ProForm 140 Manual
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21 HOWTO USE ANIFIT LIVE WORKOUT 1.Begi npeda ling orpress any button onthe cons oletotur non the console. See HO WTO TURN ONTHEPOWER on pag e 17. 2. Inse rtthe iFit Liv em odule intothe console. Touse aniFit Live workout\b insertthe iFitLive mod uleintothe conso le.To pur chase an iFi tLive mod uleatanytime\b gotowww.iFi t.comor call the te leph onenumb eron the fron tcover ofthis man - ual. You must have aniFit Live modul eto use an iFit Live worko ut. Not e:To use aniFit Live module\b you must have acce sstoaco mpu terwith an inter netconne ction and aUS Bpor t.Yo uwill al so need memb ership.To use awi rel ess iFit Live mo dule\b you must also have yourownwirel ess network inclu ding an 8\f2. 11brou terw ith SSID broadcast enable d(hidd ennetw orks arenotsupporte d). \f.Selecta use r. If more than one use ris regi stered \byou canswitch use rs inthe iFit Live main scree n.Press the incre ase anddecre asebutto nsnext tothe Enter butto nto sele ctauser. 4. Selectan iFitLive workout. To select an iFit Live wor kout\b press oneof the iFit Live buttons. Bef ore awor kout willdownlo ad\byou must addthe worko uttoyour queueon www. m. Pre ss the iFit Live button todown load thenext worko utinyour queue. Press theMyTra ine rbut - to n\b the My Map sbutton\b theWor ldTour button\b or th e Even tTra ining button todow nloa dthe next worko utofthat type inyour queue. Pressthe Comp etebutt on to com pete inara ce that you have previo uslysched uled.For moreinforma tion on the iFit Live wor kou ts\bplease Wh enyou select aniFitLive workout\b thedisplay will sh ow the dura tion ofthe workout andthe approximat enumber ofcalori esyou willbur n.The disp la y may also sho wthe nam eof the workout. If yousel ect aco mpetit ionworkout \bthe displ aymay cou nt down tothe begi nning ofthe race.5. Star tthe workout . See step 3on page 19. Dur ing som ewor kout s\bthe voice ofapersonal tr ai ner will gui de you th roug hyou rworkout. You can sel ect anaudio se ttin g for your persona ltra ine r (see HOW TOCHANGE CON SOLE SETTI NG Son page 22). To stop the worko ut at any tim e\b stop pedal ing. Th etim e will flash in the displ ay.To resume the workou t\bsim ply resum epeda ling. 6. Follow your progress with the displ ays. See step 4on page 17. Th eMyTrai ltab will show amap ofthe trail you arewal kin gor runn ing or it w ill sh ow atrack and thenum berof la ps you arecom plet ing. Dur ing acom petit ion wor ko ut\bthe Comp etiti ontab will show yourpr ogr ess in the race. Asyourace\b the top line in th e mat rix will show how much ofthe race you have complet ed .The other lines will sh ow other com petit or s. Th eend ofthe matr ixrep - rese ntsthe endof the race. 7. Measure yourheartrat eif des ired. See step 5on page 18. 8. Turn onthe fan if desi red. See step 6on page 19. 9. When you are fini shed exerci sing, unplug the pow ercord. See step 7on page 19. Fo rm ore inf or ma tion on the iFi tLive mode\b goto www .iFi .
22 HOWTOUSE THESOUNDSYSTEM Toplay music oraudi obo oks through th e conso le sound syst emwhile youexe rcise\b plugthe include d audiocable intothe jack on the conso leand into a jackonyour MP3 player orCD player; make sure that theaudi oca ble isfully plugged in. Next\bpressthe play button on your MP3 player or CD player. Adju stthe volum elevel usingthe Volume increase and decrease buttons onthe console orthe volu mecontrol onyour MP3 player orCD player. HOW TOCHANG ECONSOLE SETTINGS Theconso lefea tur es auser mode that keeps track of ellip ticalin forma tionand allo ws you toperson alize console settin gs. To sele ctthe user mod e\bhol ddo wn the Fan increa se buttonuntilthe user mode infor mati onappears inth e disp lay. The time displa ywill sho wthe total numb erofhours the ellip ticalha sbeen used. Thedista ncedispl aywill sh ow th e total distance (in milesorkilome ters)that thepedal shave moved . The lower sectionof the displ aywill show thestatu s of an iFitLive modu le.Ifa wireless iFitLive mod uleis connecte d\b the displ aywill sho wthe words WIFI MODU LE.If a US Bmodu leis con nected \bthe disp lay will show the wo rds USB/SD MODULE. Ifno modu le isconn ected\b the displ aywill sho wthe words NO IFIT MODU LE. Thematrix will showthe sele cted uni tof measure - ment.To cha ngethe unit of mea surement\bpress the En ter butt on rep eatedl y.To view distan ceinkilome - ters\b selectMETRI C.To view distan ceinmiles\b select ENGL ISH.P re ss the decre ase button next to the Enter button. Thedisp lay will sho wthe co ntrast level of th e display . Pre ss the Pow erRam pincr ease and decrease but- tons to adj ust the contr ast leve l. Thefol low ing settin gs can beview ed andchanged when an iFi tLi ve modul eis connected : Pre ss the decre ase button next to the Enter button to view the stat us of th e per son altra in er voice. Toturn on or tu rn off the voice \bpr ess the Enter button. P re ss the decre ase button next to the Enter button to view the defaultm enu. Th edef ault men uis the menu th at will a ppea rw he nyou tu rn on the power. Pressthe Ent er but to n rep eat edly to se lect the manua lm ain scr een or th e iFi tLive main scr een asthe default menu. Pre ss the decre ase button next to the Enter button to view the nextset ting .Pr ess th e Ent er button tocheck the con nect ion stat us of an iFi tLi ve modu le. If a wir e le ss iFit Live modul eis con nected\b the displ ay will sho wthe words WIFISTATU Sand thesignal stre ngt h.If a USB modul eis con nected \bthe displ ay will sho wthe words USB STATU S.If the modul eis not det ected\b the displ ay will show the words NOMOD - ULE DETE CTE D. Pre ss the decre ase button next to the Enter button to view the nextset ting .To send andreceive workouts\b wor kout logs\b andupd ates using awire le ss iFit Live modul e\bpress the Ente r but ton. When theprocess is fi n ish ed\b the wor ds TR AN SFE RS DO NE willappear in th e displ ay. To exitthe user mode\b pre ss the Fan increase button.
Inspectand tighten allpar tsof the elliptica lreg ularly. Replace anyworn parts immedia tely. To clean the ellip tical\buse adam pclo th and asmall amo untof mild soap. IMPOR TANT:To avoid damage tothe cons ole,kee pliquids awayfromthecon - sol eand kee pthe console outofdirect sunlight. CO NSOLE TROUBLESHOOTING Ifthe con sole does not turn on\b make sure thatth e power cordisfully plugged in. Iflines appear inthe console display\bsee HOW TOCHANGE CON SOLE SETT INGS on pag e22 an dadj ust the contr ast leve lof the displa y. Ifthe ha ndg rippulse sensor does notfunctio npro p- erl y\bsee step5on pag e18 . HO WTO CALIBRATE THERAM P Ifthe ramp isnot functioni ngprope rly\b the ramp may needto be ca libra ted. To calibrate the ramp \bpre ss and hold the Calor ies button forse vera lseco ndsuntil the test mode appears inthe displ ay. Press the Calorie sbutto nag ain. Then\b press the Power Ramp incre aseordecr ease button tocalibrate the ramp. Thera mp willmove upwardand downward asitca libra tes. Whenthe ramp stops movin g\bthe ramp iscalibrated . Then\b pressthe Calorie sbutto nrepeated lyto exit the ca libratio nmode . HOWTO ADJ UST THEREED SWITC H Ifthe con sole does not displ aycor rect feedba ck\bthe reed switch should beadjusted . Toadju stthe reed switch \bfirst unplug thepower cord. Using afla tscrewdr iver\brel ease thetabs onthe Acces sCove r(2 \f) and prythe Access Coverupward off the ellip tical.Next \blook int o the access openi ngand locate the Reed Sw it ch (69) .R ota te the Lar gePulley (74) untila P ul ley Magne t(7 5) is aligne dwi th the Reed Switch. N ext \bloosen\b but do not rem ove\b the indicated M4 x 16m mScr ew (1\f6) .S lid e the Reed Swit ch(69) slight ly tow ardor aw ay from the Pul le y Magnet (75) . Then \bre tigh ten the M4 x16m mScr ew. Plug in the pow er cor dand rot ate the large pulley for a mom ent .R epea tth ese actions until th e consol edis- p lays correct fee dba ck.Whenthe re ed switch is cor rect ly adj usted\b rea tta ch the acce sscover. 2\f MAI NT ENANCE ANDTROUBLESHOO TING 2\f 1\f675 6974
24 HOW TO ADJ UST THEDRIVE BELT If you canfee lthe pedals slip whil eyou arepedaling\b even when the resistanc eis adj ust ed to the highe st leve l\bthe drive belt ma ynee dto be adjusted. Toadju stthe drive belt\b first unplug thepower cord. Usin gafla tscre wdriver\b rel ease thetabs onthe Acces sCove r(2 \f) and prythe Access Coverupward off the ellip tical. Next\b liftthe Latc h(5\f) on the underside ofthe Left Ped alArm (13)\b and then lift the Left Pedal Arm off the left Ped alArm Sleeve (46). Th en\b remo vethe four M4x16m mRoun dHe ad Screw s(15 2)andthe four M4 x42 mm Scre ws(153) from theRigh tand LeftSh ields (18\b 19). (Note :No tall S crew sare shown .Be sure tonote which sizeScrews come fromwh ich holes.) Then\bcar efull yre mo vethe Lef tSh ield .Loosen the Pivot Scr ew (97) .T ight en the Belt Adjustm entS cr ew (85 )unt il th e Drive Belt (38) istight. Whe nth e Drive Bel tis tigh t\btight en the Pivot Screw. Whe nyou arefini she d\brea ttach the left sh ield\b repl ace the lef tpeda lar m\band reat tach th e access cover. Then\b plug in th e pow ercord. 13 5\f18 \b19 15315 2 85 38 97 2\f 46 153
25 These guid eline swill helpyouto plan your exercise pro gram. Fordet ailed exercise information\b obta in a reputable book orcon sultyour physi cian.R em embe r\b proper nutrition andadequ aterest are essen tial for successful results. EXERCIS EINTE NSITY Whether yourgo alisto burn fatortostre ngthen your cardiovascu larsyste m\bexer cisingatthe proper inten- sityis the key to ach ieving resul ts. Youcan useyour hea rtrat eas aguide tofindthe prop erintensity level. Thecha rtbelo wsh ows recom mended heart ratesfor fat burn ing andae rob icexer cise. Tofind the pro per inten sity level \bfind your ageatthe bot tom of the chart (ages are rou nded offtothe near- es tten years). Thethree numb erslisted above your age define your“tra ining zone.” Thelowest numbe ris the heartrate for fat bur ning \bth e middl enu mbe ris the hea rtrat efor maximu mfat bur ning\b and thehigh est numbe ris the heartrate foraerobicexercise .Burni ngFat—To burn fateff ect ively\byou must exer - cise atalow in te nsi ty level for asustaine dper iod of time. Dur ing the fir st fe w minut esofexercise\b your bodyusesca\fb o\byd\f ate ca lo \fies for energy. Onlyafter th e fir st few mi nu tesof exer cise does yourbody begin touse store dfat cal o\fies for ener gy.If your goalis to bur nfat \bad just the int ensi ty of you rexercise untilyour hear trat e is nea rthe low est num ber inyou rtrai ning zone. Forma xim um fat bur ning\b exercise withyour heartrat e near th e middl enum ber in yo ur training zone. Aerobi cExer cise —I fyo ur goal is to stren gthen your cardiovascul arsyst em\byou must perform aerobic exer cise\b whi ch is act ivi ty that requi reslarge amounts ofoxyge nfor prolong edperiod sof time .For aerobi c exercise\b adjust the in tensi ty of your exercise until your heartra te is near the highest number inyour train in g zone . WORKO UT GUIDE LINES W armi ngUp—S ta rt w it h 5to 1\f minutes of stretchi ng andligh texer cise. Awar m-up incr eases your body temper atur e\b hea rtrat e\b and circul ation inprepar ation forexer cise. Trai ning Zone Exerci se—E xercise for 2\f to 3\f min - ut es wit h your hea rt rat e in you rtrai ning zone. (D uri ng the fir st few we eks ofyou rexer cise program\b donot keep yourheart rat e in you rtr ai ning zone for longer th an 2\f minut es.)B re athe regu la rly and deepl yas you exer cise–ne verholdyo ur breat h. Cooli ngDow n—Fin ishwit h 5to 1\f minutes of stre tch ing. Str et chi ng incr eases the flexib ility ofyour muscl esand helps to pr even tpo st-exe rcise problems. EXE RCISE FREQ UEN CY To maint ain or im pr ove yourcon dition \bcompl etethree wor kout seach week\b wit h at least oneday ofrest bet ween worko uts. Afte ra fe w mont hsof re gular exer- cise\b you may com plet e up tofive workouts each week\b if desi red. Rem em ber \bthe key tosucce ssisto make exercise aregul arand en joyable partof your ever yday life. EXE RCISE GUIDELINES WARNING :Befor ebegi nning thi s orany exerc ise pr ogr am,consult yourphysi - cian .Thi sis especially impor tant forpers ons over age \f5orper sons withpre-existing health proble ms. Thepulsesensor isnot am edical device. Vari ous factors may affec tthe accuracy of heart rate readings. Thepulse sensor is intende donly as an exer cise aid indete rmin - ing heart rate tre nds ingener al.
26 SUGGES TEDSTRETCHES Thecorre ctform forse ver albasic stretches is sh own at th e right. Move slowly asyou stretch—neve rbounce. 1. Toe Touc hStr etc h Sta nd withyo ur knee sben tsl ig htly andslo wly bend forwa rdfrom your hip s.Allow your back and shoul derstorelax as yo urea ch down towardyou rtoe sas far aspossi ble.Ho ldfor 15counts\b then relax. Repeat 3times. Stretches: Hamstrin gs\bback of knee sand back. 2. Ham string Stretc h Sit with one leg exte nde d.Bri ng the sole ofthe opposite foot toward youand restitaga inst theinn er th igh ofyour exten dedleg .Reach toward yourtoes asfaras possibl e.Ho ldfor 15counts\b thenrelax. Repeat 3time sfor each leg. Str etches: Hamstrings\b lower backand groin. \f.Calf\bAc hilles Stre tch Withone leg in fron tof the other\b reach forward and place your handsagain stawa ll.Keep yourback leg straight and you rback foo tflat onthe floo r.Ben dyou rfront leg\b lean forward andmove your hip stoward the wall.Hol d for 15cou nts\b then relax. Re peat 3 timesfor each leg. To cause further stretching ofthe achilles ten- don s\bbe nd you rback leg as wel l. Stre tches: Calves\bachill es tendons andankles. 4. Qu adric epsStretc h Withone hand aga inst awall for balance\b reach back and gra sp one footwith youroth er hand. Bring your heel as close toyour but - tocks as po ssible .Hold for15cou nts\b then relax. Repeat3times for eachleg. Stret che s:Qu adr icep sand hipmus cle s. 5.Inn erThi gh Stret ch Sit with the sole sof your feet togethe rand your kne esoutward. Pull your feet toward yourgro in area asfar aspossible. Holdfor15 counts\b then relax. Repeat3time s.Stretches: Quadricepsand hip muscle s. 1 2 3 4 5
27 11MainFram e 21 Folding Fram e 31 FrontStabilizer 41 RearStabilizer 51 Upright 61 RightU pper Body Leg 71 LeftUp per Body Leg 81 RightU pper Body Arm 91 LeftUp per Body Arm 1\f 1 RightH andl ebar 11 1Left Ha ndl ebar 12 1 RightPeda lAr m 13 1 LeftPedal Arm 14 1 RightPeda l 15 1 LeftPedal 16 2 WheelCap 17 2 Disc 18 1 RightShi eld 19 1 LeftShie ld 2\f 1 Access Cover 21 1 RightFr am eCover 22 1 LeftFr ame Cover 23 2 Double Tree Faste ner 24 1 FrontUpright Cover 25 1 RearUprightCove r 26 1 WaterBottleHol der 27 1 TopCover 28 2 PedalArm Cap 29 18 Mount w/Screw 3\f 2 Magnet Cover 31 4 PedalArm Magnet 32 2 PedalArm Rolle r 33 1 Console 34 2 PulseSensor /W ire 3 5 2 Handgr ip 36 2 Wheel 37 2 Stabil izer Cap 38 1 Drive Belt 39 2 CrankArm 4\f 2 HairpinCotter Pin 41 3 Level ing Foot 42 1 Latch Bracket 43 1 RightLi nk Arm 44 2 LiftBr acket 45 2 LiftAxle Bushin g 46 2 PedalArmSleeve 47 2 Inne rSlee veBushi ng 48 1 Upright Axle 49 2 Latch Housi ng 5\f 2 Latch51 2LargeLat chSpring 52 2 Latch Inser t 53 4Long Latch Spr in g 54 16 Arm /L eg Bushi ng 55 4M4 x16m mFlat Head Screw 56 6Sm allA xl e Cover 57 2Upr ight Bushi ng 58 2Out er Sleeve Bushi ng 59 1Audi oCa ble 6\f 1Wir e Har ne ss 61 1Flyw heel 62 4M6 x5\fm mPat ch Screw 63 1Fram eAxle 64 4Main Fr am eBu shi ng 65 1Latch Bra cket Axl e 66 1Latch Bra cket Spr ing 67 1Latch But to n 68 1But ton Hou sin g 69 1Reed Swi tch/ Wire 7\f 1Clam p 71 1Crank Hub 72 1Crank 73 1Crank Spa cer 74 1LargePul ley 75 2Pul ley Magn et 76 2Folding Fram eBear ing 77 1Idl er 78 1Resi stance Motor 79 1Resi stance Arm 8\f 1Resi stance Wheel 81 1Resi stance Bracke t 82 1Mot or Bracket 83 1C-m agnet Bracket 84 1Flyw heel Axle 85 1Bel tA dj ust ment Scr ew 86 8M8 x28m mPat ch Screw 87 2Crank Sna pRin g 88 1C-m agnet Bracket Bolt 89 4Mot or Scr ew 9\f 1M5 x7m mScr ew 91 1M3. 5 x12m mScre w 92 1M6 Locknut 93 1Lift A rm Axl e 94 2M8 Ja m Nu t 95 1\f M8 W ash er 96 1M6 W ash er 97 1Pivot Scr ew 98 2Mot or Bracket Scr ew 99 1Idl er Bol t 1\f\f 4M1\f x95m mPat ch Screw Key No. Qty. Descript ion KeyNo. Qty. Description PART LIST— Model No.PFE L18010. 1R1\f1\fA
28 Note: Specifica tions are subject tochange withou tno tice. Forinformation about ordering re placement parts\bsee theback coverof th is ma nual .*The separts arenotillustrated. 1\f1 3 SmallPed alArm Sn ap Ring 1\f2 16 M8x16m mPatch Screw 1\f3 14 M8SplitWash er 1\f4 2 LiftArm Sna pRi ng 1\f5 2 Pulse Wire 1\f6 15 M4x16m mScrew 1\f7 4 M1\fx2\f mm Button Screw 1\f8 6 M1\fWasher 1\f9 8 M8x16m mButto nScre w 11\f 2 M8x23.5m mx1m mWash er 111 4M6x12m mPatch Screw 112 8 M6Washer 113 2 Large AxleCover 11 4 2 LinkArmAxle 115 1 Powe rSw itch 116 1 Powe rC or dGr omme t 117 1 FlywheelBear ing 11 8 2 WaveWasher 11 9 1 Powe rC or d 12\f 1 ControlBoar d 121 2 M8x25m mPatch Screw 122 1 3/8"x1" Flan geScr ew 123 1 ControlBox Cover 124 1 ControlBox 125 1 Transformer 126 2 M1\fLockn ut 127 2 Long C-pin 128 2 Short C-pin 129 2 M4x12m mScrew 13\f 1 Ramp 131 1 RampCover 132 4 RampBu shing 133 1 RampAxl e134 1Lift M ot or 135 1Mot or Wire Har ness 136 2Ram pRol ler 137 1Long Mot or Axl e 138 1Shor tM ot or Axl e 139 2Lift A xl e W ash er 14\f 2Mot or Space r 141 2Lift A xl e Scr ew 142 1LeftLif t Ar m 143 1Right Lift A rm 144 1LeftLin k Arm 145 1Mot or Pow erWire Harne ss 146 4#6x3/ 8" Scr ew 147 1Fram eW ire Ha rn ess 148 1Ground Wire 149 4M8 x35m mPat ch Screw 15\f 4M8 x38m mScre w 151 1Right Gel Pad 152 12M4 x16m mRound Head Scr ew 153 4M4 x42m mScre w 154 4M4 x8m mScr ew 155 2Larg e Pedal Arm Sna pRing 156 8M4 x19m mScre w 157 2Gel Pad 158 1LeftGelP ad 159 2Adj ust ment Nut 16\f 1M5 W ash er *– Blue Wire *– Whit e Wi re *– Userʼ sM anu al *– Assem bly Tool *– Grease Packet Key No. Qty. Descript ion KeyNo. Qty. Descripti on
29 EXPLOD ED DRAWI NGA—M odel No.P FE L18010.1R1\f1\fA 149 95 149 68102 54 95 102 5915654 57 118 57 118 48 54 33 54 95 102 102 149 95 50 51 52 49 106 127 53 959 756 144 54 54 54 54 54 128 121 95 113 58 47 4632 10132 101 121 95 113 47 46 58 54 54 127 106 49 5152 50 5312843 149 114 56 95 114 56 54 54 54 56 5 24 109 95 56 27 28 13 112 111 62 30 31 31 28 30 111 12 62112 31 31 62 111 112 62 112 105 156 2526 102 10 102 102 11 103 103 103 103 103 109 154 154 156 155 155 103 34 35 34 35 106 106 106 106 157 158 157151 14 15
\f0 67 42 110 109 65 109 66 7575 150 150 87 76 7374 82 96 78 89 77 8894 84 94 98 97 92 99 76 87 71 86 86 68 55 106 70 69 125 120 124 123 146 106 129 64 108 107 63 108 110 72 39 86 100 119 147 107 38 61 115 116 2 37 4 37 12239 107 1 64 41 16 100 36 36 126 3 126 16 134 41 41 64 60148 135 145107 133 131 130 29 29 29 29 29 85 132 132 132 108 40 137 45 141 139136 104 143 103102102 102 103 140 109 109 44 44 104 136 141 139 142 45 138 4093 117 108 108 108 80 9190 8179 83 160 159 101 EXPLOD ED DRAWI NGB—M odel No.P FE L18010 .1R1\f1\fA