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Palm Tungsten W PDA Phone Instructions

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Page 331

Date and Time preferences
3.Tap the Speed pick list and select the appropriate speed.
4.Enter the initialization string supplied by the documentation for the modem 
attached to your mobile phone, if necessary.
5.Press Function   + Enter , or tap OK.
6.Press Function   + Enter , or tap OK again to save the configuration.
After you create the configuration, you need to set up the HotSync Manager of 
your Desktop application and the HotSync application of your handheld to 
perform a modem HotSync...

Page 332

Chapter 21 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld
To set the time:
1.Tap the Set Time box.
2.Tap the up or down arrows to change the hour.
3.Tap each number of the minute, and then tap the arrows to change the numbers.
4.Press Function   + Enter , or tap OK.
To set the time zone:
1.Tap the Location pick list.
2.Select a time zone. 
When you travel, changing the time zone setting to a new time zone 
automatically resets the date and time on your handheld, but it does not change 
the time of...

Page 333

Formats preferences
Formats preferences
Use the Formats Preferences screen to set the country default and the display 
format of the dates, times, and numbers on your handheld. 
Country default
The country default sets date, time, week start day, and number conventions based 
on geographic regions where you might use your handheld. For example, in the 
United Kingdom, time often is expressed using a 24-hour clock. In the United 
States, on the other hand, time is expressed using a 12-hour clock with...

Page 334

Chapter 21 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld
General preferences
The General Preferences screen enables you to set the auto shutoff interval, alarm 
options, sounds for your handheld, and the Beam Receive feature. 
Auto-off delay
Your handheld has an automatic shutoff feature that activates after a period of 
inactivity. This feature turns off the power and backlight but leaves the radio on. 
This feature helps conserve battery power in case you forget to turn off your 
If you find...

Page 335

General preferences
System, alarm, and game sounds
Your handheld uses a variety of sounds. The System, Alarm, and Game Sound 
settings enable you to turn the sounds on or off, and to adjust the volume level.
To set the system and alarm sounds:
1.Tap the System Sound pick list and select the sound level. 
IMPORTANTWhen you turn off the System Sounds, you also turn off the “chime” 
tones associated with the HotSync operation. 
2.Tap the Alarm Sound pick list and select the sound level. 
3.Tap the Game...

Page 336

Chapter 21 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld
Keyboard Preferences
The Keyboard Preferences screen enables you to customize the keyboard. You can 
set how each key responds when pressed or held. You can also remap the character 
or function of the key.
Any changes you make in the Keyboard Preferences screen become effective 
immediately; you do not have to change to a different screen or application.
To set the key repeat rate:
nMove the slider or tap the adjustment bar.
To set key clicking:

Page 337

Keyboard Preferences
Remapping keys
Keys can be remapped from their default function to any of the keys or buttons 
available on the handheld, including the Function keys. 
To remap a key:
1.Tap Remap keys.
2.Ta p  a  k e y.
3.Tap Remap.
You can chose to remap the key and the Function + key combination. 
4.Ta p  S a v e .
5.Press Function   + Enter , or tap Done.
Ta p  a  k e y
Mapping function
Tap to remap Function + key combination
Tap to remap key
Tap pick list and select keyboard
Tap character 

Page 338

Chapter 21 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld
Mobile preferences
The Mobile Preferences screen allows you to view and configure many of the 
wireless settings for the applications sharing configuration settings. You can also 
turn the mobile radio on and off.
Turning the mobile radio on and off
When you open a wireless application, the radio dialog box automatically appears 
if the mobile radio is turned off. You can also turn on the mobile radio from the 
Mobile Preferences screen.
To turn the...

Page 339

Mobile preferences
To enable or disable call waiting:
1.Tap Call Settings.
2.Tap the Enable call waiting check box to select or deselect it. 
3.Press Function   + Enter , or tap OK.
Concealing your number
You can conceal (block) or display your number when making a call.
To conceal or display your number:
1.Tap Call Settings.
2.Tap the Conceal my number when making a call check box. 
Tap Call Settings
Ta p  c h e c k  b o x
Tap Call Settings 

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Chapter 21 Setting Preferences for Your Handheld
A checkmark appears, indicating that your number is concealed from the 
recipient when you place a call. Leave the check box blank to display your 
number to the recipient when you place a call. 
3.Press Function   + Enter , or tap OK.
Diverting your calls
You can divert (forward) your phone calls, e-mail messages, and faxes to different 
To divert your phone calls:
1.Tap Call Settings.
2.Tap Call Diverts. 
Tap check box
Tap Call Settings
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