ProForm 7.0 Treadmill Manual
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SerialNum ber Decal Mo del No. PCTL57 809.0 Serial No. Writ ethe seria ln umb erin the space above for futur erefer ence. CAU TION Read allp recauti onsandinstruc- tions inthi smanu albefore using this equipment. Savethis manua l forfuture reference . USERʼSMANUA L QUE STIONS? Ifyou have quest ions\b orif pa rts are da ma gedor missing \bPLEASE CO NTACT OUR CUSTOMER SER- VICE DEPARTMENT DIR ECTLY. CA LL TOLL-F REE: 1-88 8-9\f6-42 66 Mo n.–Fri .,8:0 0until 17:00ET (exc ludi ngholidays) OR E-MAIL US: customerserv ice@iconcanada. ca With Un ive rsa lD oc kfor iPod® ww
TAB LE OF CONTENTS WARNING DECALPL ACEMEN T..............................................................2 IMP ORTA NTPRECAUT IONS................................................................3 B EFORE YOUBEGIN ......................................................................5 ASSEMB LY...............................................................................6 OPERA TIONANDADJUSTM ENT............................................................13 HO WTO FOL DAND MOVE THETREADMIL L..................................................23 TROUB LESHOO TING.....................................................................25 E XERCIS EGUIDELINES ...................................................................28 P ART LIST ..............................................................................3\f E XPLO DEDDRAWING ....................................................................32 OR DERING REPLACEMENT PARTS..................................................Back Cover LIMITEDWARRAN TY..............................................................Back Cover 2 Thisdrawing showstheloca tions of the warn ingdecals. Ifadecal ismiss - ing orillegi ble,ca llthe telephone numbe ron the front cover ofthis ma nual andrequest afree replace - mentdecal .Apply thedecalin the loca tion shown. Note: The decals ma ynot be sho wnatactual size. WAR NING DECAL PLACEMENT P RO FORM isare giste redtrad em arkof ICON IP\bInc. iP od®is a tradem arkofAppl eCo mp uter \bIn c.\b registered inthe U.S.and oth er coun trie s.
\f 1. Be fore beginning anyexercise program, con- sult your physi cian.This isespec ially impor - tant for pers onsoverage \f5orpersons with pre-existing healt hproblem s. 2. It is the responsibility ofthe owner toens ure thatall use rsofthis treadm illareadequa te ly informed ofallw arnings andprecautions. Us ethe treadmi ll only asdescr ibed. \f. Pla ce the trea dmill onalevel surfac e,with at least8ft. (2.4 m) ofcle ara nce behind itand 2 ft.(0.6 m) oneach side. Donot placethe treadmi llon any surf ace that block sair open - ings. Toprotec tthe floor orcar pe tfr om dam- age, placeam at under the trea dmill. 4. Ke ep the trea dmill indoors ,away frommois- tureand dust .Do not putthe tr eadmil lin a ga rage orcove red patio,ornear water. 5. Do not operate the tre admill whe re ae rosol produc tsare used orwher eoxygen isbeing admini stered. 6. Ke ep chil dren underage 12and petsaway from thetreadm illat all tim es. 7. The treadmi llshould beused only bypersons wei ghing \f00 lbs. (1\f6kg) orless. 8. Ne veral low morethan oneperson onthe treadmi llat atime. 9. Wea rappropriat eexer cise clothe swhile us ing thetrea dmill. Donot wearloose clothes thatcould become caught inthe tre admill. Athl eticsupport clothesare recommended for both menand wome n.Always wearath leticshoes ;ne ver use thetr eadm illwith \bare \feet, wearing onlystock ings,or insandals. 10. W hen conne ctingthepower cord(seepage 1\f),plug thepower cordinto asurge sup- pressor (not included) andplug thesurge suppres sorinto agrounded circuit capable ofcarrying 15ormore amps. No ot her appliance shoul dbe on the same circui t. Do not use an extens ion cor d. 11. Useonl yasing le-ou tletsur ge supp ress or that m ee ts allof thespe cific ati ons des cribed on page 1\f. To pur chase asur gesuppress orcall the tel ephone number onthe front cover of thi smanual . 12. Fai lur eto use apro perly fun ctio nin gsurg e sup pre ssor co ul dre sul tin dam ag e to the con- tr ol sys tem ofthe tread m ill. If the control sys- te m isdam ag ed ,th ewa lkin gbe ltmay slow, acce lera te ,o r sto pun expe cte dly ,wh ic h ma y re su ltin afa lland seri ou sin jur y. 1 \f. Keep the pow ercord andthe surge suppres- sor away from heated surf aces . 14. Never move the walk ing belt while thepower is turned off.Do not oper atethe tre admill if the pow ercord orplug isda maged, orifthe treadm illis not worki ngproper ly.(See TROU - BLE SH OOTI NG onpage 25if the treadmill is notworking prope rly .) 1 5. Read, underst and, and test the emergency stop proc edur ebe for eus ing thetre ad mill (se e HOW TO TURN ONTHE POW ERon page 15). 1 6. Never sta rt the tr ea dmi ll w hi le you are stand - ing onthe wal king belt. A lw ay shold th e handra ils whi le usi ng the trea dmi ll. 1 7. The treadm illis capabl eof high speeds. Adj ust the spe edinsm allincre ments toavoid sudden jumps in speed. 18. The pulsesens orisnot amedica ldev ice. Vari ous fact ors, incl udi ngthe use r'smove - ment,may affect the accur acyofheart rate rea dings .The pulsesensor is int ende donly as an exerci seaid in det erm ini ng heart rat e trends in genera l. WARNING:To reduc ethe risk ofseri ous injury, readall important precautions andin- structi onsin thi sm anual and all warnings onyour treadmill befor eusing your tr eadmill. ICONas- sumes norespons ibilityfor per sonal injuryor prope rtydam agesustained byorthrough theuse of thisproduct. IMP ORTANT PRECAUTIO NS
4 19.Neve rleav ethe treadm illunat tende dwhile it isrunning. Alwa ys remov ethe key,un plug the pow ercord, andswitchthe reset\b offcir - cuit brea kertothe offposit ionwhe nthe treadmi llis not in use. (See the draw ing on page 5for the loc ation ofthe circuit break er.) 20.Do not attempt to raise, lower ,or move the treadmi llunti lit is proper lyas sembl ed. (See ASSE MBLY onpage 6,and HOW TOFOLD AND MOVETHE TREA DMILL onpage 2\f.) You mustbe able tosaf ely lift45lbs .(20 kg) to rai se,low er, ormove thetr eadmi ll. 2 1.Whe nfoldi ngormoving the treadmil l,m ak e sure thatthestor age latchis holdi ngthe frame secure lyin the stor age posi tion . 22.Neve rinser tany object intoany opening on thetreadmi ll.2 \f. Inspect andproperl ytight enallpar tsof the treadmi ll regul arly. 24. D AN GER :Alwa ys unpl ug the pow er cord im me diatelyafte rus e,be fore clea ning the tread mill,an dbefo reper formin gthe mainte - nanc eand adj ust me ntproce dures des cribed in thi sm anu al.N ev er remo ve the mot or ho od un - less instru cted to do so by an authori zed ser- vice represen tative. Ser vici ngother than the proce dure s in th is ma nua ls ho uldbe perfo rm ed by an authoriz ed ser vice repr esent ativeonly. 25. Thi streadmi ll is int ended for in- hom euse onl y.Do not use this tre admi ll in acomm er- cial,rent al,or inst it uti onal setting. 2 6. Over exercising may resultin serious injury ordeat h.Ifyou feel fai nt or if you exper ience painwhi le exe rcising, stop imme diate ly and cool down. SAV ETHESE INSTRUCTI ONS
5 Thankyou for selecti ngthe new PROFORM®7. \fPER - SONAL FIT NESS TRAINERtreadm illwith Univers al DockforiPod ®. T he 7.\f PER SONALFI TN ES S TRAIN ERtreadmi llwi th Universal DockforiPo doffer sa select ionoffeatures designed to make yourworkouts at homemor eeffecti veand enjoyable. Andwhen youʼr e not exer cis ing\b thetreadmill canbefolded up\brequiring less than half thefloor space ofother treadm ills. Foryour bene fit,read this manual carefully befor e using thetrea dmill. Ifyou have questi onsafterread -ing thi sm anua l\bpl ease seethefron tcove rof thism an - ual. To help us assist you\bnotethe prod uctmodel nu mber and serial num berbeforecontacting us.The mod elnum ber and the lo cat ion ofthe serial number decal areshow non the fr ont cover ofthis manual . Bef or eread ing furthe r\bplease revi ew the drawi ng below and fam iliar ize yoursel fwi th the labeled parts. BEFOREYOU BEGIN Handrail Upri ght K ey/C lip R eset/Off Cir cui tB reaker Wa lking Belt Plat form Cushi on FootRa il Idler Roller Adjustme ntBoltsC onsol e Accesso ryTray Pul se Sensor
ASSEMBLY Assembly require stwo persons .Set thetread millinaclea redarea andremove all packing materials. Donot dispos eof the packing materials until assembly iscompl eted.Note :The underside ofthe treadmill walking belt iscoa tedwit hhig h-per forman celubrica nt.During shipping \bsome lubricant maybetransferred tothetop of thewalking belt orthe shippi ngcarton. This isno rmal anddoes notaffect trea dmill performance. Ifthere islubri - cant on top ofthe walking bel t\b sim plywip eoff thelu brica ntwith asoft clothand ami ld\b non -abrasive cleaner. As sembly require sthe included hexkeys and your own Phillips screwdriver , adjusta blewre nch ,scissors ,a nd needlenos eplier s . Usethedrawing sbelow toidenti fythe assembly hardware. The number inparenthe sesbelow eachdrawing is the key numb erofthe part\bfrom the PART LIST near the end ofthis manual. Thenumbe rafter theparentheses isthequ ant itynee dedfor assem bly.Note: If a par tis not in the hardware kit,check tosee ifitis preatt ached toone ofthe parts tobe assem bled. Extra hardwar ema ybe included. Toavoid damaging plasticparts, donot use powe rtools forassem bly. BasePadSpacer (104)–2 M8x25mm Bolt(6)–4 M4.2 x25mm Tek Screw (2)–4 M8 Star Washer (10)–4 M4x20mm Screw (3)–2 M10Star Washer (8)–4 M4.2 Star Washer (70)–2 M4.2x19mm Screw (1)–4#10x1 Te k Screw (76)–2 M10x96mm Bolt(5)–4 BoltSpacer (79)–4 6
7 2.Remo vethe M1\fNut (33) \bthe M1\f x5\fm mBo lt (4)\b andthe shippin gbr acket (C) from the Base (85).Attach aWhee l(86) with the Boltan dthe Nut that you just remove d.Do not overtighten theNut; theWheel must tur nfr eely. Discard th e sh ipp ing bracket. 85 4 33 C 2 86 1. Mak esure that thepower cord isunplugged. Wit hthe help ofa second perso n\bcareful lytip th e trea dmill ontoits left side. Parti allyfol dthe Frame (48)so tha tth etrea dmillis more stable; do not fully fold theFram eyet . Remove anddiscard th e two indica tedbolts (A) and the shipping bracket(B). Cut thetie secu ringtheUpr igh tW ire (77 )to the Base (85). Locat ethetie inthe indi cated holein th e Base \ba nd use thetie topul lthe Upright Wire outo fthe hole. A ttach aBa se Pad(8 1) tothe Base (85)in the loca tion shown withaBase PadSpacer (1\f4) and an M4.2 x25 mm Tek Screw (2).Then\b at- ta ch aBase Pad(81) inthe location shownwith only an M4.2x25 mm Tek Screw (2). 85 2 4881 1 812 77 Hol e 1\f4 B A 3. Ident ifythe Righ tUpr ight(78) and theRight Uprig htSp acer (8\f)\b which aremarke dwith “Righ t”stickers. Inser tth eUpr ightW ire (77 ) th roug hthe Righ tUpr ight Spacer asshow n.Set th e Rig htUprig htSpacer onthe Base (85). Have aseco ndperson holdthe Right Uprig ht (78)ne ar the Base (85).See theinset drawing. Tiethe wire tie inthe Right Upright secure ly aro und the endof the Upright Wire(77). Then\b pull th eoth erendof thewi re tie until the Uprig ht Wire isrout edcomple tely thro ugh theRigh t Uprig ht. 85 77 78 8\f 77 3 Wire Tie 78 7 7 Ti e
8 4.Hold aBo ltSp acer (79) insid ethelow erend of th e Right Upright (78 ).Inser tan M1\f x96 mm Bolt (5) withan M1\fSta rWa sher (8) intothe Righ tUprigh tan dthe BoltSpace r.Re peat this stepwith asec ond Bolt Spacer(79), M10x 96mm Bolt(5) ,and M10St ar Washe r(8). Hold the Righ tUp righ t(78) agai nstthe Right Uprig htSp ace r(8\f) .B e car eful not topinc h the Upright Wire (77) .Pa rtia llytighten the M1\f x96mm Bolts(5); donot fully tight en the Bolts yet. P re ss aBa se Endca p(8 2) into theBa se (85). 8\f 78 77 8 82 79 79 5 4 85 5. With thehelp ofa se cond person\b carefully tip th e trea dmill ontoits right side.Par tially foldthe Frame (48) so the tread millis m or estab le; do not fullyfold theFrame yet. Remov eand discard thetwo indicat edbolts (A) andtheshipping bracket(B). Atta ch aBase Pad (81) totheBa se (85) in the loca tionsh own with aBase PadSpacer(1\f4) and an M4. 2x25mm TekScr ew (2) .Th en\b at- ta ch aBase Pad(81 )in thelocati onshow nwith only an M4 .2x25 mm Tek Screw (2 ). Remo vethe M1\f Nut (33)\bthe M1\fx5\fmm B olt (4)\b andtheshippi ngbracket (C)from the Base (85). Attach aW heel (86)w ith the Bolt and th e Nut that you justrem oved. Donot over- ti ghte nthe Nut; theWheel must turn freely. Discard the shipp ingbracke t.5 85 86 48 4 33 C 812 81 1\f4 2 B A
6.With thehelp ofa se cond person\b holdaBolt Space r(79 )insid ethe low erend oftheLe ft Uprig ht(73 ).Insert anM1\f x96m mBo lt(5) with an M1 \fSta rWash er(8) into theLeft Upright and the Bolt Space r.Repea tthis step with a second BoltSpacer(79) ,M 10 x96mm Bolt (5),and M10 Sta rWashe r(8). Orie nt theLe ftUp righ t(73) and theLeftUpright Space r(83 )as sh own. HoldtheLeft Upright Space ran dtheLeft Upri ght agai nsttheBase (85 ).Part ially tighten theM1\f x96m mBo lts (5); do not fullytight enthe Bolt syet . Pre ss aBa se Endca p(8 2) into theBa se (85). W ith thehelp ofa se cond person\b tipthe tread - millsothat the Base (85) isflat onthe flo or. 83 735 85 7982 8 6 7. Set the con sole assem blyface down onaso ft surf ace toavo idscr atchi ngthe conso leasse m- bly. Remo vethesix M4.2 x19m mScrews (1). Save alls ix Scre ws forstep9. Lift off the Pulse Sup port(1\f9 ). 1 1 1 7 1\f9 9 Consol eAssem bly
10 8.Ident ifythe Righ tHand rail(9\f) \bw hich hasa larg ehole inthe locatio nshown .H old the Right Han drail near the console assemb ly. In sert thetie on the conso lewire into thelarg e hole inthe Rig htHa ndrail(9\f) and out ofthetop as shown ;use needl enose plier sif necessa ry. Next \bin sert theinclu dedplasti ctie through the RightHa ndrail as show n.Ma ke sur ethat the pla stic tie ho lds the console wireagains tthe inne rsi de. The n\btigh tentheplasti ctie. A ttach the Righ tHan drail (9\f) with twoM4 .2x 19mm Scre ws(1). Make suretha tno wires are pinc hed. Startboth Screws before tight eni ng either ofthem ;do not over tight enthe Screws .The n\bremo vetheplasti ctie. Attac hthe Left Handra il(not shown) tothe c ons oleassem blyinthe same way. Note: The reare no wire son the left side ofthecon - sole asse mbly. 9\f Tie 8 1 1 Lar geHole Consol e Wire P last ic Ti e 9. Hold thePuls eSu pport (1\f9) neartheconso le a sse mbly. Connectthe Con sole Ground Wire (4\f )on the Pulse Supp orttothe ground wireon th e co nso leassemb ly.Then\b insert thegrou nd wires intothe con sole assemb lyand setthe Pulse Sup por ton the conso leassembl y.Ma ke sure that nowires arepinche d. Tightentwo M4 x2\fm mScr ews(3) with two M4.2Sta rW ashe rs(7\f) into thePulse Suppo rt (1\f9). Tigh tenthe six M4.2 x19m mScr ews(1) from st ep 7into thePu lse Supp ort(1\f9) andthecon- sole asse mbly. Start all six Screws before tighte ning any ofthe m. 37\f Grou nd Wi re 1 17\f 1 1 9 1\f9 4\f 3 C onsol e Assembly C onsol eAssem bly