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Nikon Camera D610 Users Manual

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Page 151

AChoosing a Source Image
To view the image highlighted in Step 4 full frame, 
press and hold the  X (T ) button.
To view images in other locations, hold the  D 
button and press  1.
 The dialog shown at right will be 
displayed; select the desired card and folder ( 0178).
AChoosing a White Balance Preset
Press  1 to highlight the current white balance preset 
(d-1 – d-4) and press  2 to select another preset.
AFine-Tuning Preset White Balance
The selected preset can be fine-tuned by selecting...

Page 152

❚❚Entering a Comment
Follow the steps below to enter a descriptive comment of up to thirty-six characters 
for a selected white balance preset.
1Select  L (Preset manual ).
Highlight Preset manual  in the white 
balance menu and press  2.
2Select a preset.
Highlight the desired preset and press 
W (S ).
3Select  Edit comment .
Highlight Edit comment  and press 2.
4Edit the comment.
Edit the comment as described on page 135.
W  (S ) button 

Page 153

❚❚Protecting a White Balance Preset
Follow the steps below to protect the selected white balance preset. Protected 
presets can not be modified and the  Fine -tune and Edit comment  options can not 
be used.
1Select  L (Preset manual ).
Highlight Preset manual  in the white 
balance menu and press  2.
2Select a preset.
Highlight the desired preset and press 
W (S ).
3Select  Protect .
Highlight  Protect and press  2.
4Select  On.
Highlight  On and press  J to protect the 
selected white balance...

Page 154


Page 155

Image Enhancement
Nikon’s unique Picture Control system makes it possible to share image processing 
settings, including sharpening, contrast, brightness, saturation, and hue, among 
compatible devices and software.
Selecting a Picture Control
The camera offers a choice of preset Picture Controls. In  P,  S,  A , and  M modes, you can 
choose a Picture Control according to the subject or type of scene (in other modes, 
the camera selects a Picture Control automatically).
1Press  c (b ).
A list of...

Page 156

ACustom Picture Controls
Custom Picture Controls are created through modifications to existing Picture Controls using 
the  Manage Picture Control  option in the shooting menu ( 0134).
 Custom Picture Controls 
can be saved to a memory card for sharing  among other cameras of the same model and 
compatible software ( 0136).
AThe Picture Control Indicator
The current Picture Control is shown in the information display when 
the  R button is pressed.
Picture Control 
AThe Shooting Menu...

Page 157

Modifying Picture Controls
Existing preset or custom Picture Controls (0134) can be modified to suit the scene 
or the user’s creative intent.
 Choose a balanced combinat ion of settings using Quick 
adjust , or make manual adjustments to individual settings.
1Select a Picture Control.
Highlight the desired Picture Control in the 
Picture Control list ( 0129) and press 2.
2Adjust settings.
Press  1 or  3 to highlight the desired setting 
( 0 132) and press  4 or  2 to choose a value.
Repeat this...

Page 158

❚❚Picture Control Settings
Quick adjust Choose from options between 
–2 and  +2 to reduce or exaggerate the effect 
of the selected Picture Control (note that this resets all manual adjustments).
For example, choosing positive values for  Vivid makes pictures more vivid. 
Not available with  Neutral or Monochrome  Picture Controls.
Manual adjustments
(all Picture Controls)Sharpening Control the sharpness of outlines.
A to adjust sharpening 
automatically according to...

Page 159

AThe Picture Control Grid
Pressing the  W (S ) button in Step 2 on page 131 displays a Picture 
Control grid showing the contrast and saturation for the selected 
Picture Control in relation to the other Picture Controls (only contrast 
is displayed when  Monochrome is selected).
 Release the W (S ) 
button to return to the Picture Control menu.
The icons for Picture Controls that use auto contrast and saturation 
are displayed in green in the Picture Control grid, and lines appear 
parallel to the...

Page 160

Creating Custom Picture Controls
The Picture Controls supplied with the camera can be modified and saved as custom 
Picture Controls.
1Select  Manage Picture Control  in the 
shooting menu.
To display the menus, press the  G button. 
Highlight  Manage Picture Control  in the 
shooting menu and press 2.
2Select  Save/edit .
Highlight Save/edit  and press  2.
3Select a Picture Control.
Highlight an existing Picture Control and 
press  2, or press  J to proceed to Step 5 to 
save a copy of the...
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