 \f Latch Bracket 43 2 Adjustm entArm 44 2 Adjustm entPin 45 2 Adjustm entKnob 46 2 Adjustm entSleeve 47 4 Sleeve Bushin g 48 \f Upright Axle 49 2 Latch Housi ng 50 2 Latch5\f 2 Latch Spr ing 52 2Latch Inser t 53 2Adj ust ment Arm Spr ing 54 4Leg Bear ing Assem bly 55 2Leg Space r 56 2Axl e Cove r 57 2Upr ight Bush ing 58 4Ped alArm Bushi ng 59 \fAud ioCabl e 60 \fWir e Ha rness 6\f \fFlyw hee l 62 \f6000ZZ Bea ring 63 \fFram eAxl e 64 2Fram eBu shi ng 65 \fLatch Bracket Axl e 66 \fLatch Bracket Spr ing 67 \fLatch But ton 68 \fBut ton Housing 69 \fRee dSw itch/ Wire 70 \fClam p 7\f \fCrank Hub 72 \fCrank 73 \fCrank Spacer 74 \fLarge Pul ley 75 2Mag net 76 2Fold in g Fr am eBear ing 77 \fId ler 78 \fResi stance Mot or 79 \fResi stance Arm 80 \fResi stance Whee l 8\f \fResi stance Bra cket 82 \fMot or Bracket 83 \fC\bm agne tBr acke t 84 \fFlyw hee lA xl e 85 \fBel tA dju stm entScr ew 86 \f2 M8 x28m mPat ch Screw 87 2Sm all S nap Ring 88 \fC\bm agne tBr acke tB olt 89 4Resi stance Mot or Scr ew 90 \fM5 x7m mScre w 9\f \fM3. 5 x\f2m mScr ew 92 \fM6 Locknut 93 33 M4 x\f6m mScr ew 94 2M8 Jam Nut 95 \fGro un dScr ew 96 \fM6 Wa sher 97 \fPivot Scr ew 98 2Mot or Bracket Scr ew 99 \fId ler Bol t \f0 0 4 M\f0 x80m mPat ch Screw

25 Note: Specifica tions are subject tochange withou tno tice. Forinformation about ordering re placement parts,see theback coverof th is ma nual .*The separts arenotillustrated. Key No. Qty. Descript ion KeyNo. Qty. Description \f0\f \f AnchoredZip Tie \f02 \f6 M8x\f6m mPatch Screw \f03 \f4 M8SplitWash er \f04 2 M\f0x60 mm Button Screw \f05 2 M\f0Lockn ut \f06 2 ShortC\b pin \f07 2 M\f0x25 mm Button Screw \f08 2 M\f0x32 mm Washer \f09 2 M8x\f6m mButto nScre w \f\f0 4 M8x23.5m mx\fm mWash er \f\f\f 8M6x\f2m mPatch Screw \f\f2 8 M6SplitWash er \f\f3 2 M8x\f8m mButto nScre w \f\f4 2 M8x32m mWa sher \f\f5 2 Large Wave Wash er \f\f6 2 Large Sna pRing\f\f7 5M4 x\f9m mFla tHe ad Scr ew \f\f8 2Sm allWa veWasher \f\f9 2Medi um Wave Washer \f20 2 M8 x\f6m mx2m mWasher \f2\f 2 M8 x23m mShoul der Patch Screw \f22 \f 3/8" x\f" Flange Scre w \f23 4 M\f0 Spl it W asher \f2 4 4 M4 x42m mScr ew \f2 5 4 M4 x42m mFlat He ad Scr ew \f26 2 M8 x23m mx2m mWasher \f27 2 LongC\bpi n \f2 8 2 Adj ust ment Nut \f2 9 \f M5 W ashe r \f30 \f Snap Ring *– User ’sManua l *– Assem bly To ol

26 EXPLODED DRAWING A—M odel No.PFEL55909.2R\f0\f0A 35 9 102102 15 13 121 120 56 58 58 50 5152 49 93113 114 115 43 53 44111 112 112 45 46 47 47 116 50 5152 49 93 93 44 53 115 114 113 43 47 46 116 45 111 112 112 1214 47 58 58 56 120 121 125 55 28 27 125 28 27 55 5 24 26 6 29 8 102 54 126 10293 102 10 30 3493 59 25 35 93 11793 93 54 57 118 57 118 48 54 54 102 102 32 34 93 33 93 126 1021131 7 103103 103 103 103 103 119 110 119110 103103 127106 127106

27 93 93 82 96 78 89 77 8894 84 94 98 97 92 99 85 68 93 70 69 117 67 42 37 7687 7141 110 122 109 65 109 16 66 2 4 100 38 37 20 7575 86 86 87 76 73 74 72 40 86 17 1693 124 93 93 124 93 60 18 19 23 62 61 22 1 64 108 107 64 63 108 107 932117 39 86 86 102 103 102 103 102103102 37 37 3 10036 36 105 104 104 124 124 123 123 86 101 93 95 90 80 91 8179 83 130 129 128 EXPLODEDDRAW INGB—M odel No.P FE L55909.2R\f0\f0A

Part No.307 58\fR\f0 \f0A PrintedinChina ©20\f0 ICON IP,Inc. ORD ERING RE PLACE MENT PART S Toorde rre place mentpar ts,see thefront cover ofthis man ual.Tohelp us assist you,pleasebe prepared to providethe follo wing information when contactin gus: • the modelnu mbe rand serialnum berofthe prod uct(see thefrontcover ofthis man ual) •the name ofthe pro duct (see thefron tcover of th is manua l) •th e ke ynu mbe rand descr iption ofthe replace mentpart(s) (seethePART LISTandtheEXPLODED DRAW INGnear the end ofthis manu al) ICON Health&Fitn ess, Inc.(IC ON) warrants thisprod ucttobe free from defects inworkmanship and material,under norma luse and service conditions. Theframe iswarranted foralifetime. Parts andlabor are warra ntedforone (\f) year from the date ofpurchase. This warran tyexte ndson lyto the origina lpurcha ser.ICONʼs obli gati on un der this warranty is limited to repa iring orrep lacing ,at ICONʼs optio n,the pro duct through oneofits authorized service centers. All repa irs for which warrantyclai m sare made mustbe preautho rizedbyICON. Ifthe product isshipped to aservice center, frei ght char gestoandfr o m the service centerwillbethe customerʼs responsibility. For repla ceme ntpart sshi pped while the pro duct isund erwa rran ty,th ecustomer willbe re sponsible foramin \b imalhand ling charge. For in\bhom eservi ce,the custom er will be re sponsible foraminimal tripcharge. This warran tydo es not exten dto any dama ge to aprod uctcau sed by or attributable tofreight damage, abuse, misuse, improperorabnor mal usage, orrepairs notpro vided by an ICON authorized servicecenter;to productsuse dforcom mercial or rent alpurposes oras store display models; ortoprod ucts transported or purch asedout side theUS. No other warranty beyond that specificall yset forth above isauthorized by ICON. ICONisnot resp onsibl eor liable forind irect, special, orcon sequen tial damag esarising out of or incon \b nect ionwith the use orper form ance of th e prod uct;damag eswith respe ctto anyecon omicloss, lossof property,loss ofreve nues orpro fits, loss ofenjoyment or use, or costs ofremo val orinstallation; or other co nse quent ialdam ages ofwhatsoe verna ture. Some states donot allowthe exclu sionor limitatio nof inci \b den talor con sequential damages. Accord ingly, theabov elimitation maynotapplyto you. Th ewarra ntyextende dher eunde ris in lieuof any and allother warranties,an dany implied warranties of merchantabilit yor fitness fora pa rticu larpurpose arelimite din their scopeand duration tothe terms set forthhere in.Some states donotall ow limitations onhow long animplied warranty lasts.Accordingly, the abovelimita tion maynot apply toyou . This warrant ygives youspec ificlegal righ ts.You may alsohave other rights thatvary from state to state. IC ON Heal th & Fit ness ,Inc .,150 0S. 1000 W.,Loga n,UT 84\f21 -981\f LIM ITED WARRANTY IMPO RTANT: Youmust regis terthi sprod uct with in\f0 days of the purch ase date toavoi dad ded fees forse rvi ce needed underwarran ty.Go towww.p roformservi\bre gistration.