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Philips 58pfl9955h User Manual

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    							For easy  picture or sound adjustment, you  can  select a  preset setting
    for  each.
    While watching  TV,  press  s to  open  the  Adjust  menu and  select
    Smart picture or Smart sound.  Make  a  selection  from the  list  and
    press  OK.
    Smart picture  and  Smart sound
    Smart settings are a  combination  of  preset settings suited to  a
    specific use like  gaming or daylight  viewing.
    You  can  adjust  a  specific setting like  Brightness  or Contrast,  Bass or
    Treble, of  a  chosen  smart  setting. The smart  setting will  remember
    the  adjustments you  made.
    Adjust  smart settings
    To  adjust  a  specific setting of  a  smart  setting, select the  smart  setting
    and  press  OK.  Then  press  h and  select Setup.  Select  TV settings,
    navigate to  the  individual  setting and  adjust  it.
    To  return  to  the  original  smart  setting values, undoing the
    adjustments you  made,  first  set the  TV  in  the  smart  setting you  want
    to  reset. Then  press  h > Setup > TV settings,  select Reset,  press
    OK and  confirm.
    Read more about  adjusting separate settings in  Help > Setup >
    Picture,  Sound  and  Ambilight.
    Smart picture  list
    • Personal - Your  choices made  in  Personalise  picture and  sound
    • Vivid - Ideal for  daylight  viewing
    • Natural - Natural  picture settings
    • Cinema - Ideal for  watching  movies
    • Game - Ideal for  gaming
    • Energy saving - Energy-conscious settings
    • Standard - Factory standard  settings
    • Photo - Ideal for  viewing photos
    • Custom - A  smart  picture setting free  for  any  setting you  wish
    Smart sound  list
    • Personal - Your  personal choices made  in  Personalise  picture and
    • Standard - Factory standard
    • News - Ideal for  speech
    • Movie - Ideal for  watching  movies
    • Game - Ideal for  gaming
    • Drama - Ideal for  TV  soaps
    • Sports - Ideal for  sports programmes
    Picture format
    If  black  bars appear  on the  screen,  you  can adjust the  picture  format to
    a format that fills the  screen.
    While watching  TV,  press  s to  open  the  Adjust  menu and  select
    Picture format.  Select  a  format  from the  list  and  press  OK.
    Picture formats
    The following  formats are available  according  to  the  picture on
    • Auto fill
    Automatically enlarges  the  picture to  fill the  screen. Minimal  picture
    distortion,  subtitles remain  visible.  Not  fit for  PC  input.
    • Auto zoom
    Automatically zooms  the  picture in  to  fill the  screen as  much  as
    possible without  distortion.  Black bars may  be visible.  Not  fit for  PC
    • 16:9
    Sets  the  picture in  16:9  format  for  HD 16:9  broadcast.
    • Super zoom
    Removes the  black bars on  the  side  of  4:3  broadcasts.  The picture is
    adjusted  to  fit the  screen.
    • Super zoom 16:9
    Sets  the  picture in  16:9  format  with  minimal  distortion  for  4:3
    Use  your  TV  /  Watch TV31
    							• Movie expand
    Scales  the  picture to  a  16:9  format.
    • Cinema  21:9
    Sets  the  picture in  cinema  21:9  format for  original  21:9  movies.
    • Cinema  21:9 subtitle
    Sets  the  picture in  cinema  21:9  format  but subtitles in  the  bottom
    black bar  are visible.
    • Unscaled
    Expert  mode for  HD or PC  input. Pixel  for  pixel  display.  Black bars
    may  appear  with  pictures from a  PC.
    • Wide screen
    Stretches the  picture to  a  16:9  format.
    Switch to  standby
    If  the  TV  is on, press  O on  the  remote control to  switch to  standby.
    The red standby  key indicator is on.
    Although the  TV  consumes very little power  when on standby, energy
    does continue  to be  consumed.
    When  the  TV  is  not  in use  for an  extended period of  time, we
    recommend you  switch  the  TV  off  completely with  the  power  switch.
    32Use  your  TV  /  Watch TV
    							2.4Watch 3D
    Watch 3D
    This  TV  has  a  3D Full HD transmitter  built -in.
    To  watch  3D TV  you  need the  Philips  Active 3D glasses PTA03
    (sold  separately).
    Select a  3D disc or  program
    To  enjoy  a  3D movie or program,  insert a  3D movie in  a  3D Blu-ray
    Disc  player  or tune  to  a  TV  channel that  broadcasts  programs  in  3D.
    Press  h (Home)  and  select the  3D Blu -ray  Disc player or select
    Watch TV and  tune  to  the  TV  channel.
    Start  3D
    The TV  will  inform you  when  3D is available.  If  you  select Start  3D
    to  watch  3D,  put on  the  3D glasses.  The glasses need some seconds
    to  adjust  to  the  3D signal from the  3D transmitter.
    If  a  3D broadcast is shown  as  a  double image on  your  screen, select
    the  type of  double image to  correct the  3D picture. Press  s
    (Adjust),  select 3D format and  select Side by  side or Top/bottom
    according  to  the  double image positions.
    Stop  3D
    If  you  want  to  stop watching  3D,  press  s (Adjust)  and  select the
    2D in  the  2D-3D menu. This  menu item is only shown  when  3D
    signals  are available.
    If  there is no  3D signal from the  transmitter, the  3D glasses switch off
    automatically  after  5 seconds.
    Low  battery
    When the  lenses  flicker  for  2 seconds at the  3D start-up,  the  battery
    of  these  glasses is nearly  empty. Replace them before watching  the
    next movie or program.
    To  replace the  battery  of  the  PTA03 Active 3D glasses,  use a  type
    CR2032 battery.
    Optimal 3D viewing
    For an  optimal  3D viewing experience,  we  recommend that  you:
    • sit  at least 3 times  the  height of  the  TV  screen away from the  TV,
    but no  further  than 6 meters away.
    • avoid  fluorescent lighting  (such  as  TL lighting  or certain energy
    saving light  bulbs which operate on  a  low  frequency)  and  direct
    sunlight  as  they  may  interfere with  the  3D experience.
    Health warning
    • If  you  or your  family has  a  history of  epilepsy or photosensitive
    seizures, consult a  medical professional before exposing yourself to
    flashing light  sources, rapid image sequences or 3D viewing.
    • To  avoid  discomfort  such  as  dizziness,  headache or disorientation,
    we  recommend not  watching  3D for  extended periods of  time.
    If  you  experience any  discomfort, stop watching  3D and  do not
    immediately engage in  any  potentially  hazardous activity  (for  example
    driving a  car)  until your  symptoms  have disappeared. If  symptoms
    persist,  do not  resume watching  3D without  consulting a  medical
    professional first.
    • Parents should monitor  their children  during  3D viewing and
    ensure they  do not  experience any  discomfort  as  mentioned  above.
    Watching  3D is not  recommended  for  children  under 6 years  of  age
    as  their visual system  is not  fully  developed yet.
    • Do  not  use the  3D glasses for  any  purpose other than watching
    3D TV.
    • CHOKING  HAZARD - Do  not  let children  under 3 years  of  age
    play with  the  3D glasses,  they  could choke  on  the  battery  lid or
    Care for the glasses
    • Do  not  expose  the  3D glasses to  direct sunlight,  heat, fire or
    water.  This  may  result in  a  product  malfunction or fire.
    • Use  a  clean  soft  cloth  (microfiber  or cotton  flannel)  to  clean  the
    lenses  to  avoid  scratching  them. Never spray cleaner directly  on  the
    3D glasses.  This  may  damage the  electronics.
    • Do  not  drop, bend or apply force  to  the  lenses  of  the  3D glasses.
    • Do  not  use cleaning  chemicals containing alcohol, solvent,
    surfactant, or wax, benzene, thinner,  mosquito  repellant or lubricant.
    Using these  chemicals can  cause  discoloration  or cracks.
    Use  your  TV  /  Watch 3D33
    							2.5Watch satellite
    Switch channels
    To  watch  satellite channels,  press  h,  select Watch satellite and
    press  OK.
    To  switch satellite channels,  press  W or X on  the  remote control.
    You  can  use the  number keys  if  you  know  the  channel number or
    you  can  use the  channel list  to  select a  channel.
    To  switch back  to  the  previous channel, press  b (Back).
    Channel list for  satellite
    When a  satellite installation  is performed, the  satellite channels  are
    stored  in  a  specific channel list  for  satellite.
    Read more about  using  the  channel list  in  Help > Use your TV >
    Watch satellite > Channel list.
    Channel list
    To  open  the  channel list, while watching  satellite broadcast, press  e
    to  open  the  Browse  menu. Select  Channel list and  press  OK.  Select
    a  channel with  the  navigation keys  and  press  OK to  switch to  the
    To  leave the  Channel list  without  changing  the  channel, press  b
    Channel list pages
    The channel list  can  have several  pages. To  view the  next or previous
    Channel list  page,  press  W or X.
    With  the  Channel list  on  screen, press  o (Options) to  select :
    • TV  /  Radio
    • Select  list
    • Sort
    • Mark as  favourite
    • Rename
    • Reorder
    • Show hidden  channels
    • Hide channel
    • Channel lock
    TV /  Radio
    Set the  list  to  show  TV  or Radio channels.
    Select list
    Select  the  list  of  channels  from all satellites  or from one  specific
    satellite. Or show  a  list  of  only your  favourite  satellite channels.
    The list  you  select here  determines which channels  you  look  through
    with  W and  X while you  are watching  TV.
    You  can  sort  the  Channel list  by  Name, Number or in  groups of
    Free to  Air  and  Scrambled  channels  – Free /  scrambled.
    Mark as favourite
    In  the  Channel list, navigate to  a  channel you  want  to  mark as
    favourite  and  press  o (Options). Select  Mark as favourite.  In  the
    list, the  favourite  channel is marked  with  a  F.  You  can  unmark  a
    favourite  channel with  Unmark  favourite.
    Only watch  your favourites
    You  can  set the  Channel list  to  show  only your  favourite  channels.
    With  the  list  on  screen, press  o (Options) and  select Select list.
    Select  Favourites from the  list  and  press  OK.
    With  the  Favourites list  selected, you  will  only see your  favourite
    channels  when  you  look  through the  channels.
    34Use  your  TV  /  Watch satellite
    							Reorder and  Rename
    You  can  reposition  channels  within  the  list  or rename a  channel.
    Read more about  Reorder and  Rename in  Help > Use your TV >
    Menus > e Browse.
    Hide  channel
    You  can  hide  a  channel in  the  Channel list.
    Read more about  Hide channel in  Help > Use your TV > Menus >
    e Browse.
    Show hidden channels
    You  can  recall  all hidden  channels  and  unhide them again.
    Read more about  Show hidden  channels  in  Help > Use your TV >
    Menus > e Browse.
    Satellite channel lock
    You can lock  a satellite channel.  To watch a locked  channel,  you  need to
    enter the  4  digit  child lock  code  to unlock.  You can lock  as many
    channels you  like.
    To  lock a  channel in  the  Channel list, press  o (Options) and  select
    Channel lock.  Enter  your  4 digit  child lock code. Select  any  channel
    in  the  list, press  o again and  select Lock channel.  A  locked channel
    is marked  with  a  k.  Now,  you  can  select another channel to  lock or
    To  exit  Channel lock,  press  o and  select Exit.
    Change the child lock  code
    To  change this  4 digit  code, press  h and  select Setup > Satellite
    settings and  select Child lock > Change code.
    Read more about  Child lock and  Parental rating in  Help > Use your
    TV > Watch satellite > Child lock.
    Favourite channels
    You can set up your own  favourite  satellite channels and create a list with
    only your favourites  to look through.
    Mark as favourite
    In  the  Channel list, navigate to  a  channel you  want  to  mark as
    favourite  and  press  o (Options). Select  Mark as favourite.  In  the
    list, the  favourite  channel is marked  with  a  F.  You  can  unmark  a
    favourite  channel with  Unmark  favourite.
    Only watch  your favourites
    You  can  set the  Channel list  to  show  only your  favourite  channels.
    With  the  list  on  screen, press  o (Options) and  select Select list.
    Select  Favourites from the  list  and  press  OK.
    With  the  Favourites list  selected, you  will  only see your  favourite
    channels  when  you  look  through the  channels.
    Read more about  the  options  in  the  Channel list  for  satellite in  Help
    > Use your TV > Watch satellite > Channel list.
    Child lock
    To prevent  children  from watching  a channel  or a programme, you  can
    lock  channels or block age - rated  programmes.
    Lock a  channel
    To  lock a  channel, use the  Channel lock option in  the  Channel list.
    Read more about  Channel lock in  Help > Use your TV > Watch
    satellite > Channel list.
    Parental rating
    Some  digital broadcasters have programmes  rated. When the  rating
    is equal  or higher than the  rating you  have set for  your  child’s age,
    the  programme  will  be blocked.
    To  watch  a  blocked programme  you  must  enter the  Child lock code.
    The satellite parental rating is set for  all satellite channels.
    Set  an  age rating
    Press  h and  select Setup > Satellite settings and  select Parental
    To  select an  age rating,  you  must  first  enter your  4 digit  child lock
    code. If  no  child lock code  is set yet, you  can  set the  code  now.
    When the  code  is entered, you  can  select the  age rating.  When the
    rating of  a  programme  is equal  or higher than the  rating you  have set
    for  your  childs age,  the  programme  will  be blocked. The TV  will  ask
    for  the  code  to  unblock the  programme.  For some operators, the
    TV  only blocks  programmes  with  a  higher rating.
    Change code
    To  change the  current  code, press  h and  select Setup > Channel
    settings and  select Child lock > Change code.
    Enter  the  current  code  and  then  enter the  new  code  twice.  The
    new  code  is set.
    Forgotten your code?
    If  you  have forgotten your  unlock code, call Philips  Consumer Care in
    your  country.  Find the  telephone number on  the  documentation  that
    came  with  the  TV  or go to  www.philips.com/support.
    Use  your  TV  /  Watch satellite35
    							2.6Watch a connected device
    Select a device
    When  a connected  devices is  added  to the  Home  menu,  you  can easily
    select  it.
    To  select and  watch  a  connected device or activity,  press  h to
    open  the  Home  menu and  select the  device or its  activity  and  press
    OK.  Make  sure the  device is switched  on.
    Read more about  Add  your  devices  in  Help > Use your TV >
    Menus > Home  menu.
    Use the TV remote control
    The TV  remote control can  operate a  device if  the  device is
    connected with  HDMI  and  has  EasyLink  (HDMI -CEC).
    Read more about  EasyLink  Remote control in  Help > Use your TV
    > Remote control > EasyLink  Remote control.
    36Use  your  TV  /  Watch a  connected device
    With  Ambilight, you  enjoy  a  more relaxed viewing experience and
    improved  perceived picture quality.
    Dim  the  lighting  conditions  in  the  room  and  position  the  TV  up to
    25cm  away from the  wall  for  the  best Ambilight effect.  To  prevent
    poor  infrared remote control reception, position  your  devices  out  of
    sight  of  Ambilight.
    You  can  use the  Adjust  menu to  set the  most used Ambilight
    While watching  TV,  press  s to  open  the  Adjust  menu.
    To  close the  Adjust  menu, press  s again.
    Switch  Ambilight  on or  off
    In  the  Adjust  menu, select Ambilight and  press  OK.  Switch Ambilight
    On or Off.
    Ambilight  dynamic
    In  the  Adjust  menu, select Ambilight  dynamic and  press  OK.  Adjust
    the  speed at which Ambilight responds to  onscreen  images.
    Ambilight  brightness
    In  the  Adjust  menu, select Ambilight  brightness and  press  OK.
    Adjust  the  light  output of  Ambilight.
    Ambilight  colour
    In  the  Adjust  menu, select Ambilight  colour and  press  OK.  Select
    Dynamic,  if  Ambilight should respond to  onscreen  images or select
    one  of  the  fixed colours. Select  Custom if  you  want  to  set a  specific
    fixed colour.
    Read more about  Ambilight settings in  Help > Use your TV > Use
    Ambilight > Setup.
    As well  as the  settings  in the  Adjust  menu,  Ambilight  offers  some
    advanced settings.  You can set a fixed colour  of  your own  or a delayed
    Ambilight  switch  off  after you  switched  off  the  TV.
    To  open  the  Ambilight menu, press  h and  select Setup > TV
    settings > Ambilight.
    Custom colour
    To  set a  Ambilight colour of  your  own,  select Custom in  the
    Ambilight Colour menu. With  Custom selected, you  can  open  the
    Custom colour menu. Select  Palette to  choose your  own colour.
    Ambilight Custom colour  is a  fixed (non -dynamic) colour  setting.
    To  set the  difference  in  colour  level  between  the  lights  on  each side
    of  the  TV,  select Separation.  Separation Off gives a  dynamic but
    uniform Ambilight colour.
    TV switch  off
    To  set Ambilight to  fade out  and  switch off  a  few  seconds after  you
    have switched  off  the  TV,  select TV switch  off.  Allow Ambilight to
    fade out  and  switch off  completely before you  switch the  TV  back
    on  again.
    Scenea  lounge  light
    To  always  switch off  Ambilight when  Scenea  is switched  on, select
    Scenea  lounge  light and  select Off.
    Wall colour
    The colour  of  the  wall behind  your  TV  can  influence the  colour
    effect of  Ambilight. To  correct this  influence, select Wall colour and
    select a  colour  that  matches the  wall  colour.  Ambilight will  correct its
    colours  to  mix  best with  the  colour  of  the  wall  behind  the  TV.
    Lounge  light  mood
    Read more about  Lounge light  mood  in  Help > Use your TV > Use
    Ambilight > Lounge  light  mood.
    Lounge  light mood
    When  the  TV  is  on standby, you  can switch  Ambilight  on and create a
    Lounge light  mood  in your room.
    To  switch Ambilight on  while the  TV  is on  standby,  press  J on  the
    Use  your  TV  /  Ambilight37
    							To  change the  Lounge light  mood  colour  scheme,  press  J on  the
    TV  again.
    To  switch off  Lounge light  mood, press  and  hold J on  the  TV  for  3
    You  can  also  set up the  colour  scheme in  the  Setup menu.
    With  the  TV  switched  on, press  h and  select Setup.  Select  TV
    settings > Ambilight > Lounge  light  mood.  Select  the  colour
    scheme with  which Lounge light  mood  will  start up.
    38Use  your  TV  /  Ambilight
    							2.8Net TV
    What  is Net  TV ?
    Net TV offers  Internet services  and  websites tailored for  your  TV.
    You  can  visit popular sites,  look  at infotainment,  rent  a  movie from a
    video store  or watch  a  TV  show  you  missed.
    Net  TV pages
    The most popular websites in  your  country have tailored their web
    pages  for  use on  TV.  Read the  newspaper headlines,  watch  the  latest
    video hit or check the  weather forecast.
    Net  TV programme guide
    Once you  are connected to  Net TV,  the  TV  programme  guide  uses
    the  Internet to  gather its  information.
    Video  stores
    With  Net TV  you  can  rent  your  favourite  movie from an  online
    rental video store.
    Missed  a  programme?
    If  a  broadcaster offers  this  service,  you  can  catch-up with  a  favourite
    programme  you  missed. Watch this  programme  when  it suits  you.
    Read more about  Net TV  in  the  following  chapters.
    New services
    New services  are added  regularly. Consult the  Net TV  pages  from
    time to  time to  discover the  newly -added  services.
    • The availability of  Net TV  services  vary  per country.
    • With  Net TV  you  can  also  link up to  the  Internet.  You  can  view
    any  website  you  like  but remember that  most Internet websites are
    not  tailored to  be viewed on  a  TV  screen and  certain plug -ins  (e.g.
    to  view pages  or videos) are not  available  on  your  TV.
    • Net TV  online services  can  be added,  changed or stopped.
    • Net TV  shows  one  page  at a  time and  full  screen.
    • You  cannot  download and  save  files  or install plug -ins.
    What  you need
    To  enjoy  Net TV,  you  need to  connect the  TV  to  a  router with  a
    high -speed connection  to  the  Internet.
    Read Help > Setup > Network.
    Once the  connection  is made,  select Browse  Net  TV in  the  Home
    menu to  start the  Net TV  on -screen setup.
    Read Help > Use your TV > Net  TV > First use.
    First use
    1 Agree to  the  Terms  of  Use.
    2 Register for  Net TV.
    3 Switch on  Parental control.
    Net TV  is ready for  use.
    How to register
    To  register, you  need an  email address and  a  PC  connected to  the
    Internet.  If  you  skip the  registration  at first  use, you  can  register from
    the  Net TV  Start page  later on.
    To  start the  Net TV  registration, enter your  email address on  screen.
    To  open  the  on -screen keyboard, press  OK with  the  text field
    highlighted.  Enter  the  characters one  by  one.  Select  Register and
    press  OK.
    A  message will  appear  if  a  registration  email has  been send to  your
    email address. Open the  email on  your  PC  and  click the  link to  the
    registration  form. Complete  the  form and  click the  button to  submit.
    On the  TV,  select OK and  press  OK to  open  the  Net TV  Start
    Switch  on Parental control
    The first  time you  open  the  Net TV  Start page,  you  can  switch on
    Parental control. If  you  switch on  Parental control, you  need to  enter
    a  personal lock/unlock code. Enter  a  4 digit  code  as  your  Net TV
    lock/unlock  code.
    Use  your  TV  /  Net TV39
    							Use  the  number keys  on  the  remote control. Enter  the  same  code
    again to  confirm.
    Net TV  is ready to  use.
    Registration benefits
    When you  have registered, your  favourite  or locked Net TV  pages
    are stored  as  a  back -up.  Also,  the  last  16 web  addresses (URLs)  you
    visit are stored.  You  can  share these  pages  with  another Net TV
    television if  you  register that  TV  with  the  same  email address.
    When registered, you  can  restore these  selected pages  after  an
    accidental  reset  of  Net TV  with  Clear  history.
    Parental control benefits
    With  Parental control switched  on  ...
    • you  can  lock and  unlock services  and/or categories  of  services
    • some services  that  are not  suitable  for  children  are locked from the
    start but can  be unlocked
    Parental control specifics
    • Only  services  on  the  Net TV  pages  can  be locked. Advertisements
    and  Internet websites cannot  be locked.
    • Services are locked per country.  Categories are locked for  all
    Browse Net  TV
    To  open  Net TV,  close this  Help and  press  h,  select Browse  Net
    TV and  press  OK.  The TV  links up to  Net TV  and  opens the  Start
    To  exit  Net TV,  press  h and  select another activity.
    The F Start  page
    The F Start page  shows  your  favourite  services  and  some
    recommended  services. You  can  browse  Net TV  from this  page.
    To  return  to  the  F Start page,  press  e (Browse).
    Open a  Net  TV service
    Select  a  Net TV  service  with  u or v, w or x keys.  To  open  a
    selected service,  press  OK.
    A  closing  lock animation means  that  the  page  you  have opened  is a
    secure page.
    Navigate  a  Net  TV service
    Navigating a  Net TV  service  can  differ from using  another service.
    You  can  mainly use the  navigation keys  and  the  OK  key to  browse
    the  service.  Some  services  indicate  how to  browse  their service.
    To  go back  one  page,  press  b (Back).
    All  services
    To  view the  available  services  for  your  country,  select † Services
    and  press  OK.
    On this  page,  you  can  view all services  or view them by  category,
    e.g.  News or Entertainment.  To  view the  services  by  category,
    select a  category  in  the  column at the  left and  press  OK.
    Press  o (Options) to  select the  following:
    • Lock  service
    • Mark favourite
    • Disable parental control
    • Show remote control
    • Reload page
    • Zoom page
    • Security  info
    • Clear  Net TV  memory
    Lock service
    To  lock a  Net TV  service,  select its  icon and  press  o (Options).
    Select  Lock service and  press  OK.  The service  icon is marked  with
    a k.
    To  open  a  locked service,  you  must  enter your  4 digit  code. Once
    you  have opened  a  locked service,  you  can  delete  the  lock.
    Mark favourites
    To  mark a  service  as  a  favourite,  select the  service  icon and  press  o
    (Options). Select  Mark favourite and  press  OK.
    You  can  mark up to  12 services  as  favourites. All of  your  favourite
    services  are shown  in  the  F Start page.  In  † Services, favourite
    services  are marked  with  a  star F.
    Only  Net TV  services  can  be marked  as  favourites. Advertisements
    and  Internet websites cannot  be marked.
    Unmark  favourites
    To  Unmark a  favourite,  select the  icon of  a  favourite  service  and
    press  o (Options) and  select Unmark  favourite.
    Disable parental  control
    To  switch off  Parental control, press  o (Options) and  select Disable
    parental  control.  Enter  the  4 digit  code  to  disable Parental control.
    Show remote  control
    Keys  like  Play x,  Rewind  T and  Fast  Forward Q can  be called up
    with  Show remote  control.
    Press  o (Options) and  select Show remote  control.  With  these
    keys  on  screen, you  can  operate audio or video players. Select  a  key
    and  press  OK to  carry  out  its  function.  Press  b (Back) to  hide
    these  on -screen keys.
    Reload page
    If  something went wrong during  the  loading  of  a  page,  you  can  try
    and  reload it. Press  o (Options) and  select Reload page.
    Zoom  page
    To  zoom  an  Internet page  in  or out,  press  o (Options) and  select
    Zoom  page.  Use  the  slider bar  to  set the  enlargement.
    To  scroll  through an  Internet page,  use the  navigation keys  to  jump
    from highlight  to  highlight.
    Security  info
    To  view a  pages  security information,  press  o (Options) and  select
    Security  info.
    Clear Net  TV memory
    ‹ Warning - this  option resets Net TV  completely.
    To  clear  the  Net TV  memory completely, including your  Favourite,
    the  Parental control code, passwords,  cookies  and  history, press  o
    (options)  and  select Clear Net  TV memory.
    40Use  your  TV  /  Net TV
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