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Panasonic Hdc Tm900 Owners Manual

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Page 91

3(When [MINUTES] is selected)
Touch  /  to set the time.≥It can be set up to a maximum of 60 minutes.
≥ Touch [ENTER].
4Touch the thumbnail to be played back.≥Next (Previous) thumbnail can be displayed by touching  / .
Repeat playback
Playback of the first scene starts after playback of the last scene finishes.
The   indication appears on the full screen views.
≥All the scenes are played back repeatedly. (Wh en playing back motion pictures by date, all 
the scenes on the selected date are...

Page 92

Zooming out from the zoomed still pictureTouch   to zoom out. (k4 #  k2 #  k1)
≥ Touch   to return to normal playback ( k1).
≥ You can also perform zoom operations using the zoom lever or the zoom buttons.
Playing back motion pictures/still pictures by date
The scenes or the still pictures recorded on the same day can be played back in succession.
1Touch the date select icon. ( l30)
2Touch the playback date.The scenes or the still pictures recorded on the date 
selected are displayed as...

Page 93

Highlight Playback
Part that was recognized as clearly recorded is extracted from a long recording, and it can be 
played back in a short time with effects and music added.
≥Highlight playback cannot be used for iFrame scenes.
1Touch . ( l30)
2(Only when you would like to change the settings)
Touch [SET] to select the item to change.
3Touch [START].≥When the [SCENE SETUP] is not changed in step 2, it will playback with the last recorded 
4Select the playback operation. ( l41, 89)≥When the...

Page 94

∫Priority setting
1 Touch [FACE] or [FACE RECOG.].≥If you touch [FACE], any detected face, including the face of person registered for Face 
Recognition, is given priority on playback.
2 (When [FACE RECOG.] is selected)
Touch a face to specify.
≥You can specify up to 6 faces, which are to be played back in priority.≥When touched, the registered face is selected and surrounded 
by red. Touch the registered face again to cancel the 
≥ Touch [ENTER]. When a single face is specified, the...

Page 95

Changing the playback settings and playing back the 
slide show
1Touch . (l30)
2(Only when you would like to change the settings)
Touch [SET] to select the item to change.
3(When [DATE SETUP] is selected)
Touch the playback date.
(When [EFFECT SETUP] is selected)
Touch the desired effect.≥When the effect setting is changed, music setting will be set 
the same as the effect setting. (To set the effect setting and 
music setting to different settings, change the music setting 
after setting the...

Page 96

5Select the playback operation. (l41)≥When the playback is finished or stopped, the screen to select [REPLAY], 
[SELECT AGAIN] or [EXIT] is displayed. Touch the desired item.
¬ Change the mode to  .
∫ To delete the scene or still picture being 
played back
Touch   while scenes or still pictures to be 
deleted are being played back.
∫ To delete scenes or still pictures from the thumbnail display
≥Switch the thumbnail display of the scenes or still pictures to delete. ( l41)
1Touch . (l30)≥When...

Page 97

When you stop deleting halfwayTouch [CANCEL] while deleting.
≥The scenes or still pictures that have already been deleted when the deletion is canceled 
cannot be restored.
To complete editingTouch [Return].
≥You can also delete scenes by touching [MENU], selecting [EDIT SCENE]  # [DELETE] # 
≥ You can also delete still pictures by touching [MENU], selecting [PICT. SETUP]  # 
≥ During Highlight Playback or Disc...

Page 98

To delete all the divided points
≥The scenes that were deleted after division cannot be recovered.
≥You cannot divide a scene if you are playing back a disc with a DVD burner (optional) 
connected, or if the number of scenes of a given date would exceed 99 scenes.
≥ It may not be possible to divide scenes with a short recording time.
≥ Data that has been recorded or edited on another device cannot be divided and the divided 
points cannot be deleted.
≥ If personal information in the divided...

Page 99

Deleting personal information
Deletes face recognition information from scenes in which faces were recognized.
≥Change the mode to   and touch the play mode select icon. Then set [VIDEO/
PICTURE] to [1080/60p] or [AVCHD]. (l 41)
≥ Personal information is not recorded in the iFrame scenes.
1Select the menu.
2Touch the desired scenes with personal information to be deleted.≥  appears at scenes for which faces were recognized. Touch one of the scenes where 
 will change to   (red) when...

Page 100

You can write the data selecting still pictures to be printed and the number of prints (DPOF 
data) onto the SD card. (Copy still pictures recorded to the built-in memory or HDD to the SD 
card before setting DPOF.)
¬Change the mode to   and touch the play mode select icon. Then set 
[MEDIA] to [SD CARD], and set [VIDEO/PICTURE] to [PICTURE]. ( l41)
∫ What is DPOF?
DPOF (Digital Print Order Format) is a format  which allows the user of a digital camera to 
define which captured images on the...
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