ProForm Elliptical 390 E Owners Manual
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\b\b 31 76 76 49 11 6 6 Grease 11\b Apply asma llamo untofgrea setoaSh oulder Patch Bolt(3 1)\b Wh ilease con dper son holds the front endof th e Rig htPe dalA rm (49)insid ethe bracke ton th e rig ht Upp erBody Leg (6),in sert the Should erPat chBolt(31) through the right Upp erBod yLeg andthe Ri ght Peda lArm\b Tig hten the Sho ulde rPa tch Bolt (31) into the weld ednuton the righ tUpp erBody Leg (6)\b Repe atthi sste pto attach the Lef tPedal Arm (notshown) to the leftUppe rB ody Leg(6). Tighten theM8...
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\b2 1\f\bSee theinse tdra wing. IdentifyaPivot Cove rA (19 ),wh ich hasho oks, andaPivo tCove rB (\f\f ),wh ich hastabs \b Pre ss aPivo tCo ver A(19) and aPivot Cove rB (\f\f )to ge the rarou ndthe Right Upper Body Arm (9)\b Repeatthi sste pfor the othe rside ofthe ellipti calexe rci ser. Tip: Ma ke sure thatthe Pivot Covers (\b9,22) are posi tione das shown.1\f \f\f \f\f 19 1313\b Attach the Rea rUp righ tCove r(3) tothe Uprigh t (\f)with three M4x16m mScr ews (9\f)\b Orie nt the Fro ntUp right Cover...
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\b3 49 13 78 75 1515\bIdent ifythe Righ tPe dal (13), which ismar ked witha“Righ t”sticker\b Attach the Righ tPe dal(13) tothe RightPeda l Arm (49) with thre eM10 x48m mPatch Screws (75)an dthre eM10 SplitW asher s(78)\b Make sure tousethe centerhole and the two outer holes to attach the Right Peda l. Attac hthe Left Peda l(not shown) tothe Left Pedal Arm (notshown) inthe same way. 17\b Mak esure that allpar tsof the elliptic alexerciser are properly tightened. Note:Some hardwa remay be left over after...
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\b4 HOWTO US ETHE ELLIPTICAL EXERCISER HOWTO MOVE THEELLIPTIC ALEXERCISER Due to the size and weight ofthe elliptic alexer- ciser ,mov ingit requires two persons. Stand in frontof the elliptica lexer ciser, holdthe uprigh t,and place onefoot again ston eof the front wheel s\bPull on the uprig htandha ve asecon dper son liftthe handle untilthe elliptica lexe rciser will rol lo n the whee ls\b Carefully movethe ellipti calexer ciser tothe desire d location, andthe nlower itto the floor\b HOWTO LEVE LTHE...
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\b\f FEATURE SOF THE CONSOLE Thead van ced console offersan array offeatures designed tomake your worko utsmoreeffective and enjoyable\b Whenyou use the manualmode ofthe console, you cancha ngethe resistance ofthe pedals wit h the to uch of abu tton\b Asyou exercise ,th e conso lewill p ro vid e continu ousexe rcise feedb ack\bYoucaneven mea sure your heart rateusing thehandgr ip pul se senso r\b Theconsole offers twelve prese two rkou ts—se ven weight loss workouts andfiveperforma nceworkouts \b Each...
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\b6 HOWTO USE THEMANUAL MODE \b. Turn on the console. P re ss anybut ton or begi nped aling toturn onthe console\b Wh enyou turn onthe console ,th e displ aywill ligh t\bA tone will soundandthe console willbe rea dyfor use \b 2. Sele ctthe manual mode. Wh enyou turn onthe console ,th e manual mode willbe se lect ed\b If you have sele cted awo rkou t, re sel ec tthe manual mode by pressing the Wei ghtLoss Wor kouts orthe Per formance Wor kouts button repeat edly until zeros appe arinthe di spl ay s\b 3....
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\b7 7.Whe nyou are finis hed exercising, thecons ole will turn offautoma tically. Ifthe pedals donot mov efo r seve ralseconds, a seriesoftones willsound,th e con sole willpaus e, andthetime willflash inthe displa y\b If th e ped alsdonotm ove forseve ralminu te s, the con sole willturn offand thedisp lay willb e rese t\b HOWTO USE APRESET WORK OUT \b. Turn onthe cons ole. See step 1on page 16\b 2. Selecta pres etwor kout. Toselect apr eset worko ut,press the We ightLoss Wo rkou tsor the P erforma nce...
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\b8 Inspectand tighten allpar tsof the elliptica lexe rciser regularly\b Replace anywor npar tsimmedia tely\b To clean the ellip ticalexer ciser, useada mp clo thand a small amountofmild soap\b IMPORT ANT:To avoid damage tothe cons ole,keep liquids awayfrom the consol eand kee pthe console outofdir ect sunlight. CO NSOLE TROUBLESHOOTING Ifthe con sole displays beco medim ,the batte ries sh ould berep lace d;mo stconsol eprobl emsarethe resu ltof low batteries\b Seeassemb lystep 6on page 8 forreplace...
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\b9 HOWTO ADJ UST THEREED SWITC H Ifthe con sole does not displ aycor rect feedba ck,the reed switch should beadjusted \b Toadju stthe reed swi tch,you must remo vethe right disc cove ran dthe right pedal disc\b Usin gafla tscre wdriver, rem ove theright Disc Cover (18)\b Then, remo vethe M8 x14m mButton Screws (81) from theRigh tP ed alDisc (\f 7), and gently rotate the Rig htPed alDisc outof the way\bLoca tethe Reed Sw it ch (58 )\bLoosen, but do not remove, the M4 x16m mScr ew (9\f )\b Next ,rot ate...
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20 Theseguidelin eswill he lpyou toplan your exercise program\b Fordetailed exer cise information, obtain a reputab leboo kor consu ltyour physicia n\bRemembe r, proper nut rition and adeq uate rest are esse ntialfo r successfu lre sult s\b EXERCI SEINTE NSITY Whethe ryo ur goal is to bur nfat ortostrengthe nyo ur card iovascula rsystem ,exer cisingat th e prope rin te n- sity isthe key toachi evingresul ts\bYou can useyour heart rate as agu ide to find the proper inten sity leve l\b The chart below show...