Panasonic Mixing Automation Expansion Software Users Guide
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5 Chapter 2 CONNECTING THESYSTEM MIXER ANDCOMPUTERCOMMUNICATIONHOOKUP If you are connecting one DA7 to your Macintosh computer, you will need a cable (which is not provided) that connects the DA7s TO PC port connector to your Macintoshs Modem port. If you are connecting two Panasonic DA7s, connect the first mixer as described above, and the second mixers TO PC port to the Macintoshs Printer port. MAX Software communicates with the mixer at a very high data speed, (also referred to as Baud Rate) using MIDI protocol. Because Max uses this high MIDI rate, you cannot use standard MIDI at the same time on the DA7 mixer. SERIAL PORTTO PCRS422 / 485 110 OFF ON SERIAL PORTTO PCRS422 / 485 110 OFF ON WR-DA7 (Master) Rear Panel Macintosh MODEM PortPrinter Port WR-DA7 (Slave) Rear PanelPrinter Cable 2x Mini DIN 8 Male, Cross-type Printer Cable 2x Mini DIN 8 Male, Cross-type SERIAL PORTTO PCRS422 / 485 110 OFF ON WR-DA7 Rear Panel Macintosh MODEM Port Printer Cable 2x Mini DIN 8 Male, Cross-type

TIME-CODESYNCHOOKUP The MAX System is SMPTE Time Code-driven. This means that it requires SMPTE time code in the form of a longitudinal time code source. If your system does not use SMPTE time code, or you would prefer to use MIDI time code (MTC), skip down to the section on Using MTC. The DA7 has an optional SMPTE time code reader available. If you did not purchase this option with your mixer, contact your DA7 dealer. The cable carrying the SMPTE time code signal from the device that you will syncing to will connect directly to the SMPTE Input on the optional SMPTE / V-SYNC card. The SMPTE time code can come from one of several possible sources: One track of your tape source may be pre-striped with SMPTE. Most modern modular digital multitrack tape machines and certain hard disk recorders can also generate SMPTE from a “sub code” track. If two mixers are connected, send the time code into the mixer which is connected to the Macintosh’s Printer port. Using MTC If OMS is installed, MAX can also sync to MIDI Time Code (MTC.) This can be selected in the Port Setup Preferences. MIDI HOOKUP The MAX Software allows the mixer console to be a MIDI Controller. MAX also features a built-in MIDI Machine Control locator. To use this feature, connect a Macintosh MIDI Interface to the available serial port on the Macintosh. For example, if the mixer is connected to the Macintosh Modem Port, then connect the MIDI Interface to the Macintosh’s Printer Port. If you are connecting only one mixer, use the other available port for the MIDI interface. Remember, you CANNOT use the DA7 MIDI port for this purpose because it is being utilized for MAX. 6 Connecting the System

7 Connecting the System If you are connecting two mixers, see next page, System Connection Examples, for Tandem Operation. SYSTEMCONNECTIONEXAMPLES MIDI INMIDI IN MIDI OUT MIDI OUT DA-98 TDIF WR-DA7INPUT 1-16 R SR Mic Sampler Keyboard SP MONITOR A AES/EBU SP Power AMP REC OUT 2TR A IN DAT AB To PC MODEM Port Expansion Software (Mac) WCK MASTER SLOT 1 (17-24ch)TDIF-1TDIF-1 PW-88DL TO PCRS422 / 485 110 OFF ON MIDI Interface SERIAL PORT WR-DA7 Rear Panel MODEM Port Printer PortMacintosh For Single DA7

8 Connecting the System WR-DA7 MIDI IN MIDI OUT TANDMSYNC OUTSLOT 1 (17-24ch) (MASTER) SLOT 2 (25-32ch) INPUT 1-16WORD CLOCK OUT (75½=ON) To PC WORD CLOCK IN (75½=ON) To PC WR-DA7 IN SLOT 1 (17-24ch) (SLAVE) SLOT 2 (25-32ch) INPUT 1-16TANDM WCK MASTERTDIF DA-98TDIF DA-38 IN SYNC OUT TDIF TDIFIN SYNC OUT R SR Mic Sampler Keyboard R SR MicSampler Keyboard DA-98 ID3 DA-38 DA-38 SP MONITOR AAES/EBU SP Power AMP REC OUT 2TR A IN DAT AB MIDI OUT MIDI IN PORT 2 IN/OUTPORT 3 IN/OUT MIDI INMIDI OUT OUT PORT 1 IN Printer Port Modem Port Expansion Software (Mac) MIDI Timepiece SLOT 3 SLOT 3 TDIF-1 TDIF-1 TDIF-1 TDIF-1 PW-88DL PW-88DL PW-88DL PW-88DL PW- 88S PW-88S PW-88S(MASTER) (SLAVE) For Tandem Operation

9 Connecting the System SETTING UP THESYSTEM Mixer Setup The DA7 communicates with MAX via the mixer’s “TO PC” port, using a special high-speed protocol. To enable this communication, it is essential that several things be setup correctly in the mixer’s MIDI Setup Screen. • Press the MIDI Button on mixer until the Setup Screen is displayed. • Set Port Select to “TO PC”. • Set Gen RX and Gen TX to “TO PC”. • Enable TX and RX for PRG CHG, CTRL CHG, and SYSTEM EX. • Set Other CMD to for Single DA7. When used in TANDEM operation, set to for Master and to for Slave DA7. • Enable NRPN. • Set MTC to MIDI. • Set the Mixer’s BAUD RATE to 125K. • To receive time code at the mixer, connect a source of SMPTE (on the optional SMPTE / V-SYNC board) or MTC into the mixers MIDI In. • Go to the Automation Setup Screen and select SMPTE or MTC as the time base. Launching Software to Verify Connections • Turn on the Macintosh first. • Before launching the MAX software, be sure the mixer is turned on. • Launch the software by double-clicking on the MAX icon. • Moving a fader on the mixer should cause a fader to move on the computer monitor. • Moving a fader with the mouse should cause a fader to move on the mixer. For TANDEM Operation, set the Other CMD fields as shown below. F ORMASETERDA7 F ORSLAVEDA7

SETTING THECOMMUNICATIONSPEED The MAX software communicates with the Panasonic WR-DA7 Digital Mixer at one of two rates; 62.5K and 125K. To change the communication speed, select Preferences from the Edit menu. Click on the Port Setup tab. This accesses the Communication Speed setting. Notes: • After changing the Communication Speed, you will need to close the MAX software once and then restart it for some types of computers. • When connecting with the computer, the DA7 mixer will not perform one of functions, Auto Channel Selection assigned in the Utility Configuration Window. REQUIREDSETUP FORTWOMIXERS If you are automating two Panasonic WR-DA7 Digital Mixers using MAX: First connect the two mixers and install the software according to the instructions in the previous chapters. After launching the software, select Preferences from the Edit menu. Under General Preferences, look at the setting “Number of consoles”. Check whether one or two mixers are connected to the Macintosh serial ports. Be sure to check two when two mixers are connected. 10 Connecting the System

11 Chapter 3 MAX CONTROLBAR Common to all three main windows is the Control Bar. It appears at the top of the Custom Views, the Cue List, and the Graphic View. The Control Bar displays some frequently used buttons, controls and displays. Auto Turns on Auto Punch In. Click to turn on, (the button is yellow when on). Auto Punch in means that a selected fader in Write mode will not actually start writing new moves until you physically moves the fader knob (up or down) until the fader position matches the current level, called the Null point. Touch Turns on SoftTouch. Click to turn on, (the button is yellow when on). SoftTouch means that a fader will automatically become selected when you physically moves the fader knob. It is not necessary to press a Select button. When the fader is selected, it switches to the current Edit Mode. In other words, if the fader is currently in Read mode, and the Edit Mode menu is set to Write, moving a fader will automatically switch the fader from Read into Write mode. Mark Click to create a Marker. If time code is running at the time, an untitled text Marker is inserted into the mix when you click. (It can be edited later, by renaming it, moving it, or turning it into another kind of automation event such as a snapshot.) If time code is not running, the Create Marker dialogue appears, allowing you to create a marker and specify a name and a time. Markers can be viewed in the Cue List and Graphic Editing windows.

Solo Pre Lights to indicate a channel is soloed. Click to select Solo PFL, AFL, or Solo In Place. Back Up Click to turn on automatic Back Up feature. Back Up automatically saves the mix to disk every time that time code is stopped, (if a change has been made). Mixes are automatically re-named with an upcounting extension number, for example, mix.1, mix.2, mix.3, etc. WWW This button is a shortcut to launch your web browser. The first time you click it a dialogue box opens to allow you to select your web browser. This is useful to go to our web page to check for updates, operating tips, contacting technical support and other helpful information. Locate Sends an MMC Locate command to machines that respond to MMC. The Locate Time is entered in the Locate Time field to the left of the Locate button. Alternately, a Locate time can be selected from the Locate Snapshots and Markers Menu, which automatically lists all the snapshots and markers within the mix. Locates can be automatically adjusted with a Pre Roll time specified by you in the Machine Control Preferences. A. Play When turned on, causes machines controlled by MIDI Machine Control to automatically go into play after they have arrived at a locate point. (Important: For MMC autolocation to work correctly, both the MIDI In and the MIDI Out of the machine must be connected to your Macintosh MIDI interface. Remember, your DA7 MIDI interface is in use by MAX, so it is inoperative for this purpose.) Locate Time Field Enter a locate time here. It is sent via MIDI Machine Control the next time your click on Locate. 12 MAX Control Bar

13 MAX Control Bar Locate (Snapshots and Markers) Menu Allows you to quickly locate and initiate playback from specific points within the mix. This pop up menu contains a list of all the snapshots and markers in the current mix. Selecting a snapshot or marker from this menu causes its time to appear in the Locate Point field. Click on the Locate button to send the locate. Transports MIDI Machine Control Rewind, Fast Forward, Stop, Play, and Record. Click on the Transport Buttons send MMC to a connected MIDI interface. Overwrite... Opens the Overwrite dialogue box. This dialogue box is similar to the mixer’s Automation Setup Overwrite section. It allows you to select which parameters within the mixer can be edited in real time during the next automation pass. When Trim has been selected in the Real Time Edit Mode menu (below), only Faders and Channel Ons can be selected in the Overwrite dialogue box. The other parameters are dimmed. Real Time Edit Mode Select the Edit Mode, either Write, Trim, Read, Manual. An Edit Mode is chosen prior to selecting individual channels for editing. Selected channels switch from their current mode (usually Read) into the Edit Mode. Memory Meters The top Memory Meter is called “Total Memory Used”. It shows how much of the application’s available memory is being used by the open mixes, undo buffers, and the clipboard. The bottom Memory Meter is called “Memory This Mix”. It shows how much of the available memory is being used by the currently active mix, the mix in the front most window.

SMPTE Time Code Display Displays currently received time code in hours, minutes, seconds, and frames. When time code reception stops, the SMPTE Time Code display holds the value of the last time code received, in dim numbers. T. C . Click to turn on. Button is yellow when on. Enables Time Code reception. Time code reception must be turned on for an automated mix to play back. Turn time code reception off when you do not want incoming time code to cause a mix to play back. Frame Rate Displays the frame rate of the currently received time code. It is important to manually set the frame rate. Select Preferences in the Edit Menu to open the Preferences dialogue box. Click to select the Time Code tab. Click to select the frame rate that you are using for the current project. If you select an incorrect time code (or one that doesnt match the incoming time code), MAX may not function properly. This could result in automated moves occurring at the wrong time, or even the loss of data. Please check this setting before each new mix. 14 MAX Control Bar