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Panasonic Digital Camera Dmc Gx7 Owners Manual For Advanced Features

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    Focus and Exposure Settings
    •Exposure is adjusted in accordance with the locked subject when [Metering Mode] is set to 
    []. (P168)
    •If it fails to lock, AF area will flash  in red, and disappear. Try to lock again.
    •AF Tracking may be disabled in certain picture conditions such as when it is very dark. In that 
    case, the AF Mode operates as [Ø ].
    Not available in these cases:
    In the following cases, [ ] operates as [ Ø].–[Glistening Water]/[Glittering Illuminations]/[Soft Image of a Flower]/[Monochrome] (Scene 
    Guide Mode)
    –[Sepia]/[Monochrome]/[Dynamic Monochrome]/[Rough Monochrome]/[Silky Monochrome]/
    [Soft Focus]/[Star Filter]/[Sunshine] (Creative Control Mode)
    –[Monochrome] ([Photo Style])–When using [Time Lapse Shot]•Dynamic Tracking function may  not work in the following cases:
    –When the subject is too small–When the recording location is too dark or bright–When the subject is moving too fast
    –When the background has the same or similar color to the subject–When jitter is occurring–When zoom is operated 
    Focus and Exposure Settings
    Up to 23 AF areas can be focused. This is effective when a subject is not in the center of 
    the screen. (The AF area frame will be same as image aspect ratio setting)
    (AF area frame will be same as image aspect ratio setting)
    The 23 AF areas can be divided into 9 areas and the area to be focused can be set. 
    The camera focuses on the subject in the AF area on the center of the screen.
    Position and size of the AF area can be changed.  (P153)•When the subject is not in the center of the composition in [ Ø], you can bring the subject into 
    the AF area, fix the focus and exposure by pressing the shutter button halfway, move the 
    camera to the composition you want with the shutter button pressed halfway, and then take the 
    picture. (Only when the [AFS/AFF/AFC] is set to [AFS].)
    You can achieve a more  precise focus on a point that is smaller than [ Ø].
    The focus position can be set on an enlarged screen.  (P154)•If the shutter button is pressed halfway, the screen for checking the focus position will be 
    enlarged by approximately 3 to 10 times original size.
    •The size of the AF area displayed when the camera has achieved focus may change according 
    to the subject.
    •In the following case, [ ] operates as [Ø]–When recording motion pictures
    About [ ] ([23-Area])
    About [ ] ([1-Area])
    About [ ] ([Pinpoint]) 
    Focus and Exposure Settings
    •Perform the operation after canceling the touch shutter function.
    •When setting with touch operation, set [Touch AF] in [Touch Settings] of the [Custom] menu to 
    When selecting [ š], [Ø ]
    Position and size of the AF area can be changed.
    1Select [ š] or [Ø ] and press  4.
    •AF area setting screen is displayed.
    2Press  3/4 /2 /1  to move the AF area.
    •AF area can also be moved by touching the subject.
    •Press [DISP.] to return the AF area to the center of the 
    3Rotate the rear dial to change the size of AF area 
    It can be changed to 4 different sizes.
    •The area size can also be changed by pinching out/
    pinching in  (P16) on the screen.
    4Press [MENU/SET] to set.
    AF area with the same function as [ Ø] is displayed in the 
    touched position, when the [ š] is selected. Setting of the AF area is cleared when [ ] 
    is touched.
    When selecting [ ]
    The 23 AF areas can be divided into 9 areas and the area to be focused can be set.
    1Select [ ] and press  4.
    •AF area setting screen is displayed.
    2Press  3/4 /2 /1  to select the AF area frame as 
    shown in the figure on the right.
    AF area frame can also be selected by touching the 
    3Press [MENU/SET] to set.
    •Only [i ] display (center point of selected AF area frame) 
    will remain on the screen.
    •Setting of the AF area frame is cleared when [MENU/SET] is pressed or [ ] is touched.
    Setting up position of the AF area/changing size of the AF area 
    Focus and Exposure Settings
    When selecting [ ]
    You can set the focus position precisely by enlarging the screen.
    The focus position cannot be set at the edge of the screen.
    1Select [ ] and press 4.2Press  3/4 /2 /1  to set the focus position and then press [MENU/SET].
    •The assist screen for setting the focus position is displayed in an enlarged size.
    •The assist screen can also be displayed by touching the subject.
    3Move [ _] to the focus position with  3/4/2 /1 .
    •The focus position can also be moved by touching the 
    •Pressing [DISP.] will bring the focus position back to the 
    center of the assist screen.
    •On the assist screen, it is also possible to record a picture 
    by touching [ ].
    ∫ Changing the display of the assist screen
    Each time the rear dial is pressed,  an enlarged display switches between a windowed 
    screen display and a full screen display.
    The display of the assist screen can also be switched by touching [ ].•If the front dial or rear dial is rotated, th e display can be enlarged/reduced up to approximately 
    3 to 6 times when the enlarged display is in a windowed display or up to approximately 3 to 10 
    times when the enlarged display is in a full screen display. The rear dial enlarges/reduces the 
    size at a rate of 1 time, and the front dial enlarges/reduces it at a rate of 0.1 times.
    •The display can also be enlarged/reduced by pinching out/pinching in. 
    Focus and Exposure Settings
    •The spot metering target can also be moved to match the AF area when the [Metering Mode] 
    (P168) is set to [ ]. At the edge of the screen, the metering may be affected by the brightness 
    around the AF area.
    •When [Touch AF] is set to [AF+AE], the brightness optimization position follows the movement 
    of the AF area. (The AF area works as  [ Ø].) (P172)
    Not available in these cases:
    [Direct Focus Area] is fixed to [OFF] in the following case.–Creative Control Mode•When using digital zoom, the position and size of the AF area cannot be changed.
    Setting the duration for which the screen is enlarged
    [MENU] >[Custom] >[Pinpoint AF Time] >
    [LONG] (Approx. 1.5 seconds) /[MID] (Approx. 1.0 second) /[SHORT] 
    (Approx. 0.5 second)
    Moving/not moving the AF area with the cursor button
    [MENU] >[Custom] >[Direct Focus Area] >[ON]/[OFF]
    When [ š], [ ], or [ Ø] is selected, the AF area can be moved; when  [ ]  is selected, 
    the enlarged position can be moved.
    To set the items that use the cursor buttons like [Drive Mode], [White Balance], or 
    [Sensitivity], use the Quick Menu  (P43) instead. 
    Focus and Exposure Settings
    Using the [Custom] menu, you can set the focus method in detail.
    Focusing/not focusing when the shutter button is pressed halfway
    Releasing/not releasing the shutter by pressing the shutter button halfway
    Focusing/Not focusing in advance
    As long as the camera is held steady, the camera will automatically adjust the focus and 
    focus adjustment will then be quicker when the shut ter is pressed. This is useful when you 
    do not want to miss a picture-taking opportunity.
    The battery will be consumed faster than usual.
    •Press the shutter button halfway again when it is difficult to focus on the subject.•The [Quick AF] feature is disabled in the following conditions:–In Preview Mode
    –In low light situations–With lenses that only offer Manual Focus–With some Four Thirds lenses that do not support contrast AF
    Setting the desired focus method
    [MENU] >[Custom] >[Shutter AF]> [ON]/[OFF]
    [MENU] >[Custom] >[Half Press Release] >[ON]/[OFF]
    [MENU] >[Custom] >[Quick AF] >[ON]/[OFF] 
    Focus and Exposure Settings
    Turning on/not turning on the AF Assist Lamp
    AF assist lamp will illuminate the subject when the shutter button is pressed halfway, 
    making it easier for the camera to focus when recording in low light conditions. (Larger AF 
    area is displayed depending on the recording conditions.)
    The effective range of the AF Assist Lamp is different depending on the lens used.–When the interchangeable lens (H-H020A) is attached: Approx. 1.0 m (3.3 feet) to 5.0 m 
    (16 feet)
    –When the interchangeable lens (H-FS1442A) is attached and at Wide: Approx. 1.0 m 
    (3.3 feet) to 3.0 m (9.8 feet)
    •The AF Assist Lamp is valid only for the subject in the center of the screen. Use it by 
    positioning the subject in the center of the screen.
    •Remove the lens hood.•When you do not want to use the AF Assist Lamp (e.g. when taking pictures of animals in dark 
    places), set the [AF Assist Lamp] to [OFF]. In this  case, it will become more difficult to focus on 
    the subject.
    •The AF Assist Lamp may be greatly blocked, and it may become harder to focus when a lens 
    with large diameter is used.
    •The setting for the [AF Assist Lamp] is fixed to [OFF] in the following cases.–[Distinct Scenery]/[Bright Blue Sky]/[Romantic  Sunset Glow]/[Vivid Sunset Glow]/[Glistening 
    Water]/[Clear Nightscape]/[Cool Night Sky]/[Warm Glowing Nightscape]/[Artistic Nightscape] 
    (Scene Guide Mode)
    Recording/not recording even when focus is not achieved
    You cannot take a picture until t he subject is brought into focus.
    This gives priority to the best time to take a picture so you can take a picture when the 
    shutter button is pressed fully.
    Keep in mind that when [RELEASE] is set, focus may not be achieved even if the focus mode 
    lever is set to [AF].
    •[Focus/Release Priority] is disabled during motion picture recording.
    Adjusting/not adjusting the focus manually after achieving Auto Focus
    When AF Lock is ON (press the shutter button halfway with the [AFS/AFF/AFC] set to 
    [AFS] or set AF Lock using [AF/AE LOCK]), you can make fine adjustments to the focus 
    manually. [MENU] >[Custom] >[AF Assist Lamp] >[ON]/[OFF]
    [MENU] >[Custom] >[Focus/Release Priority]
    [MENU] >[Custom] >[AF+MF]> [ON]/[OFF] 
    Focus and Exposure Settings
    Taking Pictures with Manual Focus
    Applicable modes: 
    Use this function when you want to fix the focus or when the distance between the lens 
    and the subject is determined and you do not want to activate Auto Focus.
    1Set the focus mode lever to [MF].
    2Use the focus lever or focus ring on the lens 
    to achieve focus.
    AIndicator for ¶  (infinity)•When you focus manually, display is switched to the 
    assist screen and the image is enlarged (MF Assist  B). 
    •When [Peaking] in the [Custom] menu is set to [ON], 
    in-focus portions are highlighted (C).
    •When [MF Guide] on the [Custom] menu is set to [ON] 
    and you focus manually, the MF guide  D is displayed on 
    the screen. You can check whether the point of focus is 
    to the near side or the far side.
    The operations used to focus manually differ depending on the lens.
    When using the interchangeable lens 
    , H-FS1442A) having a focus ring When using the interchangeable lens 
    having a focus lever
    Rotate to A  side:
    Focuses on nearby 
    Rotate to B  side:
    Focuses on 
    faraway subject Move to C side:
    Focuses on nearby 
    Move to D side:
    Focuses on 
    faraway subject
    The focusing speed varies depending on how 
    far you move the focus lever.
    Focus and Exposure Settings
    Achieving focus quickly using Auto Focus
    If [AF/AE LOCK] is pressed in Manual Focus, Auto Focus will work.
    Auto Focus works at the center of the frame.•If Auto Focus is used while the MF Assist screen is displayed, 
    the center of the MF Assist screen will be focused.
    •Auto Focus also works with the following touch operations.–Touching [ ]
    –Dragging the monitor and releasing your finger at the position 
    you want to focus on
    Setting the display method of the MF Assist
    >[Custom] >[AF/AE Lock] >[AF-ON]
    [MENU] >[Custom] >[MF Assist]
    ItemDescription of settings
    []Enlarge by rotating the focus ring or moving the focus lever, or by 
    pressing  2 ().
    []Enlarge by rotating the focus ring or moving the focus lever.
    []Enlarge by pressing  2 ().
    [OFF]MF Assist is not displayed.
    Focus and Exposure Settings
    Highlighting/not highlighting in-focus portions
    When [Peaking] is set, [ ] ([Detect Level]: [HIGH]) or [ ] ([Detect Level]: [LOW]) will 
    be displayed.
    •Each time [ ] in [ ] is touched, the setting is switched in order of [ON] ([Detect Level]: 
    [LOW]) > [ON] ([Detect Level]: [HIGH]) > [OFF].•Each time the set function button is pressed when [Peaking] is set to [Fn Button Set]  (P47) in 
    the [Custom] menu, the peaking setting switches in order of [ON] ([Detect Level]: [LOW])  >  
    [ON] (
    [Detect Level]: [HIGH])  >  [OFF].•This function works in Manual Focus or when focus is being adjusted manually with [AF+MF].•Since portions with clear outlines on the screen are highlighted as in-focus portions, portions to 
    be highlighted vary depending on the recording conditions.
    •The color used for highlighting does not affect recorded images.
    Displaying/not displaying the MF Guide
    >[Custom] >[Peaking]
    ItemDescription of settings
    [ON]In-focus portions are highlighted with color.
    [OFF]In-focus portions are not highlighted.
    [SET] [Detect Level]
    The detection level for in-focus portions is set.
    When [HIGH] is set, portions to be highlighted are 
    reduced, allowing you to achieve a more precise focus.
    The detection level setting does not affect the focus range.
    [Display  Color]
    Sets the highlighting color used for [Peaking].
    When [Detect Level] is set to [HIGH]: [ ] (Light blue)/
    [ ] (Yellow)/[ ] (Green)
    When [Detect Level] is set to [LOW]: [ ] (Blue)/[ ] 
    (Orange)/[ ] (White)
    Changing the [Detect Level] setting also changes the 
    [Display Color] setting as follows.
    – [ ] (Light blue) [ ] (Blue)
    – [ ] (Yellow) [ ] (Orange)
    – [ ] (Green) [ ] (White)
    [MENU] >[Custom] >[MF Guide] >[ON]/[OFF] 
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