NEC Ucd-Xl Installation Guide
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NDA-30078 Revision 1.0Page 49 UCD-XL Installation Guide Initialization and Termination Chapter 6 Initialization and Termination Initialization UCD-XL must be initialized through the APM Operations Menu according to instructions provided in the APM Operations Manual. Although each of the configured components is initialized individually, the Monitor must be initialized prior to or in conjunction with any one or more Messengers. Although the Messenger(s) cannot function unless the Monitor is already running, the Administrator and Mediator function independently of the Monitor. When the Monitor is initialized, it will wait in STANDBY mode for at least one Messenger to start up before being capable of processing calls. Initializing the Administrator brings up the logon screen on the Administrator’s terminal. The Mediator must be initialized to provide MCI communication with the VMS. As an alternative, some or all of the UCD-XL components may be configured (by using the “initialization batch” field) to start automatically when the APM initializes the OAI system. See page 32. Te r m i n a t i o n Termination of any or all of the components of UCD-XL may be performed at any time according to instructions provided in the APM Operations Manual. If the Monitor is terminated, all Messenger components terminate automatically. If Mediator is terminated, MCI communication with the VMS ceases. If the last Messenger is terminated, Monitor goes into STANDBY mode, and cannot process calls. When Monitor is terminated, UCD-XL call processing ceases; Mediator and Administrator can still be running, but the Administrator is unable to provide a trace of call activity. Pressing Esc at the logon prompt for UCD-XL Administrator will terminate the Administrator. This is the preferred method. However, if you need to terminate the component from the APM Operations Menu, please be sure that the Administration screen is not viewing a trace prior to termination.

Initialization and Termination UCD-XL Installation Guide Page 50NDA-30078 Revision 1.0 This Page Left Blank.

NDA-30078 Revision 1.0Page 51 UCD-XL Installation Guide Error Messages Appendix A Error Messages Error Messages from UCD-XL Monitor The following are the error messages from UCD-XL Monitor which you might encounter in the APM log and/or on the APM screen. Immediately following each error message is a brief explanation and a possible solution to the problem. Note 1: The error code originates from UNIX. Note 2: “UDP” means User-defined Parameter. 1. Invalid option: The given input is not an acceptable option for one of UDP #3, #4 or #11. Refer to the Monitor Configuration section on page 36 for a list of valid options for each of these parameters. 2. Shared memory or semaphore key is not specified. UDP #8 and UDP #9 each must contain a positive number. The recommended value for the shared memory key (UDP #8) is 125. The recommended value for the semaphore key (UDP #9) is 165. These values must be unique in the UNIX environment. (Use the UNIX command ipcs to get lists of shared memory and semaphore keys.) 3. Quantity of request bins is not specified. UDP #7 must specify at least 1 request bin. The recommended quantity is roughly based upon the expected volume of call traffic: 20 bins for 1-2999 calls/hour, 30 bins for 3000-4999 calls/hour, 40 bins for 5000 or more calls/ hour. 4. Error getting info about The Monitor was unable to acquire configuration information about the named application. Verify that exists in the list of applications displayed when the “Application Status Summary” option or “Application Communica- tion Summary” option is selected under the APMs System Status Reports Menu. If so, verify that has a queue key or is an OAI application. Try running before initializing the Monitor. 5. Cannot acquire shared memory (errno = ) The Monitor was unable to obtain shared memory due to a UNIX system error (errno). Contact your NEC distributor or an NEC representative. 6. Cannot acquire semaphore (errno = ) The Monitor was unable to obtain a semaphore due to a UNIX system error (er- rno). Contact your NEC distributor or an NEC representative. 7. Cannot release semaphore (errno = ) The Monitor was unable to release a semaphore due to a UNIX system error (errno). Contact your NEC distributor or an NEC representative.

Page 52NDA-30078 Revision 1.0 Error Messages UCD-XL Installation Guide 8. NOT USED 9. Cannot open Group Identification Database file. (errno = ) Verify that the Group Identification Database named ucdgrps_m exists by se- lecting the “Build Master Database” option under the APMs Database Admin- istration Menu. If it does exist, use the “Process Application Database” and “Install Application Database” options in order to process and install the data- base. If not, create ucdgrps_m by following the instructions in the Database Re- quirements section on page 41. 10. No groups in database. At least one group must be identified in the Group Identification Database. Fol- low the instructions in the Database Requirements section on page 41 to create one or more records in the database. 11. Cannot open Port Assignment Database file. (errno = ) Verify that the Port Assignment Database named ucdports_m exists by select- ing the “Build Master Database” option under the APMs Database Adminis- tration Menu. If it does exist, use the “Process Application Database” and “Install Application Database” options in order to process and install the data- base. If not, create ucdports_m by following the instructions in the Database Requirements section on page 41. 12. No ports in database. At least one port must be assigned in the Port Assignment Database. Follow the instructions in the Database Requirements section on page 41 to create one or more records in the database. 13. Unable to monitor tenant number The PBX could not satisfy the Monitors request to be informed of call activity involving the specified pilot number or port. Verify that the specified number is either an extension in the PBX or a monitored number defined through the AMNO command on the MAT. Once that has been done, terminate and restart the Monitor. If the error applies to a pilot number that has been defined as a monitored number, use the AMNO command to change its NMI index to be a different unique number, then restart the Monitor. If the problem persists, con- tact your NEC distributor or an NEC representative. 14. Unable to halt monitoring of tenant number The PBX could not satisfy the Monitors request to cease the monitoring of the specified pilot number or port. Usually, this error occurs during termination due to the prior occurrence of error #13 (unable to monitor) above, so it can be ignored.

NDA-30078 Revision 1.0Page 53 UCD-XL Installation Guide Error Messages 15. No available memory. The UNIX system was unable to allocate sufficient memory to satisfy the ap- plications requirements. Additional RAM may be needed. Contact your NEC distributor or an NEC representative. 16. Cannot open a pipe to Reporter. The UNIX system was unable to create a pipe between two processes. Termi- nate all APM applications and reinitialize the Monitor. If this error occurs again, terminate OAI and exit the APM. As user “apmadm”, halt the APM sys- tem, then restart it. Log onto the APM and reinitialize OAI and the Monitor. If the problem persists, contact your NEC distributor or an NEC representative. 17. Cannot spawn Reporter process. The UNIX system was unable to execute the Reporter process. Verify that UDP #6 gives the pathname of the Reporter as /oai/app/ucdxl/ucdrptr. If so, contact your NEC distributor or an NEC representative. 18. Cannot write to pipe. The Monitor was unable to send a message to the Reporter, perhaps because the Reporter terminated. Terminate and restart the Monitor. If the problem per- sists, contact your NEC distributor or an NEC representative. 19. WARNING! Some ports in unexpected states. New statuses noted. This message appears only on the bottom of the APM screen during an inspec- tion of all ports. It warns that the Monitor detected a difference between what it thought was a ports status and what was the actual status. The Monitor auto- matically updates its knowledge and proceeds. More detailed messages (see below) are kept in the APM log file. 20. Port actually busy: This message appears only in the APM log file during an inspection of all ports. It indicates that the Monitor incorrectly thought that the specified port was free, when in fact it is busy. If this message frequently specifies the same port, it is possible that someone is dialing that extension directly (instead of calling a pi- lot number given in the Group Identification Database). Another possibility is that the VMS is not releasing the port properly. 21. Port actually free: This message appears only in the APM log file during an inspection of all ports. It indicates that the Monitor incorrectly thought that the specified port was busy, when in fact it is free. Frequent occurrences of this message during every inspection may imply that the PBX is not properly notifying the Monitor of port releases. In that case, the UCD-XL Administrator should observe call ac- tivity by performing a trace and verify that a “release” event occurs for every call. If these events are missing in the trace file, contact your NEC distributor or an NEC representative.

Page 54NDA-30078 Revision 1.0 Error Messages UCD-XL Installation Guide 22. Connection pending for port Upon concluding an inspection of all ports, the Monitor determined that the specified port is in a state of flux. The Monitor had requested the connection of a call to that port but had not received a response from the PBX yet. Usually the port will become busy shortly after this message appears. If this message occurs for the same port during every inspection, examine a trace of call activ- ity via UCD-XL Administrator. Are calls being connected to the extension and released from it? If not, try to place a call directly to the extension, then release the extension. If necessary, restart the Monitor component via the APM to es- tablish an initial inspection . 23. Unable to set OAI timer for port inspection -- error The Monitor could not set a timer to trigger the next occurrence of the inspec- tion of ports due to an APM error (apmerr). Contact your NEC distributor or an NEC representative. 24. Unable to set OAI timer for statistics collection -- error The Monitor could not set a timer to trigger the next occurrence of the collec- tion of statistics due to an APM error (apmerr). Contact your NEC distributor or an NEC representative. 25. Cannot notify MCI Mediator about call -- error (errno ) The Monitor was unable to send a message to the Mediator. Verify that the Me- diator is an active application under the APM. If not, initialize the Mediator or erase the Mediators name from UDP #10 in Monitors configuration. If the problem persists, contact your NEC distributor or an NEC representative. Note: The first error code originates from the APM, the second from UNIX. 26. WARNING: Reporter died unexpectedly. Restarting. Something abnormal happened that caused the Reporter process to terminate abruptly. The Monitor automatically tries 3 times to restart the Reporter. 27. WARNING: Reporter died unexpectedly. No more stats or trace. Something abnormal happened that caused the Reporter process to terminate abruptly 3 times, despite attempts by Monitor to restart it. Without the Reporter process, statistics and a trace cannot be maintained. Terminate the Monitor and reinitialize it. If the Reporter continues to terminate, contact your NEC distrib- utor or an NEC representative.

NDA-30078 Revision 1.0Page 55 UCD-XL Installation Guide Error Messages 28. Group not defined for port The specified port belongs to a group that is not defined in the Group Identifi- cation Database (ucdgrps_m). Via the APMs Database Administration Menu, verify that the port record in the Port Assignment Database (ucdports_m) con- tains a group ID that corresponds to a record in ucdgrps_m. If either database was modified recently, make certain that it has been processed and installed. or Group not defined for ANI pattern The specified ANI pattern is associated with a group (primary or overflow) that is not defined in the Group Identification Database (ucdgrps_m). Via the APM’s Database Administration Menu, verify that the record in the ANI Pat- tern Database (ucdani_m) contains group IDs that correspond to records in ucdgrps_m. If either database was modified recently, make certain that it has been processed and installed. 29. WARNING: A UCD group requires MCI, but Mediator is not known. Although a group in the Group Identification Database has been defined for use with a VMS, either the UCD-XL Mediator component has not been configured in the APM or Mediator has not been named as a user-defined parameter for UCD-XL Monitor. No MCI messages will be generated. 30. Unable to set OAI timer for announcement -- error The Monitor could not set a timer to trigger the next attempt at connecting a queued call to an announcement message due to an APM error (apmerr). Con- tact your NEC distributor or an NEC representative. 31. Port is locked out: This message appears only in the APM log file during an inspection of all ports. It indicates that the Monitor was informed by the PBX that the specified port has been locked out, a condition in which the port is off-hook but not occupied with a call nor in the process of making a call. If this message specifies the same port in consecutive inspections, the extension should be investigated. 32. Final destination of call is an unknown port: The PBX routed a call to an extension that is not known to UCD-XL. This may occur if the Monitor tried to connect the call to a port that was also the pilot number of a UCD group in the PBX. Since the specified extension is a member of that UCD group, it should be added to the list of ports in UCD-XL’s Port As- signment Database. (Alternatively, the pilot number may be removed from the PADB.)

Page 56NDA-30078 Revision 1.0 Error Messages UCD-XL Installation Guide 33. Release pending for port Upon concluding an inspection of all ports, the Monitor determined that the specified port is in a state of flux. The Monitor had received notice of abandon- ment by a caller, but had not received notice that the port had indeed released. Usually the port will become idle shortly after this message appears. If this message occurs for the same port during every inspection, examine a trace of call activity via UCD-XL Administrator. Is the port being released soon after a call is abandoned? If not, try to place a call directly to the extension, then re- lease the extension. If necessary, restart the Monitor component via the APM to establish an initial inspection. 34. Did not inspect port The specified port could not be monitored, therefore it is not being used or in- spected by UCD-XL. Most likely, the extension does not exist in the PBX or is not defined as a station. You may prefer to delete (or replace) the extension from the Port Assignment Database, then process and install the database again. 35. Invalid distribution method (default is Round-robin) for group In the Group Identification Database record for the specified group, the distri- bution method field contains an invalid value. The first letter of the value (up- percase or lowercase) must be either “R” for round-robin or “T” for top-down distribution. The Monitor proceeds to use round-robin distribution for the group. Via the APM’s Database Administration Menu, examine the record, modify it appropriately, then process and install the database again. 36. Cannot open ANI Database file. (errno=) Verify that the ANI Pattern Database named ucdani_m exists by selecting the “Build Master Database” option under the APM’s Database Administration Menu. If it does exist, use the “Process Application Database” and “Install Ap- plication Database” options in order to process and install the database. If not, create ucdani_m by following the instructions in the Database Requirements section on page 41. Also verify that UCD-XL Monitor’s UDP #1 is correct via the APM’s Application Configuration Menu (see page 36). Note:The error code originates from UNIX. 37. No default ANI record provided. There is no record in the ANI Pattern Database for the special pattern “DE- FAU LT”. Via the APM’s Database Administration Menu, build that record in ucdani_m, then process and install the database again.

NDA-30078 Revision 1.0Page 57 UCD-XL Installation Guide Error Messages 38. Duplicate pilot number for group Every group in the Group Identification Database must be assigned a unique pilot number, unless that value is 0. Via the APM’s Database Administration Menu, modify the specified record in ucdgrps_m so that its pilot number is ei- ther unique or 0. (A non-zero pilot number also must be a monitored number defined in the PBX via MAT command AMNO.) Then process and install the database again. 39. WARNING! Some calls queued for more than 60 minutes. This error message may appear during an inspection of a group’s ports to indi- cate that some incoming calls have been waiting an excessively long time. Via UCD-XL Administrator, a trace of the group should be initiated in order to an- alyze the traffic for that group. Also, the actual statuses of the ports in the PBX should be investigated. 40. Some groups are ANI-based, but ANIDB is not specified. During the loading of the Group Identification Database, the Monitor deter- mined that some groups would require the use of the ANI Pattern Database. However, the name of the ANI Database is not specified in the Monitor’s con- figuration. Verify that Monitor UDP #1 contains the correct pathname (see page 36), or alter the appropriate GIDB records so that the Check ANI field is set to N (see page 42).

Page 58NDA-30078 Revision 1.0 Error Messages UCD-XL Installation Guide Error Messages from UCD-XL Messenger The following are the error messages from the UCD-XL Messenger which you might encounter in the APM log and/or on the APM screen. Immediately fol- lowing each error message is a brief explanation and a possible solution to the problem. Note: “UDP” is short for “User-defined Parameter”. 1. Monitor is not specified. UDP #1 in the Messengers configuration must specify the name of the UCD- XL Monitor application known to the APM. See page 37 for more information. 2. Shared memory or semaphore key is not specified. UDP #2 and UDP #3 each must contain a positive number. The recommended value for the shared memory key (UDP #2) is 125. The recommended value for the semaphore key (UDP #3) is 165. These values must correspond to the ones specified for the Monitor. 3. There is no info about The Messenger was unable to acquire configuration information about the Monitor. Verify that exists in the list of applications displayed when the “Application Status Summary” option is selected under the APMs System Status Reports Menu. If so, verify that is defined as an OAI application (under “Application Configuration Summary”). 4. Cannot acquire shared memory (errno = ) The Messenger was unable to obtain shared memory due to a UNIX system er- ror (errno). Contact your NEC distributor or an NEC representative. 5. Cannot acquire semaphore (errno = ) The Messenger was unable to obtain a semaphore due to a UNIX system error (errno). Try to start the Monitor first. If that fails, contact your NEC distributor or an NEC representative. 6. Cannot release semaphore (errno = ) The Messenger was unable to release a semaphore due to a UNIX system error (errno). Try to start the Monitor first. If that fails, contact your NEC distributor or an NEC representative. 7. Unable to send message -- apmsend error (errno = ) The Messenger was unable to send a message to the Monitor. Verify that the Monitor is an active application under the APM. Terminate the Messenger and restart. If necessary, also terminate the Monitor and restart both. If the problem persists, contact your NEC distributor or an NEC representative. NOTE: identifies a UCD-XL specific message; is an error code that originates from the APM; and originates from UNIX.