Panasonic Mixing Automation Expansion Software Users Guide
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If you are not already viewing a Custom View, select a Custom View from the windows menu. To create a whole row consisting of your new module, select Edit Custom Viewsfrom the Edit menu. Enter Row 1 starts with channel 1. Select Module: Fader and Pan. The results will look like this. 162 MAX Edit Module Dialogue

Creating a Non-Automated Input and Gain Module In the Edit Moduledialogue, Select New from the Module menu. Name the module “Input Source and Gain”. Click OK. Do not check Show Calibration Lines. Select the knob tool. Click to place the knob near the bottom of the module. Do not connect the knob to the mixing console. The menu should indicate Connect To: “* * *”. Name the knob, “Input Gain”. Select the label tool. Place a label under the knob. Label the knob “Gain”. 163 MAX Edit Module Dialogue

Select the switch tool. Click to place two switches under the knob. Do not connect either switch to the mixing console. The menu should indicate Connect To: “* * *” for both switches. Name one switch, “A/B”, and type “B”. Finally, we will add two text labels under each switch. Select the label tool.Click to place the labels under the switches. Label it “A/B”. Click OKto keep your work and exit the Edit Module dialogue box. If you are not already viewing a Custom View, select a Custom View from the windows menu. To create a whole row consisting of your new module, select Edit Custom Viewsfrom the Edit menu. Enter Row 1 starts with channel 1. Select Module: Input Source and Gain.See figure. You can further edit the module, adding a Phantom power switch. 164 MAX Edit Module Dialogue

165 Chapter 13 MAXSAUXILIARYMIDI CONTROL PORTSETUP If only one mixer is connected to the Macintosh, you can control and automate MIDI equipment by connecting a MIDI Interface the unused serial port. Select Port Setup from the Preferences dialogue box in the Edit menu. The “Automation Port” is the port that the mixer is connected to. The software will not permit selection of the Printer port if the AppleTalk network is Active. Use the Chooser make the network Inactive if you plan on using both mixer and MIDI. If Echo MIDI is checked, any MIDI data that comes into the MIDI interface will be “echoed” back out of the MIDI interface. Click on OMS MIDI Setup to open and edit your OMS Setup. The Sync Source defaults to the mixer’s time code input. To sync MAX to MIDI Time Code, select MTC (OMS) and the name of the source device.

MIDI MACHINECONTROL MAX software features an MMC Control Panel, to provide basic transport control of Digital Multitracks and other MMC-compatible equipment from the Macintosh keyboard. Basic transport control is provided, in addition to locates. To send a locate, type the locate time and click the locate button in the control bar. Snapshots and Markers are automatically converted into locate points. To locate to a Snapshot or marker time, select the Snapshot or Marker from the locate menu. Then click Locate. The MMC Control Panel transport buttons are selected by clicking on them. Under the Control bar more detailed settings are available. Click on the On line button to enable MMC so the button turns to green. Click on any Track buttons you desire to enable recording so the buttons turn to red. 166 MAXs Auxiliary MIDI Control On line buttonTrack buttons

REALTIMEMIDI AUTOMATION Along with mixer automation, MAX software can act as a controller of virtually any MIDI compatible equipment such as digital signal processors, samplers and hard disk based digital audio workstations. MAX is not a MIDI application per se, that is, the software communicates with the mixer at a higher speed using RS-422 But while the Macintosh is communicating through its modem port to the mixer via RS-422, the Macintosh’s printer port may be connected to a MIDI interface. The MIDI Interface is connected to MIDI equipment, either a direct connection, or via a programmable MIDI Patch Bay. You may re-assign up to sixteen of your mixer’s faders to be MIDI controllers. You can do this “on the fly” during the course of a mix. Thus you can perform an automation pass of signal processor control, and then do another pass of audio channel fader moves, using the same faders. When you re-assign your mixer’s faders to be MIDI controllers, you have not lost the use of them for audio mixing. MAX will independently play back both audio channel automation moves and MIDI moves at the same time. MAX software will also record MIDI in real time, from an external controller such as a keyboard. 167 MAXs Auxiliary MIDI Control

CREATINGMIDI FADERS Faders are turned into MIDI Faders in the Custom View, by clicking on Selection pop up menu, in the lower right of each module. Select MIDI. Select a controller number. The fader knob turns blue. For example, make fader 7 into a MIDI fader that sends MIDI Controller number 0 on MIDI channel 1. Moving this fader will now result in MIDI Controller commands being sent out of the Macintosh MIDI interface. The MIDI Controller number and channel may be changed in the MIDI Faders dialogue box, discussed next. 168 MAXs Auxiliary MIDI Control

169 MAXs Auxiliary MIDI Control MIDI FADERSDIALOGUE After creating MIDI faders in the Custom View, you may change the MIDI Channel and Controller number of the faders in the MIDI Faders dialogue box. Open the MIDI Faders Dialogue box from the Off Line menu. You may create up to 16 MIDI faders within one mix file. The dialogue always shows the 16 possible MIDI faders, designated “mf-”, whether or not you’ve created any MIDI faders. As MIDI faders are created in the Custom View, they appear in the MIDI Fader dialogue with their actual fader number. For example, if fader 7 is turned into a MIDI fader, it appears in the MIDI faders dialogue as “mf7”. To change the MIDI Channel or Controller number: Select one of the MIDI Faders from the Faders list on the right of the dialogue box. Select the Controller number from the menu. Select the MIDI Channel, 1 through 16. Usually each device being controlled has its own unique MIDI Channel number. Example, to control and automate a signal processor, say that you want to use 8 faders of the mixer. Create 8 MIDI faders in the Custom View. Open the MIDI Faders dialogue box. Click on each MIDI fader, and set the MIDI channel of the MIDI fader to match the MIDI channel of the signal processor. Click OK to exit the dialogue box.

WRITING ANDEDITINGMIDI FADERMOVES You may write and edit MIDI fader moves in real time exactly the same way that you write and edit channel fader moves. The fader is put into Write or Trim. The fader is Selected manually with the SEL button, or automatically with SoftTouch. In Read mode, these MIDI faders will be automated, they will move on the Custom View as MIDI data is sent out, allowing you to automate signal processors and other MIDI devices as part of the mix. Mixing with both MIDI Faders and Channel Faders The same fader on the mixer may be used for writing both MIDI fader moves and audio Channel moves. MIDI fader and the audio Channel can have completely different moves. For example, the MIDI fader #3 fades up while the audio fader #3 fades down. You can view these moves in the Custom View. Important! Once you have turned a fader into a MIDI fader, the mixer’s fader can control either the MIDI fader or the audio channel. Check “Faders Control SoftGroups or MIDI” in the Real Time menu to make the mixer’s fader control the MIDI fader. Note: Operating parameters on the DA7 other than Faders or Channel On/Offs will not affect, when checked. Uncheck “Faders Control SoftGroups or MIDI” in the Real Time menu to make the mixer’s fader control the audio channel. 170 MAXs Auxiliary MIDI Control

Example Suppose that you want to use fader #4 on the mixer to write both MIDI fader moves and channel (audio level) moves. First, make fader #4 into a MIDI fader by selecting MIDI from the Selection pop-up menu in the lower right corner of any module. For clarity, we will place audio channel #4 and MIDI fader #4, side by side, on a blank Custom View. Both faders can be controlled by the mixer’s fader #4. Select an unused Custom View from the Windows menu. Click on any Selection menu and select MIDI fader 4. Click on an adjacent Selection menu and select channel 4. Move fader #4 on the mixer. Notice that if “Faders Control SoftGroups or MIDI” is checked in the Real Time menu, the mixer’s fader only moves the MIDI fader. Notice that if “Faders Control SoftGroups or MIDI” is not checked, the mixer’s fader only moves the channel fader. Now you can use one fader on the mixer to write two different kinds of fader moves. Simply check or uncheck “Faders Control SoftGroups or MIDI” prior to selecting the fader in Write mode. Check the Overwrite dialogue prior to the pass, and make sure that “Faders” are Overwrite enabled. 171 MAXs Auxiliary MIDI Control