ProForm 7.0 Treadmill Manual
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11 1\f.Remo vethe pla stic ties fromthe Right Handrail (9\f )an dthe Lef tHan drail(not show n).Ifnece s- sary\b pressthe Cag eNuts (38)in to place. Hav easecond person holdtheconsole assem- blynear theRight Upright(78) .Rem ovethelong ti e from the Upright Wire (77) andthe tiefr om the console wire. Co nnec tthe Upright Wire (77) to the cons ole wir e.See theinset draw in g. The connect ors sh oul dslide together easilyan dsnap into place. Ifthey donot\b turnone connector andtry agai n.IF THE CONNEC TORSAR ENOT CON - NECTE DPRO PERLY, THECO NSOLE MAY BE DAMAGE DWHEN THEPO WE RIS TUR NED ON.T hen\b insert the connectors into the Righ tUpr ight (78). Set thecon soleassembl yon the Right Upri ght (78) and theLeft Upright(not show n).Make sur e tha tno wires arepinched. 78 Consol eAssem bly Consol e Wire Long Ti e 77 1\f 11. Partially tighte ntw oM8 x25m mBolts (6)with two M8 Star Wash ers(1\f) into theLeftUp righ t (73)an dthe Lef tHan drail(89) . Next\b partia llytigh tentw oM8 x25m mBol ts(6) wit htwo M8Star Wash ers (1\f) into theRight Up righ t(7 8) and the Right Hand rail(9\f). Then, tighten allfour Bolts. See steps 4and 6.Tig hten theM1\fx96mm B olts (5). Press theLeft Acce ssoryTra y(11\f )and the Rig htAcce ssoryTr ay (11 1)into theconsole as- sembly. 6 6 6 1\f 1\f 11\f 111 73 89 9\f 78 1\f 1\f 11 77 9\f Co nsol e Wire 6 38 P la sti c Ties Co nsol e Assem bly
12 13.Mak esure that allpar tsare properly tightened beforeyouusethetreadmill. Ifthere aresheetsofclear pla stic on the tre admi llde cals\b remove thepla stic .To protect the floor orcarpet\b pla ce ama tun der thetread - mill. Keepthe includ edhex keys inase cure place; oneofthe hex keys isuse dto adjust thewalking belt(see p ages 26and27 ). 12. Atta ch theLatch Housin g(7 1) tothe Left Upri ght (73 )wit htwo #1\fx1" Tek Screws(76 ). Make s ure thatthe large holeinthe Lat chHousing is on the side shown. Donot overtighte nthe Latc hScrew s. Locat ethe Latch Pin Assemb ly(72). Remo ve th e knob from thepin. Make sure that thecollar and the spring are on the pin. Th en\b inse rtthe pin into theLat ch Housi ng(71)\b and tigh tenthe kno bback ontothe pin. 76 Spr ingK nob 71 12 73 72 Col lar La rge Ho le If you purchas ethe optional chest pulsesensor (seepage 22),fo llow thesteps below toinsta ll the re- ceiver inclu ded with the che stpulse sensor. 1. Mak esure that thepower cord isunplugged. Remo vethe indicated M4.2 x16m mScrew (12) and the Acce ssDoor(97) from the Console Base (88). 2. Con nect the wire on the recei vertothe indi - cat ed wire extend ingfrom the Conso leBase (88 ).Hold thereceive rso the sma llcylinder is orie nted asshown andisfacing the Consol eBa se.A ttach therecei vertothe plastic posts on the Access Door (97) with the two in- clud edsmall screws. 3.Mak esure that nowire sare pinche d. Reattach the Acce ssDoor (97) with theM4 .2x 16mm Scre w(12) .Di scard theoth er wires in- clud edwith there cei ver . Recei ver 97 Sm all Cyl inde r 12 88 Wire S m all Scr ews Pin
1\f OPE RA TION AND ADJUSTMENT THEPRE -LUBRI CATED WALK ING BELT You rtrea dmill fea tures awalki ngbeltco ated withhig h- perf ormance lubrican t.IMPORTA NT: Ne ver apply sil- icone spray orother subst ance sto the walking be ltor the walk ing platfor m. Such substance swill de teriorate thewalking beltand cause excessive wea r. HOWTO PLUG IN THE POWER CORD You rtrea dmill\b likeanyother type ofsop histica ted electronic equ ipmen t\bcan be seri ousl ydama ged by su dden voltag echan gesin yo ur homeʼ spowe r. Volt age surge s\bsp ikes\b andnoi se inter ference can res ult from weather condi tions or fro m other appliances beingturne don or off. Todecr ease thepossibility of yourtreadmill being dam aged, alwaysuse asur ge suppre ssor with your treadm ill(see drawing 1at the right). Topur chas easur gesuppre ssorcallthe tele phone numbe ron the front cover ofthism an - ual. Use onl yasingle-outlet surgesuppressor that is UL 1449 listed asatran sient voltage surge sup- pre ssor (TVSS). Thesurgesuppressor musthavea UL suppressed voltageratingof400 volts orless andami nimum surgedissipat ionof450 joules. The surge suppr essor mustbeelect rically ratedfor 120vol ts AC and 15amps. Theremust beamoni - tor ing light onthe surg esuppressor to indicat e whethe rit is functioning properly.Failure to use a pro pe rly functi oningsurge suppressor couldresult indama getothe contr olsyst emofthe treadmill. If the cont rolsyste misdamaged, the walking belt mayslow ,accelerate, or st op unexpect edly,which mayre sult in afall and serious inj ury. Thi sproduct mustbegrounded. Ifit sho uldmalfu nc- tion orbrea kdo wn\b ground ingprovi des apath oflea st resistan cefor ele ctric curren tto reduce therisk ofele c- tric shock. Thisprod uct isequi pped withacor dha vin ganequi pment -gr oun ding cond uct or an dagroundi ng plug.Plug the pow er cor dint oasurge suppressor , andplug the surge suppressor into anappropr iate outlet that is prope rly ins talled and ground edin accordanc ewit h allloca lcode sand ordinances. IMP ORTA NT:The trea dmillis not com patib lewit h GFC I- equi pped outlets. Th isprod uct is fo r use on anom inal 12\f -voltcircui t\b andhas agr oun ding plug that looks liketheplug ill us - trat ed in dr aw ing 1bel ow .A tem pora ry ad apter that loo ks like the ada pter illust rat ed in drawin g2may be used to con nect th e sur ge sup pressor to a2-p ole rece ptacl eas show nin dr aw in g 2ifa prope rly grounded out letis not avai labl e. Thetemp oraryadapt ersho uld be used only untila pro perly gro unded out let(dr aw ing 1) can beinstall ed byaqual if ied ele ctr ici an . Th egr een- colored rigi d ear \blu g\b or the like extendi ng from the adap te r m ust beconn ected toaperm anent ground such asapr op erly gr ou nded outlet box cover . When everthe adapt erisuse dit m ust beheld in place by amet al scr ew.S ome 2-pol ere ceptacle outletbox covers arenot grounde d.Cont acta qualif iedelec - tri ci an to det ermi neif the outlet box cover is grounded before using anadapt er. DAN GER :Im proper connect ion ofthe equipme nt-grounding conductor can res ultinan incre ased risk ofelec tricshock . Checkwith aqualif ied elect rician orserv ice- ma nifyou arein do ubt asto whe ther the produc tis prope rlygrounded. Donot modify theplug provi dedwiththe product—if it w ill not fitthe outl et,have apr oper outlet installed by aqualif iedelect ric ian. 1 2Ground edOutle tB ox G rounde dOutlet Box Gr ou ndi ng Plug S ur ge Sup pressor Su rgeSu ppr essor Gr oun ding Pin Ad apt er Lug Met al Scre w Groun ded Out let G ro undi ngPin Gr oun ding Plu g
14 14 FE ATURE SOF TH ECON SOLE Thetre admill console offersan impressive arr ay of fea tures designe dto make yourworkou tsmore effec- tiv eand enjoyable. Whenyou use the manu almode\b youcanchang ethe sp eed andincline ofthe treadm ill w ith the touch ofa but ton. As you exercise\b theconsole willdisp layinstant exerci sefee dba ck.You caneven measure yourhe art rate using the handg rippulsesensor orthe option al chest pulse sensor (seepa ge 22) . Inaddit ion\bth eco nso lefeature seig htperso naltrainer workouts. Each worko utautom aticallycontrols the sp eed andincline ofthe treadm ill as itgui des you through aneffective exercise sessi on. Thecon sole alsofeature sa fitn ess journal \bwhich au- tomatically record sand stor esyour exercise info rma - tion sotha tyo uca nview yourwor kout history and track your prog ress. You caneven listen toyour favori teworkout music or aud iobo oks with theconso leʼspremiu mstereo sound syst emwhile youge tin sha pe. This product hasbee n designed specifically towo rkwith iPod andhas beencertif ied bythe devel oper to meet Apple perfor mance standards. To turn onthe pow er, se epa ge 15. Topersonalize the cons oleset tings, seepage 15. Toidentify your- self as user 1or user 2,see page 17. Touse the m anual mode, seepage 17. To use apers onal tra ine rwor kout ,se epage 19.To view the fitness journa l,see page 2\f.To rese tthe fitne ssjour nal, seepage 21.To use the stereo sound system ,see pa ge 21. Touse the inform ation mode ,see page 22. IMP ORTA NT: Ifthere aresheet sof clear plastic on the cons ole,re move the plast ic. To pre vent dam- ageto the wal king platform ,w ear cle an athletic shoes whil eusi ng the treadmi ll. The first time you usethe tre admi ll, obser vethe alignm entofthe wal king belt, a nd cent erthe walking belt ifneces - sary (see page 27) . Not e:The conso le can displ ay speed and distance in eit he rm iles orkilom eter s. To find out which unitof mea surement issel ect ed or to chan gethe unitof mea - surement \bsee THEIN FO RM ATIO NMODE onpage 22.Fo rsi m plicit y\b all inst ruct ions in this section refer to miles. K ey Cl ip CON SOLEDI AG RAM Integ rat ed Univer sal Dock for iPod
15 HOWTO TURN ONTHE POW ER IMPORTANT: Ifthe treadm illhas been expos edto coldtemperature s,allow itto wa rm to room tem - pe ratu rebefore turning onthe power. Ifyou donot dothis, youmay damage the console displaysor other electri cal compone nts. Plug inthe power cord (seepa ge 13).Ne xt\b lo- ca te the rese t/off circuit breake ron the treadmill frame nearthe power cord. Switch thecir cuit breake rto the rese tpo si- tion . IMP ORTANT: Thecons olefeat ures adisplay demo mode, designe dto be used ifthe treadmill isdis - played inastore. Ifthe display lightsassoon as you plug inthe power cord and switc hthe circ uit breaker tothe resetpos ition, the demo modeis turned on.Toturn offthe demo mode, holddown theStop button forafe w seconds. Ifthe displ ay re - ma ins lit, seeTHE INFORM ATIONMODEonpage 22toturn offthedemo mode. Next\b stan don the footrai lsof thetread mill.Find the clipattach edtothekey (see thedrawing on pag e14) and slide theclip onto thewaistba ndofyour clothe s. Then\b inse rtthe key into theconsol e.After amo ment\b the displa ywill light.IM POR TANT: Inan emer genc y situati on,thekey can bepulled from thecons ole, causing thewalking belt to slow to ast op. Testthe cli pby care fully taking afe w steps backward; ifthe key isnot pulled from the console, adjusttheposi - tion ofthe clip. HO WTO PERSO NALIZ ECON SOLE SETTIN GS Thecon sole hasa user mode that allows youtode sig - nat eyou rself asUser 1or User 2\benter userin fo rma - tion before you begin exer cisi ng\b and select conso le settings. Theuserin fo rma tion you enterwill also be recorded and stored inthe fitness journal\b whichallows yo uto vie wyou rwor kou thi story (see HOW TOVIEW THE FITNES SJOURNAL onpag e2\f).Fo llow the steps below to per sona lize con sole settings. 1.Sel ec tthe user mode. Th econsol ecan stor einf or matio n and keep track ofw or kout histor yfo r tw o diffe re nt users. Toselect the user mod e\bpre ss the Ent er but ton. Whe nyou select the user mod e\bthe word LOGIN will a ppear in the disp lay for afew secon dsand the ntheuser mode menu will app ear. Impor tant: Tohighli ght options within amenu, pr ess the up, dow n,lef t,or right Navigat ion (NAV)but tons .To sel ect options within a menu, press the Ente rbutt on. Note:To exitth euse rmo de atany time\b press the Back butto n rep eat edlyunt il the man ual mode is se le ct ed (se este p2on page 17) .To re-enter the usermod efrom the manu alm ode \bpress theEnter button. 2. Ent er use rinf orm ation. To ent er your user inf or matio n\b fir st highlight the SETUPopt ion an dpr ess the Ent er button. The setupmenu will then appear inthe disp lay. Next \bhi ghl ight the SETU PUSER 1or SETU P USER 2opt io n and press the Ent er button. The userinf or mat ion menu will then appear inthe dis- pl ay. Re set
16 You ca nnow enteryou rnam eand your weight. High light the desired option in themen uand pre ss th e Ent er but ton. Acur sor willapp ear in afield in the displa y.To enter anumb erorletter above the cursor\bpress the upand downNaviga tion button s. Tomove thecurso r\bpress theleft andright Navig ationbu tton s.Whe nyou have finished enter - ing thedesire dnu mber sor lette rsinthe field \b pre ss theEn terbutto n.Rep eatthis action toen ter all the desire duser info rm ation .N ote: Formore in - fo rmatio nabo utthe RESET JOURNAL opti on\b see page 21. To exit theuser infor mationmenu\b high light the SAVE AND EXIToptio nand press theEnte rbu t- to n. \f. Selec ta defa ultuser set ting. The console canrecor d\bsto re\b and load informa - tio n for two differen tu sers. Thedefault user setting allo ws you to choo sethe user information that will be loa dedand recorde dwhe nyou turn on thecon - sole atthe beginn in g of awor kout sessi on. Toselect adef ault user setting\b first highli ght th e S ELECT DEFAULTUSER optionin the setup men uand pre ssthe Enterbutton. Alist ofdefau lt use rop tions will the nappe arin thedispl ay. Toselect adef ault user option\b press theupand down Naviga tion buttons untilanarrow appears n ext to the desired option .The n\bpress theEnter butto n.When youselect anopti on\b an“x” will ap- pear inthe boxnext tothe sele ctedoption .Note:You canalso tur non ortur noff the welcom e screenfr om thi sme nu. Ifthe SH O W WELC OM E SCREEN optio n is sel ect ed\b then awelcome mes - sage with the name ofthe select ed user will ap - pear in the disp layeach tim e you turn onthe con- sole .To tur non ortur noffthe wel come screen\b highl ight the SH O W WE LCOME SC REEN option andpress the Ent er but ton. To exi tthe def au ltuser menu\b press theBack but- ton.The setu p menu will then appear inthe dis- pl ay. 4. Set the dat eand time . Set ting the dat ean dtim e will al lo w th e console to reco rd yo ur wor kou thi story accur ately inthe fit- ness jo ur nal . To setthe date and tim e\b first highl ight the CHAN GE DATE OR TIM Eopt ion in the setup men uand press the Ent er but ton. The date setting will the nappea rin the displ ay. To setthe date \bfir st press the lef tand right Navi gation but tons tohig hlight the mon th\bday\b or year fiel d. Then\b press the upanddown Navigation buttons tosele ct the desired mon th\bda y\bor year . Whe nyou have fini she dse tting the date\b press the Enterbut to n. Th etim e set ting will the nappear in the disp lay. To setthe tim e\b fir st pre ss the lef tand right Navi gation but tons toselect the hour or mi nute fiel d. Then\b press the upanddow nNavigation but- ton sto sel ect the desi red hour or m inute; make sureto sel ect the correct AM or PM tim ein the hour fiel d. When youha ve fini she dsetting the tim e\b press theEnte r bu tton .The console will then exi tthe user mode.
HOWTO IDE NTIFY YOURSELFAS USER 1OR US ER 2 The con sole canload info rm ation and keep trackofthe wo rkout history for two diffe ren tuse rs.To identify your- self as User 1or Use r2 for awor kout sessio n\bfirst press the Enter button and enter theuser mode. Theword LOGI Nwill app ear in the disp layforafew se conds andthe ntheuser modemen uwi llap pea r. Press theup anddown Naviga tion buttons tohigh light USER 1or USER 2.No te: Ifyou have perso nalized the console setting s(se epage 15)\b then thename you en- tere dwill app ear instea dof USER 1or USER 2. P ress theEnt erbutton toconfir myour cho ice. The console willthen exit theuser mode.HOW TO US ETHE MANUAL MODE 1. Insert thekey intoth e co nso le. See HO W TO TURN ON TH EPO WER onpage 15. 2.Sel ect the manual mode. Whenthe keyis inser ted\b the manual mode will be sel ect ed. If a pe rso nal trai ne rw or kout hasbeen se- lect ed\b remove th e key and then rei nsert it. Note: To tur non ortu rn off the wel com escreen\b seestep 3on pag e16. \f. Startthe wal king belt. Tostar tthe wal king bel t\b pr ess theStart button\b the Speed incr ease but ton\b or on eof th e Preci sion Quick Spe ed but to ns num bered1thro ugh 1\f. If you pre ss the Star tbut ton ortheSp eed increase but ton\b the wal king bel tw ill b egi nto move at1 mph. Asyou exer cise \bcha nge the spee dof the wal king bel ta s desi redby pressi ng the Speed in - cr ease anddecr ease but to ns. Each timeyou press abut ton\b the speed setting will cha nge by\f.1 mph; if you hol d dow nabut ton\b the spee dse tting will chang ein incr ementsof\f. 5mph. Note: After you press abut to n\b it m ay take amom ent forthe walk - ing beltto rea ch th e sel ect ed speed setting. If you pre ss one ofth enum beredPrecision Quick Speed button s\bthe wal king belt w ill gradual ly chang espeed untilit reach esth e selected speed settin g. To stop the wal king bel t\b pr ess the Stop button. To rest artthe walki ng belt\b pr ess theSt art button or the Spee dincr ease but ton. 17
4.Change theincline ofthe trea dmill as des ired. To change the incline ofthe trea dmill\b pressthe Inc line increas eand decre asebutton s.Each time y ou press the Incline incre ase and decrea sebut ton\b theincl ine will change by \f.5%. Note: Afte ryou press anIncline button\bitmay takeamoment for the treadmill to reach these lect edinclin eset ting. 5. Selec ta dis playmode and monitor your progres swith the display . As you walk orrun on the trea dmill\b the display can showthefollo wing workout information: • The elapsed time. • The distance that you have wal ked orrun. • The speed ofthe walkin gbelt. • The approxima tenum ber ofcal ories you have burn ed. •The date. •A1/4 -mile (4\f\f meter )track. Asyou walk orru n\b indica tors will appear insucce ssion aro und the track untilthe ent ire track appea rs.The track will thendisap pear andthe indicator swil la ga in beg into ap pea rin successio n. •The inclin elevel ofthe treadm ill. • You rheart rate.Note: Yourheartrat ewill be shown only when youuse thehand grippulse senso ror the optiona lchest pulsesensor (see step6). • An animatio nof arun ner. Wh entheman ualmode issel ected\b theconso le offers three disp laymod es.Press theDispla ybut - to n re pe ate dly toselect thedesir eddisplay mode. Regardle ssofwhich displaymode youselect\b the speedorincline settingwillappear inthe display fo r a few sec ond seach timeyou chan gethe set- tin g. Inad dition\b your hear trate willap pear inthe disp lay each tim eyou use thehandg rip pulse sen- sor orthe optional chest pulsesensor.To rese tthe con sole\bpre ss the Stop button\b re - move the key\ban dth en rei nser tthe key. 6. Meas ure your heart ra te if des ired. Note: If you usethe handgr ip pul sesensor and theoptional chestpul sesensor at the same time, the consol ewill not displ ay your heart rateaccura tely.For inf or mation on th e opti onal chest pul se sensor \bsee page 22. Bef oreusi ng the handgr ip pul se sensor \brem ove the sheet sof cl ea rpl ast ic fro m the met al con - tactson the pulse bar .In add ition\b make sure tha t your hands are clea n. To mea sur eyour heartra te \bst and onthe foot railsand holdthe pulsebarw it h yo ur palms onthe met alcont acts.Avoi dmovi ngyour hands. When your pul se isde tecte d\bahear tsym bolwill flash in the disp layand then your heartrat ewill beshow n. Forthe mos tac cura te hear tra te reading, con- tinue to hold the cont acts for about 15sec - onds . 7.When youarefinis hed exerc is ing, rem ove the keyfrom the cons ole. St ep onto th e foo trai ls\b pre ss the Stop button\b and adjus tthe incl ine ofthe treadm illto the lowest setting. The incl ine must beatthe lowest set- ting oryou may damagethe treadmill whenyou foldit to the storage position. Next\b remove the keyfr om the consol ean dput itin asecure place. Whe nyou arefini shed using the tr ead mill\b switch the rese t/of fci rcu it b reake rto the “off” position and unpl ugthe pow er co rd. IM PO RTA NT: Ifyou do notdothis ,the treadm illʼs elect rical com po- nentsm ay wear prem aturel y. Cont acts 18
HOWTO USE APERSON ALTRA INER WORKOUT 1. Ins ert the key into thecons ole. See HO WTO TURN ONTHE POW ERonpage 15. 2. Sele ctape rsonal traine rwork out. To select aperso naltrainer workout\b pressthe Persona lTra iner Workou tsbu tton repe atedly. The name\b maximu mincline settin g\bdura tion\b and max- imum speedset tingof the workou tw ill appe arin th e displa y.In ad dition\b apro file of the speedset- tin gs ofthe workou twi llappear inthe display. \f. Startthe walking belt. P re ss theSta rtbutto nor the Spe edincrease butto n to sta rtthe workout. Amom ent after youpre ss the butto n\bthetrea dmill willau to m ati call yadju stto the first spe edandincline setti ngs oftheworkou t.Hold th e han drails andbe gin wal king. Each workou tis divided into one- minute segments. One sp ee dset ting and one incli nesetting are pro - gra mmed foreach segme nt.Note: The same speedsetting and /orincl ine settin gmay bepro - gra mmed forco nsec utive segm ents. Aprof ileofthespee dsettings ofthe worko utwill appea rin thedisp lay. Asm allarr ow below thepro - file will indica teyour prog ress.Atthe endof the fir st one- min ut esegment ofthe wor kout \ba se ries ofto nes will sou nd. Ifa different speed setting and/or incl ine setting is program med for the secon dsegm ent\bthe spee dsetting and/or incl in e set ting will flash in the displ ay for amom ent toaler tyou .Th etr e ad mill wi ll th en automati cally adj ust to thespe edandincli ne settings forthe sec- ond segmentand the arrow will m ove one segment to therigh t. The wor kout will cont inue in thi sway unti lthe arrow reaches the right end ofthe profile. Th ewal king bel twi ll th en slow to astop. If the spe edorin cl ine setting for the current seg- ment istoo high or too low \byou canoverri dethe settin g by pressi ng the Speed orIncline buttons; however, when the next segment begins,the treadmi ll wi ll aut omat ic al ly adj ustto the speed and incl ine set tings for the next segment . Tostop the wor ko ut ata ny tim e\b press theStop button. Torest artthe wor kout \bpr ess theStar tbut - ton. The wal king bel tw ill b egi nto move at1mph. Whe nthe next segm ent ofthe wor kou tbe gins\b the tre adm ill w ill aut omatica lly adj ust tothe speed and incl in e set ting sfor the next segm ent. 4. Sel ect adis playmode andmonitor your progresswi th the display. See step 5on pag e18. 5. Measure your heart rateif de sir ed. S ee step 6on pag e18. 6. When youarefini shed exercising, remove the key from the cons ole. Se este p7on page 18. 19
HOWTO VIEW THE FITNESS JOURNA L 1.Ins ert the key into the console. See HO WTO TURN ONTHE POW ERonpage 15. 2. Ide ntify yourselfas Use r1 or User 2. See pag e17 . \f. Selec tthe fitness journal. Tosele ctthe fitness journal, press theiFit Fitness Journ albutto n.The consol ewi llthe nload th e store djourn alinform ationforthe selecte duse r. Toenter thedat eand time\bsee page16 . Not e:As you view thefitne ssjour nal\bpress the Back button atany time toreturn tothe previou s menuor display. The fitne ss jou rna lcan displa ythe follow ing exer - cise informat ionfor the curren tyea r: Time —Thetot alnu mber ofhour syo uhave walke d or run onthetread mill. Dis tance —The total distance youhave walked or run onthe treadmill. Cal ories —The approxi matetotal number ofcalo - ries you have bur ned . Ave rage Speed—Your aver age walkin gor run ning spe ed. Ave rage Pace—Yo uravera gewalkin gor run ning pace inmin utes permi le or per kilometer. Vertica lFeet —The dista nce youhave clim bed in fe et or mete rs. Weight —Yo urwe ight\b as entere din your userin - fo rmatio n.Not e:Yo urwei ght willbe displ ayed only whe nyo uview exercise inform ationby day. 4. View exerc ise infor mationbyyear. Wh enyou select the fitness jour nal\b theyearto tals will appe arinthedispla y.Toview exer cise inf or mat ion fo r a different year\b press the up and downNavi gat ion button sto ch ange the yea r.Not e: The fit ne ss jou rn al can stor einf or mat ion for 11 differ en tyea rs. 5. View exerc iseinf orm ation bymonth. After sever alse conds\b the view month menu will appear in the displ ay. To view exer cise inf or mat ion by m onth\b press the upand downNavi gat ion button sto high light the desire d mo nthin the rig ht side ofthe displ ay.Then\b press the Ent er but ton. The exercise inform ation forthe select ed mont hwill ap pear in th e displ ay. 6. View exerc iseinf orm ation byweek . After sever alse conds\b the view week me nu willap - pear in the disp lay. To view exer cise inf or mat ion by week\b pre ss the up and downNavi gat io n but tons to highlight thede- sired week in the right sideof the disp lay. Then\b press the Ent er but ton. The exercise inform ation forthe select ed week will ap pear in th e display. 7. View exerc iseinf orm ation byday . After sever alse conds\b the view day menu will ap - pear in the disp lay. To view exer cise inf or mat ion by day\b press theleft and rig ht Navi gatio n butto ns unt il an arrow appear s abovethe desi red day in the right side ofthe dis- play. The n\bpre ss the Ent er but ton. The exercise inf ormat ion for thesel ect ed day will app ear inthe disp la y. Not e: If yo uexer cise mor ethan once per day\b all of the exer cise inf or ma tion for that daywill be com bined. 8. Cont inue to vie w the fitne ssjournal as desired. Rep eatsteps 4th ro ugh 7to view exercise infor ma- tion for the desi red year \bm ont h\bwe ek\b or day. 9. Exi tthe fit ness journal . Press the iFi tFi tne ss Journa lbu tton toexi tthe fit- ness jo ur nal atany tim e. Not e:To deletethe exe rcise inf or mation storedin the fit ness jo ur nal \bsee HO W TO RESE TTH EFIT - NESS JO URNAL on page 21. 20