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NEC Vt800 Projector User Manual

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    6. Using On-Screen Menu
    4.  Select [OK] and press the ENTER button.
      t his will complete the settings.
      You will be returned to the [P r O gra M  list ] screen.
    •  Up to 30 different timer settings can be programmed.
    • When [PROGRAM TIMER] is turned on, the [STANDBY MODE] setting is ignored.
    • The Program Timer is executed on a set time basis, not in a program basis.
    •  Once the program not marked with a check in [REPEAT] has been executed, the check mark in the [ACTIVE] check box will be 
    cleared automatically and the program will be disabled.
    When the on-time and the off-time  set for the same time, the off-time s\
    etting will take preference.
    Two different sources are set for the same time, the larger program number will take prefe\
    The on-time setting will not be executed while the cooling fans are runn\
    ing or an error is occurring.
    If the off-time setting is expired under the condition in which the power off is not possible, the off-timer setting will not be ex
    ecuted until the power off becomes possible.
    Programs not marked with a check mark in [ACTIVE] of the [EDIT] screen will not be executed even if the Program Timer is en
    When  the  projector  is  turned  on  by  using  the  program  timer  and  if  you  want  to  turn  off  the  projector,  set  the  off-time  or    do  it 
    manually so as not to leave the projector on for a long period of time.
    Act  vat  ng the program t  mer
      Select [ON] on the [PROGRAM TIMER] screen and press the ENTER button.
      t he [O n ] will be activated.
      Press the EXIT button.
      t he [P r O gra M  ti M er ] screen will be changed to the [ t OO l ] screen.
    •  Selecting [OFF] will disable the Program Timer even when a program is marked with a check mark on [PROGRAM LIST]sc\
      When the [ON] is turned on, the [PROGRAM LIST] cannot be edited. To edit the programs, select [OFF] to turn off the Program 
    Chang  ng the programmed sett  ngs
      On the [PROGRAM LIST] screen, select a program you want to edit and press the ENTER button.
      Change the settings on the [EDIT] screen.
      Select [OK] and press the ENTER button.
      t he programmed settings will be changed.
      You will be returned to the [P r O gra M  list ] screen.
     ng the order of programs
      On  the  [PROGRAM  LIST]  screen,  select  a  program  whose  order  you  want  to  change  and  press  the  SE
    LECT  button.
    Press the SELECT 
     button to select  or .
    Press the ENTER button a few times to select a row to which you wish to move the program.
    he order of the programs will be changed. 
    6. Using On-Screen Menu
    Delet ng the programs
    1.   On  the  [PROGRAM  LIST]  screen,  select  a  program  number  you  want  to  delete  and  press  the  SELECT 
    Press the SELECT 
     button to select [DELETE].
    Press the ENTER button.
    he confirmation screen will be displayed.
    4. Select [
    ES] and press the ENTER button.
    he program will be deleted.
    t his will complete deleting the program.
    Us  ng [CORNERSTONE]
    (→ page 36)
    Us ng [ENTRY LIST]
    (→ page 73)
    Sett  ng the Current Date and T  me [DATE, TI m E  p RESET] 
    You can set the current time, month, date, and year.
    NOTE: The projector has a built-in clock. The clock will keep working for about 2 weeks after the main power is turned off. If the 
    main power is off for 2 weeks or more, the built-in clock will cease. If the built-in clock ceases, set the date and time again. The 
    built-in clock will not cease while in the standby mode.
    TIME ZONE: Select your time zone.
    DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME: Place a check mark to adjust the clock for dayligh\
    t saving changes.
    INTERNET  TIME  SERVER:  Place  a  check  mark  to  turn  on  clock  synchronization.  When  this  option  is  turned  on, 
    the  projector’s  built-in  clock  will  be  synchronized  with  an  Internet  timer  server  in  every  24  hours  and  at  the  time  of 
    projector’s start up. 
    UPDATE button: Synchronizes the projector’s built-in clock immediatel\
    The UPDATE button is not available unless the INTERNET TIME SERVER check\
     box is turned on.
    Sett ng  m ouse  p o  nter,  b utton and Sens  t  v  ty [ m OUSE] 
    This  option  lets  you  to  change  your  USB  mouse  settings.  The  mouse  settings  feature  is  available  for  USB  mouse 
    only. Choose the settings you want:
    M OUSE  B UTTON   ...
    [R IGHT  H AND] or [L EFT  H AND]
    MOUSE  S ENSITIVIT y ..[ F AST], [ M EDIUM] or [ S LOW]
    Us ng [ h EL p ]
    (→ page 32) 
    6. Using On-Screen Menu
    Logg ng Off Your  p rojector [LOGOFF]
    This feature allows you to log off your projector without turning it off\
    Logging off your projector will prevent an unauthorized user from operat\
    ing your projector.
    To log off your projector, follow the steps below.
      Press the MENU button and use the SELECT 
     button to highlight [SETUP].
    2.   Use the SELECT  or the ENTER button to highlight [BASIC].
    3.  Use the SELECT  button to highlight [LOGOFF], and press the ENTER button.
    he [
    OJ e C t O r  / are  YOU  s U re ?] message will be displayed.
    Select  [
    ES]  and  press  the  ENTER  button  to  log  off  your  projector  and  close  the  menu,  and  then  the 
    LOGON screen will be displayed. 
    NOTE: •  
    When selecting [NO] and press the ENTER button, you will return to the L\
    ogoff screen in Step 2.
    o  log  on  your  projector,  select  a  user  name,  then  enter  your  password  and  select  [OK]  and  press  the  enter  
      t he  l O g O n  screen will close.  l ogging on your projector is done.
    The default LOGON screen will be shown as follows:
    PASSWORD → No setting
    See “Limiting Access Level to Available Menu Items” on page 47 for entering a user name and assigning a password.
    Select ng  m enu Language [ L ANGUAGE]
    You can choose one of 21 languages for on-screen instructions. 
    6. Using On-Screen Menu
    Select  ng  m enu Color [C OLOR  S ELECT]
    You can choose between two options for menu color: color and monochrome.\
    Turn ng On / Off Source D  splay,  m essage and T  me [SOURCE DIS p LAY], [ m ESSAGE DIS p LAY], 
    [TI m E DIS p LAY], [ID DIS p LAY]
    SOURCE  DISPLA y   .......  This option turns on or off input name display such as Computer 1, Computer 2, HDMI, Video, and No 
    Input to be displayed on the top right of the screen.
    MESSAGE  DISPLA y ........  This option turns on or off messages. Even though selecting [ O FF], the following message will appear.
    • “Projector is locked”. When the projector security is unlocke\
    d, the message will disappear.
     This option turns on or off the current time displayed on the top left o\
    f the screen.
    This  option  turns  on  or  off  the  ID  number  which  is  displayed  when  the  ID  SET  button  on  the  remote 
    control is pressed.
    NOTE:  The  source  and  current  time  will  be  displayed  for  the  time  specified  in  [MENU  DISPLAY  TIME].  When  [ M ANUAL]  is  se-
    lected in [MENU D ISPLAY  T IME], the source and current time will be always displayed.
    Select ng  m enu D  splay T  me [ m ENU DIS p LAY TI m E]
    This  option  allows  you  to  select  how  long  the  projector  waits  after  the  last  touch  of  a  button  to  turn  off  the  menu. 
    The  preset  choices  are  [M ANUAL],  [A UTO   5  SEC],  [A UTO   15  SEC],  and  [A UTO   45  SEC].  The  [A UTO   45  SEC]  is 
    the factory preset.
    Select ng a Color or Logo for  b ackground [bACKGROUND]
    Use this feature to display a blue/black screen or logo when no signal is available. The default background is blue. 
    You can change the logo screen using the Viewer feature. (→ page 66)
    NOTE: Your setting will not be affected even when [RESET] is done from the menu\
    • When the BACKGROUND LOCK in [SECURITY SETTINGS] is turned on, the b\
    ackground cannot be changed.
    Select ng Interval T  me for F  lter  m essage [F ILTER   mESSAGE]
    This option allows you to select the time preference between displaying the message for cleaning the filters. Clean 
    the filter when you get the message “Please clean filter.” (→ page 114)
    Five options are available: Off, 100[H], 200[H], 500[H], 1000[H]
    The default setting is 500[H].
    NOTE: The message for filter cleaning will be displayed for one minute when the projector is turned on or off. To cancel the mes-
    sage, press any button on the projector cabinet or the remote control.
    NOTE: Your setting will not be affected even when [R ESET] is done from the menu.
    Sett ng Closed Capt  on [CLOSED CA p TION]
    This option sets several closed caption modes that allow text
    to be superimposed on the projected image of Video or S-Video.
    OFF  ..............................This exits the closed caption mode.
    CAPTION 1-4   ...............Text is superimposed.
    TEXT 1-4  ......................Text is displayed in full screen. 
    6. Using On-Screen Menu
    Select  ng  p rojector Or  entat  on [O RIENTATION]
    This  reorients  your  image  for  your  type  of  projection.  The  options  are:  desktop  front  projection,  ceiling  rear  projec-
    tion, desktop rear projection, and ceiling front projection.
    Select ng Aspect Rat  o and  p os  t  on for Screen [S CREEN]
    SCREEN  Ty PE   .......Select  one  of  two  options:  4:3  SCREEN  or  WIDE  SCREEN  for  the  screen  to  be  used.  See  also  [ A SPECT  
    R ATIO
    (→ page 80)
    This feature allows you to adjust the vertical position of the image when WIDE SCREEN has been selected 
    for the screen type.
    When WIDE SCREEN has been selected there is no-signal area above and below the image.
    NOTE: This option is available only when [WIDE SCREEN] is selected in [ S CREEN  T YPE].
      After changing the screen type, check the setting of [ A
    ] in the menu. (→page 80)
    [ P
    ] is not available when [4:3 SCREEN] is selected for [ S CREEN  T YPE] or when [L ETTER B OX] is selected for [A SPECT  
    6. Using On-Screen Menu
    Blanking area or no-signal area 
    6. Using On-Screen Menu
    This feature allows you to set various setting items when the projector \
    is used on your network.
    CAUTION•   Consult with your network administrator about these settings.
    nts on  h ow to Set Up LAN Connect  on
    To configure the projector to communicate on the network using the LAN\
     port (RJ-45):1.   Select the [
    WIRED] tab for the LAN port (RJ-45).  
    On the [
    WIRED] tab, select a number from the [ P ROFILES] list for your LAN settings.
    Two settings can be stored in memory for the LAN port.
    On the [
    WIRED] tab, turn on or off [DHCP], specify IP address, Subnet Mask, Gateway and DNS Con-
    figuration. Select [OK] and press the ENTER button. 
    (→ page 98)
    To recall the settings from memory:
    After selecting the [WIRED] tab, select the number from the [ P ROFILES] list.
    Select [OK] and press the ENTER button. (→ page 98)
    To connect a DHCP server:
    On  the  [WIRED]  tab,  select  [DHCP]  and  press  the  ENTER  button.  A  check  mark  will  be  placed.  Select  again 
    and press the ENTER button. The check box will be cleared.
    When setting an IP address without using a DHCP server, clear the check \
    box for [DHCP]. (→ page 98) 
    6. Using On-Screen Menu
    To receive error messages or information on the remaining lamp life via \
    1.   On the [ M
    ] tab, select [A LERT  M AIL] and press the ENTER button. A check mark will be placed. 
    Set  [ S
    ],  [ SMTP  S ERVER   N AME]  and  [R ECIPIENT ’ S   A DDRESS].  Select  [OK]  and 
    press the ENTER button.
    → page 100)
    This page allows you to specify a unique projector name and to check the\
     current status of the LAN settings. 
    [pROJECTOR  N A m E]
    Specify a unique projector name. Press  to display the software keyboard and type in. Up to 16 alphanumeric 
    characters, signs and symbols can be used. After entering a name, select\
     [OK] and press the ENTER button.
    NOTE: The [PROJECTOR NAME] will not be affected even when [RESET] is don\
    e from the menu.
    Us  ng Software Keyboard
    1 to 0 and
    Characters   .......Use to type in password or keyword.
    MODE  ....................Selects one of three modes for numbers, alphabet and special characters.\
    SP  ..........................Inserts a space
    BS  ..........................Deletes one character backward
    >   .........................Advances to the next
    OK  ..........................Executes the selection
    Cancels the selection
    (→ page 68)
    6. Using On-Screen Menu 
    6. Using On-Screen Menu
    Profiles (for LAN port [RJ-45]):
    Up to two settings for the LAN port (RJ-45) can be stored in memory of\
     the projector.
    Select [P ROFILE  1] or [P ROFILE  2] and then do settings for [DHCP] and the other options. 
    After doing this, select [OK] and press the ENTER button. This will stor\
    e your settings in memory.
    To recall the settings from memory:
    After selecting the [WIRED] tab, select the [PROFILE 1] or [PROFILE 2] f\
    rom the [PROFILES] list.
    Select [OK] and press the ENTER button.
    Enabling this option automatically assigns an IP address to the projecto\
    r from your DHCP server.
    Disabling  this  option  allows  you  to  register  the  IP  address  or  subnet  mask  number  obtained  from  your  network 
    IP A DDRESS   ..........
    Set your IP address. Press  to display the software keyboard and type in 12 numeric characters.
    Set your subnet mask number. Press  to display the software keyboard and type in 12 numeric characters.
    G ATEWA y   ..............Set the default gateway of the network connected to the projector. Press  to display the software keyboard 
    and type in 12 numeric characters.
    DNS CONFIGURATION ..Type  in  the  IP  address  of  DNS  server  on  the  network  connected  to  the  projector.  12  numeric  characters 
    are used.
    Use this button to retry to connect the projector to a network. Try this if you have changed [PROFILES]. 
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