ProForm Elliptical Intermix Acoustics 20 Manual
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11 \f0.Untieand disca rdthe wire tie attached tothe Wire Harness (60). While asecond person holds the Console (33) near theUpri ght (5), connect the wires on the Cons ole to the Wire Harness (60)andtothe Puls eW ires (34). Inser tthe excesswi re into the Consol e(33) or theUpri ght (5). Tip :Avo idpin ching the wires. Attach the Cons ole (33) tothe Upright (5) wit hfour M4x \f6mm Screws (93).\f0 \f\f\f\f.Attach the Rea rUp righ tCove r(24) tothe Uprig ht(5) with two M4 x\f6 mm Scre ws(93 ) and an M4 x\f9 mm Flat Hea dScre w(\f\f7). 33 34 60 93 93 \f\f 7245 5Avoid pinching the wires
12 \f2.Attach the Fron tUpri ghtCover (25) aro und the Uprig ht(5) bypress ingthe tabs on the Fron t Uprig htCove rin to the Rea rU pr ight Cover (24). \f3 \f4. Mak esure thatallparts of the ellipti calare properly tightene d.Note: Some hardware maybeleft over afte rasse mbly iscom pleted. Toprote ctthe floor or carpe tfrom damage, placeamat under theelliptical. \f2 \f3. Ident ifythe Righ tRea rand Front LegCo vers (29 ,30), which are mar ked with “Ri ght” sticke rs. Attach the Righ tRe arLeg Cover (29) tothe Righ tUp perB od yLe g(6) with thr ee M4 x \f6mm Scre ws(93). Attach the Righ tFront LegCo ver (30)arou nd th e Rig htUpp erBod yLeg (6)bypre ssing the ta bs on the RightFront Leg Cover intoth e Right Rea rLe gCove r(2 9). Attac hthe Left Rear andFront Leg Cove rs (\f1,\f2) inthesame way. See step \f.Tight enthe fourM 8 x\f6mm Patch Scre ws (\f02). The n,slide the Top Cover (23)down ward and pre ss itove rthe Fra me (\f). 30 29 3\f32 6 93 24 525 23 \f
1\f HOWTO US ETHE ELLIPTICAL HOWTO FO LD ANDUN FOLD THEELLIP TICAL When the ellipt ical isno tin use, the fra me ca nbe fold edout ofthe wa y.Fir st, lift the la tch under each ped alarm, andliftthe peda lar msoff the adjustment sle eves on the crankarms. Ne xt, raise the pedalarms until th ey to uch the mag \b netson the uppe rbod ylegs; the mag netswil lhold the pedalarms inplace .The n,hol dthe handle and lift the frame unt ilit locks inave rtica lpo sitio n. To use the elliptica l,first holdthe handle, press the latch button,and lowerthe fram e. Next, pull the pedalarms off the magn etson the upper bodylegs. The n,liftthe latches underthe pedal arms, andse tthe peda la rm son the adj ust ment sle eves on the crankarms. Relea sethe lat ches, and ma kesure that the pe dalar msar ese cure lycon nected toth e adju stme ntslee ves.HOWTO MOVE TH EELLI PTI CAL To move the ellipt ical ,fir st fol d it as described atthe left. N ext ,sta nd in fr ont of th e ellipt ica l, hold the uprigh t,and place one foot agai nstone ofthe wheel s. Pullthe upr ight unt il the ellipt ical rol ls on the front whee ls. Car efully m ove the ellip tica lto the desired po sition, and the nlow erit to the floor. HO WTO ADJU ST THE STR ID E LE NGTH OFTHE ELLI PTIC AL To adjust the stride len gth of the elliptical, first pull one ofthe adjustment knobs unt il the adjustme ntarm will pivot fr eel y. P ivo tth e adj ustment arm unti lthe adjust \b mentknob is aligne dwith one ofthe holes in the crank arm ,and gently rel ease the kno binto thehole. Pivot the adj ust me ntarm back and forth slightl yto make surethat the adj ust ment pin is engage din one of the holes in th e crank arm . Adj ust th e stride leng th on the othe rsid eof the ellipti \b cal in the sam eway .M ake sure that both sides of theellipt ical are adjust edto the same str ide lengt h. HandleMagn et LatchBut ton Slee veCrank Arm LatchPeda lA rmA dj ust ment Arm A dj ust ment Knob C ra nk Arm H ol es Adj ust ment Pin
14 HOWTO EXE RCISE ONTHE ELLIPTICAL Tomoun tthe elliptica l,ho ld the uppe rbody arms or thehan dlebars andstep onto the ped altha tis in the low estposit ion. Next, steponto the other pedal. Push theped alsuntilthe ybe gin tomove with acontin uous motion. Note: Thecrankarmscan turn ineither dire ction. It is re commende dtha tyou turn the crankarms inthe direct ionshown bythe arrow ; how ever, forvariet y,you cantur nthe crank arms in the opposite direction. Todismou ntthe elli ptical ,wai tuntil thepedals come to aco mp lete stop. Note :The elliptical doesnot have afree wheel;the peda lswill continue tomove until theflyw heelstops. When the ped alsare sta tion ary, step offthe high est peda lfirst. Then ,ste poff the low\b estpeda l. HOWTO ELIMI NATE FLEXIN GIN THE CENTER OF THEELLIP TICAL Ifthe ellip tical flexes inthe center duringuse, tu rn the leve ling foot underthe center ofthe frame untilthe flexing iselimina ted. Pe dal s Crank Arm Level ing Foot Handl ebars Upp erBody Arms
15 FEATURE SOF THE CONSOLE Thisconso leoffe rsan array offeatures designedto ma keyou rwo rkouts mor eeffe ctive andenj oyab le. Wh enyou use the manualmode ofthe console, you cancha ngethe resistance ofthe pedals wit h the to uch of abu tton. While you exer cise,th e conso lewill dis \b play contin uous exercise feedback. You can also measure yourhe artrate using the hand grippu lse sen\b so r. Th econ sole offers eigh tpr eset worko uts.Each work \b outautoma tically changes the resi sta nce ofthe ped als as itguid esyouthrou ghan effective workou t. Thecon sole alsooffe rs eight caloriego alworko uts designed tohelpyou burnaset number ofcalories. Each workou taut oma ticallycon trol s the resistan ceof the pedalswhile countingthe appr oximate number of ca lories youburn . Thecon sole alsofeatures the iFitinteractive workout system,wh ich enable sthe consol eto accept iFitcards co ntain ing worko utsdesig ned tohelp youachie vespeci fic fitn ess goa ls.Forexam ple, lose unwanted pou nds wit h the 8\bw ee kwei ght loss workout. iFit wor k\b o ut sco ntro lth e resi stan ce of th e ped alswhil ethe voi ce of a per sonaltra iner coache syou through your wor kout s.iFi tcar dsareavai lable sepa rately.To pur - chas eiFi tcards, gotoww w.iFi t.c om orcall the tel ephone numberonthe front cover ofth is man - ual.iFi tcards areals o ava ilabl eat select stores. Yo ucan even connect your MP3 player orCD player to the consol eso un dsyst emand listen toyour favor ite m usi cor audio boo kswhi le you exerci se. To use the manual mode,see page \f6. To use a pres etworkout ,se epag e\f8. Touse acalorie goal workout ,see page \f9. To use an iFi twork out,see pag e20. To use the sound syst em, seepage 20.To change consoleset tings, seepage 20. Not e: Bef or eusi ng the con sole,make sure that batter \b ies areinsta lled (see asse mbly step 9on pag e\f0) .If ther eis a shee tof plast icon the display, remove the plast ic. CO NSO LEDIAG RAM
16 HOWTO USE THEMANUAL MODE 1. Begi npeda ling orpress any button onthe cons oletotur non the console. Amome ntafter you beginpe dali ngor pre ss abu t\b t o n, the display willturn on. 2.Sele ctthe manual mode. Each time you turn on the conso le,the man ualmod ewill be sele cted.If you have select eda worko ut,reselect th e ma nualmo de by pressin gthe Wo rkou tsbut ton rep eatedlyun til zero sap pear inthe disp lay. \f.Change theresista nce ofthe pedals as desired. As you pedal, cha nge the resis \b ta nce ofthe pe dals by pressin gthe Digit alRe sista nce incre ase and decrease butt on s.Note: Afteryoupress the but \b to ns, itwill take amom entforthe pedals toreach th e se lect edresistan celevel. 4. Foll owyour progress withthe display. The lowe rleft dis play —As you exe rcise, the lowe r left displa yca n sho wthe ela psed time andthe dis \b ta nce (total numbe rof revoluti ons)thatyouhave pedale d.Not e:Whe napre set workou tis se lecte d, th e displa ywill showthe time rem aining inthe worko utinst eadof th e elapsed time.The lowe rright di spl ay—T he low erright disp lay can show the your pedal ing speed in re vo lu tion sper mi nut e(rpm )and the app roxi mat e numbe rof calo \b ries tha tyou have bur ned. Not e: When acal orie goal wor kout is sel ect ed,th e displ ay will count dow nthe num ber ofcal ories to be burn ed. Th edispl ay also show syo ur hear trate when you usethe hand grip pul se senso r(se estep 5on page \f7) . The uppe r displ ay—Th e upper displ ay can show the elap sed tim e, the dist an ce tha tyou have ped \b aled, your pedal ing speed, and the approxim ate numberofcal ories youhave burned. Pr ess the Prior it y Displ ay but ton repeatedl yunti l the uppe rdi spl ay show sth e inf or ma tion that you aremost int er est ed in view in g. Not e: While infor \b mation isshow nin the upperdi spl ay,the same informat ion will not besho wn in the lower left or low erright disp lay. The lowe r displ ay—Th e lowerdisp lay will sh ow atr ack repr e\b se ntin g 640 re vo lu tion s(\f/ 4 mi le or 400 met er s).A s you exer cise, indicators will appe arin successi on ar ound the track untilthe ent ir e track appea rs.The tr ack will then disappear and the indica to rs will a gain beg in to appear in su ccessi on. Adjust the volum elevel of th e conso leby pressing the Volumein cr ease anddecrease buttons.
17 5.Meas ure your heart rat eif de sir ed. If there are she ets ofplas tic on the meta lcon - tactson the handgri ppul se sensor ,remov e theplas tic.To mea sure your heart rate,holdthe h andg rippuls e sensor withyour palms resting against the met alcontacts. Avoid moving your hands orgrippi ng the contac tstightly. Wh enyou rpulse is detect ed,a fla sh \b ing he art symbo l willappe arinthe d isp lay,and then you rhe art ratewill appea r.For the most accura tehear trate reading, hold the con tacts forat lea st\f5 seco nds. Note: If youcontinue tohold the handg rip pul se sensor, th e displa ywill showyour heart rate forupto30 seco nds.If the displ ay does not show yourheart rate,make sur etha tyour hands ar eposi tion ed asdescri bed. Be car eful not to move your hand sexcessi velyor to squ eeze the met al cont actstight ly. Fo ropti mal per for mance, clea nth e met al contacts using asoft clot h; never usealc ohol, abrasi ves,or chemi - calsto clean the cont act s. 6. Turn onthe fan if desi red. Press the Coo laire Fa nbu tton repeated lyto turn on the fan or to tur noff the fan. Note: Ifth e pedals do not move for about thi rty second s,th e fan will tur noff aut om atica lly. 7 . When youarefini she dexer cising, the console will turn offautom atically. If the pedal s do notm ove for sever alseconds, a tone will soun dand the con solewill pause. If the pedal s do notm ove for sever alminutes and the but tons ar enot pressed, the console will tur n off andthe disp la y will be re set . Cont acts
18 HOWTO USE APRESET WORKOUT 1.Begi npeda ling orpress any button onthe cons oletotur non the console. See step \fon page \f6. 2. Sele ctapre set workout . Toselect apr eset worko ut,press the Wo rkou tsbut ton rep eatedlyun til th e name of the desired worko ut appea rsinthe dis \b pla y. The workou t duratio nand apro \b file ofthe resist ance levels fo r th e worko utwill also appear in the display. \f. Begi npeda ling to star tthe workout. Each workou tis divid edinto 20or30 one\bm inute seg ment s.One resistance levelis programmed for each segme nt.Note: Thesam eresistan celeve l may bepro grammed forconsecu tive seg ments. The resist ance level forthe first segment will appea rin the displa yfor afew se conds. Durin g th e wo rkou t,the workou tpro file willshow your pro gress (seethe draw ingabove ).The flash ing seg ment of the profile repr esen tsthe curre ntseg\b men tof the workout. Thehei ght ofthe flashing segment indicat esthe resistan celevel forthe cur\b ren tse gme nt.Atthe end of each segm ent ofth e wo rko ut, a series oftones will sound and the next segment of theprofile will be gin to flash. If a differen tresi s\b tan ce level is pr og ramm edfo r the nextsegment, the resi sta nce level will ap pear in the disp lay fora few seconds to alert you. Theresi stance ofthe pedal swill th en cha nge . Ifthe re sist ance leve lfor the curre nt segm entis too high or to o low ,you canmanua llyoverr idethe setting bypressi ngth e Digi ta lRe sistan cebuttons. IMPO RT ANT: When the current segment ofthe work outends ,the peda lswill aut oma tically adjus tto the resistanc elevel programmed for the next segm ent. Thewor kout will cont inue in th is wa yuntil thelast segm ent ends.To stop the wor kout at any time, st op peda ling .A tone will sou ndandthe time will stop count ing. Tore st art the wor kou t,sim ply resu me peda ling . 4. Follow your progr ess with the display. See step4on pa ge \f6. 5. Meas ure your heart rat eif de sired. See step 5on page \f7. 6. Turn onthe fan if desi red. See step6on pa ge \f7. 7. When you are fini shed exerci sing, theconsole will turn offaut oma tic al ly . See step 7on page \f7. Prof ile
19 HOW TO USE ACA LORIE GOALWORKOUT 1. Begi npeda ling orpress any button onthe cons oletotur non the console. See step \fon page \f6. 2. Selecta ca lorie goalworkout . Toselect acalo rie goal wo rkou t, pre ss the Wo rkou ts butto nrepe ated ly until the name of th e desire dwo rk\b out app ears inthe d isp lay.Th enum \b ber of calorie sto b e bu rne dand a pro file ofthe resis \b ta nce levelsforthe workou twil la lso appea rin the disp lay. \f. Begin pedaling tostar tthe workout. Each weigh tlo ss wor kout will hel pyou burn approxima tely \f5 0, 200, 250,300, 350, 400 ,450 , or 500 calories. During each wor kout, theconso le will count down the ap pro xim ate number ofcalo\b ries tobe burne d. Each workou tis divid edinto one\bm inu te seg \b men ts.Oneresista ncelevel is prog rammed for each segme nt.Note: Thesam eresistan celeve l may bepro grammed forconsecu tive seg ments. The resist ance level forthe first segment will appea rin the displa yfor afew se conds. Durin g th e wo rkou t,the workou tpro file willshow your pro gress (seethe draw ingabove ).The flash ing seg ment of the profile repr esen tsthe curre ntseg\b men tof the workout. Thehei ght ofthe flashing segment indicat esthe resistan celevel forthe cur\b ren tse gme nt.Atthe end of each segm entof the workout, a series ofton es will so und and the next segm entof the pro file will b egi nto fla sh. If a different resi s\b tance le vel is pr ogr am med fo r the next segm ent, theresi stance level will appe arin the displ ayfor a few secon dsto alert you .The resist ance ofthe ped als will then chang e. If the resi stance level for the current segm ent is too hig h or too lo w ,yo ucan manual lyover ride the setting bypressi ngth e Di gital Resi stance buttons. IM PO RTAN T:When the current segment ofthe w orkout ends,the pedal swill aut omatically adjust to the resi stance le vel progra mmed for the nex tsegment . Theworko ut will con tinu ein thi s way until you reach th e cal orie go alan dthe num berof calor ies to be bur ned is zer o.To stop the worko utatany time ,sto pped aling. Aton ewill so und and the time w ill st op count ing .To rest artthe workou t, sim ply resum epedal ing. N ot e: Whe nyou reach the calorie goal, thecon\b solewill st op cou ntin g the ela psed time; however, if you continue pedal ing, the consol ewill continue to displ ay your ped aling sp ee dand thedistance you have peda led. 4 . Fol low your progres swit h the display. See step4on pa ge \f6. 5. Meas ure your heart ra te if desired. S ee step 5on page \f7. 6. Turn onthe fan if desi red. See step6on pa ge \f7. 7. When youarefini she dexer cising, the console will turn offautom atically. See step 7on page \f7. Profile
20 HOWTO USE ANIFIT WORK OUT iFitcards areavailable separ atel y.To purchase iFit cards, go to www. orsee thefront coverof this ma nual. iFitcard sare also availabl eat select stores. 1.Begi npeda ling orpress any button onthe cons oletotur non the console. See step \fon page \f6. 2. Ins ert an iFit card and select aworkout. To use aniFit worko ut,inse rtan iFitcard intothe iFitslot; makesure thatth e iFi tcar dis orien ted so th e me talcon tacts areface down andare facin g th e slo t.W he nthe iFitcar dis pro perly inserted, t h e indica tornextto the slot willturn onand words will appe arinthe dis play . Next ,se lect the des ired worko uton the iFitcard by pressin gthe increase anddecre asebutton s next to the iFitslot. Amome ntafter you selectawo rkou t,the voice of aperso naltra iner willb egin guiding youthro ugh you rworko ut.iFit workou tsfunction inthe same way asprese tworko uts.Touse theworkout, see steps 3to 7on pag e\f8. \f. Whe nyou are finis hed exercising, remove the iFi tca rd. Remo vethe iFit card when youar efin ished exer \b cisin g. St ore the iFit cardin asecur eplace.HO WTO USE TH ESO UND SYSTEM To play musi cor audi obooks thr ough theconsol eʼs sound systemwhi le yo uexer cise ,plug theaudi ocabl e int o the jack onthe con soleand int o ajack onyour MP 3pla yer orCD player ;m ake sure thattheaudio cableis ful ly pl ugged in. Next ,pr ess th e play butto n on your MP3 player orCD pla yer.A dj ust the volum ele vel usin gthe volume con\b trol on your MP3 playe ror CD player orpress the Volum e incr ease and decrease button son the con\b sole. HO WTO CHANG E CO NSO LE SETTINGS Th econso lefeat ures a user mode that allows youto select abackl ight optio n for the console andto view co nsol eusage inf or mation . 1. Sel ect the user mode. To select the user mode, press andhold down the Prior it y Di spl ay but ton for afew seconds untilthe user mode inf or mat ion app ear sin the display . 2.Sel ect abackl ight option if desired. Th econso lehas thr ee backl ight opt io ns. The ON opt io n keep sthe backl ig ht on whi le the consol eis on. Th eAU TO option ke eps the backl ig ht on onlywhi le yo u arepeda ling .The OFF opt io n tur ns the backl ight off. Th eupp erdispl ay will sh ow the curren tly sel ected backl ig ht opt ion .P re ss the Digital Resistance decr ease but ton repea tedly to sel ect the desir ed backl ig ht opt ion . \f. View cons oleusage inform ation if de sired. Thelow erlef tdi spl ay will sh ow the total number of hoursthat the con solehas bee nused since the ellipt ical was purch ased. 4. Exi tthe user mode . Press the Prior it y Displ ay but ton tosave thecon\b sole set tin gs andexi tthe use rmo de. iFit Slot iFi tCar d