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Nikon Camera D610 Users Manual

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Page 141

White Balance
White balance ensures that colors are unaffected by the color of the light source. In 
modes other than  P,  S,  A , and  M, white balance is set automatically by the camera.
Auto white balance is recommended for most light sources in  P,  S , A , and  M modes, but 
other values can be selected if necessa ry according to the type of source:
White balance is set by pressing 
the  L (U ) button and rotating 
the main command dial until the 
desired setting is displayed in the...

Page 142

AThe Shooting Menu
White balance can also be adjusted using the  White balance 
option in the shooting menu ( 0214), which also ca n be used to 
fine-tune white balance ( 0117) or measure a value for preset 
white balance ( 0121).
 The  Auto  option in the  White balance  
menu offers a choice of  Normal and Keep warm lighting colors , 
which preserves the warm colors produced by incandescent 
lighting, while the  IFluorescent  option can be used to select the 
light source from the bulb types....

Page 143

Fine-Tuning White Balance
White balance can be “fine-tuned” to compensate for variations in the color of the 
light source or to introduce a deliberate color cast into an image.
 White balance is 
fine-tuned using the  White balance option in the shooting menu or by pressing the 
L  (U ) button and rotating the sub-command dial.
❚❚The White Balance Menu
1Select a white balance option in the 
shooting menu.
To display the menus, press the  G button. 
Select  White balance  in the shooting menu,...

Page 144

3Press J.
Press  J to save settings and return to the 
shooting menu.
 If white balance has been 
fine-tuned, an asterisk (“ E”) will be displayed 
in the control panel.
❚❚ The  L  (U ) Button
At settings other than  K (Choose color temp. ) and 
L  (Preset manual ), the L (U ) button can be 
used to fine-tune white balance on the amber (A)–
blue (B) axis ( 0117; to fine-tune white balance when 
K  or  L  is selected, use the shooting menu as 
described on page 117).
 Six settings in both...

Page 145

AWhite Balance Fine-Tuning
The colors on the fine-tuning axes are relative , not absolute. For example, moving the cursor 
to  B (blue) when a “warm” setting such as  J (incandescent) is selected for white balance will 
make photographs slightly “colder” but will not actually make them blue.
AColor Temperature Fine-Tuning
When  Choose color temp.  is selected, you can view the 
color temperature while fine-tuning white balance.
Any given change in color temperature produces a greater...

Page 146

Choosing a Color Temperature
When K (Choose color temp. ) is selected for white 
balance, color temperature can be selected by 
pressing the  L (U ) button and rotating the sub-
command dial.
 The color temperature is displayed in 
the control panel.
DChoose Color Temperature
Note that the desired results will not be  obtained with flash or fluorescent lighting.
N  (Flash ) or I (Fluorescent ) for these sources.
 With other light sources, take a test shot to 
determine if the selected...

Page 147

Preset Manual
Preset manual is used to record and recall custom white balance settings for shooting 
under mixed lighting or to compensate for light sources with a strong color cast.
camera can store up to four values for preset white balance in presets d-1 through 
 Two methods are available for setting preset white balance:
❚❚ Measuring a Value for White Balance
1Light a reference object.
Place a neutral gray or white object under the lighting that will be used in the 

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3Select a preset.
Press the L (U ) button and rotate the sub-command dial until the desired 
white balance preset (d-1 to d-4) is displayed in the control panel.
4Select direct measurement mode.
Release the  L (U ) button briefly and then press the 
button until the  L icon in the control panel starts to 
 A flashing  D will also appear in the viewfinder. 
The displays will flash for about six seconds.
5Measure white balance.
Before the indicators stop flashing, frame the reference 

Page 149

6Check the results.
If the camera was able to measure a value for white 
balance, C will flash in the control panel for about 
six seconds, while the viewfin der will show a flashing 
a .
If lighting is too dark or too bright, the camera may be 
unable to measure white balance.
 A flashing  ba will 
appear in the control panel and viewfinder for about six 
 Press the shutter-release button halfway to 
return to Step 5 and measure white balance again.
DDirect Measurement Mode
If no...

Page 150

❚❚Copying White Balanc e from a Photograph
Follow the steps below to copy a value for white balance from an existing 
photograph to a selected preset.
1Select L (Preset manual ) for White 
balance  in the shooting menu.
Press the  G button and select  White 
balance  in the shooting menu. Highlight 
Preset manual  and press 2.
2Select a destination.
Highlight the destination preset (d-1 to d-4) 
and press  W (S ).
3Choose  Select image .
Highlight Select image  and press 2.
4Highlight a source...
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