Panasonic Hd Integrated Camera Aw He60h Vol1 Operating Instructions
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31 Operating Instructions Characteri\ftic\f Mu\btip\be number of format\f \fupportedp A m ultiple number of output formats including 1080i\g/720p with 59.94 Hz/50 Hz are supported. The 29.97 Hz/25 Hz outputs are also s\gupported in the 1080i ou\gtput format. p By using VIDEO OUT signals, HD format signals and SD format signals can be \goutput at the same\g time. (The VIDEO OUT signals are not output when the IP video transfer function is use\gd.) p With the SD f ormat, either...
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32 Contro\b\ber \fupported pAW-RP655 p A W - RP555 p A W - RP50 p It ma y be nece\f\fary to upgrade the ve\gr\fion of the contro\b\ber in order to \fupport the unit. Con\fu\bt with your dea\ber. w When connecting the \gAW- RP655 pThe camera menus that are operated using the L\fD panel on the AW - RP655 cannot be use\gd. Use the camer a menus displayed on the monitor which has been con\gnected to the unit.\g w When connecting the \gAW- RP555 pThe AW-RP555 periodically transmits the...
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33 Operating Instructions Operating precautio\gn\f Shoot under the pr\goper \bighting condit\gion\f. To produce pictures \gwith eye-pleasing colors, shoot under the proper lighting\g conditions. The pictures may not appear with \gtheir proper color\gs when shooting under fluor\gescent lights. Select the proper \glighting as require\gd. To en\fure a \ftab\be performance in the \bong \gterm Using the unit for prolonged periods in locations w\ghere the temperature and humidity l\gevels are high will...
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34 Operating precautio\gn\f(continued) Turn off the power before connecting or di\g\fconnecting the cab\be\f. Always be sure to turn off the power before connecting or disconnecting the ca\gbles. Hand\be the unit car\gefu\b\by. Do not drop the uni\gt or subject it to\g strong impact or v\gibration. Doing so may cause the unit t\go malfunction. When the unit i\f no\gt in u\fe Turn off the unit’s power when it is not \gin use. When the unit is n\go longer going to be\g used, do not leave it lying...
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35 Operating Instructions Concerning the wire\g\be\f\f remote contro\b (optiona\b acce\f\fory) Thi\f unit can be op\gerated by remote contro\b u\fing a wire\be\f\f remote contr\go\b (mode\b number: AW - RM50G) purcha\fed \feparate\by. Check out the fo\b\bowing point\f before u\fing the wire\be\g\f\f remote contro\b. Con\fu\bt your dea\ber concernin\gg the purcha\fe of a wire\be\f\f remote contr\go\b. p P oint the wire\be\f\f re\gmote contro\b at the unit’\f wire\be\f\f remote contro\b \figna\b...
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36 Part\f and their functi\gon\f pwCamera unit 1 Mount brac ket for in\fta\b\bation \furf\gace (\fupp\bied acce\f\fory) \bount this bracket onto the instal\glation surface, and then attach the camera main unit to the\g bracket. 2 Drop-prevention wire Pull out the wire \gfrom the bottom pa\gnel of the camera main unit, and atta\gch it to the hook \gof the mount bracket. 3 Ho\be for \fecuring the camer\ga pede\fta\b This hole is provided in the bottom \gpanel of the camer\ga pedestal. 4...
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37 Operating Instructions Part\f and their functi\gon\f(continued) 9 LAN connector for IP contro\b [LAN ACT/LINK] This LAN connector\g (RJ45) is connecte\gd when exercising IP control over the unit from a\gn external device. Use a cable with the following specifications\g for the connection to the \gLAN connector: When connecting through a hub: LAN cab le* (category 5 or above, straight cable), max. 100 meters [328 ft] When a hub i\f not u\g\fed: LAN cab le* (category 5 or above,...
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38 Part\f and their functi\gon\f(continued) pwWire\be\f\f remote contr\g o\b\ber (optiona\b acce\f\fory) 1 ON/STANDBY button Each time this is \gpressed for 2 seconds, operation s witches between turning on the unit’s power and establishing the standby status. p When oper ation is transferred to the standby mode: The current pan-ti\glt position is sto\gred in the memory (as a POWER ON preset), and the \gpanning/tilting moves so that the cam\gera points in the ba\gckward- facing direction. p...
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39 Operating Instructions Part\f and their functi\gon\f(continued) 9 PRESET/LIMIT button This is used to regi\gster the settings i\gn the preset memories or set or rele\gase the limiters. When a preset memo\gry call button is pressed wh\gile the PRESET/LI\bIT button is held down, the information on the unit’s current direction\g and other settings \gis registered in the call button. Preset memory call buttons [1] to [12]\g correspond to the \g unit’s No.1 to No.12 preset memories. Furthermore, the...
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40 Setting the remote \gcontro\b ID\f The wireless remot\ge control (optiona\gl accessory) is capable of operating up to four units. IDs are used to set\g which units are s\gelected when the [\fA\b1], [\fA\b2], [\fA\b3\g] and [\fA\b4] buttons on the wireless remote co\gntrol have been pressed.p When oper ating a multiple number of these uni\gts using wireless remote co\gntrols, set a different remote contr\gol ID for each control. p When using one unit\g, set the remote c\gontrol ID to “\fA\b1”...