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Philips 58pfl9955h User Manual

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    Current version
    To  view the  current  TV  software version, press  h > Setup >
    Software  settings and  press  OK.  Select  Current software info and
    read Version:  . . ..
    Update from Internet
    If  the  TV  is connected to  the  Internet,  you  may  receive a  message
    from Philips  to  update the  TV  software. You  need a  high -speed
    Internet connection.
    If  you  receive this  message, we  recommend you  carry  out  the
    update. Select  Update.  Follow  the  instructions on  screen.
    You  can  also  look  for  new  updates yourself. To  look  for  an  update,
    press  h > Setup > Update software and  press  OK.  Follow  the
    instructions on  screen.
    When the  update is complete,  the  TV  switches itself  off  and  back  on
    again automatically.  Wait  for  the  TV  to  switch itself  back  on. Do  not
    use the  Power switch O on  the  TV.
    Update with  USB
    It  might  be necessary to  update the  TV  software. You  need a  PC
    with  an  high -speed Internet connection  and  a  USB  memory device
    to  upload the  software on  the  TV.  Use  an  USB  memory device with
    256Mb free  space.  Make  sure that  write  protection  is switched  off.
    1 Start
    2 Identify
    3 Download
    4 Update  TV
    1 Start  the update on TV
    To  start the  software update, press  h > Setup > Update now.
    2 Identify the TV
    Insert the  USB  memory on  the  side  of  the  TV,  select Start and  press
    OK.  An identification file  is written on  the  USB  memory.
    3 Download the TV software
    Insert the  USB  memory in  your  PC.  On the  USB  memory, locate  the
    file  update.htm and  double click it. Click on  Send  ID.  If  new  software
    is available,  download the  .zip  file.  After  the  download,  unzip the  file
    and  copy the  file  autorun.upg onto the  USB  memory. Do  not  place
    this  file  in  a  folder.
    4 Update the TV software
    Insert the  USB  memory in  the  TV  again. The update starts
    automatically.  The TV  switches itself  off  for  10 seconds and  then
    back  on  again. Please  wait.
    Do not . . .
    • use the  remote control
    • remove  the  USB  memory from the  TV
    If  a  power cut occurs during  the  update, never remove  the  USB
    memory from the  TV.  When the  power returns, the  update will
    At the  end of  the  update, the  message Operation succesful appears
    on  screen. Remove  the  USB  memory and  press  O on  the  remote
    Do not . . .
    • press  O twice
    • use the  O switch on  the  TV
    The TV  switches itself  off  (for  10 seconds) and  then  back  on  again.
    Please  wait.
    The TV  software has  been updated. You  can  use the  TV  again.
    To  prevent  an  accidental  update of  the  TV  software, delete  the
    autorun.upg  file  from the  USB  memory.
    Setup /  Software61
    First connections
    Power  cable
    Insert the  power cable  in  the  power socket  of  the  TV.
    When disconnecting the  power cable,  always  pull the  plug, never the
    Although  this  TV  has  a  very low  standby  power consumption,  switch
    off  the  TV  with  the  power switch to  save  energy if  you  do not  use
    the  TV  for  a  long period of  time.
    Read more about  the  power switch in  Help > To begin > Keys on
    the TV > Power switch.
    Make  sure the  power cable  is securely inserted in  the  TV.  Make  sure
    that  the  power plug  in  the  wall  socket  is accessible at all times.
    Antenna cable
    Locate the  antenna  connection  at the  back  of  the  TV.  Insert the
    antenna  cable  securely in  the  Antennaa socket.
    Satellite antenna cable
    Locate the  F -type Satellite  antenna  connection  at the  side  of  the  TV.
    Attach  the  satellite antenna  cable  to  this  connection.
    62Connections /  First  connections
    							5.2About cables
    Cable quality
    Before  you  connect devices  to  the  TV,  check which connectors  are
    available  on  the  device.  Connect the  device to  the  TV  with  the
    highest quality  connection  available.  Good quality  cables ensure a
    good  transfer of  picture and  sound. Read the  other chapters of
    About cables.
    The connections diagrams  shown  in  Help > Connections >
    Connect  devices are recommendations.  Other  solutions are
    An HDMI  connection has  the  best picture and  sound quality.  One
    HDMI  cable  combines  video and  audio signals.  Use  an  HDMI  cable
    for  High Definition  (HD) TV  signals.  An HDMI  cable  transfers picture
    and  sound signals  in  only one  direction. Do  not  use an  HDMI  cable
    longer than 5m.
    EasyLink  HDMI -CEC
    If  your  devices  are connected with  HDMI  and  have EasyLink,  you  can
    operate them with  the  TV  remote control. Read more about
    EasyLink  in  Help > Setup > Devices > EasyLink  HDMI -CEC.
    If  you  have a  Home  Theatre System with  an  HDMI -ARC  (Audio
    Return  Channel) connection, you  can  connect this  device with  the
    TV  with  only a  HDMI  cable.  Use  the  HDMI1  ARC  connection.
    You  can  skip the  audio cable  that  is added  normally  (the  cable  that
    connects the  TV  Digital audio Out  to  the  device Digital audio In).
    The return  audio connection  in  this  HDMI -ARC  connector  is built -
    in.  You  do not  need a  special HDMI  cable.
    You  can  leave the  ARC  channel switched  on  if  you  use the
    additional  digital audio cable.  Still  you  can  switch off  HDMI -ARC.  To
    switch off  the  ARC  in  the  HDMI  1 connection, press  h > Setup >
    TV settings > EasyLink > HDMI  1 ARC,  select Off and  press  OK.
    DVI  to HDMI
    Use  a  DVI to  HDMI  adapter if  your  device only has  a  DVI
    connection. Use  one  of  the  HDMI  connections and  add  an  Audio
    L/R cable  to  Audio  In VGA/HDMI for  sound, on  the  back  of  the  TV.
    Copy  protection
    A  DVI and  HDMI  cable  support HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital
    Contents Protection).  HDCP is a  copy protection  signal that
    prevents copying content  from a  DVD disc or Blu-ray  Disc. Also
    referred  to  as  DRM  (Digital Rights  Managament).
    Y Pb Pr
    Use  the  Component Video YPbPr connection  together  with  an
    Audio Left and  Right connection  for  sound.
    Match the  YPbPr  connector  colours  with  the  cable  plugs when  you
    connect. YPbPr  can  handle  High Definition  (HD) TV  signals.
    A  scart cable  combines  video and  audio signals.  Scart  connectors  can
    handle  RGB video signals  but cannot  handle  High Definition  (HD)
    TV  signals.
    Connections /  About  cables63
    If  you  have a  device with  only a  Video (CVBS)  connection,  you  need
    to  use a  Video  to Scart adapter (not  supplied). You  can  add  the
    Audio L/R connections. Connect the  adapter to  the  Scart  connection
    of  the  TV.
    Use  a  VGA cable  (DE15 connector)  to  connect a  computer  to  the
    TV.  With  this  connection  you  can  use the  TV  as  a  computer
    monitor.  You  can  add  an  Audio L/R cable  for  sound.
    To  connect a  computer  with  the  VGA connection, read Help >
    Connections > Connect  more  devices > TV as PC monitor.
    64Connections /  About  cables
    							5.3Connect devices
    Use  an  HDMI  cable  to  connect the  device to  the  TV.
    If  you  use the  HDMI -ARC  connections on  both  TV  and  device,  no
    other cable  is needed. If  not,  read on.
    If  you  do not  use the  HDMI -ARC  connection, add  a  digital audio
    cable  (cinch  coaxial).
    Blu-ray Disc / DVD player
    Use  an  HDMI  cable  to  connect the  device to  the  TV.
    Connections /  Connect devices65
    							Home  Theatre System with  disc player
    Use  an  HDMI  cable  to  connect the  device to  the  TV.
    If  you  use the  HDMI -ARC  connections on  both  TV  and  device,  no
    other cable  is needed. If  not,  read on.
    If  you  do not  use the  HDMI -ARC  connection, add  a  digital audio
    cable  (cinch  coaxial).
    66Connections /  Connect devices
    							Audio  to Video  synchronisation  (sync)
    If  the  sound does not  match with  the  video on  screen, you  can  set a
    delay  on  most DVD Home  Theatre Systems to  match the  sound and
    Read more about  Audio to  Video sync  in  Help > Setup > Devices
    > Audio  to Video  sync.
    Do  not  connect the  audio signal from a  DVD player  or other device
    directly  to  the  Home  Theatre System. Always  route the  sound
    through the  TV  first.
    Use  2 antenna  cables to  connect the  antenna  to  the  device and  the
    Add  an  HDMI  cable  to  connect the  device to  the  TV.
    Connections /  Connect devices67
    							Digital  receiver / Sat.
    Use  2 antenna  cables to  connect the  antenna  to  the  device and  the
    Add  an  HDMI  cable  to  connect the  device to  the  TV.
    Dig. receiver + Disc Recorder
    First, use 3 antenna  cables to  connect the  devices  to  the  TV.
    68Connections /  Connect devices
    							Then  use an  HDMI  cable  to  connect the  digital receiver to  the  TV.
    Finally,  use an  HDMI  cable  to  connect the  Disc  Recorder to  the  TV.
    Dig. receiver + Disc-R + Home  Theatre
    First, use 3 antenna  cables to  connect the  devices  to  the  TV.
    Connections /  Connect devices69
    							Then  use an  HDMI  cable  to  connect the  digital receiver to  the  TV.
    Then  use an  HDMI  cable  to  connect the  Disc  Recorder to  the  TV.
    Then  use an  HDMI  cable  to  connect the  Home  Theatre System to
    the  TV.
    70Connections /  Connect devices
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