Network Hardware
Panasonic Central Processing Unit Wj Mpu955a Operating Instructions
Panasonic Central Processing Unit Wj Mpu955a Operating Instructions
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42 Notes: •Normally, maintain the default configuration. •When modifying the configuration, refer to experienced system administrators. Configuration File Modification The system configuration file is referred to as the SYS.INI file. It contains system-wide configuration information, and can be modified by the system administrators through the admin console. (Refer to the Admin Console Users Guide.) The CPU contains default SYS.INI file. (Refer to p. 43.) The CPU should work with the default system configuration file set by the factory at the time of shipping. To modify the default configuration file, you can use the admin console. From the admin console main menu: •Select CPUs from the main bar’s Domain; •Select Sys tab from the CPU System Configuration screen; •Upload the SYS.INI file from the CPU using the ‘Get from CPU’ button in the SYS Transfer section; •Modify the system configuration file that appears in the document area of the window; •Save the system configuration file using the ‘Save’ but- ton in the SYS Archive section; •Download the configuration file using the ‘Put to CPU’ button in the SYS Transfer section; •Reboot the CPU. System Database The system database contains system devices, system resources, and system programmable events and automa- tion information. System administrators can configure the system database using the admin console. (Refer to the Admin Console Users Guide.) The CPU contains a default database when it arrives from the factory. A default database file is also provided on the CD-ROM. The contents of the default database file – 01 = sample.adm – appear in the Default Database Contents section. (Refer to p. 48.) Available Configurations

43 Text appearing in blue is explanatory, and not part of the sys.ini file. Interface section The CPU can incorporate up to three Ethernet network interface cards. [INTERFACES] ***{ Number of interfaces in the system} Numinterfaces=3 The number used here is the number of the Ethernet ports on MPU955A CPU. ***{ Interface Definitions } ***{ Interface=,, } ***{ !! Note: The InterfaceX IPAs must match the MainX CPU } ***{ hardware settings in order for the System to } ***{ operate correctly!! ***{ MainA CPU } In Standard System, the MPU955A CPU should use the IP addresses that follow. In this case, the {MainB CPU}’s interface numbers should be commented with asterisks. Interface0=,, Interface0 is an interface for GX devices. (NTSC model only) Interface1=,, Interface1 is an interface for system controller. Interface2=,, Interface2 is used for SNMP, SNTP feature. (Not currently supported) ***{ MainB CPU } In Redundant System, the second MPU955A CPU should use following IP addresses (remove the asterisks below). In this case, {MainA CPU}’s interface numbers should be commented with asterisks. *Interface0=,255,255,255,0, *Interface1=,, *Interface2=,, Frames section Note: This section does not apply to the MPU955A system, and should not be changed. [FRAMES] ***{ MX Frame definition from Admin file } ***{ MXSW has format ,, } ***{ All others use , } ***{ All 0s used for digital-only systems. } MXSWFunction=0,0,0 MXCONTFunction=0,0 MXOSDFunction=0,0 MXDIOFunction=0,0 MXRMSFunction=0,0 Default SYS.INI Contents

44 Procs section This section tells the system which interface is to be used by certain process files. [PROCS] ***{ Process Interface Assignments } ***{ Format: = } ***{ Set these three to the interface_num of the Ethernet keyboards: } Keybp=1 Mxconts=1 Mxpfw=1 1 means interface1 in [INTERFACES] section. MPU955A CPU has 3 software processes (listed above) to commu- nicate to a CU950. All processes should use same interface number. Factory default setup is interface 1. ***{ Set Swcpu to the same interface_num for all unit CPUs: } Swcpu=1 1 means interface1 in [INTERFACES] section. In case of Redundant System, Both CPUA and CPUB must be assigned the same interface_num. Factory default setup is interface 1. ***{ Set UnitManager to the same interface_num for all system CPUs: } UnitManager=2 Not currently supported ***{ Set CSntp to the interface_num for EXTERNAL SNTP operation: } CSntp=2 Not currently supported ***{ Set SSntp to the same interface_num for all system CPUs: } SSntp=2 Not currently supported ***{ Set SNMPAgent to the same interface_num for all system CPUs: } SNMPAgent=2 1 means interface1 in [INTERFACES] section. Factory default setup is interface 2. OSD section All settings in this section are set to factory default, which provide the best monitor layout. [OSD] ***{ Initial OSD display position } ***{ Alarm text is placed on the General Status line. } ***{ Format: =, } TimeDatePosition=1,1 CamTitlePosition=1,16 MonStatusPosition=1,15 GenStatusPosition=1,14 ***{ Time-Date, Camera Title and Camera ID Controls } ***{ Code 2 takes effect only if source is MXOSD } ***{ Format: = } ***{ control code 0 - OFF } ***{ control code 1 - ON } ***{ control code 2 - By Operator } TimeDateControl=2 CamTitleControl=2 CamIDControl=2 ***{ Time and Date display format } ***{ Format: TimeDateFormat= } ***{ format 0 - DD/MM/YYYY } ***{ format 1 - MM/DD/YYYY } ***{ format 2 - DD/Mmm/YYYY } ***{ format 3 - YYYY/MM/DD } ***{ format 4 - Mmm/DD/YYYY } ***{ format 5 - DD/MM/YY } ***{ format 6 - MM/DD/YY } ***{ format 7 - DD/Mmm/YY } ***{ format 8 - YY/MM/DD } ***{ format 9 - Mmm/DD/YY }

45 TimeDateFormat=1 ***{ Time-Hour Display format } ***{ Format: TimeHourFormat= } ***{ format 0 - 12 Hour } ***{ format 1 - 24 Hour } TimeHourFormat=0 UNIT section Note:This section should not be changed. [UNIT] ***{ The unit ID should be the same as the one defined in } ***{ the Global Admin database for this unit. } ***{ For single-unit systems, use ID=1. (ID=0 is invalid) } ID=1 LOG section This section sets the frequency with which log files are saved to hard disk. The defaults below have the logs being copied every 10 minutes and stored for 7 days. [LOG] ***{ This section is optional. It is not required unless } ***{ System defaults are not acceptable. Delete the } ***{ single asterisks below to make this section active. } ***{ Log generation/save characteristics } ***{ Format: =, } ***{ Minutes = Frequency to copy to HD (1 - 30 min) } ***{ Note: Values outside this range = 1 min. } ***{ Days = days to save on HD (5 - 30) } ***{ Mode = 0 - off (default) } ***{ 1 - on } UserLog=10,7,1 SwLog=10,7,0 AlarmLog=10,7,1 VideoLossLog=10,7,1 RS232ALARM section Note:This section should not be changed. All RS232C ports can be set in the admin console for the alarm interface. This section describes the characteristics for the external alarm port only. Other use of the port, such as for an external controller, must be configured using the admin console. [RS232ALARM] ***{ This section is optional. It is not required unless } ***{ System defaults are not acceptable. Delete the } ***{ single asterisks below to make this section active. } ***{ Enable/Disable Serial Alarms by port number. } ***{ Note: Port 2 is dedicated to redundant communication } ***{ if REDUNDANT:YES is selected by front panel } ***{ switch. ***{ Format: AlarmPort=, } ***{ port # = use 1 for desired port (only one) } ***{ port # = use 0 for ports not desired } *AlarmPort=1,0

46 ALARMTEXTDISPLAY section This section sets up the characteristics of the alarm text - whether alarm text only or alarm and action text. There is a 38 character maximum for alarm text. [ALARMTEXTDISPLAY] ***{ This section is optional. It is not required unless } ***{ System defaults are not acceptable. Delete the } ***{ single asterisks below to make this section active. } ***{ Alarm Text Display format } ***{ Format: AlarmTextDisplay= } ***{ option 0 - Display Alarm Text only } ***{ option 1 - Display both Alarm Text (20 chars) } ***{ and Action Text (18 chars) } *AlarmTextDisplay=0 SYSTEM section Note: This section should not be changed. Use the admin console to select the correct CPU size. [SYSTEM] ***{ This section is optional. It is not required unless } ***{ System defaults are not acceptable. Delete the } ***{ single asterisks below to make this section active. } ***{ Format: Keyboards= } ***{ Cameras= } ***{ Monitors= } *Keyboards=64 *Cameras=1024 *Monitors=256 ROUTING section Note:This section should not be changed. This section allows the setting of certain network parameters. If changes are necessary, consult your network administrator. [ROUTING] ***{ This section is optional to the system. It is only required for external gateway. } ***{ Only one default gateway entry is allowed! } ***{ Format: default= } The factory default settings below are up is commented out by *. default= ***{ Network entries must be grouped together although any number of entries is allowed. } ***{ Format: network=,, } *network=,,255,0,0,0 *network=,,255,0,0,0 *network=,,255,0,0,0 *network=,,255,0,0,0 ***{ Host entries must be grouped together although any number of entries is allowed. } ***{ Format: host=, } *host=, *host=,

47 SNTP section Note: This section should not be changed. This section allows changes to Simple Network Time Protocol parameters, if SNTP is implemented. [SNTP] ***{ This section is optional. It is not required unless } ***{ System defaults are not acceptable. Delete the } ***{ single asterisks below to make this section active. } ***{ This section lists user-defined client SNTP values, } ***{ sync rates and an external server address. } ***{ } ***{ Format: (VALUES INTERNAL TO THIS UNIT) } ***{ ClientMode= (act as an SNTP client) } ***{ modes: 0 - Internal (default) } ***{ 1 - Unicast } ***{ 2 - Anycast } ***{ 3 - Broadcast } ***{ ServerMode= (to expose its timestamp to } ***{ other units) } ***{ modes: 0 - Off } ***{ 1 - On (default) } ***{ InternalFrequency= } ***{ -default is 600 sec (10 min) } ***{ } ***{ (VALUES FOR EXTERNAL CONNECTION) } ***{ NTPServerIPA= of SNTP server } ***{ -for Unicast mode only; optional for } ***{ modes 0,2,3. } ***{ ExternalFrequency= } ***{ -default is 18000 sec (5 hrs) } ***{ TZOffset= time zone offset from GMT } ***{ (+,-12 in integer values) } ***{ DaylightSaving= (applies for the local } ***{ time zone) } ***{ on/off: 0 - off } ***{ 1 - on } *ClientMode=1 *ServerMode=1 *InternalFrequency=600 *NTPServerIPA=192.168.200.XXX *ExternalFrequency=18000 *TZOffset=5 *DaylightSaving=1 ERRORP section Note:This section should not be changed. This section allows changes to Error Log level. [ERRORP] ErrorLevel=3

ID 48 Control VideoOSD This section indicates the default contents of sample650.adm (sample database for WJ-SX650 512x64 Full Matrix System) that is included on the CD-ROM. SX650 SUBNODES Default Database Contents (WJ-SX650 512 x 64 Full Matrix System) 1 2 3 4 5 6I/F 0 0 0 0 0 0IPA – – 1-32 – – 33-64CONTROL 1-256 257-512 – – – ––OSD – – 1-32 – – 33-64SWITCH ALARM Input Output 1-32– – – – – – 1-32 - 33-64 33-64 – 1-256 257-512 - 1-256 257-512 –Address 5 6 7 8 OFF-OFF-OFF-OFF OFF-OFF-OFF-ON OFF-OFF-ON-OFF OFF-OFF-ON-ON OFF-ON-OFF-OFF OFF-ON-OFF-ONEA 00:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00 ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 : : 511 512Logical # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 : : 511 512Switch SX650 SX650 SX650 SX650 SX650 SX650 SX650 SX650 SX650 SX650 SX650 SX650 SX650 : : SX650 SX650Ports 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 : : 511 512Compensation Short Short Short Short Short Short Short Short Short Short Short Short Short : : Short ShortModel WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 : : WV-CS954 WV-CS954C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 C 6 C 7 C 8 C 9 C 10 C 11 C 12 C 13 : : C 511 C 512 CAMERAS Switch SX650 SX650 SX650 SX650 SX650 SX650 SX650 SX650 SX650 SX650 SX650 SX650 SX650 : : SX650 SX650Ports 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 : : 511 512 CONTROLLERS ID 1Area 0Priority 3Boot File –Model WV-CU950IPA 00:80:45:AB:CD:EFPort – Note:Actual MAC address that is indicated on a product should be entered in theEA field.

Timeout 49 ID MONITORS 1 2 3 4 5 : : 63 64Area 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 0Local 1 2 3 4 5 : : 63 64Switch SX650 SX650 SX650 SX650 SX650 : : SX650 SX650Port 1 2 3 4 5 : : 63 64 ID 100 955Password 100 955Priority 100 300:00:00 00:00:00Name Normal SuperClass 1: Normal 2: Super OPERATORS

ID Switch 50 ID This section indicates the contents of sample.adm (sample database for GX system) that is included on the CD-ROM. GX DEVICES Database Contents (GX System) (NTSC Model Only) 1 2 3 4 5 6I/F 0 0 0 0 0 0IPA 00:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00ENC Input port 1 - 4 5 - 8 9 - 12 13 - 16 – –DEC Output port – – – – 1 - 4 5 - 8GXDIN Input port – – – – – –Address AB 00 00 00 00 10 10C 1 2 3 4 0 1 CAMERAS Control Video OSD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15Logical # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15Switch GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GXPorts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15Compensation Bitrate Short 6.144 6.144 6.144 6.144 6.144 6.144 6.144 6.144 6.144 6.144 6.144 6.144 6.144 6.144 6.144 Short Short Short Short Short Short Short Short Short Short Short Short Short ShortModel WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954 WV-CS954C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 C 6 C 7 C 8 C 9 C 10 C 11 C 12 C 13 C 14 C 15 GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GX GXPorts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15