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Philips 58pfl9955h User Manual

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    Use your TV
    Remote control
    1 Standby O
    To  switch the  TV  on  or back  to  standby.
    2 Home  h
    To  open  or close the  Home  menu.
    3 Navigation key
    To  navigate up,  down,  left or right.
    4 OK key
    To  activate a  selection.
    5 Browse  e
    To  open  or close the  Browse  menu.
    6 Next  W
    To  switch to  the  next channel, page  or chapter.
    7 Previous X
    To  switch to  the  previous channel, page  or chapter.
    8 Options o
    To  open  or close the  Options menu.
    9 Back b
    To  go back  to  the  previous channel. To  exit  a  menu without
    changing  a  setting. To  go back  to  the  previous Text or Net TV  page.
    10 Adjust  s
    To  open  or close the  most used settings like  picture, sound or
    11 Volume V
    To  adjust  the  volume level.
    12 Mute  m
    To  mute the  sound or to  restore it.
    Use  your  TV  /  Remote control21
    							13 Red  colour key
    To  open  interactive  TV  or to  select a  Text page.
    14 Green  colour key
    To  open  the  Eco  settings or to  select a  Text page.
    15 Yellow colour key
    To  open  and  close Help or to  select a  Text page.
    16 Blue  colour key
    To  select a  Text page.
    17 Number  keys  and  text keypad
    To  select a  TV  channel directly  or to  enter text.
    18 Subtitles  j
    To  switch Subtitles  on  or off.
    19 Picture format f
    To  change the  Picture format.
    To  learn  how to  use the  remote control, read Help > To begin >
    TV tour > Remote control.
    EasyLink Remote Control
    The  remote control of  the  TV  can also operate a connected  device. The
    device must have  EasyLink (HDMI- CEC)  and have  it switched  on. The
    device must also be  connected  with  an  HDMI  cable.
    Operate  an  EasyLink  device
    To  operate such  a  device with  the  TV  remote control, select the
    device -or its  activity - in  the  h Home  menu and  press  OK.  The
    commands  of  all keys,  except the  h key, is forwarded to  the
    If  the  key you  need is not  on  the  TV  remote control, you  can  show
    extra  keys  on  screen with  Show remote control.
    Show remote  control keys
    To  show  the  device keys  on  screen, press  o (Options) and  select
    Show remote  control.  Select  the  key you  need and  press  OK.
    To  hide  the  remote control keys  of  the  device,  press  b (Back).
    In  general, these  keys  open  the  following  device menus:
    1 Home  menu
    2 Setup menu
    3 Disc  menu (disc content)
    4 Pop-up menu
    5 Options menu
    6 Programme  guide
    7 Media selection
    Read more about  EasyLink  in  Help > Setup > Devices > EasyLink
    HDMI -CEC.
    IR sensor
    Always  make  sure you  point  the  remote control at the  remote
    control infrared sensor on  the  front of  the  TV.
    To  replace the  batteries of  the  remote control, slide open  the  small
    tray at the  bottom of  the  remote control. Use  2 coin-shaped
    batteries (Type CR2032 – 3V).  Make  sure the  + side  of  the  batteries
    (top  side)  point  upwards.  The small  tray has  2 + indicators.
    22Use  your  TV  /  Remote control
    							Remove  the  batteries if  you  are not  using  the  remote control for  a
    long time. Dispose  of  batteries according  to  the  end of  use
    directives.  Read Help > To begin > Setting up > End  of use.
    Your  remote control is treated with  a  scratch-resistant coating.
    To  clean  the  remote control, use a  soft  damp cloth.  Never use
    substances  such  as  alcohol, chemicals or household  cleaners  on  the
    TV  or remote control.
    Use  your  TV  /  Remote control23
    h Home
    With the  Home  menu,  you  can start watching  TV  or a movie  disc or start
    any other activity.  You can add  an  activity  when you  connect  a device to
    the  TV.
    Press  h to  open  the  Home  menu.
    To  start an  activity,  select it with  the  navigation keys  and  press  OK.
    To  close the  Home  menu, press  h again.
    Operate  a  selected device
    The TV  remote control can  operate a  device if  the  device is
    connected with  HDMI  and  has  EasyLink  (HDMI -CEC).
    Read more about  EasyLink  Remote control in  Help > Use your TV
    > Remote control > EasyLink  Remote control.
    Add  a  device
    Devices  connected with  EasyLink  (HDMI -CEC)  automatically  show
    their activity  in  the  Home  menu. A  single device can  add  several
    activities.  The device must  be connected with  an  HDMI  cable.
    If  your  connected device does not  show  itself  in  the  Home  menu,
    EasyLink  on  the  device may  be switched  off.
    If  your  connected device does not  have EasyLink  (HDMI -CEC)  or is
    not  connected with  an  HDMI  cable,  you  need to  manually add  your
    device with  Add  your devices in  the  Home  menu.
    Add  your devices
    In  the  Home  menu, select Add  your devices and  press  OK.  Follow
    the  instructions on  screen.
    The TV  asks you  to  select the  device and  the  connection  to  which
    the  device is connected.
    The device or its  activities  are now added to  the  Home  menu.
    Rename  a  device
    To  rename an  added  device or activity,  press  o (Options) and
    select Rename.  Use  the  keypad  on  the  remote control as  you  do for
    SMS/text messaging to  enter the  new  name.
    Delete a  device
    To  delete  a  device or activity  from the  Home  menu, select the  item
    and  press  o (Options) and  then  select Remove this  device.  If  a
    device or activity  keeps appearing in  the  Home  menu after  you
    deleted  it, switch off  the  EasyLink  setting on  the  device to  prevent
    this  automatic  pop-up appearing again.
    Read more about  EasyLink  in  Help > Setup > EasyLink  HDMI -CEC.
    Options for  a  device
    To  view the  available  options  for  a  device or activity  in  the  Home
    menu, select it and  press  o (Options). You  can  Rename or Remove
    devices  and  activities,  Reorder the  sequence  of  them or Restore
    activities  if  you  deleted  one  of  several  activities  of  a  device.
    To  reorder  a  device or an  activity  in  the  Home  menu, select it and
    press  o (Options).
    1 Select  Reorder.
    2 With  the  navigation keys,  reposition  the  device or activity  where
    you  want  it. You  can  only reorder  the  sequence  of  the  added
    devices  and  activities.
    3 Press  OK to  confirm the  position. All devices  and  activities  shift to
    the  right.
    You  can  highlight  another device or activity  and  reposition  it.
    To  stop Reorder,  press  o (Options) and  select Exit reorder.
    Restore activities
    To  recall  a  deleted  activity  from a  device with  several  activities,  select
    the  device or one  of  its  activities  and  press  o (Options). Select
    Restore activities and  press  OK.  All deleted  activities  of  this  device
    appear  again.
    e Browse
    With the  Browse  menu,  you  find  the  channel  you  want to watch from
    the  Channel  list, a future programme from the  onscreen  Programme
    guide or a Text page.
    Press  e to  open  the  Browse  menu.
    Select  your  choice  with  the  navigation keys  and  press  OK.
    To  close the  Browse  menu, press  e again.
    24Use  your  TV  /  Menus
    							Find  your content
    While watching  TV,  open  the  Browse  menu to  open  the  Channel
    list, the  Programme  guide  or Text.
    When other activities  are selected in  the  Home  menu, like  Browse
    PC  or Browse  USB, use the  Browse  menu to  find  a  picture, music or
    video stored  on  your  computer  or USB.
    Channel list
    The  Channel  list shows the  TV  channels and radio  stations installed  on
    your TV.
    While watching  TV,  press  e to  open  the  Browse  menu and  select
    Channel list.  Navigate  to  a  channel or station  and  press  OK to
    watch  or listen  to  the  selected channel or station.
    Press  b (Back) to  leave the  channel list  without  changing  the
    Channel list options
    With  the  Channel list  on  screen, you  can  press  o (Options) to
    select the  following  options :
    • Select  list
    • Mark as  favourite
    • Reorder
    • Rename
    • Hide channel
    • Show hidden  channels
    Select list
    Use  this  option to  select which channels  are shown  in  the  Channel
    list. The list  you  select here  determines which channels  you  look
    through with  W and  X while watching  TV.
    Mark as favourite
    When a  channel is highlighted  in  the  Channel list, you  can  set it as  a
    favourite  channel.
    Read Use your TV > Watch TV > Favourite channels.
    You  can  reposition  channels  within  the  list.
    1 Press  o (Options) and  select Reorder to  start reordering
    2 Highlight  a  channel and  press  OK.
    3 Reposition  the  channel where you  want  it with  the  navigation keys.
    Alternatively, enter the  new  position  directly  with  the  number keys.
    4 Press  OK to  confirm the  position. You  can  insert the  channel or
    swap it.
    You  can  highlight  another channel and  do the  same.
    To  stop Reorder,  press  o (Options) and  select Exit reorder.
    You  can  rename a  channel in  the  Channel list.
    1 In  the  channel list, highlight  the  channel you  want  to  rename.
    2 Press  o (Options) and  select Rename to  start renaming.  You  can
    enter text directly  with  the  remote control keypad  or open  a  full
    keyboard on  top  of  the  text entry  menu.
    Use  your  TV  /  Menus25
    							Enter text with  the remote  control keypad
    Use  the  navigation keys  to  position  the  cursor in  the  text. Press  b
    (Back) to  delete  a  character.
    Use  the  remote control keypad  as  you  do for  SMS/text messaging to
    enter a  character. Use  the  1 key to  select a  special character. Select
    Clear to  delete  a  character.
    Select  Done to  end Rename.
    Enter text with  the on-screen  keyboard
    To  open  the  on -screen keyboard on  top  of  the  text entry  menu,
    press  OK when  the  cursor in  the  text blinks.
    On the  keyboard, use the  navigation keys  to  position  the  highlight  on
    a  character and  press  OK to  enter it. To  delete  a  character, press  b
    (Back) or highlight  ! and  press  OK.
    To  switch from uppercase to  lowercase  or to  a  set of  special
    characters, press  W (Next)  or X (Previous).
    To  edit a  character within  a  line  of  text, position  the  cursor on  this
    character and  use the  z and  Z keys  at both  ends of  the  on -
    screen spacebar.
    To  close the  on -screen keyboard, highlight  Done and  press  OK.
    Hide  channel
    You  can  hide  a  channel in  the  Channel list. When looking through
    channels,  a  hidden  channel will  be skipped.
    1 In  the  Channel list, highlight  the  channel you  want  to  hide.
    2 Press  o (Options) and  select Hide  channel.  The channel is hidden
    as  soon  as  you  close the  Channel list.
    Show hidden channels
    You  can  recall  all hidden  channels and  unhide them again.
    1 In  the  Channel list, press  o (Options) and  select Show hidden
    channels.  The Channel list  now shows  all channels  again.
    2 Press  o (Options) and  select Unhide all to  unhide the  previously
    hidden  channels.
    Or, if  you  want  to  leave the  previously  hidden  channels  hidden,
    press  o (Options) and  select Exit.
    o Options
    The  Options menu gives  settings  related to what is  shown  on screen.
    Depending on what is  shown,  the  Options menu  holds different settings.
    Press  o (Options) at any  time to  see which options  are available.
    To  close the  Options menu, press  o again.
    s Adjust
    With the  Adjust  menu,  you  can adjust picture,  sound  and Ambilight
    settings  quickly.
    Press  s to  open  the  Adjust  menu.
    Select  your  choice  with  the  navigation keys  and  press  OK.
    To  close the  Adjust  menu, press  s again.
    In  the  Adjust  menu you  can  quickly lower or speed up the  Ambilight
    dynamics,  adjust  the  Picture format  or shift the  picture up a  little to
    view the  subtitles and  select a  preset setting for  picture or for  sound
    according  to  what  you  are watching. If  a  Home  Theatre System,
    connected with  EasyLink,  is forwarding  its  sound presets, you  can
    select these  too.
    26Use  your  TV  /  Menus
    							In  the  Adjust  menu you  can  adjust  the  following:
    • Ambilight On or Off
    • Ambilight dynamics
    • Picture format
    • Smart picture (presets)
    • Smart sound (presets)
    • Speakers
    • Surround
    • Picture shift
    Read more about  the  Ambilight settings in  Help > Use your TV >
    Use Ambilight.
    Picture format
    Read more about  the  Picture format  settings in  Help > Use your TV
    > Watch TV > Picture format.
    Smart picture,  Smart sound
    You  can  set the  TV  to  the  pre-defined setting that  best suits  what
    youre watching.
    Read more about  Smart settings in  Help > Use your TV > Watch
    TV > Smart settings
    To  hear the  sound through the  TV  speakers, close Help, press  s
    (Adjust),  select Speakers and  select TV.
    Select  Amplifier if  you  want  to  hear the  sound through a  connected
    Home  Theatre System or Amplifier.
    These settings temporarily override any  EasyLink  settings.
    To  switch the  TV  automatically  to  the  best surround sound mode
    (depending on  the  programme  being  broadcast), close Help, press
    s (Adjust),  select Surround and  select On.
    Picture shift
    You  can  shift the  picture on  screen in  a  vertical  or a  horizontal
    direction  depending on  the  TV  input. For instance, you  can  shift the
    picture up vertically  to  view subtitles fully.
    While watching  TV,  press  s (Adjust),  select Picture shift and  press
    OK.  Shift  the  picture with  the  navigation keys.  Press  OK to  stop
    Picture shift.
    Use  your  TV  /  Menus27
    							2.3Watch TV
    Switch channels
    To  watch  TV and  switch TV  channels,  make  sure the  Watch TV
    activity  is selected in  the  Home  menu.
    To  watch  TV,  press  h,  select Watch TV and  press  OK.
    To  switch TV  channels,  press  W or X on  the  remote control. You
    can  use the  number keys  if  you  know  the  channel number or you
    can  use the  Channel list  to  select a  channel.
    To  switch back  to  the  previous channel, press  b (Back).
    Channel list
    To  open  the  Channel list, while watching  TV,  press  e to  open  the
    Browse  menu. Select  Channel list and  press  OK.  Select  a  channel
    with  the  navigation keys  and  press  OK to  switch to  the  channel.
    To  leave the  Channel list  without  changing  the  channel, press  b
    Channel list pages
    The channel list  can  have several  pages. To  view the  next or previous
    Channel list  page,  press  W or X.
    You  can  Reorder and  Rename channels  or make  a  channel a
    favourite.  Read more about  Channel list  in  Help > Use your TV >
    Menus > Browse  e.
    Radio channels
    If  digital broadcasting  is available,  digital radio stations are installed
    during  installation.  Switch to  a  radio channel just  like  you  switch to  a
    TV  channel. A  DVB -C  channel installation  usually places radio
    stations from channel number 1001 onwards.
    Options for  watching TV channels
    With digital  TV  broadcast, you  can see  what programme is  on now  or
    coming up next, switch  Subtitles on or off  or even view  the  channel
    While watching  TV  channels,  press  o (Options) to  select an
    available  option.
    Whats on
    This  option shows  information  on  the  current  and  next programme
    on  this  channel. Use  the  navigation keys  to  scroll  through text or to
    go to  the  next column.
    Depending on  the  broadcast, the  Status  page  will  show  relevant
    information.  You  can  use this  information  to  improve the  channel
    signal or to  check if  certain services  are available.
    Video  selection
    Digital TV  channels  can  offer  multi video signals  (multifeed
    broadcasts),  different  camera  viewpoints  or angles  of  the  same  event
    or different  programmes  on  one  TV  channel. The TV  shows  a
    message to  advise if  any  such  TV  channels  are available.  When
    available,  press  o (Options) and  select Video  selection to  select
    your  choice.
    Favourite channels
    28Use  your  TV  /  Watch TV
    							In the  Channel  list you  can mark  a channel  as a favourite.  You can set
    the  Channel  list to only show your favourite  channels.
    To  open  the  Channel list,  while watching  TV,  press  e (Browse)  on
    your  remote control.
    Set  up a  favourite  channel
    While watching  TV,  press  e to  open  the  Browse  menu. Select
    Channel list and  press  OK.  Navigate  to  a  channel you  want  to  mark
    as  favourite  and  press  o (Options). Select  Mark as favourite.  In  the
    Channel list, the  favourite  channel is marked  with  a  F.
    You  can  unmark  a  favourite  channel with  Unmark  favourite.
    Only watch  your favourite  channels
    You  can  set the  Channel list  to  show  only your  favourite  channels.
    With  the  list  on  screen, press  o (Options) and  select Select list.
    Select  Favourites from the  list  and  press  OK.
    With  the  Favourites list  selected, you  will  only see your  favourite
    channels  when  you  look  through the  channels.
    Programme guide
    The  Programme guide is  an  on- screen  guide for scheduled TV
    programmes.  You can set a reminder  to tell you  when a programme is
    due to start or select  programmes  by  genre.
    The  Programme guide is  provided by  the  broadcaster  or Net  TV.
    To  open  the  Programme  guide,  while watching  TV,  press  e to
    open  the  Browse  menu. Select  Programme guide and  press  OK.
    To  leave the  Programme  guide  without  changing  a  setting, press  b
    First use
    The first  time you  open  the  Programme  guide,  the  TV  scans all TV
    channels  for  programme  guide  information.  This  can  take several
    minutes.  This  data is stored  in  the  TV.  Read also  Update Programme
    guide in  the  Programme  guide  options.
    Programme guide options
    Select  a  programme  with  the  navigation keys  and  press  o
    (Options) to  select the  following  :
    • Set  reminder
    To  set an  on -screen reminder for  when  a  programme  is due to  start,
    select Set  reminder and  press  OK.  The programme  is marked  with
    ©.  To  cancel  this  reminder,  select Clear reminder and  press  OK.
    • Change day
    View the  previous or next days  programmes.
    • More info
    Shows the  programme  details  and  summary.
    • Search  by  genre
    View all programmes  selected by  genre.
    • Scheduled  reminders
    If  a  reminder is set, you  can  view a  list  of  all scheduled  reminders.
    • Update Programme guide
    After  the  first  scan,  the  TV  stores  the  programme  guide  data.  If  you
    update or reinstall  channels  or reorder  the  Channel list, you  will
    need to  update this  data.
    To  update this  data,  select Update Programme guide.  Reminders  are
    cleared and  the  new  data is stored.
    Dependant  of  the  amount  of  channels  carrying  programme  guide
    data,  the  TV  stores  guide  information  for  up to  eight days.
    Use  your  TV  /  Watch TV29
    							Broadcaster or  Network
    To  select where the  Programme  guide  information  comes from,
    press  h > Setup > TV settings > Preferences > Programme
    Select  From  the network or From  the broadcaster.
    From  the network
    Until  you  link up with  Net TV,  programme  guide  information  comes
    from the  broadcaster. Once you  are connected with  Net TV,  the  TV
    switches automatically  to  the  Internet for  programme  guide
    From  the broadcaster
    Guide information  comes from the  broadcaster/operator.
    Multi view
    With  Multi  view you  can  watch  a  TV  channel next to  a  programme
    of  a  connected device or a  Net TV  page  simultaneously.
    When you  open  Multi  view, the  TV  screen shows  two screens, one
    main and  one  small  screen.
    Open Multi view
    To  open  Multi view,  press  h (Home),  select Multi view and  press
    OK.  With  the  remote control you  can  operate the  main screen.
    To  close Multi view,  press  h (Home)  and  select another activity.
    Shift  view
    With  Shift  view you  can  shift the  main screen with  the  small  screen.
    To  shift the  screens, press  e (Browse)  to  open  the  Multi  view
    menu and  select Shift  views and  press  OK.  Press  e again to  close
    the  Multi  view menu.
    Multi view  combinations
    In  Multi  view you  can  set 3 different  combinations.
    • HDMI (a  device connected to  any  HDMI  connection)  +  TV
    • Net  TV +  TV
    • HDMI  +  Net  TV
    Change the Multi view  combination
    To  change the  current  combination, press  e (Browse)  to  open  the
    Multi  view menu, select another combination  and  press  OK. Press
    e again to  close the  Multi  view menu.
    When you  open  Multi  view again, the  last  selected combination  is
    HDMI  +  TV
    Combines  a  programme  from a  device connected to  any  HDMI
    connection  and  a  normal  TV  programme  (from tuner  or satellite
    To  select the  HDMI  connection  you  need, open  Multi  view in  the
    HDMI  + TV  combination  and  press  o (Options). Select  Select
    HDMI and  select the  device you  need.
    You  can  operate the  device with  the  TV  remote control if  your
    device has  EasyLink  (HDMI -CEC).  Press  o (Options) and  select
    Show remote  control to  call up more remote control keys.  Press  b
    (Back) to  hide  the  keys.  Read more about  EasyLink  in  Help > Setup
    > Devices > EasyLink  HDMI -CEC.
    Net  TV +  TV
    Combines  the  Net TV  pages  and  a  normal  TV  programme  (from
    tuner  or satellite tuner).
    You  can  use Net TV  as  in  normal  Net TV  view. Read more about
    Net TV  in  Help > Use your TV > Net  TV.
    HDMI  +  Net  TV
    Combines  a  programme  from a  device connected to  any  HDMI
    connection  and  the  Net TV  pages.
    Smart picture and sound settings
    30Use  your  TV  /  Watch TV
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