NEC Ucd-Xl Installation Guide
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NDA-30078 Revision 1.0Page 39 UCD-XL Installation Guide Configuring UCD-XL #4ttyi1f 19200 none 8 2MCI port to the VMS: device name, baud rate, parity, data bits, stop bits. Device name: The names for virtual terminals range from “tty01” to “tty12”. If you have installed a Digiboard for serial communications, device names range from “ttyi1a” to “ttyi1p”. Baud rate: Must be one of these values: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200. Parity: Must be one of these values: none, odd, even. Data bits: Number of data bits per packet. Must be either 7 or 8. Stop bits: Number of stop bits per packet. Must be either 1 or 2. #5 /oai/app/ucdxl/readerFilename of the Reader process, which receives MCI messages from the PBX and VMS ports. #6UCDXL_MonitorName assigned to Monitor component. Must be as given in the Primary Configuration Parameters on page 32. #74Number of digits, 4 maximum, comprising an office code. Specify a value other than 0 only if your PBX network uses office codes and you do not want them in the MCI messages that UCD-XL will send to a VMS. #8 not used N/A #9 not used N/A #10 not used N/A #11 not used N/A #12 not used N/A #13 not used N/A #14t (trace)Establishes a trace of MCI messages being received from and transmitted to the VMS and PBX by the Mediator. MCI messages will be displayed in ASCII form, with spaces replaced by underscores, in the APM log and in the APM Status Window. This feature should only be used to validate MCI communication among the PBX, UCD-XL, and VMS. Be sure to turn off the trace, by terminating the Mediator and clearing UDP #14 (or setting it to “no trace”), before establishing the normal operation of UCD-XL. Table 3-8 Mediator User-defined Parameters User Defined Entry Definition

Page 40NDA-30078 Revision 1.0 Configuring UCD-XL UCD-XL Installation Guide Administrator User-defined ParametersMake the following entries on the APM Configuration Entry screen. Italicized entries can be changed. Table 3-9 Administrator User-defined Parameters User DefinedEntryDefinition #1UCDXL_AdminName assigned to the Administrator component. Must be as given in the Primary Configuration Parameters on page 32. #2tty12Device name of Administrator’s terminal. Cannot be the device name of the current terminal. The names for virtual terminals range from “tty01” to “tty12”. If you have installed a Digiboard for serial communications, device names range from “ttyi1a” to “ttyi1p”. Note:Communication characteristics for the Administra- tor’s terminal are fixed at 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. #3ansi_aType of Administrator’s terminal. Select one of the following entries: ansi_a: use this for virtual terminals. vt100: use this for dumb terminals. #4admAdministrator’s password, not more than 10 characters. Do not use blanks. #5UCDXL_MonitorName assigned to the Monitor component. Must be as listed in the Primary Configuration Parameters on page 32. #6 /oai/app/data/ucdxl Path to the statistics file, trace file, and report file. #7 /oai/db/cur/ucdgrpsFilename of the UCD-XL Group Identification Database. #8lpPrint command. Can be a UNIX script. When printing, UCD-XL appends the appropriate filename to the end of the command. lp -o nobanner suppresses the printing of a banner page before each report. #960Lines per page in a report. Minimum is 10; default is 60. #10/oai/db/cur/ucdaniPathname of the ANI Pattern Database. This is required only if you desire the distribution of calls based upon their ANI data. Otherwise, leave this parameter blank.

NDA-30078 Revision 1.0Page 41 UCD-XL Installation Guide Database Requirements Chapter 4 Database Requirements UCD-XL requires two databases that are constructed through the APM: the Group Identification Database, and the Port Assignment Database. A third database is optional--the ANI Pattern Database. Database creation involves the following 5- step process for each required database: 1.Create Master Definition File - This step involves creating the master defini- tion file that defines the fields in the master database file. Note: If you have installed UCD-XL as described on page 11, this step has been done for you. 2.Build Master Database File - This step involves entering data into the master database fields that were just defined in the master definition files in Step 1. This creates the records of the master database file. 3.Create Application Definition File - In this step, a definition file is created for each of the UCD-XL databases. This file defines the formats by which data from the corresponding master file are to be converted to meet the needs of UCD-XL. Note: If you have installed UCD-XL as described on page 11, this step has been done for you. 4.Process Application Database - In this step, the records of the Application Da- tabase file are created. Data is drawn from the master database and converted to the formats specified in the corresponding application definition file. 5.Install Application Database - In this step, the UCD-XL components (if run- ning) are notified so that they can read the appropriate application database. Normally, the Master Definition file and the Application Definition file are provided when the UCD-XL software is installed. In this case, only steps 2, 4, and 5 above are necessary. Instructions The information required for all of the UCD-XL databases is provided in table form on the following pages. Using this information plus the procedural instructions provided in the APM Operations Manual, enter the Database Administration option on the APM System Administration Menu. Then build the UCD-XL databases, one at a time. Any messages displayed during these steps are addressed in the Process and Error Messages chapter of the APM Operations Manual. Remember to complete step 4 - Process Application Database, and step 5 - Install Application Database, for each database after the following information is entered.

Page 42NDA-30078 Revision 1.0 Database Requirements UCD-XL Installation Guide Group Identification DatabaseThe Group Identification Database identifies the groups that the application will manage. The name of the Group Identification master definition file must be ucdgrps_m, and the name of the application definition file must be ucdgrps. Note:The order of the fields in the application definition file differs from that in the master definition file. The “pos” column in the following table indicates the cor- rect positions of the fields in the application definition file. Table 4-1 Group Identification Database Field Descrip- tionMaster Definition FileApplication Definition FileMaster Database Type Size Min. Value Max. Value Pos Data TypeTy p i c a l Entry Group ID N 3 1 999 1 short int 1 Group NameA 24 3 ASCII Executive Pilot NumberN 5 0 99999 4 long int 59432 Te n a n t NumberN 3 1 255 2 short int 1 Announce ment Message NumberN 3 0585short int0 Vo i c e M a i l ? (Y or N)A1N 9ASCIIY Check ANI? (Y or N)A1N 10ASCIIN Call Distribution MethodA10Round Robin8ASCIIRound Robin Port Inspection PeriodN 2 0607int15 Announce ment PeriodN 2 0606short int20

NDA-30078 Revision 1.0Page 43 UCD-XL Installation Guide Database Requirements Field Definitions: Group ID - A number that identifies the UCD group. The Group ID must be unique. Records are ordered by group ID. Group Name - An alphanumeric string that identifies the UCD group in reports. Pilot Number - The monitored number which a caller must dial in order to access one of the ports in the group, or to be routed based upon ANI data (if the “Check ANI” flag is set). It must be assigned in the PBX using the AMNO command (see page 47). A non-zero pilot number must be unique among all groups. Note: This value may be 0 if the group is only used as the destination of ANI-distributed calls as specified in the ANI Pattern Database. Tenant Number - A number that identifies the tenant to which all ports in the group belong. Announcement Message Number - A number that identifies the an- nouncement a caller will hear if all ports are busy. This applies only when an announcement package is used to handle call overflow. More than one group may be assigned the same announcement message number. If this value is 0, then calls to the applicable group will not be connected to an announcement message upon overflow. (The caller hears ringback tone while queued.) This announcement message number must be assigned in the PBX using the AADT command (see page 47). Voice Mail? (Y or N) - Is the group intended for use with a voice mail system? Answer “Y” for yes or “N” for no. (Default is “N”.) If the answer is “Y”, then the Mediator component is required. Check ANI? (Y or N) - Shall calls to the pilot number of this group be distributed to the proper group (not necessarily this one) based upon their ANI data? Answer “Y” for yes or “N” for no. (Default is “N”.) If the an- swer is “Y”, then the ANI Pattern Database is required and it is not nec- essary for this group to have any ports assigned to it. Call Distribution Method - The method by which a call will be distrib- uted to a port within the group. Select one of the following entries (only the first letter is necessary): RoundRobin - Calls are connected to the next idle port in a group that follows the previous port used. TopDown - Calls are connected to the lowest-numbered idle port in a group. For example, if a call comes into the PBX in which ports 1 and 4 are idle, ports 2 and 3 are busy, and the last call was connected to port 3, round- robin distribution would connect the incoming call to port 4; top-down distribution would connect the incoming call to port 1.

Page 44NDA-30078 Revision 1.0 Database Requirements UCD-XL Installation Guide Field Definitions (Continued): Port Inspection Period - Frequency of inspection of the group’s ports, in minutes. If this value is 0, the default frequency configured for the Moni- tor component is used. If that value is 0 also, no inspection is performed. Announcement Period - The number of seconds to wait between at- tempts at connecting a queued call to an announcement message. If this value is 0, only one attempt is made. This value is irrelevant if the an- nouncement message number (above) is 0. Port Assignment DatabaseThe ports of each group are identified in the Port Assignment Database. The name of the Port Assignment master definition file must be ucdports_m, and the name of the application definition file must be ucdports. Field Definitions: Port Extension - A unique numeric value assigned to exactly one group. The extension must be defined in the PBX. All extensions must belong to the same tenant. The records are ordered by extension. Group ID - A number that identifies the UCD group. This group must be defined in the Group Identification Database. Warning:A port extension should not be a UCD pilot number in the PBX. When UCD-XL connects a call to such an extension, the PBX will send its own MCI message, which may conflict with the one that UCD-XL generates, causing a VMS to re- spond to the call incorrectly . ANI Pattern Database The destination of calls being distributed based upon their ANI data is deter- mined by means of the ANI Pattern Database. This database is only required when UCD-XL has been configured to provide ANI-based distribution (see the description of Monitor’s User-defined Parameters on page 36) and at least one group in the Group Identification Database requires a check of a call’s ANI data (see page 43). The name of the ANI Pattern Database master definition file must be ucdani_m, and the name of the application definition file must be Table 4-2 Port Assignment Database Field DescriptionMaster Definition FileApplication Definition FileMaster Data- base Type Size Min. Value Max. Value Data Type Typical Entry Port Exten- sionN 5 100 99999 long int 3600 Group ID N 3 1 999 short int 1

NDA-30078 Revision 1.0Page 45 UCD-XL Installation Guide Database Requirements ucdani. Field Definitions: ANI Pattern - A string of characters that represents a specific ANI num- ber or a set of ANI numbers. A pattern may consist of a combination of digits and/or asterisks, or it may be a special word (see below). An asterisk is a “wild card” character, representing any digit or set of digits. For ex- ample, “214*” matches any call originating in the 214 area code; “*” matches any call with ANI. If an asterisk is in the middle of a pattern (e.g. 21455*0000), it matches a single digit only. There are three special patterns, identified by a single word (upper or low- er case): DEFAULT - This represents any call that does not have ANI data or whose ANI does not match any other pattern in the database. There must be a record in the ANI Pattern Database that specifies the DE- FA U L T pattern. FOREIGN - This represents any call originating from outside the North American Numbering Plan; i.e. ANI greater than 10 digits. INTERNAL - This represents any call originating within the PBX net- work; for example, an extension. Note:The format of an ANI number is assumed to be a 3-digit area code followed by a 3-digit exchange and a 4-digit extension, as defined by the North American Num- bering Plan. The field is larger to accommodate international calls in the future. Primary Group - ID of the group to which a call will be usually directed if its ANI number matches the specified pattern. This value must corre- spond to a record in the Group Identification Database. Note:This group does not have to be the one whose pilot number was called, nor does it have to be one that has its “Check ANI” flag set. Overflow Group - ID of the group to which a call will be directed if its ANI number matches the specified pattern and there are no ports available in the primary group. A non-zero value must correspond to a record in the Group Identification Database. If this value is zero or the overflow group has no available ports, the call will be handled in a manner dictated by the Table 4-3 ANI Pattern Database Field DescriptionMaster Definition FileApplication Definition FileMaster Data- base Type Size Min. Value Max. Value Data Type Typical Entry ANI Pattern A 16 default ASCII 214* Primary GroupN 3 1 999 short int 16 Overflow GroupN 3 0 999 short int 1

Database Requirements UCD-XL Installation Guide Page 46NDA-30078 Revision 1.0 overflow method for the primary group (i.e. connected to an announce- ment message or simply queued). This Page Left Blank.

NDA-30078 Revision 1.0Page 47 UCD-XL Installation Guide MAT Assignments Chapter 5 MAT Assignments This guide assumes that data settings which affect the operation of all OAI software on a system-wide basis have already been assigned on the NEAX Maintenance Administration Terminal (MAT). Such settings include, for instance, system index values and assignment of Interface I/O Port Data in the Interface Processor (IP). For more information about these system data settings, and for instructions in making the following UCD-XL settings, consult the OAI System Manual for the NEAX2400 IMS. AADT Command (Assignment of Announcement/Dictation Trunk): This MAT command sets up the announcement message number, and is rele- vant only when a group is assigned an announcement message number (see page 36). AMNO Command (Assignment of Monitored Numbers): Whenever a call comes into a monitored number, UCD-XL is informed. Use this MAT command to assign the monitored numbers that represent the pilot numbers for the groups in the Group Identification Database (see page 42). ARNP2 Command (Assignment of Reverse Numbering Plan 2): To set an office code, set RT to 0 and set ACC to the desired office code, max- imum of 4 digits. To delete an office code, set RT to 0 and respond Y at the prompt. ASHU Command (Assignment of Station Hunting - UCD): This MAT command defines the UCD group to which a monitored number de- grades. This should be a subset of a group defined in UCD-XL. Note: The pilot number should not be a member of the Port Assignment Database. ASYD Command (Assignment of System Data): Assign SYS (1), INDEX 246, BIT 3 the value of 1 for MCI expansion service. This is relevant only if using Expanded MCI. Assign SYS (1), INDEX 28, BIT 5 to provide MWL control, and SYS (1), IN- DEX 29, BITS 0 - 5 to specify the MCI port for either standard or expanded MCI service. Assign SYS(1), INDEX 240, BIT 5 the value of 1 to provide across CCIS (and hence to UCD-XL) the physical extension (my line) of a call from a remote PBX. If this value is 0, the actual extension (such as a virtual line) of the call is provided. This completes the necessary MAT assignments. Go to the next chapter for instructions on how to initialize UCD-XL.

MAT Assignments UCD-XL Installation Guide Page 48NDA-30078 Revision 1.0 This Page Left Blank.