Panasonic Vb-42210, Vb-42211, Vb-42213, Vb-43220, Vb-43221, Vb-43223, Vb-43225, Vb-43230, Vb-43233 Station User Guide
Panasonic Vb-42210, Vb-42211, Vb-42213, Vb-43220, Vb-43221, Vb-43223, Vb-43225, Vb-43230, Vb-43233 Station User Guide
Have a look at the manual Panasonic Vb-42210, Vb-42211, Vb-42213, Vb-43220, Vb-43221, Vb-43223, Vb-43225, Vb-43230, Vb-43233 Station User Guide online for free. It’s possible to download the document as PDF or print. UserManuals.tech offer 10737 Panasonic manuals and user’s guides for free. Share the user manual or guide on Facebook, Twitter or Google+.

: ‘ %NG-od2 - Panasonic@ Communications & Systems Company Business Telephone Systems Glvision Two Panasonic Way cIncaucus, NJ 07094 1 rt Number: 550X05701 *nnrrrlr-rt1t IQQG STATION USER GUIDE Panasmic VB-42210 VB-43223 \/B-4221 1 VB-43225 VB-42213 VB-43230 VB-43220 VB-43233 VB-43221 Digital Business System (Digltal Key Telephone Series) Before using this phone, please read these instructions completely.

The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice and do not conslitule a commitment on the part of Panasonic Communications & Systems Company (PCSC). Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document. However, due to ongoing product improvements and revisions, Panasonic cannot guarantee the accuracy of printed material after the date of publication nor can it accept responsibility for errors or omissions. Panasonic will update and revise this document as needed. The software and hardware described in this document may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the license pertaining to said software or hardware. Reproduction, publication, or duplication of this manual, or any part thereof, in any manner, mechanically, electronically, or . photographically, is prohibited withoul permission of the Panasonic Communications & Systems Company (PCSC). 0 Cupyright 1995 by Panasonic Communications & Systems Company A!! rights resewed. .

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Contents Notes 5. Communicating Within Your Office . . . . . . . . 35 Calling Other Exlensions ................................................................. 36 Paging .......................................... ..‘.................................................. 36 Using Call Forwarding .......................... .: ......................................... 37 Using Call Wailing ........................................................................... 39 Using-Message Waiting ................................................................... 41 Using Do-Not-Disturb ...................................................................... 42 Using Absence Messages ................................................................. 43 Announcing to Busy Extensions ...................................................... 44 Breaking Inlo an Outside Call .......................................................... 46 Using One-Touch Voice Mail Access.. ............................................ 46 U&g One-Touch Voice Mail Transfer ........................................... 47 6. Using Additional Features . . . . . . . S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Lucking Your Extension ................................................................. .50 Using Your Calling Privileges from Another Phone .................................................................................. 50 Switching Between Pulse and Tone Calling .................................. ..5 2 Making Conference Calls 52 Using a Headset ................................................................................ 53 Controlling Internal Dial Tone , ......................................................... 53 Controlling Background Music ........................................................ 54 Using the Reminder Alarm .............................................................. 54 Using Caller ID ................................................................................ 55 Appendix A. Dial Code List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~. 59 .’

Index Lisls of Fiaures and Table! . . sek also “Personal speed dialing” 16 Using your calling privileges from an- see also “System speed dialing” 16 olhet phone 50 SSD 20 Station lockout V conttollhlg 50 Voice calling 36 using 50 Voice mail Switching assigning a one-touch key 46 between tone and voice calling 36 one-touch access 46,41 pulsk 16 tone 52 Volume System speed dialing handset 8 chaining numbers 20 phone not tinging 8 zhecking SSD numbers 20 receiver 8 dialing a SSD number 20 tinget 8 using 20 speaker 8 T w Telephone Waiting for an outside line 23 display information 5 Walking class of service 50 large display 4 parts 1 setting up 7 small-display 2 Tone calling 36 Tone-to-pulse switch 52 Transferring calls 33 screened 33 unscreened 34 with announcement to busy exten- sion 45 wilh off-hook voice announce 45 U Understanding your phone 1 Unscreened off-hook ltansfer 34 on-hook transfer 34 transfers 34 Using Caller ID 55 List of Figures . Figure 1. Small-display phone ........................................................... . Figure 2. Large-display phone ............................................................ Figure 3. Idle condition (default display) ............................................ Figure 4. Messages received ............................................................... Figure 5. Alarm time ......................................................................... *’ Figure 6. Absence message ................................................................ . Figure 7. Incoming outside call .......................................................... . Figure 8. Outside call in progress ....................................................... . Figure 9. Internal ding in use .......................................................... . Figure 10. Example Caller ID display. ................ ..i .......................... 5 * Figure 11. Call Log format for the small-display phone--calling number and name ............................................................ 5’ Figure 12. Call log format for the small-display phone--time and date ........................................................................... 5 Figure 13. Call log format for small-display phone--answer in formation ..................................................................... 5 Figure 14. Call log format for small-display phone--routing infotma~ion 57 Figure 15. Call log fotmal for the large-display phone--calling num bet ............................................................................ 5 Figure 16. Call Log format for the large-display phone--detailed call information ............................................................... 5 . List of Table! Table 1. Small-display phone features ............................................... Table 2. Large-display phone features ............................................... Table 3. Speed dial alphabet err&y ................................................... 1 Table 4. DBS accounl code usage ..... . .............................................. 2 Table 5. Dial codes ........................................................................... f

lndf 0 Off-hook transfer screened 33 unscreened 34 Off-hook voice announcement answering 44 making 44 ltansferring calls with 45 One-touch voice mail access 46,47 assigning a key 46 On-hook transfer screened 33 unscreened 34 Outside call bteakiig into 46 placing 13 Outside line callback 23 setting 23 Outside line key, ditecl 14 I’ Paging 36 answering from any extension 37 calling page zones W-07 36 meet-me answer 37 Parking calls 32 PBX 14 Personal speed dialing account code into a PSD code 26 assigning names to PSD codes 18 PSD numbers to codes 16 to one-touch keys 16 chaining numbers 20 checking PSD numbers 17 saving a client account code 26 using 16 using client account code in PS code 27 Pickiug up calls 30 Ptogrammiug an account’ code into PSD code 26 PSD 16 Pulse-to-tone switch 52 Puttiug a call on hold 31 R Redial Aulo 21 Redialing numbers 21 saved number 22 saving a number 2 1, 22 Reminder alarm, using 54 S Saved number, redialing 22 Saviug account code in a PSD code 26 and tedialhrg a number 21 number 22 Screened off-hook transfer 33 on-hook transfer 33 transfers 33 Scrolling through messages 42 Sending a message waiting request Setting up absence messages 43 call forwarding 37 call wailing 39 outside line callback 23 relephone 7 Speed dialing personai 16

index making 14 outside, placing 13 parking 32 picking up 30 to attendant 36 to exlensions 36 transferring 33 Qmp:on callback, using 4 1 Can&lling absence message 43 call forwarding 38 call waiting request 42 Chaining SSD or PSD numbers 20 Checking PSD numbers 17 SS IJ numbers 20 Client account code programming into PSD code 26 E Emergency calls 15 F FF key direct outside line 14 feature codes 61 Forwarding cancelling 38 setting up 37 using 37 H Holding calls 31 putting a call on hold 31 I Communicating within your office 35 h-office communications 35 Conference calls Intern al adding an extension 52 calling adding an outside line 52 attendant 36 dropping oul of 53 extension 36 making 52 calls, handling 36 Controlling station lockout 50 communications 35 D lone/voice switching 36 Dial code list 61 L Dialing Locking your extension 50 Auto-Repeal 22 Direct outside line key 14 M Display Meet-me answer, using 37 contrast adjustment 9 Message waiting information 5 answering a request 42 DND 42 cancelling a request 42 Do-not-disturb 42 sending R request 4 1 Dropping oul of a conference call 53 using 41 Preface The Sfafiart User Glide is for anyone who uses a Panasonic digital telephone in conjunction with the Panasonic DBS Series ‘klephone System (DBS 40, DBS 72, DBS 96, DBS 824). The Panasonic Digital Business System provides you with a powerful set of features for handling calls. This manual provides an overview of the digital phones and offers detailed information about using the features provided by the DBS. Mow to Use This Manual We recommend that you read the entire mamid before using your digital phone, in order to get a clear idea of its capabilities. What This Manual Contains This manual conlains Lhe following chaplers: Chapter and ‘I’ille Chapter 1, “Undersl~ulding Your Phone” Chapter 2, “Setting Up YOUr Phone” Chapter 3, “Placing Outside Cdls” Chapter 4, “Answering Calls” Chaoter 5, “Communicating I WiUlin Your Office” Chapter 6, “Using Additional Features” L)escripliuIl Describes features of Pana- sonic digital telephones. Provides procedures for set- ting up telephone features such as display contrast. Provides several procedures fur making outside calls. Provides several procedures for answering calls. Provides procedures for ban- dling inlernal calls. Provides procedures for using advanced features.

Preface : Not at ion Used Index This manual uses the following convenlions: l References to chapters and sections are enclosed in quotation marks, and inclbde the title and page number, for example: “Assigning FF Keys” on page 9. .- .- . References to information you are to dial is printed in boldface, mixed-case characters, for example: Dial 73*. . References to the telephone keypad are printed using bold, uppercase characters, for example: Press HOLD. For More Information For more information about features available with Panasonic DBS systems and digital phones, contact your system administrator or DBS dealer, or refer to the Panasonic publication Feature Operariarr (Secrian 700). F Numerics waiting 40 911 calls 15 A . Absence messages cancelling 43 selling up 43 using 43 Account code client code in PSD code 27 Account codes unverified 25 verified 26 Adding extension to a conference call 52 outside line to a conference call 52 Additional features couference calls 52 locking an extension 50 pulse/tone switch 52 reminder alarm 54 station lockout 50 using 49 Adjusting display contrast 9 ring volume (phone not ringing) 8 sound volumes 8 Armouncement to busy extension answering 44 making 44 transferring calls with 45 Another 50 Answering ._ message waiting request 42 off-hook voice announcernqrt 44 page from any extension 37 page with meet-me answer 37 Any key assignment 61 Assiguing nnmes to PSD codes 18 PSD numbers to one-touch keys 16 PSD numbers to PSL? codes 16 voice mail key 46 Automatic redial, using 21 . Auto-Redial2 1 Auto-Repeal Dialing 22 I) Brenking iulo an outside call 46 Busy override, using 46 c Call forwarding cancellirig 38 setting up 37 usiug 37 Call wailing answering 40 scroIIi.ng through messages 42 selting up 39 using 39 Callback request 41 Cdler ID 55 CaIIing page z.ones 00-M 36 Calls mswering 29 announcement to busy extension 44 DPS behind PBX 14 call 29 holding 3 1

Function Save Dial Access Save Dial Registration Tone/Voice S wilch i- Dial Code FF Key AU-IV + * Yes AU’I’O + AUI’O + * Yes 1 Yes Not% You can assign this fea- ture as an “Any Key.” See “Any Key Assignment” on .- page 61. Transfer PROG No Outside Line Queuing 2 Yes Note: You can assign this fea- ture as an “Any Key.” See “Any Key Assignment” on page 61. Night Answer Device (UNA) 78 Yes Pick-up 1. Understanding Your Phone Becoming familiar with your Panasonic digital phone will enable you to effectively use its call-handling features. Note: Some features Inay not be available on your phone. For information, see your system adminislrator or DBS dealer. This chapter covers the followjug topics: Topic ~ Page Small-Display Phones Large-Disulay Phones Display Inform ation 2 4 5 1. Understanding Your Phone

Small-Display Phones Small-display phones, such as the model illustrated below, have a smaller disnlav than some other models. The annotated illustration in F@reWl and Table 1 on page 3 explain the features that are typical of this type of phone. Figui 1. Small-displuy 1 I 4 re . Appendix. Dial Code Llst Function I)ial Code - FF Key Least Cost Routing Access Meet-Me Answer Message Waiting Set Message Waiting Answer Message Waiting Cancel Mute Key Assignment Night Mode Toggle On/Off Day Mode Night Mode Night2 Mode Offhook Voice Announce 1 Dffhook Voice Announce Answer (Talkback) 1 I Page Call I Personal Speed Dial I Pooled Trunk Access I Privacy Release 1 Redial I Release Key Assignment , Station Lockout Off/On n -. n. t html System 3peeu ula 9 Yes 77 Yes 2 Yes Note: You can assign this fea- ture as an “Any Key.” See “Any Key Assignment” on page 61. AUTO - REDIAL Yes AUTO - FLASH Yes *L# Yes #52 or #I520 (some systems) Yes (attendant only) #521 (some systems) YW (attendant only) #522 (some syslems) Yes (attendant only) #523 (some systems) Yes (attendant only) 5 Yes Note: You can assigu this fea- ture as mill “Any Key.” See “Any Key Assignmeut” on page 61. *3 (must be stored in an FP Yes key) #uo - #07 Yes AUTO (90-99 or 900-939) Yes 9 or 8 l-86 Yes CONF No REDIAL No +2 Yes 74 + 4-di$t lockout Yes code (optlonal) I . r-3 . ,,l,, on ^- ,,,m , no, AU IV t [WV-o7 I v-177, , vms ‘CD