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ProForm 140 Manual

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    1 \f
    1\f. Ide ntify the Righ tUp per Body Arm (8)\b which is
    marked witha“Rig ht”sticker\b andor ien tit as
    shown .
    Have aseco ndperson hold the Right Upper
    Bod yArm (8)near the Right Upper Body Leg
    Att ach the Right UpperBod yArm (8) tothe
    Ri ght Upper Body Leg (6)with three M8 x
    16mm Patch Screws (1\f2) andthr ee M8 Split
    Wash ers(1\f3).
    Attach theLeft Upper Body Arm (9) to the
    LeftUppe rBody Leg(7) inthe sam eway.
    Se est ep \fon page 7.Tighten the M8 x16m m
    Patc hScrew s(10 2).
    Slide the Top Cover (27) dow nward andpre ss it
    into the Righ tan dLeft Fra me Cove rs(21\b 22).
    11. Ident ifythe Righ tHan dleb ar (1\f )\b which is
    markedwit ha“Rig ht”sticker\b andorient it as
    sho wn.
    Have aseco ndperso nhol dthe Right
    Han dleb ar(1\f) near the righ tside ofthe
    Uprig ht(5).
    In sert the Pulse Wire (1\f5) from the Right
    Han dleb ar(1\f) intotheright sideof the Upright
    (5)and pull itupwa rdoutof the topofthe
    Uprig ht.
    Tip: Av oid pinc hing the Pulse Wire (105 ).
    Attach the Righ tHa ndl ebar (1\f) tothe Upright
    (5)with twoM8x16m mPatch Screws(1\f2 )
    and two M8 Split Washer s(1 \f3) .
    Attach the Left Han dleb ar(11) in the same
    wa y.
    Avoi dpinchi ngthe
    P ul se Wires(10 5)
    21\b 22 
    13.Untieand disca rdthe wire tie attached tothe
    Wire Harness (6\f).
    Whi leasecond person holds the Console (33)
    near theUpri ght (5)\b connect the wires on the
    Cons ole to the Wire Harness (6\f)andtothe
    Puls eW ires (1\f5).
    In sert the excess wiredo wnw ardinto th e
    Uprig ht(5) orupw ardinto theCon sole (33).
    Tip: Av oid pinc hing the wire s.Attach the
    Con sole (33)to the Upright (5) with four M4x
    19mm Scre ws(156).
    12. Orie ntthe Rear Upright Cover (25) asshown .
    Attach the Rea rUp righ tCove r(25) tothe
    Uprig ht(5) with four M4 x19m mScrews (156).
    Avoi dpinchi ng
    the wires
    15.Mak esure that allpar tsof the elliptic alareproper ly tighte ned.Note: Anextra greasepacke tand some
    hardware maybe left over afterassemb lyisco mp le te d. To protect thefloor or carpet fromdamage \bpl ace a
    mat underth e elli ptical .24
    14. Orie ntthe Fro ntUp right Cover (24) assho wn.
    Attach the Fron tUpri ghtCover (24) aro und the
    Uprig ht(5) bypress ingthe tabs on the Fron t
    Uprig htCove rin to the Rea rU pr ight Cover (25).
    Thisproduct mustbegrounded. Ifit shoul dma l-
    fun ction orbrea kdown\b ground ing provides apath of
    least resista ncefor electri ccur rent toreduce the risk
    ofelectric shock.This product is equ ippe dwith aco rd
    having anequip men t-groundi ngcon ductor anda
    grounding plug.
    P lug thepowe rcord into anappr opriate outlet that
    isprope rlyinstalle dand grounded inaccorda nce
    withallloc alcode sand ordina nces. Thisproduct
    is for use onanominal 120-volt circuit.
    IMPORT ANT: Theellipt ical isnot compatible with
    A tempo rary
    adapter may
    beused to
    connect the
    power cord
    toa2-p ole
    rece ptacle as
    shown at the
    rig ht ifa
    out letisno t
    available .The tempo rary adapter shouldbe use donly
    unt ila prop erly gro und edoutlet canbeinstall edbya
    qua lified electrician .
    Thegre en-colore drigid ear\blug\b orthe like extend ing
    from theadapt ermust be con nected toaperma nent
    ground such asaprop erly gro unded outletbox cover.
    Wh enever the ada pter isused\b itm ust beheldin
    place byame talscrew. Some2-pole receptacle out-
    letbox covers arenot grounded. Contac ta
    qua lifiedelec tric ian to det ermine ifthe outle tbox
    cov erisgrounded beforeusing anadapter.HO WTO FOLD AND UN FOLD THEELLIPTIC AL
    W hen the ellip tical is not in use\b the frame can be
    fol de dout of th e way .Fir st\blift the latch undereach
    pedal arm\band lif t the pedal arm soff the sleeves on
    thecrank arms.
    Next \brai se the ped alar ms until th e magne tson the
    pedal armstouch th e ha ndl ebar s;the magnets will
    ho ld the peda lar msin pla ce. The n\bhold thehandle
    andlif t th e fr am eunt il it locks in avertical positi on.
    Touse the ellip tical \bfir st hol dthe handle\b press the
    lat ch but to n\b and low erthe fr am e.
    Next \bpu ll the magn etson the pedal arms offthe han-
    dlebar s.The n\blif t the latc hes under thepedal arms,
    andset the ped alar ms onthe sleeves onthe crank
    arm s.Rel ease the lat ches\b and make sure thatthe
    pedal armsar esecur ely conn ected tothe crank arms.
    DAN GE R:Improper connect ion
    of the equi pment- grounding conductorcan
    result in an incre ase dris k of electric shock.
    Checkwith aqua lified electrician orservice -
    manifyou are in do ubt as to whethe rthe
    product isproperly grounded.Do not modify
    theplug provided withthe product—if itwill
    not fit the outle t,hav eaproper outletinstalled
    by aqua lified elec trician.
    Ground edOut letBo x
    Adapt er
    Met al Scr ew
    Power Cor d
    Lat ch
    P edal Arm
    H andl e
    But ton
    Pe dal
    To move the ellipt ical\b firstfolditas describe don pag e
    14.Next\b stand infront of the ellipti cal \bhold the
    upright\b andplace onefoot again stone of th e whe els.
    Pullthe uprig htuntil the ell iptica lroll son the wh eels.
    Wit hthe help ofaseco ndper son\b careful lymove the
    ell iptical tothe desire dlocati on\band thenlowe rit to
    the floo r.
    If the ellip tical
    rocks slightlyon
    yo ur floor durin g
    use\b turn oneor
    bot hof the lev-
    eling feet
    ben eath the
    rear stabilize r
    untilthe rocking
    mo tion iselimi -
    Ifthe fra me of
    the ellip tical
    flexes during
    use\b turn the
    ce nter leve ling
    footun tilthe
    flexing motionis
    To mou nt the ellip tica l\b hol dthe upper body arms and
    step ont o the peda lthat is in th e lowest position.Next\b
    st ep ont o the oth er peda l.Push the pedals untilthey
    beg in to move wit h acont inuous motion .
    Not e: The crank arms cantur nin either direct ion.
    It is rec ommended thatyou turn the crank arms in
    the direc tion show nby the arrow ;howe ver,for
    v ar iety you canturn the crank arms inthe oppo -
    sit e di rec tion.
    To dism ount the ellipt ical \bwa itunt il the peda ls come to
    aco mple te stop. Not e: The ellipt ical does nothave
    afre ewheel ;the peda lswill cont inue tomove until
    the flyw heel stops. Whenthe pedals are stationar y\b
    step off the highe rpedal fir st .Then \bst ep off the low er
    ped al.
    Level ing
    Foo t
    UpperBo dy Arm s
    Han dle bars
    Pe dals
    Cra nk
    Pu llon
    th e upr ight
    P lace your
    foot her e 
    Theadvan cedconsole offersan arr ay of fe atu re s
    designed toma keyour wor kouts more effe ctive and
    enjo yable .
    Whenyouuse the manual mode of th e co nsole\b you
    canchang ethe resistan ceofthe pedals and the
    incline ofthe ramp withthetouch ofabutto n. Wh ile
    youex ercise\b the con solewill di spla yco ntinuou sexer -
    cise feedb ack.You can also measu reyour heart rate
    us ing the hand grip pulse sensor.
    Inaddition \bthe console offerseig htee nonb oard work -
    outs—f ivecalorie sworkouts\b fiveintensity workouts\b
    fourspe edworko uts\band four incl ine worko uts. Each
    wo rkout automatica llycha nges theresista nceofthe
    ped alsand the inclin eof the ramp andpro mpts youto
    vary you rpe daling pace asitguide syo uthrou ghan
    effective workou t.Theconsol ealso fe at ur es an iFitLi ve mo de that
    enab les the conso le to com muni cat ewith your wir e -
    le ss net wor kthr oug han optional iFi tLive modul e.
    With the iFi tLi ve mod e\b you candownloa dper sonal -
    ized wor kout s\bcreat eyo ur ow nwor kou ts\btrack your
    wor kout resul ts\b race against other runn ers\band
    access man yot her fe at ur es. To purchas ean iFit
    Live modul eat any time, gotowww.iFit.c omor
    callthe tel ephone number onthe front cover of
    this manua l.
    Yo ucan even connect yourM P3 player orCD player
    tothe consol eso und syst emandlist en to your favorite
    m usi cor aud iobooks while you exercise.
    To turnon the pow er,see page 17. To use the
    manual mode, seepag e17. To us ean onboar d
    workout ,see page 19.To use an iFi tLive workout ,
    seepage 21. To use thesound system, seepage
    22.Tochange consolesettings, seepage 22.
    Not e: If th er eis a sh eet ofplast ic on the displ ay\b
    remove the plast ic.
    IMPORT ANT: If the ellipt ical has been expo sedto
    col d temperatur es,allow itto warm toroom tem-
    peratu rebefore turning onthe power .If you donot
    dothis, youmay dama gethe cons oledisplays or
    otherelectri cal compone nts.
    Plug inthe power cord (see
    POW ERCORD onpage
    14 ).Next\b locate the power
    swit chon the frame near
    the powe rco rd. Make sure
    tha tthe powe rswitch isin
    the reset positio n.
    Thedisp laywill then light andthe console will be
    ready foruse .
    Note: Whenyou turn onthe power forthe first
    time, theramp will calibr ateaut omatica lly.The
    ramp willmove upward anddownward as itca librates.
    Wh enthe ramp stops movin g\bthe ramp iscalibrated .
    IMPORT ANT: If the ramp does notcalibrate auto-
    matical ly,seeHOW TOCALIBR ATETHE RAMP on
    page 2\fand manually calibr atethe ramp.
    1. Begi npeda ling orpress any button onthe
    cons oletotur non the console.
    2.Selectthe manua lmode .
    Pre ss the Manu albutton onthe console. Note: If
    youarenot con necte dto iFi tLi ve\b the manu al
    modewill beselecte dau tomati cally.\f. Change the resi stance ofthe pedals andthe
    incl ine ofthe ramp asdesi red.
    Asyou pedal \bcha ngethe resi sta nce ofthe pedals
    bypre ssin gthe Digi tal Resi stance in cr ease and
    decrease but tons.
    N ot e: After you press the butto ns\b it will take a
    mom ent for the ped als to re ach the selected resis-
    tance le vel .
    To vary th e mot ion ofthe peda ls\b youcan change
    the incl ine ofthe ram p.To chan gethe incline\b
    pr ess the Pow erRam p incr ease and decrease
    N ot e: After you press the butto n\b it will take a
    mom ent for the ramp to reach the selected incl ine
    level .
    4. Fol low your progres swit h the display.
    The displ ay can show the fol low ing workout
    inf or mat io n:
    C al ori es (C al s.)—Thi sdispl ay m od ewil lshow the
    appro xi m at e num berofcalories you have burned.
    Cal ori es perH our (C al s.\bHr )—Th is display mode
    will sh ow the approxi ma tenumber of calori esyou
    arebur ning perhour .
    Dist ance (D ist .) —Th is displ ay mod ewill show the
    distance th at you have pedal ed in miles orkilom e-
    ter s.
    Incl ine —Thi sdispl ay mo de will sho wthe incli ne
    level ofthe ram pfo r a few seconds each time the
    incl ine level changes.
    Posi tion 
    Pul se —This displaym ode willshow yourheart
    rat e wh en youuse the handg rip pul se sen sor (see
    step 5).
    Res istance (Resist.) —Thisdispl ay m ode will
    sho wthe resista ncelevelof the peda lsfor afew
    seco ndseach time theresistan celevel chang es.
    RPM —This displaym ode willshow yourpeda ling
    speedinrevolu tionsper minu te(rpm).
    S tri de —This display mode willsh ow th e total
    number ofstrides you have pedaled.
    Time —W henthe man ual mod eis selecte d\bthis
    disp lay mode will show theelapse dtime. When a
    worko utisse lecte d\bthis displ aymode will sho w
    th e time remain ing in the wor kout.
    The mat rixoffe rs sever aldisp laytabs.Press the
    incre ase anddecre asebutto nsnext tothe Enter
    butto nunt ilthe desired tabis show n.
    Inc line —This tab will show aprofi leof th e inclin e
    setting sof the wor kou t.A new segment will ap pea r
    at th e end of each minute.
    Spe ed—This tab willshow aprofi leof th e sp eed
    set ting sof the wor kou t.A new segment will ap pea r
    at th e end of each minute.
    My Trai l—Th istab willsh ow atra ck that repre -
    sen ts64\f revo lutions (1/4 mile or 4\f\f mete rs). As
    you exercise\b the white rectan glewill sh ow you r
    pro gress. TheMy Trai ltab willal so show thenum-
    ber of laps youare com pleting.
    Cal orie —This tab willshow theapproximate
    amo unt of ca lorie syo uhave burned. Thehe ight of
    each segme ntrepre sents theamo untofcalories
    burned durin gtha tsegm ent.
    Asyou exercis e\bthe worko utinte nsity levelbar will
    indicat ethe approxima teinte nsitylevel ofyour
    exer cis e.Pr ess the Hom ebutto n to exi tthe man ualmode or
    awor kout andret ur nto the defaultmenu (see
    page22to se tth e def aultm en u).If necessar y\b
    press the Hom ebut to n ag ain.
    Whe nawire le ss iFit Live mod -
    ule is conn ected\bth e wir el ess
    symb olat the top of the dis -
    pl ay will sh ow th e strengt hof
    your wire less signal .Four arcs
    in dicat eful lsi gn alstrengt h.
    Change the vo lum e
    level ofthe conso le by
    pr essi ngthe Volum e
    incr ease anddecr ease
    but tons.
    5. Meas ure your heart rat eif desired.
    If ther eare
    sheet sof plas tic
    on the metal
    cont actson the
    handgri ppul se
    sensor ,rem ove
    theplast ic. To
    me asur eyou r
    hear trat e\b hol d
    the han dgrip
    pul se sen sor wit h
    your palmsrest -
    ing aga inst the met al cont acts.Avoid moving
    yourhands orgrippi ng the conta ctstightly .
    Whenyour pulse isdet ected\ba heart symbolin
    wi ll flash in th e displ ay each time your heart beats\b
    one or tw oda shes will a pp ear \band then your heart
    rate will be show n.For the mostaccurate heart
    rate readi ng\bhold the contact sfor atleast 15sec -
    Ifthe displa ydoes notshowyou rhea rtrate\b make
    sure that you rhan ds are posi tioned as described.
    Be care fulnotto move yourhandsexce ssively or
    tosqu eeze the meta lcon tacts tightly. Foroptima l
    performa nce\bclean the metal contact susing asoft
    clo th;nev eruse alcohol, abrasives, orchemi -
    calsto clea nthe cont acts.
    6. Turn onthe fanifdesired.
    Th efan has high and
    lo w sp ee dse tting s.
    Press the Fa n
    increa sebut ton
    re pe atedly toturn on
    orincrea sethe spe ed
    ofthe fan .P ress the
    Fa nde crease but ton repea tedly todecre asethe
    sp ee dor turn off the fan.
    No te:If the ped als donot move forabo ut th irty
    se con ds\b the fan will turnoff autom atica lly.
    7. Whe nyou arefinished exer cising, unplugthe
    power cord.
    Ifthe ped als do not move forsever alseconds\b a
    tonewill soundand the console will p ause .
    Ifthe ped als do not move forsever almin utes and
    the butt on sare not pre ssed\b theconsole willturn
    offandthe disp lay will be rese t.
    Whenyou arefinished exercising\b pre ssthe power
    switch tothe off posi tion and unpl ug th e power
    co rd. IMP ORTAN T:Ifyou donot dothis ,the
    ele ctri cal compone ntsonthe ellipti calm ay
    wea rpre mature ly.HO WTO USE AN ONBOA RD WO RKOUT
    1.Begi npeda ling orpress anybutton onthe
    cons oleto turn onthe consol e.
    See HO WTO TUR NON TH EPO WER onpage
    2. Sel ec tan onboard workout .
    To sel ect anonbo ardwo rko ut\bpr ess theCalor ies
    bu tton \bth e In tensi ty but ton\b the Speed button\b or
    the Incli ne button re peat edl yun til the desi red
    wor kout appear sin th e displ ay.
    When you selec tan onboard workout\b thedisplay
    willshow thedurat ionofthe workout andthename
    ofthe work out.Aprof ileofthe speed setti ngs of
    the workout willappear inthe matrix .
    The resi stance level \bth e ra mp incl in e level \band
    the targ et rpm for the fir st segm entwillalso
    appear in the matr ix.
    I f you select acalor iework out\bthe approx imat e
    number ofcal ories you will burn willappear inthe
    name ofthe workout .
    \f.Begi npeda ling to sta rt the workout.
    Each worko ut is divide dint o one- minute seg-
    ment s.One re sist ance leve l\b one ramp incline
    level \ban done tar get rpm (spe ed)is program med
    for each segm ent.Note : The same resistance
    level \bram pincl ine level \band /o r tar get rpm may be
    prog ra m med for consecu tive segm ents. 
    worko ut\b
    th e prof iles
    on the
    spe edand
    inclin etab s
    will show
    you r
    pro gress.
    The flashin gsegm entof the profil erepresen tsthe
    curre ntseg ment of the wor kout. Theheigh tof the
    fla shing segmen tind icates thetarg etspee dor th e
    inclin elevel forthe curren tsegm ent.
    Atth e end of each segme ntofthe workout\b a
    seriesof tone swill sound andthe next segment of
    th e prof ile will begin toflash. Ifa different resis-
    ta nce level\bramp inclinelevel \band/or targetrpmis
    pro gramme dforthe next segm ent\btheresista nce
    leve l\bra mp incline level\band /o r tar get rpm will
    appea rin the display forafew se conds toalert
    you .Th eresista nceof th e ped als and the incline
    leve lof the ram pwill thenchan ge.
    As you exercise \byou will be prom pte d to keep
    you rpe daling speednear thetarget rpm forth e
    curre ntseg ment .When anupwar d-poin ting arrow
    appea rsinthe display\b incr ease your pace. When
    adown ward-poin tingarrow appear s\bdecrea se
    yourpa ce. Whe nno ar row appea rs\bmain tain your
    curre ntpace.
    IMP ORT ANT: Thetarget rpm isintended onlyto
    provi demoti vation. Your actua lpedaling speed
    may beslowe rtha nthe targe trpm. Makesure
    to pedal ataspee dthat iscom forta bleforyou.Ifthe re sist ance leve lor incl ine level forthe cur-
    rent segm entis to o high or too low \byou can
    man ually over ride the settin g by pressing the
    Digital Resi stance but to ns orthe Pow er Ram pbut -
    ton s.IM PO RTA NT: When the cur rent segm ent
    ofthe wor kout ends, the pedals wil lautom ati-
    cal lyadj ust to the resistance lev el
    programme dfor the nex tsegment and the
    ramp will aut omat ical ly adj ust to the incline
    levelprogram medfor the next segm ent.
    Not e: The caloriegoal is an estimate ofthe
    num berofcalor ie s that you will burn during
    the wor kout .The actual num berofcalor ies
    tha tyou burn will depend onyour weight. In
    addition, if you manual ly change theresist ance
    levelor if your pedal ing speed doesnotmatch
    the ta rget rpm duringthe workout, thenum ber
    ofcal ori es you burn will be affect ed.
    Thewor kout will cont inue in th is wa yuntil thelast
    segm ent ends.To stop the wor kout at any time\b
    st op peda ling .Th etim e will fla sh in the displ ay.To
    re su me the wor kout \bsi m ply resu me pedal ing.
    4.Follow your progr ess with the display.
    See step4on pa ge 17.
    5. Meas ure your heart rat eif de sired.
    See step 5on page 18.
    6. Turn onthe fan if desi red.
    See step 6on page 19.
    7. When you are fini shed exerci sing, unplug the
    pow ercord.
    See step 7on page 19.
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