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Nikon Camera D610 Users Manual

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Page 121

Image Size
Image size is measured in pixels. Choose from #Large,  $Medium, or  %Small 
(note that image size varies depending on the option selected for  Image area, 0 89):
Image size can be set by pressing the  X (T ) button and rotating the sub-
command dial until the desired settin g is displayed in the control panel.
Image areaOptionSize (pixels)Print size (cm/in.)*
FX (36 × 24) 1.0 × 
(FX format) Large 6,016 × 4,016 50.9 × 34.0/20.1 × 13.4
Medium 4,512 × 3,008 38.2 × 25.5/15.0 × 10.0 Small...

Page 122

Using Two Memory Cards
When two memory cards are inserted in the camera, you can use the Role played by 
card in Slot 2  item in the shooting menu to choose the role played by the card in Slot 
 Choose from  Overflow (the card in Slot 2 is used only when the card in Slot 1 is 
full),  Backup  (each picture is recorded twice, once to the card in Slot 1 and again to 
the card in Slot 2), and  RAW Slot 1—JPEG Slot 2  (as for Backup , except that the NEF/
RAW copies of photos recorded at settings of...

Page 123

This section describes the focus options available when photographs are framed in 
the viewfinder.
 Focus can be adjusted automatica lly (see below) or manually 
( 0 103).
 The user can also select the focus  point for automatic or manual focus 
( 0 101) or use focus lock to focus to recompose photographs after focusing ( 0102).
To use autofocus, rotate the focus-mode selector to  AF.
Autofocus Mode
Choose from the following autofocus modes:
AF-A Auto-servo AF

Page 124

Autofocus mode can be selected by pressing the AF-
mode button and rotating the main command dial 
until the desired setting is displayed in the viewfinder 
or control panel.
AGetting Good Results with Autofocus
Autofocus does not perform well under the conditions listed below.
 The shutter release may 
be disabled if the camera is unable to focus  under these conditions, or the in-focus indicator 
( I ) may be displayed and the camera may sound a beep, allowing the shutter to be...

Page 125

AF-Area Mode
Choose how the focus point for autofocus is selected.
•Single-point AF : Select the focus point as descri bed on page 101; the camera will 
focus on the subject in the selected focus point only.
 Use with stationary subjects.
• Dynamic-area AF : Select the focus point as  described on page 101.
 In AF-A  and  AF-C 
focus modes, the camera will focus base d on information from surrounding focus 
points if the subject briefly leaves the selected point.
 The number of focus points 

Page 126

AF-area mode can be selected by pressing 
the AF-mode button and rotating the sub-
command dial until the desired setting is 
displayed in the viewfinder or control panel.
When the shutter-release button is pressed half way, the colors in the area surrounding the 
focus point are stored in the camera.
 Consequently 3D-tracking may not produce the 
desired results with subjects that are the same  color as the background or that occupy a very 
small area of the frame.
AAF-Area Mode...

Page 127

Focus Point Selection
The camera offers a choice of 39 focus points that can be used to compose 
photographs with the main subject positioned almost anywhere in the frame.
1Rotate the focus selector lock to ●.
This allows the multi selector to be used to select 
the focus point.
2Select the focus point.
Use the multi selector to select the focus point in 
the viewfinder while the exposure meters are on.
Press  J to select the center focus point.
The focus selector lock can be rotated to the...

Page 128

Focus Lock
Focus lock can be used to change the composition after focusing, making it possible 
to focus on a subject that will not be in  a focus point in the final composition.
 If the 
camera is unable to focus using autofocus ( 098), focus lock can also be used to 
recompose the photograph after focusing on another object at the same distance as 
your original subject.
 Focus lock is most effective when an option other than auto-
area AF is selected for AF-area mode ( 099).
Position the...

Page 129

Manual Focus
Manual focus is available for lenses that do not support autofocus (non-AF NIKKOR 
lenses) or when the autofocus does not produce the desired results ( 098).
• AF-S lenses : Set the lens focus mode switch to  M.
• AF lenses : Set the lens focus mode switch (if present) 
and camera focus-mode selector to  M.
• Manual focus lenses : Set the camera focus-mode selector to  M.
To focus manually, adjust the lens focus ring until the 
image displayed on the clear matte field in the...

Page 130

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