Communications System
Panasonic Kx-a271 Eia/Remote Programming And Diagnosis Manual
Panasonic Kx-a271 Eia/Remote Programming And Diagnosis Manual
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CO Line Groups (TRG) CO Line Groups (TRG) Off-line KX-TD 1232 Both T Intercept Flash Pause DSC PBX Access R EXT No. Time Time Time G Day Night (msec) (set) (set) I 2 3 4 1 il@N wcrjl@l 2 Disable Disable 3 Disable Disable 4 Disable Disable 5 Disable Disable 6 Disable Disable 7 Disable Disable 8 Disable Disable NO 1.5 1.5 . [Ol] [08] [lo] [223 80 1.5 1.5 [0111081[ I[ 1 96 1.5 1.5 WI lo81 [121[ 1 112 1.5 1.5 WI I 11121 WI 200 1.5 1.5 WI 1321 [ 1 t 1 300 1.5 1.5 1021 t221 1321[ I 400 1.5 21 I 1 /=I 1221 1200 1.5 1.5 I II I[ II 1 Hit spacebar to select parameter [l] Intercept EXT No. Day / Night (Intercept Exlcnsion - Day /Night) [409,410] Assigns extensions for destinations of intercept routing during day time or night time. [2] Flash Time (Flash Time) [4131 Sets the length of the Flash Time. [3] Pause Time (Pause Time) t4121 Sets the length of the Pause Time. [4] DSC Time ( Disconnect Time) [4141 Sets the length of the disconnecting time. [S] PBX Access (Host PBX Access Codes) 14111 Assigns the Host PBX access codes. 4-6

(1) Move the cursor to the ficld in which you want to set a paramctcr. (2) After editing the data, press F7 (SAVE) to save them on the screen into DB file. (3) Use F2 (COPY) if you want to copy the data of one CO line group in another. (4) Press F8 (EXIT) to return to Line Menu screen. . (1) It is possible to.assign Floating Extension Number of Pager and DISA as an Intercept Extension number. (2) In case of the redundant storage of PBX AC&S No., 1 digit entry is valid. EXAMPLE ; 8 is more valid than 81. The numbers beside the items arc program addrcsscs which are used when you program the system by proprietary telephones. TABLE of ITEMS Assigning Items Type of Field Sclcction of parameter Default hnercept EXT No. Day /Night Selecting and Direct Disable or EXT [ J Disable (After selecting EXT [ 1) 0 through 9 2.3 or 4 digits Flash Time Selecting N0,80,96,112,20,300,40,500,600,700,,1 1 loo, 1200 Pause Time Selecting 1.5, 2.5,3.5,4.5 1.5 DSC Time Selecting 1.5 or 4.0 1.5 PBX Access No. Direct 0 through 9 *(a wild card character) Maximum 2 digits Not Stored *(a wild card character) is used as any number. For example: 0 * applies to numbers which begin with 0. 9 *applies to numbers which begin with 9. 4-7 a ,

4-3 ( .’ i Scicct the number : [-I Enter the number, and hit ENTER key (1) Enter the number of the program, and press ENTER key. Station The screen illustrated below appears when you sclcct “2. Station.” Station Menu Off-line KX-TD1232 Both 1. Station Setting 1 2. Station Setting 2 3. Station Setting 3 4. Station Settnig 4 5. Flexible Keys 1 6. Rcxiblc Keys 2 7. DSS (2) Press F8 (EXIT) to return to Main Menu screen. When you assign “Station Setting 2”. “Flcxiblc Keys 1”. ” FlcxiblcKcys 2”, or “DSS” in Interactive Editing mode, the data are not loaded into DB of the DSHS by pressing only F7 (SAVE) key. They are only saved in DB of the IBM-PC If you want to load the data into DB of the DSHS, you must press F7 (SAVE) and then F8 (EXIT) key.

1. Station Setting I 01-l [LO11 01-2 12011 02-I [IO21 02-2 [202] 03-I 11031 03-2 (203J 04-l [lo41 04-2 [2041 05-l [lo51 05-2 [205] 06-l [IO61 06-2 PO61 07-I [IO71 07-2 12071 08-l II081 08-2 [208] [Operator-l ] Y [l] YYYY YYYY [Operator-2 ] - [I] NYNN NN.NN [Manager ] Y [I] YYYY NNNN [Sheriff ] - [I] YYYY YYYY I 1 l-4 [I] NNNN NNNN I - ! N [I] NNNN NNNN I [I] NNNN NNNN [ 1 - [l] NNNN NNNN [Boss 1 ] Y [2] NYNN NNNN [ Secretary 1 ] - [2] NNNN NNNN [ Y [2] NNNN NNNN I ; - ’ [2] NNNN NNNN [Boss 2 ] N [3] NNNN NNNN [Secretary 2 ] - [3] NNNN NNNN i 1 y [3] NNNN NNNN 1 - 133 NNNN NNNN Station Setting 1 Off-line KX-TD 1232 Both Jack EXT Name X E Doorphone D X Day Night P G 1234 1234 Enter numeric code B @&)py ;.s [l] EXT (Extension Number Set) 10031 Assigns an extension number IO each cxtcnsion. [2] Name (Extension Name Set) [~I Assigns a user’s name to each cxtcnsion. [33 XDP (Extra Device Port) [6W Assigns each extension port (jack) to bc connected with a standard telephone or a proprietary telephone in parallel or not. [4] EXG (Extension Group Assignment) I6021 Assigns individual cxtcnsions to one extension group. [5] DoOrp:;Liie Day / Night (Doorphonc Ringing Assignmcnl -Day / Night) [607,608] Assigns extensions to answer ;t doorphonc during day mode or night mode. 4-9

(1) For KX-TD1232, this program consists of 8 pages. The first page displays Jack No.Ol-I through 08-2. The second page displays Jack No.O9- 1 through 16-2. The third page displays Jack No. 17-1 through 24-2. The forth page displays Jack No.251 through 32-2. The fifth page displays Jack No.33-1 through 40-2. The sixth page displays Jack No.4 l-1 through 48-2. The seventh page displays Jack No.49-1 through 56-2. The last page displays Jack No.57-1 through 64-2. . For KX-TD8 16, this program consists of 2 pages. The first page displays Jack No.Ol-1 through 08-2. The last page displays Jack No.O9-1 through 16-2. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Move the cursor to the Iicld in which you want to set a parameter. After editing the data, press F7 (SAVE) to save them on the screen inlo DB file. Press F5 (P-PAGE) to rctum to the previous page. Press F6 (N-PAGE) to advance to the next page. Use F2 (COPY) if you want to copy the data of one Jack No. in another. Press F8 (EXIT) to rctum to Station Menu screen. (1) A maximum of two doorphoncs are available for KX-TD8 16. (2) The extension numbers must hc assigned. (3) The extension numbers and the extension names are unable to be copied. (4) The XDP feature cannot bc assigned to Jack XX-~. . _ (5) When you copy the data, those of Jack xx-l and Jack xx-2 arc regarded as one and they are copied together. (6) Immediately after changing your assignment of XDP, changed setting may not work for a maximum of eight seconds. (7) The XDP feature must bc assigned “Disable” for DSS ports. cNote> The numbers beside the items arc program addrcsscs which are used when you program the system by proprietary telephones. 4-10

Table of I terns JackM-I=102 Jack01 -2=201 For KX-TD816 JackOl-l=lOl Jackl6-1=116 Jack01 -2=201 JackO2-2=202 : Jack 1;2=216 Name Direct 0 through 9. A through Z. a through z, Maximum Not Stored * # ! ? Space. , ’ : , *I+-=$%&@() 10 characters a XDP Selecting Y : Enable or N : Disable N EXG Direct 1 through 8 I digit 1 Doorphone Jack Ol-l=Y Day/ Night Select Y : Enable or N : Disable Other Jacks=N 4-l 1

Station Setting 2 Station Setting 2 I Off-line I KX-TD1232 Both Jack C 0 S 01-l [N 01-2 [l] 02-l 11) 02-2 [l) 03-l 11) 03-2 [l) 04-I (1) 04-2 [I) 05-l [2] OS-2 [3) 06-l [3) 06-2 [3] 07-I [2) 07-2 [3] 08-l [3] OS-2 [3) Enter numeric code Mailbox ID [ 1234567890123456) [lOl 1 [102 3 [IO3 1104 1 [105 1106 i [IO7 I [I10 1 [Ill I [112 I (113 I [114 [IIS i [116 fll7 . B i!Jj @HELP ~~JP-PAG@N-PAGE@SAVE~EXIT [ 1) COS (Class of Service) Assigns the Class of Scrvicc number to each cxtcnsion. 16011 [2] Mailbox ID (Voice Mail Access Codes) 16091 Assigns the access codes for Voice Processing System. (1) For KX-TD1232, this program consists of 8 pages. The first page displays Jack No.01 -1 through 08-2. The second page displays Jack No.O9- 1 through 16-2. The third page displays Jack No.17-1 through 24-2. The forth page displays Jack No.251 through 32-2. The fifth page displays Jack No.33-I through 40-2. The sixth page displays Jack No.41-I through 48-2. The seventh page displays Jack No.49-1 through 56-2. The last page displays Jack No.57-1 through 64-2. 4-12

For KX-TD816, this program consists of 2 pages. The first page displays Jack No.Ol- 1 through 08-2. The last page displays Jack No.09-I through 16-2. (2) Move the cursor to the field in which you want to set a parameter. (3) After editing the data, press F7 (SAVE) to save them on the screen into DB file. (4) Press FS (P-PAGE) to return to the previous page. . (5) Press F6 (N-PAGE) to advance to the next page: (6) Press F2 (COPY) to copy the data of one jack number in another. (7) Press F8 (EXIT) to return to Station Menu screen. The Mailbox ID numbers arc usually cxtcnsion numbers, but the number you assigned here becomes valid when SYS2 Bit8 is assigned “free” in Additional Functions. (See 4-8 Additional Functions.) 1 (1) The numbers beside the items are program addresses which are used when you program the system by proprietary telephones. (2) When the single system is operating, the data of @I items in the screen of the system which is not operating cannot be assigned and they are not displayed in the screen. (3) It is invalid to copy lo and from the data which are not displayed. TABLE of ITEMS . Assigning -Items Type of Field Sclcction of parameter Default cos Direct 1 through 8 1 digit 1 Mailbox ID Direct 0 through 9 * # P or p (PAUSE) Maximum Not Stored 16 digits 4-13

Station Setting 3 Jack CO line OG 01-I 01-2 02-l 02-2 03-l 03-2 04-I. 04-2 05-l 05-2 06-I 06-2 07- 1 07-2 08-l 08-2 Day 000000000111 111111122222 123456789012 345678901234 YYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYWYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY iwSSNKXXSSS YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYSiwXKS YYYYYYsYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY Night 111 111111122222 123456789012 345678901234 YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYVYYYYYW YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY KSSXKNNKKSKN YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY SSNSKSXXNXNN YSYYYYYYYYSS YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY 3it spacebar to select parameter i.. CO line OG (Outgoing Permitted CO line Assignment - Day / Night) [60.5,606] Assigns a CO line with which cxtcnsion users can make butsidc calls in day mode or in night mode. (1) For KX-TD1232, this program consists of 8 pages. The first page displays Jack No.01 -1 through 08-2. The second page displays Jack No.09- I through 16-2. The third page displays Jack No. 17- 1 through 24-2. The forth page displays Jack No.251 through 32-2. The fifth page displays Jack No.33- 1 through 40-2. The sixth page displays Jack No.4 I- 1 through 48-2. The seventh page displays Jack No.49-1 through 56-2. The last page displays Jack No.57- 1 through 64-2. For KX-TD8 16, this program consists of 2 pages. The first page displays Jack No.01 -1 through 08-2. The last page displays Jack No.09-1 through 16-2. 4-14

(2) Move the cursor to the field in which you want to set a paramctcr. (3) After editing thcdata, press F7 (SAVE) to save them on the screen into DB ftlc. (4) Press F5 (P-PAGE) to rctum to the previous page. (5) Press F6 (N-PAGE) to advance to the next page. (6) Press F2 (COPY) to copy the data of one jack number in another. . (7) Press F8 (EXIT) to return to Station Menu screen cCondi tion> (1) A maximum of 8 CO lines are available for KX-TD816. (2) When the single system is operating, the data of CO line OG of the system which is not operating cannot be assigned and they are not displayed in the screen. (3) When you copy the data of CO line OG, it is invalid to copy to or from the data which are not displayed. cNote> I The numbers beside the items arc program addrcsscs which arc used when you program the system by proprietary telephones. TABLE of ITE Assigning Items Type of Field Selection of parameter Default CO line OG Selecting Y : Enable or N : Disable Y 4-1s