Nortel Modular Ics 6.1 Programming Record Manual
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92 Modular ICS 6.1 Programming RecordP0603536 02 Dest codesDefine which routes are used when a destination code is dialed. Show DstCode:_Up to 500 destination codes are programmable. Enter up to seven digits of the destination code that you want to use to define a route. Destination codes must be unique. A destination code cannot begin with a digit assigned as: Call Park prefix Direct-dial digit same as, or be the start digits of a DN, the DISA DN or the Auto DN line pool code ...
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93 P0603536 02Modular ICS 6.1 Programming Record Common settingsUse these commands to assign settings that are shared by different services. Control setsAssign control telephones to turn services on or off. For linesSelect lines for settings and services. Show line:_Enter the number of the line you want to program. L001 Assign a control telephone to each external line that will controls services for the line. For setsSelect the sets affected by this service. Show...
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94 Modular ICS 6.1 Programming RecordP0603536 02 Name If you choose No for display digits, enter 16 characters to identify the person or location for a speed dial number. When the number is dialed, the telephone displays the name, not the number. If you want to use the alpha tagging feature, you must specify a name for the speed dial. Bypass restr’nSelect whether a programmed system speed dial number can bypass restrictions programmed for a line and/or a telephone. PasswordsUse these...
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95 P0603536 02Modular ICS 6.1 Programming Record Time&DateUse these commands to set the system clock to the correct time and date. System prgrmingUse these commands to change system-wide settings. Hunt groupsThese commands allow you to set up incoming calls on a specific DN to be routed to a group of sets. Show group:_Enter the D N of the telephone you want to program. Member DNsEnter the D N of the telephone you want to add to the group. Line assignmentAssign or unassign a line to a...
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96 Modular ICS 6.1 Programming RecordP0603536 02 Par k mo deSelect whether the system will use Call Park codes in a sequence from lowest to highest, or use the lowest numbered code that is available when the call is parked. Tr n s f r c a l l b kSelect the number of times a transferred call rings before it returns to the telephone that transferred it. DRT to primeSelect whether to automatically transfer unanswered external calls to a prime telephone. DRT delaySelect the number of...
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97 P0603536 02Modular ICS 6.1 Programming Record Silent MonitorUse this command to determine if the Silent Monitoring feature will emit a conference tone when supervision occurs. (Y = tone; N = no tone) CLID MatchUse this command to determine how many digits an incoming calls must match to a System Speed Dial listing to allow the speed dial name to display for the call. Direct-dialSelect whether an internal or external number is used for the Direct-dial telephone. D-Dial 1Enter the...
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98 Modular ICS 6.1 Programming RecordP0603536 02 Access CodesUse these commands to enter the access codes for: Line pool Park prefix Extrnl code Direct-Dial Auto DN DISA DN Line pool codesEnter a line pool access code for each line pool (1-4 digits). A line pool access code cannot start with the same digits as the: Call Park prefix Direct-dial digit any DN (including Recd #s, the DISA DN, or the Auto DN) destination code Park prefixSelect the first digit of the Call Park...
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99 P0603536 02Modular ICS 6.1 Programming Record Remote accessUse these commands to create a system of controlled access to your Norstar system. Remote access pkgsCreate packages to apply to lines that allow or restrict the remote access to Norstar line pools and/or to paging. Show pkg:_Enter the two-digit remote package number (00-15). Package 00 is pre-set to allow no access. LinePool accessFor each package, select whether the user will have access to the system line pools. ...
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100 Modular ICS 6.1 Programming RecordP0603536 02 CellsThese commands provide information about the cells within the system. Show cell:_Enter the number of the cell you wish to program. Cell radios Assign a radio to this cell. Show radio:_Enter the number of the radio. Cell nghbrs Assign a cell to be a neighbor. This is a cell that physically adjoins another cell. Show nghbrView neighbor information. Cell rad nghbrs Assign a cell to be a bordering cell to each cell neighbour. ...
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101 P0603536 02Modular ICS 6.1 Programming Record Call RestrnsThese commands allow you to assign dialing filters to room occupancy states. VacantThis command notes if the Room is empty or occupied. Use flt:Enter the dialing filter for the room state. The filters range from 00 to 99. BasicIndicate the filter to be assigned for that level of room occupancy. MidIndicate the filter to be assigned for that level of room occupancy. FullIndicate the filter to be assigned for that...