Communications System
Panasonic Kx-a271 Eia/Remote Programming And Diagnosis Manual
Panasonic Kx-a271 Eia/Remote Programming And Diagnosis Manual
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Station Setting 4 Station Setting 4 I Off-line I KX-TD 1232 Both Jack 01-l 01-2 02-l 02-2 03-l 03-2 . 04-l 04-2 05-l OS-2 06-l 06-2 07-l 07-2 08-l 08-2 DIL 1 : N Day Night 111 111111122222 111 111111122222 012 345678901234 012 345678901234 003OOODDDDDD D6OODDDDDDDD 000000000000 Znter numeric code g fg jg @ HELP HP-PAG@N-PAG@ SAVE /jj EXIT [l] DIL 1 : N Day/Night [603,604] (Direct In Line 1 : N Extension and Delayed Ringing - Day / Night) Assigns the state of DIL 1 : N to each cxtcnsion in day mode or in night mode. (1) For KX-TD1232, this program consists of 8 pages. The first page displays Jack No.Ol-I through 08-2. The second page displays Jack No.O9-1 through 16-2. The third page displays Jack No. 17-1 through 24-2. The forth page displays Jack No.251 through 32-2. The fifth page displays Jack No.33-1 through 40-2. The sixth page displays Jack No.4 1-I through 48-2. The seventh page displays Jack No.49-1 through 56-2. The last page displays Jack No.57-1 through 64-2. For KX-TD8 16, this program consists of 2 pages. The first page displays Jack No.Ol-I through 08-2. The last page displays Jack No.09- 1 through 16-2. 4-16

(2) Move the cursor to lhc field in which you want to scl a paramctcr. (3) After editing the data, press F7 (SAVE) to save them on the screen into DB MC. (4) Press F5 (P-PAGE) to rctum to the previous page. (5) Press F6 (N-PAGE) to advance to the next page. (6) Press F2 (COPY) to copy the data of one jack number in another. (7) Press F8 (EXIT) to return to Station Menu screen. (1) A maximum of 8 CO lines are available for the 816. (2) the case of KX-TD1232, the Batch files of inapplicable versions are converted to the new version automatically. (1) The numbers beside the items arc program addrcsscs yhich are used when you program the system by proprietary telcphoncs. (2) When the single system is operating. the data of all items in the screen of the system which is not operating cannot be assigned and they are not displayed in the screen. (3) It is invalid to copy to and from the data which are not displayed. TABLE of ITEMS Assigning Items Type of Field Selection of parameter Default . DILl:N Selecting D : Disable, 0 : Immcdiatc, 1 : 1 Ring, 3 : 3 Rings, 6 : 6 Rings 0 Driy /Night N : No Rings 4-17

de Keys 1 Flexible Keys 1 Off-lint KX-TD1232 Both , Znter jack no.=[- ] gj B gjj !gj /gj g$ B /gJ EXIT Flexible Keys (Flexible CO Button Assignment) NW Assigns the use of the flexible CO buttons of the cxtcnsion telephones within the system. - (1) Enter the Jack number and press Enter key. The data screen appears. (2) Press F8 (EXIT) to rctum to Station Menu Screen. The numbers beside the items arc program addrcsscs which arc used when you program the system by proprietary telephones. 4-18

TABLE of ITEMS Assigning Items Type of Field Sclcction of parameter Default jack no. Direct 01 through 64 (for KX-TD1232) 2 digits Not Stored 01 through 16 (for KX-TD816) . . 4-19

Flexible Keys 1 I Off-Iinc I KX-TD1232 Bolt Jack No. 01 coo1 [Ol) : TONE[ 1] CO13 S-CO[OZ] : TONE[I] COO2 G-CO [I] : TONE[ 1] CO14 S-CO[O3] : TONE[ I] coo3 L-CO : TONE[ l] CO15 SCO[O4] : TONE[ 11 coo4 DSS : EXT[100 ] CO16 S-CO[OS] : TONE[I] COOS(DSS1) [092-431-2111 ] CO17 S-CO[O6] : TONE[ 11 COOQDSSZ) MSG WAIT CO18 S-C0[07] : TONEIl] C007(DSS3) FWD/DND CO19 @Z-234-1234 1 COOS(DSS4) SAVE CO20 [W-234-2345 1 C009(DSS5) ACCOUNT CO21 [092-234-3456 ] CO1O(DSS6) [ ] CO22 1092-234-4567 1 CO1 l(DSS7) I 1 CO23 1092-234-5678 ] COlZ(DSS8) 1 1 CO24 1092-234-6789 1 Hit spacebar to sclecparamcter @ JACK /!# COPY & @ HELP BP-PAGE@&-PAGE SAVE B EXIT (1) This program is displayed at every jack number. (2) Move the cursor to the field in which you want to set a parameter. You must select the feature first and enter numbers. (3) After editing the data, press F7 (SAVE) to save them on the screen into DB file. (4) Press FS (P-PAGE) to rctum to the previous page. (5) Press F6 (N-PAGE) to advance to the next page. (6) Use F2 (COPY) if you want to copy the data of one Flexible button in another, (7) Press Fl (JACK) to return to the screen to enter Jack number. (8) Press F8 (EXIT) to return to Station Menu screen. 4-20

(1) If the number assigned for Single CO key or DSS key is redundant, an error message appears. (2) An assignable number of One Touch key is fixed beforehand. You cannot exceed it. (3) When a single system is operating, you cannot assign the features of Flexible keys of the system which is not operating and they are not displayed in the screen. (4) It is invalid to copy to or from the data which are not displayed. S-CO, G-CO, I.-CO, DSS, [ ](means One Touch Key), For Kx-‘ID1232 MSG WAIT, FWD/DND, SAVE, ACCOUNT, CONF, V-I-R Cool : s-co[ol: --------------------- CO=01 through 24 Tone=1 though 8 --------------------_) Tone=1 though 8 --------------------- Cool : s-CO[Ol] ----------e-------m___ --------s-------m_ 0 through 9 (One Touch) Direct * # -, P or p (PAUSE), F or f (FLASH), S or s (SECRET) -------------------------------____ Direct EXT=O through 9 2.3 or 4 digits 4-21

The table illustrated below shows all features assignable to Flexible Keys. Single CO Key I- I - Group CO Key I- I - DSS Key One Touch Key MESSAGE WAIT Key FWD / DND Key SAVE Key ACCOUNT Key * Features marked be assigned to each Flexible key. 4-22

Flexible Keys 2 Flexible Keys 2 I Off-line I KX-TD 1232 Both Enter jack no.=[- ] H /.g f# @ fg @ f$J /# EX’ &xplanation> [ 11 Flexible Keys (Flexible Button Assignment) Kw Assigns the use of the flexible buttons of the extension telephones within the system. (1) Enter the Jack number and press Enter key. The data screen appears. (2) Press F8 (EXIT) to return to Station Menu Screen. The numbers beside the items are program addresses which are used when you program the system by proprietary telephones,. 4-23

TABLE of ITEMS Assigning Items Type of Field Selection of parameter Default jack no. Direct 01 through 64 (for KX-TD1232) 2 digits Not stored 01 through 16 (for KX-TD816) . 4-24

Rexible Keys 2 Jack No. 01-l Off-line KX-TD 1232 Both PFOI(F1 ) W-321-9876 ] Name(F1 ) [KME-4DIv ] PFO2(R ) [092-321-8765 I Name(R) [Jim Kopp ] PFO3(F3 ) [092-321-7654 I Nam(F3 1 i I PFO4(F4 ) [092-321-6543 I Name@4 1 1 I PFOS(F5 ) [092-321-5432 I NamdF5 1 1 I PFO6(F6 ) [092-321-4321 I NamHfi) t I PFO7(F7 ) [092-321-3210 I NaMW [ - I PFO8(F8 ) [092-321-2109 I Name@ 1 1 I PFO9@ ) [092-321-1098 1 Name(@ ) [ 1 PFlQFlO) . [092-321-0987 1 Name(F10 1 [ 1 PFll [092-321-0876 ] PF12 [092-321-0765 ] Jack No. 01-2 SPDO [ I spD4 f I SPD8 [ . I SPDI [ 1 SPDS [ I spD9 [ 1 SPD2 1 I sm [ ] P-DL [ I SPD3 [ I SPD7 [ , I snter numeric code a JACK 1 Copy B B HELP HP-PAGE@&-PAGE SAVE @ EXIT (1) This program is displayed at every jack number. (2) ove the cursor to the field in which you want to set a parameter. You must select the feature first and enter numbers. (3) After editing the data, press F7 (SAVE) to save them on the screen into DB file. (4) Press FS (P-PAGE) to return to the previous page. (5) Press F6 (N-PAGE) to advance to the next page. (6) Use F2 (COPY) if you want to copy the data of one Flexible button in another. (7) Press Fl (JACK) to return to the screen to cntcr Jack number. (8) Press F8 (EXIT) to rctum to Station Menu screen. 4-25