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ProForm Elliptical 390 E Owners Manual

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    31 76
    11\b Apply asma llamo untofgrea setoaSh oulder
    Patch Bolt(3 1)\b
    Wh ilease con dper son holds the front endof
    th e Rig htPe dalA rm (49)insid ethe bracke ton
    th e rig ht Upp erBody Leg (6),in sert the
    Should erPat chBolt(31) through the right
    Upp erBod yLeg andthe Ri ght Peda lArm\b
    Tig hten the Sho ulde rPa tch Bolt (31) into the
    weld ednuton the righ tUpp erBody Leg (6)\b
    Repe atthi sste pto attach the Lef tPedal Arm
    (notshown) to the leftUppe rB ody Leg(6).
    Tighten theM8 x4\fm mBut ton Bolts (76).
    10\bApply agene rousamount of th e include d
    gre ase tothe axles onthe Upright (\f)\b
    Orie nt the Lef tan dRigh tUppe rBod yArms (8,
    9) as shown ,and slide themonto theleft and
    righ tsid es ofthe Upright (\f)\b
    A ttach each UpperBody Arm (8,9) with an M8
    x\f0mm Pat ch Scre w(80) and an M8 Washe r
    80 80
    Grea se 
    1\f\bSee theinse tdra wing. IdentifyaPivot Cove rA
    (19 ),wh ich hasho oks, andaPivo tCove rB
    (\f\f ),wh ich hastabs \b
    Pre ss aPivo tCo ver A(19) and aPivot Cove rB
    (\f\f )to ge the rarou ndthe Right Upper Body Arm
    Repeatthi sste pfor the othe rside ofthe
    ellipti calexe rci ser.
    Tip: Ma ke sure thatthe Pivot Covers (\b9,22)
    are posi tione das shown.1\f
    \f\f \f\f
    1313\b Attach the Rea rUp righ tCove r(3) tothe Uprigh t
    (\f)with three M4x16m mScr ews (9\f)\b
    Orie nt the Fro ntUp right Cover (16) sotha tth e
    indicate darro wispo inti ng upwar d\b
    Pre ss the Front Uprigh tCove r(16) into the
    Rea rUprig htCove r(3)\b
    P re ss the Wat erBottle Holder (5) into theRea r
    Uprig htCove r(3)\b
    9\f 59\f16
    Ar row
    Hoo ks
    19 \f\f
    14\b Press aFron tLe gCove r(\f0) andaRear Leg
    Cove r(\f1 )tog ether arou ndthe right Upper
    Body Leg (6)\b
    Repe atthi sste pfor the othe rside ofthe
    ellipti calexe rci ser.14
    49 13
    1515\bIdent ifythe Righ tPe dal (13), which ismar ked
    witha“Righ t”sticker\b
    Attach the Righ tPe dal(13) tothe RightPeda l
    Arm (49) with thre eM10 x48m mPatch Screws
    (75)an dthre eM10 SplitW asher s(78)\b Make
    sure tousethe centerhole and the two
    outer holes to attach the Right Peda l.
    Attac hthe Left Peda l(not shown) tothe Left
    Pedal Arm (notshown) inthe same way.
    17\b Mak esure that allpar tsof the elliptic alexerciser are properly tightened. Note:Some hardwa remay be
    left over after asse mbly iscom pleted\b Topro tect the floor orcarpet fro mdamage, pla ce amat under the
    ellip tical exerciser \b
    16\bPressthe Rear Shield Cover(59) onto the Left
    and Rig htSh ields (44,45)\b16
    Due to the size and weight ofthe elliptic alexer-
    ciser ,mov ingit requires two persons. Stand in
    frontof the elliptica lexer ciser, holdthe uprigh t,and
    place onefoot again ston eof the front wheel s\bPull on
    the uprig htandha ve asecon dper son liftthe handle
    untilthe elliptica lexe rciser will rol lo n the whee ls\b
    Carefully movethe ellipti calexer ciser tothe desire d
    location, andthe nlower itto the floor\b
    Ifthe ellip tical
    exerci ser rocks
    slig htly on your
    floo rdurin guse,
    turn oneor bo th
    of the leve ling
    feetbe neath the
    rear stabilize r
    untilthe rocking
    mo tion iselimi -
    To mount the ellipt ical exe rcise r, ho ldthe handlebar s
    orthe upp erbody arms andstep onto thepedal thatis
    in the low est positio n\b Then ,ste ponto the other pedal\b
    Push the pedal sunt il they begi nto move with acon -
    tinuo usmot ion\b Not e: The pedal discs can turn in
    either direct ion. It is recom mended thatyou move
    the peda ldi scs inthe direct ion shown bythe
    ar row ;how ever ,for variet y, you can turn thepedal
    disc sin the opposi te di re ction.
    To dism ount the ellipt ical exe rci ser ,wait until theped-
    alscom eto acom plet e stop\b Note: The elliptical
    ex erci serdoes nothave afree whee l; the pedals
    will cont inue to move until the flywhee lstops.
    W hen the peda ls ar estat iona ry , st ep off the highest
    pedal fir st\b Then, step offthe low est pedal\b
    P la ce
    yo ur foo t
    her e
    Up righ t
    Level ing
    Pedal sPedal
    Di sc
    Up perBo dy Arm s
    Thead van ced console offersan array offeatures
    designed tomake your worko utsmoreeffective and
    Whenyou use the manualmode ofthe console, you
    cancha ngethe resistance ofthe pedals wit h the to uch
    of abu tton\b Asyou exercise ,th e conso lewill p ro vid e
    continu ousexe rcise feedb ack\bYoucaneven mea sure
    your heart rateusing thehandgr ip pul se senso r\b
    Theconsole offers twelve prese two rkou ts—se ven
    weight loss workouts andfiveperforma nceworkouts \b
    Each preset workoutautomat ically changes the resis -
    tanceof the pedals asitguid esyou throu ghan
    effective workout\bYoucan even connect your MP3 player orCD player
    to the consol eso un dsyst emand listen toyour favor ite
    m usi cor audio boo kswhi le you exerci se\b
    To use the manual mode, seepag e16\b To use a
    pres etworkout ,se epag e17\b Touse thesound
    sys te m, see page 17\b
    N ot e: Bef or eusi ng the con sole,make sure that batter -
    ies areinsta lled (see asse mbly step 6on pag e8)\b If
    ther eis a shee tof cl ear plast ic on the display ,rem ove
    the pla st ic\b
    \b. Turn on the console.
    P re ss anybut ton or begi nped aling toturn onthe
    Wh enyou turn onthe console ,th e displ aywill
    ligh t\bA tone will soundandthe console willbe
    rea dyfor use \b
    2. Sele ctthe manual mode.
    Wh enyou turn onthe console ,th e manual mode
    willbe se lect ed\b
    If you have
    sele cted awo rkou t,
    re sel ec tthe manual
    mode by pressing
    the Wei ghtLoss
    Wor kouts orthe
    Per formance
    Wor kouts button
    repeat edly until
    zeros appe arinthe
    di spl ay s\b
    3. Begi npeda ling and cha nge theresistan ceof
    th eped alsasdesire d.
    As you pedal,ch an ge the resistan ceofthe pedals
    b y pressin gthe Resi stance incr ease and decrea se
    butto ns\b
    Not e:Aft eryou pressthe butto ns,itwil ltake a
    mome ntforth e ped alsto re ach theselecte dresis -
    ta nce level\b
    4.Follo wyo ur progress with the displays.
    The upper dis pla y—Thi sdisp laywill show the
    ela psed time and the resistance levelofthe pedals
    each time theresistance levelcha nges\b
    Note: During aworkout, the displa ywill show the
    timeremaini nginthe worko ut\bThelowe rlef tdi spl ay—Thi sdisp la y will show the
    distan ce (tot al nu mber of re vol utio ns) that you
    have pedal ed\b
    The lowe rright displ ay—Thi sdisp lay wil lshow
    yo ur peda ling speed in revol ution sper minute
    (rpm )and the approxi ma tenum berof cal ories you
    have burned\b
    Th elow erright displ ay will also show your heart
    ra te wh en yo u use the han dgrip puls e sens or (s ee
    ste p5)\b
    The right displ ay—Thi sdispl ay will show atrack
    tha tre pr esent s1/4 mile (40 0m)\b A s you exer cise,
    ind ica tors will app ear in succe ssionaroun dthe
    track unt ilthe entir e tr ack appears\bThe track will
    the ndisapp earand the indi catorswill agai nbegi n
    toappea rin successi on\b
    \f.Measu re you rhe art rate ifde sir ed.
    If th ere are sh eets
    of cle ar pla sti con
    th eme talcon tacts
    on theha ndg rip
    pu lse sens or,
    re mov ethe pla sti c.
    In ad ditio n,m ake
    su re th at yo ur
    ha nd sare cle an .
    To me asu re yo ur heart rate, hold the handgr ip
    pulse senso rw it h yo ur palm srest ing against the
    met alco ntac ts\bA vo id mo vin g yo ur han ds or
    gr ippin gth eco ntac tstig htly.
    Whe nyo ur pul se is det ect ed,a heart-sh apedsym-
    bolwill flash in the disp lay and then your heart rat e
    wi llbe show n\bFor the mos tac curat ehear trate
    readi ng,hold the cont actsfor atleas t15 seconds\b
    Ifyo ur he art rate isnot sh own ,m ake sure thatyour
    hands are posi tioned asdescr ibed \bBe careful not
    tomove your hands excessi velyor tosqueeze the
    metalcontact stig ht ly\bFor optim al pe rform ance,
    clea nthe met al contact susi ng asoft cloth; never
    usealcohol ,abra sives, orche micals toclean
    the cont acts.
    6. Turn onthe fan if desi red.
    Thefan has high and low speed settings\b Press
    the Fan but ton re pea tedly to sel ect afan speed or
    toturn off the fan \b
    Not e:If th e pedal sdo not move fo r abou tthi rty
    se conds, the fan will tur noff automatically\b
    Cont acts 
    7.Whe nyou are finis hed exercising, thecons ole
    will turn offautoma tically.
    Ifthe pedals donot mov efo r seve ralseconds, a
    seriesoftones willsound,th e con sole willpaus e,
    andthetime willflash inthe displa y\b
    If th e ped alsdonotm ove forseve ralminu te s, the
    con sole willturn offand thedisp lay willb e rese t\b
    \b. Turn onthe cons ole.
    See step 1on page 16\b
    2. Selecta pres etwor kout.
    Toselect apr eset
    worko ut,press the
    We ightLoss
    Wo rkou tsor the
    P erforma nce
    Workou tsbut ton
    rep eatedlyun til th e
    name of the
    desired worko ut
    appea rsinthe
    upper disp lay\b
    Wh enyou select apr eset workou t,the duratio nof
    th e wo rkou twill appear in the upper displa yan da
    pro file ofthe resistan celevel sof th e wor kout will
    scroll across the cen terdispl ay\b
    Not e:Comp leteprofi les ofthe preset work outs are
    prin ted on the side sof th e conso le\b
    3.Begin ped aling tostart theworkou t.
    Each workou tis divid edinto 30one-min uteseg -
    ment s\bOne resist ance level isprogramme dfor
    each segme nt\bNote: Thesame resista ncelevel
    may be pro grammed forcon secut ivesegme nts\b
    Duringthe workou t,the wor kout profil ewill show
    yourpro gress(se ethe drawing above)\b Theflash -
    ing seg men tof the profile repre sents thecurren t
    segment of the work out\bThe heigh tof the flash in g
    seg ment indicat esthe resistan celevel forthe cur-
    ren tse gme nt\bAtthe end of each segm entof the workout, a
    series ofton es will so und and the next segm entof
    the pro file will b egi nto fla sh\b If a different resi s-
    tance le vel is pr ogr am med fo r the next segm ent,
    theresi stance level will flash in the display fora
    few secon dsto alert you \bThe resist ance ofthe
    pedals will then chang e\b
    If the resi stance level for the current segmen tis
    t oo hig h or too lo w ,yo ucan manual lyover ride the
    setting bypressi ngth e Re sist ance buttons\b
    How ever ,w he nthe curr entse gme nt ends ,th e ped -
    als will auto ma tic ally ad just to the res ista nce level
    fo rthe nextsegme nt\b
    If yo u sto p pedaling forse ve ral se co nds, ase rie s
    of to nes will sound and the worko ut will pause\b
    To re sta rt th e wo rkou t,simp lyresu me peda ling\b
    The worko utwill con tinu eunt il the last segm entof
    the pro file flashe sand the last segmen tof the
    wor kout ends\b
    Not e: If you continue to pedal after the workout is
    com plet ed, the displ ay will cont inue toshow exer-
    cise feed back; howeve r, the displ ay will not show
    the ela psed tim e un til you select the man ualmode
    or anew wor kout \b
    4.Follow your progress wit h the displ ay.
    See step 4on page 16\b
    \f. Meas ure your heart ra te if desired.
    S ee step 5on page 16\b
    6. Turn onthe fan if desi red.
    See step 6on page 16\b
    7. When youarefini she dexer cising, the console
    will turn offautom atically.
    Se este p7on this page\b
    To pla y m usi cor aud iobo oks th ro ugh theconsol e
    soundsyst emwhi le you exer cise, plug the audi ocable
    int o the jack on th e consol eand int o the jack onyour
    MP3 player or CD pla yer ;m ake sure thattheaudio
    cabl eis ful ly pl ugge din.
    N ext ,pr ess the Play but ton onyour MP3 player orCD
    player \bA dj ust the volume leve lusi ng the volum econ -
    tro lon your MP3 player orCD playe r\b
    Pro file 
    Inspectand tighten allpar tsof the elliptica lexe rciser
    regularly\b Replace anywor npar tsimmedia tely\b
    To clean the ellip ticalexer ciser, useada mp clo thand
    a small amountofmild soap\b IMPORT ANT:To avoid
    damage tothe cons ole,keep liquids awayfrom
    the consol eand kee pthe console outofdir ect
    Ifthe con sole displays beco medim ,the batte ries
    sh ould berep lace d;mo stconsol eprobl emsarethe
    resu ltof low batteries\b Seeassemb lystep 6on page 8
    forreplace mentin str ucti ons\b
    Ifthe ha ndg rippulse sensor does notfunctio npro p-
    erl y,see step5on pag e16 \b
    If you canfee lthe pedals slip whil eyou arepedaling,
    even when the resistanc eis adj ust ed to the highe st
    leve l,the drive belt ma ynee dto be adjusted\b
    To adju stthe drive belt, youmust remove theleft
    pedal,the top shield cover,the rear shie ldcover, and
    First ,see step 15on page 13andrem ove the left
    ped al\b
    Next, seestep 16 on pa ge 13and remove th e rea r
    shield cover \b
    Then, see step4on pag e7and rel ease thetopshield
    cover fromthe leftshield\b Slide the topshield cover
    upward \b
    Remove the M4 x16mm Screw s(9\f) fromthe Left
    S hield (44)an dthe nge ntly move theLeft Shield out -
    wa rdove rthe LeftPed alArm (14) \bNext ,loose nthe Pivot Scr ew (88) \bTh en, tighten the
    Drive Bel tA dj ust ment Scr ew (7\f) until the Drive Bel t
    (46 )is tigh t\b
    When the Drive Belt (46 )is tig ht, tighten thePivot
    Scr ew (88) \b
    Then, reat tach the lef tshi eld, the re ar shield cover, the
    top shield cove r,and the left ped al\b
    Ifthe con sole does not displ aycor rect feedba ck,the
    reed switch should beadjusted \b
    Toadju stthe reed swi tch,you must remo vethe right
    disc cove ran dthe right pedal disc\b
    Usin gafla tscre wdriver, rem ove theright Disc Cover
    Then, remo vethe M8 x14m mButton Screws (81)
    from theRigh tP ed alDisc (\f 7), and gently rotate the
    Rig htPed alDisc outof the way\bLoca tethe Reed Sw it ch (58 )\bLoosen, but do not
    remove, the M4 x16m mScr ew (9\f )\b
    Next ,rot ate th e Crank Assem bly (\f4) until a Magnet
    (41) is aligne dwith the Reed Swi tch (58 )\b Slide the
    Reed Sw it ch slight ly tow ardor aw ay from the Magnet\b
    Then ,re tigh ten the M4 x16m mScr ew (9\f)\b
    Rot ate the Cran kAssem bly (\f4) for amoment\b Repeat
    these actio ns unt il the consol edispl ays correct feed-
    Whe nthe ree dsw it ch is cor rect ly adjusted, reattach
    the right pedal disc and the righ tdi sc cover\b
    41 9\f
    Theseguidelin eswill he lpyou toplan your exercise
    program\b Fordetailed exer cise information, obtain a
    reputab leboo kor consu ltyour physicia n\bRemembe r,
    proper nut rition and adeq uate rest are esse ntialfo r
    successfu lre sult s\b
    Whethe ryo ur goal is to bur nfat ortostrengthe nyo ur
    card iovascula rsystem ,exer cisingat th e prope rin te n-
    sity isthe key toachi evingresul ts\bYou can useyour
    heart rate as agu ide to find the proper inten sity leve l\b
    The chart below show srecom mended heart ratesfor
    fat burnin gand aer obi cexer cise\b
    Tofind the prope rintensi tyleve l,find your ageatthe
    bott om ofthe chart (ages arerounded offtothe near -
    estten years )\bThe threenu mbe rslisted above your
    age defineyo ur “trai ning zone\b”The lowest numb eris
    the heart ratefor fatbur ning,the midd lenumb eristhe
    heart rate forma xim um fatburning, andthe hig hest
    number isthe hea rtrate foraerob icexe rcise\bBurni ngFat—To burn fat effect ivel y,you must exer-
    cise atalow int en sity level for asu sta ined period of
    time \bDu ring the fir st few mi nu tesof exercise, your
    bod yuses ca\fb o\byd\f ate ca lo\fies forenergy \bOnl yafter
    the fir st few minut es ofexe rcise does your body begin
    to use stored fat cal o\fies for ener gy\b If yo ur goal isto
    bur nfa t, adj ust the int ensi ty of your exercise untilyour
    h ea rt rat e is nea rthe lowe stnum berinyour trai ning
    zone \bFor maxi mu mfatbur ning, exe rcise withyour
    hea rt rat e near th e mi dd lenum ber in your training
    zone \b
    Aerobi cExe rci se—I fyour goal is to strengthen your
    cardiovascu larsyste m,youmust perform aerobic
    exer cise, whi ch is act ivi ty that requ ires la rg eam ounts
    of oxyg enfor prolon ged per io ds oftime\b Foraerobi c
    exer cise, adjust the in tensi ty of you rexercise until
    your hear trat e is nea rth e highe stnumber inyour
    tra ini ng zon e\b
    Wa rm ing Up—Sta rtwith 5to 10 minutes ofstre tching
    and lig ht exer cise\b Awa rm-up in cre ases yourbody
    tem per atur e, heartra te , and circul ation inpreparati on
    for exer cise\b
    Tra ini ng Zone Exerci se—E xercise for \f0to30 min-
    utes wit h you rhea rt rat e in yo ur tra ining zone\b (Duri ng
    the fir st few weeks ofyour exer cise prog ram, do not
    keep yourheartra te in you rtr ai ning zone forlonger
    t han \f0minut es\b)B rea the reg ular ly and deepl yas you
    exer cise–n ever holdyour breat h\b
    Cool ing Dow n—Fi nish wit h 5to 10 minutes of
    stret chi ng\b Str e tch in g incr eases the flexibil ityofyour
    muscl esandhel ps to pr even tpost -exercise problems\b
    To maint ain or impr oveyour condit ion, compl ete three
    w ork outsea ch wee k,with at le ast one dayofrest
    bet ween wor kout s\bAfter afe w mont hsofregul arexer -
    cise, you maycom plet e up to five workouts each
    week, if desi red\b Rem em ber,the key tosuccess is to
    m ake exer cise areg ula rand enjo ya ble part ofyou r
    eve ryday life\b
    WARNIN G:Before begi nnin gthis
    or any exe rcis eprogr am,consult yourphysi-
    c ia n. This isespec ially impor tant for persons
    over age 3\f or pe rsons withpre -existing
    he alth probl ems.
    The pulse sens orisnot am edical device.
    Va rious factors mayaf fect the accuracy of
    heart rate readi ngs. Thepulse sensor is
    inte nded onlyas an exer cise aidindeterm in -
    ing heart ratetrends ingener al. 
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