ProForm 7.0 Treadmill Manual
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21 HOWTO RES ETTHE FITNESS JOURNAL 1.Selec tthe usermode. S ee step 1on pag e15. 2. Res etthe fitnes sjour nal. Todele teexe rcise information storedinthefitn ess journal\b firsthig hlight theSETU Poption andthen pre ss theEn terbutto n.The setup menu willthen appea rin thedisp lay. Next \bh igh ligh tth eSETU PUSER 1or SET UP USE R2op tion and press theEnter button .The u se rinf orma tionmen uwil lthen appear inthe dis- pla y. The n\bhig hlig htthe RESET JOURNAL option and pre ss theEn terbutto n.Acon firm atio nreq uest will appea rin thedisp lay. To delete theinformation st ored inthe fitn ess journa l\buse theleftand right Navig ationbu tton sto hig hlight theRESET JOUR- NALoptionand press theEnter button .To retain th e info rmatio nsto redin the fitness journal\b high- lightthe CANCE Lop tion andpre ssthe Enterbu t- to n. A fter you presstheEnter button\b theuser informa - tio n me nu will aga inappea rin the displ ay. \f. Exit theuser mode. Pre ss theBack buttonrep eatedl yuntil you have exit ed theuser informati onmenu s.HOWTO USETH ESTE REO SO UND SYSTEM Thisprod uct has been designed specifically towork wit h iPo dan dhas been certif ied bythe developer to meetA ppl epe rfor mance stan dar ds. Toplay musicor audi o books thr oug htheconsol eʼsstereo speaker s\b youmu stcon nect your iPod \bM P3 player\b CDplayer \b orothe rpe rso nal aud io player to the console through the audi ojack orthr ou gh the Int eg rated Universal Dock for iPo d.Th eIntegr ated Uni versal DockforiPod will ch arge your iPo dwh ile you use it. To use theau dio jack\b locat etheaudio wireandplug it int othe audio jack near thespeaker s.Then\b plug the audio wire int oajack onyour MP3 player\b CDplayer \b orothe rpe rso nal aud io player .M ake surethat the au dio wire is ful ly pl ugge din. To use theIntegr ate d Uni ver sal Dock foriPod\b you ne ed aniFI TUnive rsa liP od Conne ctor. Plug oneend int othe Int eg rat ed Uni ver sal Dock for iPod near the speaker sand the othe ren din to yo ur iPod. Make sure that the iFIT Uni vers aliP od Connector isfully plugged in. To purc hase aniFI TUniver saliPod Connec tor ,pl eas ecal lthe tel ephone number on the front cove rof thi smanual . Next\bpr ess the Pla ybut tonon your iPod\bMP3 player\b CD player \bor oth er per sona la udi oplaye r. Adj ust the volum e on your personal audiopla yer or pres sthe Vol um eincr ease and decrease but tons on the con- sole. If you areusi ng ape rso nal CD player andtheCD ski ps\b setthe CD playe ron the floor oranothe rflat sur - face inst eadofo n th e consol e.

22 THEINFORMAT IONMODE Thecon sole feature san infor mation mode thatkee ps track ofthe totaldistan cethat thewalki ngbeltha s mo ved and thetotal number ofhour stha tthe treadmill has been used. Theinfor mation mode also allows you to select ameasu rementsystem ofmil es orkilome - ters\btoturn on an doff thedisp laydemo mode\b andto setthe cont rast ofthedispla y. Toselect the informa tionmode\b holddow ntheStop but ton while inserting thekeyinto theconsol e;whe na ton esou nds\brelea setheSto pbutton. Whenthein fo r- ma tion mod eis selected \bthe follow ing inform ation will beshown: Thedisp laywill show thetotal numberofhours the treadmillha sbee nused . Thedisp laywill also show the total number ofmiles (or kilo meters) that thewalking belt has moved. Theword “English ”fo rmi les or“Metri c”for kilo meters will appe arinthe disp lay. Pressthe Spe edincrea se button tocha ngetheun itof measu rement ifde sired . Note: Theconso lefeatur esadispl aydemo mode\bde - sig ned tobe used ifthe treadm illis disp layed ina store. While the demo mode istur ned on\btheconsole will funct ionnormally when you plug inthe powe rcord\b swit chthereset /offcir cui tb rea ker tothe reset position \b andinsert the key into theconsole. However\b when youremo vethe key\bthedisp lays willremain lit\b al- tho ugh thebut ton swill not function .If the demo mode isturne don\b the word “On” willap pear inthe display whiletheinfo rmat ionmode is selected .To turnon or offthe demo mode\bpres sthe Spe eddecrease button . Thedisp laywill also show the contrast level ofthedis - play. Press theIncline increa seand decrease butto ns toadjust the con trast. To exit theinfo rmatio nmo de\b rem ove thekey fromthe console.THE OPTI ONAL CHEST PU LS ESENSOR An op tion alch est pul se sensor offer shands-free oper- ation as it tra cks your hear trat edu ring your wor kouts. Topurc hase the opt iona lche stpulse sensor, call thetel ephone numberon the front cover ofthis m anual .

2\f HOWTOFOLD AND MOVE THETREAD MIL L HOWTO FOLD THETREA DM ILL FORSTORAGE Be fore foldingthe trea dmill, adjust the inc line tothe lowe stposition .If you donotd o th is,you may dama gethe trea dmil lwhen youfold it.Remo vethe key and unplu gth e po we rcord .CA UTION :You must be able tosaf elylift 45 lbs. (20 kg) torai se,lower ,or move thetreadmill. 1. Hold the met alframe firml yin the loca tionshown bythe arrow atthe right.CA UTION :To dec reasethe pos sibil - ityofinjury, donot liftthe fra me bythe plastic foot rails.Make sure tobend yourlegsand kee pyour bac kstra ight asyou raise thefr ame .Raise th e frame ab outhalf way to the vertical positi on. 2.Move your right handto thepositio nsho wnand hold th e tre admill firmly. Usingyour lefthand \bpu llthe latch knob tothe leftand hold it. Raise theframe untilthelatch pinis alignedwith thegap betwe enthe frame andthewalking platform\b andthen slow lyrelease thelatch knob .M ake sur etha tthe latc hpin isfully inserted into the gap. To protect thefloor orcar pet from damage ,pla cea ma tunder thetreadm ill.Keep thetreadmill outofdi- rec tsunli ght. Donot leave the treadmill inthe stor - age position in tem per atures above 85°F(\f0° C). HOWTO MOV ETHE TREAD MILL Before movin gthe treadmill\bconve rtitto thestorage position as describ edabove. Make surethat thelatc hpin isfully inserted intothegap. 1.Hold aha ndrail and the frame andpla ce one foot against one of thewh eels. 2.Tip the treadmill backuntilitrolls freely onthewheel s. Car efully move thetreadmi llto the desired location. Never mov ethe trea dmill without tippi ngitba ck.To reduce the riskof injury, useextreme cautionwhilemoving the tre adm ill.Do not attem pt tomov ethe treadmil l over an uneven surface. 3.Place onefoot aga inst awheel \ba nd care fully lower th e tre ad mill untilitis resting in thesto rag epo sition . Handr ail Fr am e Whe el Lat ch Knob Lat ch Pin Fr am e Engaged

24 HOWTO LOW ER THE TREAD MILL FOR USE 1. Hold thetrea dmillwith your right hand .Pull the latch knob totheleft an dhold it. Pivo tthe frame downward unt ilit is past thelatch pin. Then \bslowly rele ase thelatch knob. 2. Hold themetalframe firm lywith both handsand lower itto the floo r.CA UTION :Do not grip only the plasti cfoot rails ordrop the fr ame tothe floor. Bend your legs andkeep yourback strai ght. Fram e Lat ch KnobPin

25 TROU BLESHO OTING Mosttreadmi llproblem scan besolved byfollow ingtheste ps below .Find thesymptom thatappl ies, and follow thesteps listed. Iffur ther assista nceisne eded, pleasesee thefront cover ofthis manual. PROB LEM: The power doesnot turn on SOLU TION: a. Ma kesur ethat the power cordisplugg edinto asurge suppressor\b andthat the surg e suppressor is plug gedint oapr oper lygroun dedoutlet (seepage13). Use onlyasin gle-outl etsurge suppres - sor that meet sall ofthe speci fica tions descri bedon page 13 .IMPORTANT :The tre admi llis not compat iblewith GFCI- equipped outlets . b. Af ter the power cordhas been plugge din\b mak esure thatth eke yis inser ted int o th e consol e. c.Ch eck there set/o ffcir cui tbr ea ker loca tedon the trea dmi llfram enear thepow ercord.If th eswi tch prot rud esasshow n\bthe circu itbr eake rha s tri pp ed. Toreset the circuit brea ker \bw ait fo r five mi nut es andthen press theswi tch back in . P ROB LEM:Thepower tur ns off dur ing use SOLU TION :a. Ch eck there set/o ffcircui tbrea ker(see thedrawing above). Ifth e circuit breaker hastripped\b wait for five minut esand then press the switch backin. b. Ma kesur ethat the power cordis plugg edin.Ifthe power cordisplugge din\bun plu g it\b wait for five minu tes\b an dthen plugitback in. c. Re move thekey from th e conso le.Re insert thekeyinto theconsole. d. If the treadm ill stil lwi llnot run\b please seethefront cover ofthis manua l. P ROB LEM: The console displays remainlitwhe nyou rem ove thekey from theconsole SOLU TION: a. Th econsol efeatur esadispl aydemo mode\bdesigne dto be used ifthe tread mill is displayed ina stor e. If th e displ ays remain lit wh en youre move thekey\b thedemo mode is tur ne don.To turn off thedem omod e\bhold down the Sto pbu tton forafe w seco nds. Ifthe displa ysare still lit \b see THE INFOR MATI ON MODE onpag e22 andturn off the demo mod e. PROB LEM:Thedisplays ofthe cons oledonot function properly SOLU TION :a. Rem ovethekey from theconsole andUNPLUG THE PO WER CORD.Wi ththe helpof asecon d person\bcaref ully tip the Upright s(73\b 78) down. There maybetw o Scr ews (A)in the bottom ofthe Belly Pan (69). If ther eare\b remove them. Note:A P hilli psscr ew driver with ashaf tat least 5in. (13 cm) long is requi red. TrippedRe set c A A 73 6978 a

26 Remov ethe three M4.2 x19mm Hoo dScrews (13) and caref ully pivo tthe Hood (53 )of f. Loca tethe Reed Switch (54) andth e Mag net(42) onthelef tside ofthe Pulley (44) .Turn thePulley until the Magn etis ali gned with the Reed Switch. Make sure that thegap betwee nthe Magnet and theReed Sw itch isabout 1\b8 in. (\f mm). Ifneces - sary\b loo sen the M4.2 x19mm Screw (1)\b move the ReedSwit ch slightly\b andthenret ighten theScrew. Reat tach the Hood (not show n)\ba nd ru nthetre ad- mil lfo ra few mi nutes tocheck fora correct speed reading. P ROB LEM: Theinclin eof the treadmil ldoes notchange correctly SOLU TION: a. With thekey inthe conso le\bpress oneof the Incline buttons. While theincline ischanging, re - mov ethe key. After afew seco nds\b re-inse rtthekey. Thetrea dmill willauto m atica lly rise tothe max imum incline level andthen return tothe minim um level .Thi swill recali bratethe incline system. PROB LEM: The walking beltslows whenwalkedon SOLU TION: a. Use only asingle- outlet surge suppressor that mee tsall ofthe sp eci fications descri bed onpage 13. b.If the walkin gbelt isove rtightene d\btread millperfor - mance maydecrea seand thewal kin gbelt may be- come dama ged. Removethekeyand UNPL UG TH EPOW ER CO RD.Usi ngthe hexke y\bturn both id ler roller bolt scoun tercl ockwi se\b1/4 ofa turn. Wh enthe wal king beltis proper ly tig hten ed\byou shou ldbe abl eto lift each edgeof the walkin gbelt 2 to 3in. (5 to 7cm )off thewal king platform. Be caref ulto keep the walking bel tcen te re d. Then \b plug in the pow ercord\b insert thekey\b and run the treadm ill for afew mi nutes. Repeatuntil the walk- in g be lt is proper lytig htened. c. If the walkin gbelt stillslow swh en walked on\bse ethefron tcove rof thisma nua l. Top Vie w 421 54 1/8in. 44 I dl er Rol le r B ol ts 2–3 in.b 5313

27 PROB LEM: The walking beltisoff- center or slips whe nwalked on SOLU TION: a. If the walking beltisoff-center ,fir st remove the key and UNPLU GTH EPOW ERCORD. Ifthe wal king belthas shift edto the left, use th e he x key toturn the leftidl er roller bol tcl ockw ise1/2 ofa tur n;if the wal king belt hasshif ted tothe right, turnthebolt count erclockw ise 1/2ofa turn. Be caref ulnot to over tighten thewal king belt. Then\b pl ug in the power cord\binsert the key\ban drun the treadm ill for afew minutes. Repeatun tilthe walk - ing be lt is cent ered. b. If the walking belt slips when walked on,firstre - mo vetheke yand UN PLU GTHE POWER CORD . Using the hex key\b turnbothidler roll er bolts clock - wise \b1 /4 ofa tu rn .When the walking beltiscor - rectl ytigh ten ed\byou should beable tolift each side of the walkin gbelt 2 to 3in. (5to 7cm) offthe wa lkin gpla tfo rm .B e careful to keep thewalking beltcent ere d.Th en\bpl ug inthe pow ercord\b insert the key\band ca ref ully walk on the treadm ill for a few minut es. Re peat untilthe walking beltisprop - erly tight ened . a b

28 Theseguidelin eswillhe lpyou toplan your exercise program. Fordetailed exer cise info rmation \bob ta in a rep utab leboo kor co nsul tyou rphysi cian.R eme mber\b pro per nut rition and adequa terest are essentia lfor successfu lre sults. EX ERCI SEINTE NSITY Whethe ryo ur goa lis to burn fatortostrength enyou r card iovascula rsyste m\bexer cisingatthe proper inten- sityisthe key toach ievingresul ts.You canuseyour heart rate as agu ide to find the proper intensityleve l. The chart below show sreco mmende dheart ratesfor fatburnin gand aerob icexer cise. Tofind the prope rintens itylevel \bfind your ageatthe bott omofthecha rt(age sare round edofftothe near - estten year s).Thethree num berslisted above your age defineyo ur “tra ining zone .”The lowest numb eris the heart ratefor fat bur ning \bthe midd lenumbe ris the heart rate forma xim um fatbur ning\b and thehighe st number isthehear trate foraero bic exercise .Burni ngFat—To burnfat effect ivel y\byou must exer- cise atalow in te nsi ty level fora sustaine dperi odof time .D ur ing th e fir st few minu tesofexe rcise\b your bod yuses ca\fbo\b yd\fatecal o\fies for ene rgy. Onl yafter the first few minu tesofexe rci se does your body begin to use stor ed fat calo \fies for energ y. Ifyour goalisto bur nfat \badj ust thein te nsi tyof your exercise untilyour h ea rt rat eis near th e lowe stnu mb erinyou rtrai ning zone .For maxi mum fat bur ning \bexe rcise withyour hea rt rat enear the middl enum berin your training zone . Aerobi cExerc ise—I fyo ur goal is to strengthen your cardiovascu larsyst em\byou must perfo rm aerobi cexer - cise\b which is act ivi ty that requi res large amounts of oxyge nforpr olon ged per iods oftime .For aerobicex - erci se\b adjust th e in te nsi tyof your exercise untilyour h ea rt rat eis near th e highest numberinyour traini ng zone . WORKOU TGUID ELI NES W arm ingUp —Sta rtwit h5to 1\f min utes ofstretc hing a nd light exer cise. Awar m-up incr eases yourbody tem per atur e\b hear trat e\b and circu la tion inprepar ation for exer cise. Trai ning Zone Exerci se—E xercise for 2\fto3\f min- utes with your hear trat ein your tr ai ning zone. (Dur ing t he first few weeks ofyour exer cise pro gram\b donot keep your hear trat ein your tr ai ning zone forlonger t han 2\fminut es.)B re at he regul arly and deeplyasyou exer cise–n ever holdyour breat h. Cool ing Dow n—Fin ishwit h 5to 1\f minutes ofstretch - ing. Stret chi ng incr eases theflexi bility ofyou rm uscl es and hel ps to pre vent post-exer cise problems. EXER CIS E FR EQ UEN CY To mai ntain orimprov eyour condi tion\b com plete three w ork outsea ch week\b wit h at le ast one day ofrest be- tw een wor kout s.After afew mon th s ofregu larexer - cise\b you mayco mp le te up to five workouts each week\b if de sired .R em ember \bthe key tosuccess isto make exer cise areg ula rand en joyable partofyou r eve ryday life. EXE RCISE GUI DE LINES WAR NING:Bef ore beginni ngthis or any exerc iseprogra m,consult your physi- cian .Thi sis es pec ially impor tant for persons over age \f5orper sons withpre -existing he alth proble ms. Thepulsesensor isnot amedica ldev ice. Vari ous factors may aff ect the accura cyof heart rate readings. Thepulse sensor isin- te nded onlyasan exe rcise aid indeterm ining heart rate trends ingener al.

29 SUGGES TEDSTRETCH ES Thecorre ctform for sever alba sic stretche sis shown attheright. Move slowly asyou stretch—neve rbo unce. 1.Toe Touch Stretc h Sta nd withyo ur kne esbentsligh tly and slowly ben dforward from yo ur hip s.Allow yourback and shoulde rsto relaxas yo ure ach down towardyou rtoe sas fa ras possi ble.H old for15 cou nts\bthen rel ax. Repeat3time s.Str etches: Hamstrings\b back ofkne esand back. 2.Ham string Stretc h Sit with one leg exte nde d.Bring thesole ofthe opposite foot toward youand restitaga inst theinner thigh ofyour extend edleg.Reach toward yourtoes asfar aspossi ble.Hold for15cou nts\b then relax. Repeat 3time sfor each leg.Stre tches: Hamstrings\b lowe rback and groin. \f.Calf\bAc hilles Stre tch Withone leg in fron tof theother \breach forwar dan dplace your han dsagain stawall. Keep yourback leg straigh tan dyou rback foo tflat onthefloo r.Bend yourfro ntleg\b leanforward andmove your hip stoward thewall .H old for15coun ts\bthen relax. Repe at3 time sfor each leg.To cause furthe rstre tching ofth each ille ste n - don s\bbe nd you rback leg as well.Stretche s:Calves\b achil les ten- don sand ankles. 4. Qu adric epsStretc h Withone hand again stawa llfor bala nce\b reach back andgrasp one footwith yourother hand.Bring your heelas close toyour bu t- tocks as po ssible .Hold for15counts\b thenrelax. Repea t3 times for each leg. Stret che s:Qua driceps andhip muscle s. 5.Inn erThi ghStre tch Sit with the sole sof you rfeet together andyourkne esoutward. Pull your feet toward your groin area asfar aspossible. Holdfo r 15 co unts\b then relax. Repe at3time s.Stre tches: Qua drice psandhip mu scle s. 1 2 3 4 5

\f0 PART LIST—M odelNo.PCTL57809.0R\f9\f9A Ke yNo. Qty. Descript ion KeyNo.Qty. Description 1 19 M4.2x19m mScr ew 24 M4.2x25m mTek Screw 32 M4x2\fm mScr ew 42 M1\fx5\fm mBol t 54 M1\fx96m mBol t 64 M8x25m mBolt 71 3/8" Star Washer 84 M1\fStarWasher 92 M8Nut 1\f 4 M8StarWa sher 11 5 M4.2x13m mBell yPa nScrew 12 13 M4.2x16m mScre w 13 3 M4.2x19m mHood Scre w 14 2 M8x35m mScre w 15 2 M8x9\fm mScre w 16 2 M1\fx3\fm mBol t 17 2 M6x7\fm mBolt 18 1 3/8" x1 3/4" Bolt 19 1 3/8" x1 1/2" Bolt 2\f 2 3/8" x1" Bolt 21 1 M6x45m mBolt 22 7 M4.2x13m mGro und Scre w 23 8 M5.5x25m mScre w 24 2 1/4" x3/8" Bolt 25 2 3/8" x3/4" Bolt 26 1 3/8" x4" Bolt 27 1 #8x1/2" Ground Screw 28 4 M4.2x13m mScre w 29 2 M6Lock Washer 3\f 2 M6Wash er 31 3 3/8" Jam Nut 32 2 3/8" Motor Nut 33 4 M1\fNut 34 1 6mmHex Key 35 2 PlatformCushi on 36 2 3/8" Locknut 37 3 HoodClip 3 8 4 CageNut 39 1 LeftFoot Rail 4\f 1 ConsoleGrou ndWire 41 2 BeltGui de 42 1 Magnet 43 1 MotorBelt 44 1 DriveRoller/Pull ey 45 1 Walking Belt 46 1 Walking Platfor m 47 1 RightFootR ail 48 1 Frame 49 1 English Warn ing Decal 5\f 2 IdlerRoll erBracket Plate51 1LeftFoot 52 1Right Foot 53 1Hood 54 1Reed Sw it ch 55 1Reed Sw it ch Clip 56 2Fram eSpacer 57 1Fram e/Rol ler Gro un dWire 58 1Incl ine Mot or 59 2Idl er Rol lerB racke t 6\f 1Mot or 61 1Mot or Bra cket 62 3Lift Fr ame Cab leTie 63 1Lift Fr ame 64 2M8 Flange Nut 65 1Pow erCor d 66 1Cont rol ler 67 1Pow erCor dGr om met 68 1Reset /O ff C ir cui tB reaker 69 1Bel ly Pan 7\f 2M4. 2Star Washer 71 1Latch Hou sin g 72 1Latch Pin Assem bly 73 1LeftUpr ight 74 1LeftBottom Pul se Plate 75 1Audi oWi re 76 2#1\fx1" Te kScr ew 77 1Upr ight Wire 78 1Right Upr ight 79 4Bol tS pacer 8\f 1Right Upr ight Spa cer 81 4Base Pad 82 2Base Endca p 83 1LeftUpr ight Spacer 84 2Caut ion Deca l 85 1Base 86 2Wheel 87 1Conso le 88 1Conso leBase 89 1LeftHandr ail 9\f 1Right Handr ail 91 2Hand railEnd cap \bLo we r 92 2Cabl eTie 93 1Key/ Clip 94 2Rel easa ble Tie 95 1\f 8"Cabl eTie 96 1LeftTop Pul se Plat e 97 1Access Door 98 1151/2 "C ab leTie 99 1Lift M oto r S pace r 1\f\f 1Idl er R olle r To locat ethe part slisted below \bsee theEXPLODED DRAWINGnear the end ofthis manu al.