NEC Guardian An Open Application Interface Operations Manual
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NDA-30008 Revision 2.0Page 61 Guardian Operations Manual Administration Procedure Action Result On the Reports menu, select the Database Status option and press Enter. (1)The Current State Reports screen displays. (2) Use the arrow keys to position the cursor on the desired report and press Enter.Range Available Reports: The Report Range screen displays. Enter the code, extension, or group with which the report should begin and the code, extension, or group with which the report should end and press Enter. All Reports: A new command line containing output commands (Print File, View File, Save File) appears. Use the arrow keys to position the cursor on the desired output command and press Enter. Note: The message, Processing. , indi- cates that the report is being pre- pared, and Done indicates that it is ready. PRINT FILE: The report prints and the output commands reappears. VIEW FILE: Report items are scrolled for display on the screen with Top of File, End of File and More notations indicating placement. The commands serve to move the screen down the page (DownPage), up the page (UpPage), to the beginning of the file (To p), or to the end of the file (Bottom). To exit and return to the output commands, select the Quit command and press Enter. The output commands are redisplayed. SAVE FILE: A prompt for the name of the file in which the report is to be saved appears with a default file name inserted. Enter the appropriate file name and press Enter. The system stores the report under the indicated file name, and the output commands redisplay. To exit the output commands, select the Quit command and press Enter.The Current State Reports menu displays. To exit the Current State Reports menu, press ESC.The Reports menu reappears.

Page 62NDA-30008 Revision 2.0 Administration Guardian Operations Manual Database HistoryUse the Database History option on the Reports menu to generate reports concerning the history of routine disable activity of groups, authorization codes, and extensions, including system disabling of extensions in response to excessive invalid call attempts. Figure 3-18 Database History Reports Notes The history reports provide information that has been recorded since the last time the record file was initialized. The fields contained in the history reports are listed below. For more information on initializing the record file, refer to “Initialize Record File” on page 54. Admin Disabled Groups – A list of all groups that have been unconditionally or routinely disabled during the reporting period. (Sorted chronologically by group). Admin Disabled Authorization Codes – A list of all authorization codes that have been unconditionally or routinely disabled during the reporting period. (Sorted chronologically by group). Admin Disabled Extensions – A report of all extensions that have been unconditionally or routinely disabled during the reporting period. (Sorted chronologically by group). System Disabled Extensions – A report of all extensions that have been disabled by the system during the reporting period because of an excessive frequency of invalid call attempts. (1) (2)GUARDIAN *** REPORTS *** Call Attempts Arrow keys to move cursor, to select, to quit Database Status > Database History QuitGUARDIAN *** HISTORY REPORTS *** > Admin Disabled Groups Arrow keys to move cursor, to select, to quit Admin Disabled Authorization Codes Admin Disabled Extensions System Disabled Extensions Quit

NDA-30008 Revision 2.0Page 63 Guardian Operations Manual Administration Procedure Action Result On the Reports menu, select the Database History option and press Enter. (1)The History Reports screen displays. (2) Use the arrow keys to position the cursor on the desired report and press Enter.A new command line containing output commands (Print File, View File, Save File) appears. Use the arrow keys to position the cursor on the desired output command and press Enter. Note: The message, Processing.. , indi- cates that the report is being pre- pared, and Done indicates that it is ready. PRINT FILE: The report prints and the output commands are redisplayed. VIEW FILE: Report items are scrolled for display on the screen with Top of File, End of File and More notations indicating placement. The commands serve to move the screen down the page (DownPage), up the page (UpPage), to the beginning of the file (To p), or to the end of the file (Bottom). To exit and return to the output commands, select the Quit command and press Enter. The output commands are redisplayed. SAVE FILE: A prompt for the name of the file in which the report is to be saved appears with a default file name inserted. Enter the appropriate file name and press Enter. The system stores the report under the indicated file name, and the output commands redisplay. To exit the output commands, select the Quit command and press Enter. To exit the Database History option, press ESC.The Reports menu reappears.

Page 64NDA-30008 Revision 2.0 Administration Guardian Operations Manual Maintain Password System Administrators can use the Maintain Password option on the main menu to change an access level password for the Guardian System Administration menu. This option can only be accessed with the Administrator password. Figure 3-19 Password Security NotesOnly the System Administrator is authorized to alter the security passwords. The Administrator password must be entered before any other password may be changed. If you enter a password that is not in the file, the Invalid password message displays. If you enter a password that already exists in the password file, the system displays a message indicating that the password already exists. Any new password you enter into the system becomes effective immediately. (1) (2) (3)GUARDIAN *** SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION *** Arrow keys to move cursor, to select, to quit Set OAI Application Logical Name Modify Status Query Database Initialize Batch Control Initialize Record File Generate Reports > Maintain Password Clear Status Values Quit GUARDIAN Administrator Operator *** NEC PROPRIETARY *** Enter Password:GUARDIAN New Password:*** PASSWORD SECURITY *** to accept password, to quitVerify Password:

NDA-30008 Revision 2.0Page 65 Guardian Operations Manual Administration Procedure Action Result Select the Maintain Password option on the main menu (1) to display the Guardian Password Entry screen. (2) Enter the correct Guardian administrator password. If the password you enter is valid, a new command line displays two security levels (Administrator/Operator). (3) Select the level of password that you want to change (Administrator, Operator, or Admn/Operator) and press Enter.The cursor is positioned on the New Pa s s w o rd field for data entry. Enter the new password. The cursor is immediately positioned on the Verify Password field for data entry. Re-enter the new password in the Ve r i f y Pa s s w o rd field.If the two entered passwords match, the message Modify password successful appears. Press Enter to display the main menu. If the two entered passwords do not match, the message Passwords do not match, try again appears, and the cursor is again positioned on the New Pa s s w o rd field. To exit the Password Security screen, select the Quit command and press Enter.The main menu displays.

Page 66NDA-30008 Revision 2.0 Administration Guardian Operations Manual Clear Status Values Use the Clear Status Values option on the main menu to clear all status modifications and to re-initialize the group, authorization code, and extension databases. You can only access this option with the Administrator password. Figure 3-20 Clear Status Values NotesWhen you initialize the databases, they are installed to Guardian from the Applications Manager, where they were originally created. The Guardian Administrator can make changes as necessary (add, modify, and delete records) to the databases, but any changes made through Guardian do not change the database versions in the Applications Manager. When you use the Clear Status Values option, the Applications Manager’s versions of the databases group, authorization code, and extension databases are re-installed in Guardian, overriding those previously in use and changed by Guardian. In effect, this reinstallation erases all modifications made to the disable status of all groups, authorization codes, and extensions, since those changes are made by the System Administrator directly to the Guardian databases, not via the Application Manager. Procedure GUARDIAN *** SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION *** Arrow keys to move cursor, to select, to quit Set OAI Application Logical Name Modify Status Query Database Initialize Batch Control Initialize Record File Generate Reports Maintain Password > Clear Status Values Quit Action Result Select the Clear Status Values option on the main menu (1) and press Enter twice. When processing is complete the message Init System Data Successful appears. Press ESC. The cursor returns to the main menu.

NDA-30008 Revision 2.0Page 67 Guardian Operations Manual Report Formats Appendix A Report Formats Introduction The following report formats illustrate the content and arrangement of the various reports available to the System Administrator. These formats reflect the reports as they appear in hard copy form. When they appear on-screen, the display includes Top of File, More, and End of File notations and a command line that can be used to move to the next page (DownPage), to the preceding page (UpPage), to the top of the file (Top), and to the end of the file (Bottom). A Disable Time Interval field appears in many of the reports and includes the times at which the group, authorization code, or extension is routinely turned off (Begin) and turned back on (End). The time interval appears in Day Hour:Minute format. The times at which the invalid call attempts are placed appear in a Month/Day/Year Hour:Minute format. The Call Attempt Reports and the Database History Reports contain information that has been collected in the Record File since its last initialization. For instance, the following samples assume that the Record File was last initialized on November 1, 1990. Call Attempt Reports The Call Attempt Reports present lists of call attempts that are considered invalid. A call attempt may be invalid because it is attempted during the time that the designated group, authorization code, or extension is routinely disabled, because it involves a group, authorization code, or extension that the system does not recognize among its databases, or because it is made on an extension that has been disabled by the system in response to an excessive frequency of invalid call attempts. The first listed invalid call attempt for each group, authorization code, or extension is the first one to occur after the group, code, or extension has been routinely or unconditionally disabled by the administrator or disabled by the system in response to excessive invalid call attempts.

Page 68NDA-30008 Revision 2.0 Report Formats Guardian Operations Manual 1.Unrecognized Authorization Codes – A list of call attempts made with autho- rization codes that are not assigned in the database or are not recognized by Guardian. (Sorted by extension in ascending order.) 2.Unrecognized Extension Numbers – A list of calls that have been attempted from extensions that are not assigned in the database or are not recognized. The authorization code shown for each extension and used in the call attempt is in- cluded in the authorization code database and enabled by the administrator. (Sorted by extension in ascending order.) Date: 11/15/90 Pg1 Tenant: 1 Call Attempt Report (Unrecognized Authorization Codes) Auth Time Group Code Call PlacedExtID 2187500 11/06/90 6:28 1294 2 3897612 11/04/90 10:37 2345 1 5987364 11/04/90 14:10 2345 1 8288348 11/11/90 5:47 2345 2 8352678 11/10/90 17:52 3201 3 8782719 11/15/90 7:23 3201 1 9876543 11/12/90 8:02 9878 1 Number of Records: 7 Date: 11/15/90 Pg1 Tenant: 1 Call Attempt Report (Unrecognized Extensions) Time Auth Ext Call PlacedCode 2301 11/15/90 14:13 1859427 3979 11/06/90 22:31 2192738 4331 11/10/90 8:02 3492780 5230 11/07/90 12:41 2429379 5575 11/11/90 17:52 9874732 Number of Records: 5

NDA-30008 Revision 2.0Page 69 Guardian Operations Manual Report Formats 3.System Disabled Extensions – A list of calls that have been attempted from extensions during times that those extensions were disabled by the system since the Record File was last initialized. (Sorted by extension in ascending order.) 4.Routinely Disabled Extensions – A list of call attempts that were made using authorization codes that were routinely disabled at the time. (Sorted by autho- rization code in ascending order.) Date: 11/15/90 Pg1 Tenant: 1 Call Attempt Report (System Disabled Extensions) System Group Auth Time Ext Enable Time IDCodeCall Placed 1294 11/06/90 6:15 2 2187500 11/06/90 5:38 2345 11/04/90 13:45 1 3897612 11/04/90 1:11 2345 11/04/90 13:45 1 5987364 11/04/90 3:36 2345 11/11/90 13:45 1 8288348 11/04/90 5:47 3201 11/10/90 19:30 1 8352678 11/10/90 16:52 3201 11/15/90 7:30 1 8782719 11/15/90 6:02 Number of Records: 6 Date: 11/15/90 Pg1 Tenant: 1 Call Attempt Report (Routinely Disabled Extensions) Routine Disable Ti me In terval Time Auth Group Ext BeginEndCall PlacedCodeID 1294 Mon 5:1 Fri 24:0 11/09/90 22:03 2187500 3 2345 Wed 12:0 Thu 8:0 11/07/90 20:47 3897612 1 2345 Wed 12:0 Thu 8:0 11/08/90 7:24 3897612 1 2345 Constant --- 11/08/90 7:21 5987364 1 3201 Constant --- 11/10/90 10:12 5987364 1 3201 Sun 1:1 Sun 24:0 11/11/90 16:31 1827548 2 9878 Wed 12:0 Thu 8:0 11/08/90 7:59 9876543 1 Number of Records: 7

Page 70NDA-30008 Revision 2.0 Report Formats Guardian Operations Manual 5.Routinely Disabled Authorization Codes – A list of call attempts that were made using authorization codes that were routinely disabled at the time. (Sorted by authorization code in ascending order.) Date: 11/15/90 Pg1 Tenant: 1 Call Attempt Report (Routinely Disabled Authorization Codes) Routine Disable Auth Time Interval Time Code BeginEndCall PlacedExt 2187500 Sat 1:1 Mon 5:1 11/03/90 5:16 1294 2396857 Sat 1:1 Mon 5:1 11/10/90 10:18 1295 2396857 Sat 1:1 Mon 5:1 11/11/90 21:11 1295 2429879 Constant --- 11/11/90 8:24 5692 3492780 Sun 1:1 Sun 24:0 11/11/90 20:06 4178 6659636 Mon 5:1 Fri 24:0 11/05/90 12:25 3412 9874732 Wed 12:0 Thu 8:0 11/07/90 7:42 9878 Number of Records: 7