ProForm 140 Manual
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CAU TIO N Rea dallp recau tionsand instruc- tion sin this manual before using this equipm ent. Keep thismanual forfuture refer ence. Ser ialN um ber Deca l(und erfram e) USER ʼSMANU AL www.proform.c om QUEST IONS? Ifyou haveques tions\b orifpar tsare damaged ormis sing\b DO NOT CONTACT THESTORE ;pl ease co nta ct Cus tomer Care. IMPOR TANT:Please register this prod uct(see thelimi ted warrant y onth e back cover ofthismanual ) beforecontactin gCustomer Care. CALLTOLL-FREE: 1-888 -5\f \f-1\f \f\f Mon.– Fri.,6a.m. –6 p.m .MT S at. 8a.m.– 4p.m. MT ON THE WEB : www. proformse Model No.PFEL1 8010.1 Seria lNo. W rite the seri alnumber inthe space abov efor referenc e.

2 PROFOR Misaregi ster ed trad em ark ofICON IP\bIn c. TAB LE OF CONTENTS WARN INGDECA LPLAC EMEN T..............................................................2 IMP ORTANT PRECAUTIONS ................................................................3 B EFORE YOUBEGIN ......................................................................4 A SSEMB LY...............................................................................5 HO WTO USE THEELL IPTIC AL.............................................................14 MA INT ENANCE ANDTROU BLESHOOTI NG ...................................................23 E XERCIS EGUIDELINES ...................................................................25 PA RT LIS T ..............................................................................27 E XPLO DEDDRAWING ....................................................................29 OR DERING REPLACEMENT PARTS ..................................................Back Cover LIMITEDWA RRAN TY..............................................................Back Cover WARNING DECAL PLACEMENT Th isdrawin gsh ows the location( s)of the warnin g deca l(s).If a dec alismissing orillegi ble, see thefront coverofthis manual andreques ta fr ee repl acement decal. Apply the decalin the loca tion show n.Note: Thedecal (s)may notbe sh own at actu alsize.

\f WARNING:To reduce the risk ofser ious inj ury, read allimportant precautions and ins tructi onsinthis manual andallwarnings onyour elliptical beforeusingyourelliptic al.ICON assume sno res ponsibilit yfor personal injuryorproper ty da mage sustained byorthrough theuse of thisproduc t. IMP ORTANT PRECAUTIONS 1. Before beginning anyexer cise program , consult yourphysician. Thisisespecially important forpersons overage\f5or persons with pre -existing healt hproblems . 2.Usethe ellipt ical only asdesc ribed inthis ma nual. \f. It is the responsibility ofthe owner toens ure thatall use rsofthe ellipt icalareadequately informed ofallpre caut ions. 4.The elli ptic alis in tende dfor home useonly. Donot usethe ellipt icalinacom merc ia l, re ntal ,or ins titutional sett ing. 5. Keep the ellipt ical indoors ,away from moisture anddust.Do not puttheelliptica lin a gara georcove redpa tio, ornear water. 6.Plac ethe elliptica lon aleve lsurface ,with at leas t\f ft. (0.9 m) ofclear ance inthe front and rearof the ellipt icaland 2ft. (0.6 m)on each side. Toprotect the floor orcar pet from damage, plac eam at under theelliptic al. 7.Inspe ctand proper lytighte nall part s regula rly.Repl aceany wornpart s immedi ately. 8. Keep chil dren underage 12and petsaway from theellipti calat all time s.9. The ellipt ical shoul dnot beused bypersons wei ghing moretha n\f00 lbs. (1\f 6kg). 10. We arappropri ateclot hes whi le exerc ising; do not wear loose clot hes that could become caught onthe ellipt ical .A lw ay swe arathletic shoes for foot prote ction whi le exerc ising. 11. Hold the handl ebarsor the uppe rbody arms when mount ing,dism ount ing, orusing the ellipt ical . 12. The pulsesens oris not amedical device. Various fact ors mayaf fect the accuracy of heartratere adi ngs. Thepulsesensor is inte nded onlyas an exerc is e aid in det ermi ning heart ratetrends in gener al. 1\f. The ellipt ical does nothave afreewhee l;the pedal swillcont inue tomov eunti lthe fl yw hee lst ops. Reduce yourpedali ngspeed inacont rolled way . 14. Keep your backstr a ight whi le using the ellipt ical ;do not arch your back. 15. Over exercising may resultin serious injury ordeat h.Ifyou feel fai nt or if you exper ience painwhi le exe rcising, stop imme diate ly and cool down.

4 BEFORE YOU BEGIN Thank youfor selecting therevol utionary PROFOR M® 14.\f CE ellip tical. The14 .\f CE elli ptical provid esan imp ressive select ion offeature sdesi gned toma ke your worko utsat home more effective andenjoyab le. For your bene fit,read this manua lcarefully before youusetheelliptic al.Ifyou have question saft er reading this manu al\bplease seethefron tcover ofthismanu al.To hel p us assist you\b not ethe product model num ber and serialnum berbefore contacting us.The mode lnum berandthe loca tion ofthe serial num ber decal aresho wn on the fr o nt cover ofthis manual . Beforerea ding fu rth er \bpl ease fam iliarize yourselfw ith the parts that arelab eled in the drawing below. Pulse Sensor U pper Body Arm A ccess CoverWheel Peda l Water Bo ttle Ho lde r* Consol e Level ing Foot Ha ndle Powe r Switch LatchBut to n R amp Sto rage Magne t Fan Pedal Arm Latch *W ater bot tle is no tin cluded Le velin gFootPow erCor d

5 ASSEMBLY Assembly require stwo persons. Placeallpa rts of th e elliptical inaclea re d area andremove thepacking ma terials. Donotdisp ose ofthe packing mate rials unti la ssembly iscompleted. In addi tion tothe included tool( s)and greas epack et(s),assem blyrequires aPhillips screwdrive r andarubber mallet . See the drawing sbelow toide ntify thesmal lp art snee dedforassembly. Thenumber inpa rentheses bel ow each drawing isthe key number ofthe part\b fromthePART LISTnear theend of th is manual. Thenumbe rfollowing the key numb eristhe quanti tyneede dfor asse mbly.Note: Ifapart isnot inthe hardware kit,check tosee if ithas beenpre ass emb led. To avoid dama gingparts,do not usepower toolsforassem bly. M10 x95mm Patch Screw(100)–4 M8Split Washer (103)–14 M6x12mm Patch Screw (111)–4 M8Washer (95)–6 M8x16mm Patch Screw(102)–16Wave Washer (118)–2M6Washer (112)–8 M8x25mm Patch Screw(121)–2M6x50mm Patch Screw(62)–4 M8x35mm Patch Screw(149)–2 M4x19mm Screw (156)–8

6 1. Orient the Re arStab ilizer (4) as shown. Attach the Rea rS tab ilizer (4)to the Fol ding Frame (2)with two M1\fx95 mm Patch Screws (1\f\f). Next \bhold the ha ndle on the Rear Stabi lizer(4 )\b pre ss the Lat chButton(67) \band lower the Rea r Stabilize rand the Fol dingFr ame (2)to the floor. 4 1To make assembly easier,readthe infor mati onon page 5bef ore you begin.1\f\f Handl e 2 67 2. Orien tthe FrontStabi lizer (3)sothat th e indi - cated hole isfacing thepin on the Main Frame (1 ). Wh ilease con dpers on lifts the front of th e Ma in Frame (1)\battach the Fron tStab ilizer (3)with two M1\f x95m mPatch Screws (1\f\f).2 3 1 1\f\f Hole Pi n

7 3.See drawing \fa.Ide ntify andor ien tth e Uprig ht (5)and the Top Cover(27 )as show n. Slid ethe Top Cover (27) upw ardonto the Uprig ht(5). Have aseco ndperso nhol dthe Upright (5)an d the To pCover (27) near the Main Frame (1). Locate the wiretie in the Upr igh t(5). Tie the lowe ren dof the wire tietothe Wire Harn ess (6\f).Ne xt\b pullth e up per end ofthe wire tie until the Wire Harne ssisrou ted thr ough the Uprig ht. Tip: To pre vent the WireHarne ss(60) from fal ling into theUpright (5), secur ethe Wire Harne sswith the wire tie. See dra wing \fb. Tip: Avoid pinching the Wire Ha rnes s(60) .In sert theUpright (5)into th e Ma inFrame (1). Attach the Upr ight (5)wi th four M8x16m m Patch Scre ws(1\f2)and four M8 SplitWash ers (1\f3); do not tighte nthe Patc hScre wsyet. You willtight enthe Patch Screws atthe end of step 10.3a 3b 5 Wi re Tie Wi re Tie 5 27 6\f 1\f2 1\f2 1\f2 1\f21\f3 1\f3 1\f3 1 1 Avoi dpinchi ngthe Wi re Harne ss(60)

8 5 44.Using asmall plastic bagtokeep yourfingers clean\bapply aco at ofthe included grease tothe Uprig htAxle (48) andto two WaveWashers (118 ). Tip: Av oid dama gingthe Wir eHarne ss(60 ). Insert the Up righ tAx le(48) through theUprig ht (5)and cente rit. Slide aW ave Washer (118) onto each sideof the Upright Axle. Next \bid en tify the Rig htand LeftUpper Body Legs (6\b7)\b which are mar ked with “Righ t”and “Le ft”sticke rs\bandorient them asshown. Slid ethe Righ tan dLeft Upper Body Legs (6\b 7) onto the rig ht and left sides ofthe Uprig htAxle (48 ). Tighten anM8 x16mm PatchScrew (1\f2)and an M8 Washer (95) into each endofthe Uprig ht Axle (48)at the same time .Avoi dda magi ngthe Wi re Ha rness (60) Gr easeGrease 95 5 7 1\f2 95 1\f 2 118 48 6\f 6 11 8 5. Ident ifythe Righ tPe dal (14)\b the Right Gel Pad (151)\b andthe Right Pedal Arm (12) assemb ly\b which aremarked with“Righ t”sticke rs\bandori- e nt the m as show n. Set the Righ tGe lPa d(151) onthe Righ tPe dal Arm (12). Then\b setthe Righ tPe dal (14)on the Righ tG el Pad . Attach the Righ tPe dal(14) tothe RightPeda l Arm (12) with two M6 x12 mm Patch Screws (111)andtwo M6 Wash ers(112) ;do not tighte nthe Patch Scre wsyet. Next \btigh ten two M6 x5\fm mPa tch Screw s (62)with two M6 Washer s(11 2) into theRigh t Pedal Arm (12) andthe Right Pedal (14).Then, tighte nthe twoM6 x12m mPa tch Screws (11 1). Attac hthe Left Peda l(not shown) tothe Left Pedal Arm (notshown) assembly inthe same way. 14 12 111 11 2 112 151 62

9 7a7. See drawing 7a.Loca tethe Peda lArm Roll er (3 2) on the Rig htPedal Arm(12) . Set the Pedal Arm Roller(32) on the right side ofthe Ra mp (13\f). See drawing 7b.Pull upwardon the Lat ch (5\f) on the Rig htPeda lAr m (12 ). Press the Rig htPed alArm (12) onto the right Ped alArm Sleeve (46).Mak esur ethat the Right Peda lA rm latche sinto place. Repea tthi sstep onthe other side ofthe ell ipti cal.32 1213\f 6. Apply grea setothe axle onthe right Cran kArm (39 ). Orie nt aPed alArm Sleeve (46) sothat the flat side isfacin gthe ellip tical .Sl ide the Pedal Arm Sle eve onto the axle onthe right Cran kArm (39 ). Attach the PedalAr m Slee ve(46) with an M8 x 25mm Patch Screw (121) \ba Lar geAxl eCove r (113)\band anM8 Washer (95) .Tip: Avoid dama gingtheLa rge Axle Cover when tight- eni ng the Patch Screw. Repe atthi sste pon the other sideofthe ellipti cal. 7b 46 12 5\f 6 95 113 46 Flat Side 121 39 G rease

10 9.Apply grea setoaLin kArm Axle (114). In sert the Link Arm Axle (114) into the Righ t UpperBod yLeg (6) and the RightLin kArm (43) fro m the side shown. In sert ahex keyinto the M8x35m mPatch Scre w(14 9)inthe Link Arm Axle (114). Usin gaseco ndhexke y\btighten anotherM8 x 35mm Patch Screw (149) \ba Sma llAxl eCove r (56)\band anM8 W ash er(95 )into theother end of th e Link ArmAxle (114) .Tip: Avoid dama g- ing the Smal lAx leCover when tightening the Patc hScre w. Repe atthi sste pon the other sideofthe ellipti cal. 8. Orien tthe Ram pCover (131) aroun dthe Up righ t(5 )as show n. Pressthetabs onthe Ramp Cover (131)into t h e Ramp (13\f) .8 131 13\f 5 95 43 56 6 114 149 149Gr ea se 9