NEC Guardian An Open Application Interface Operations Manual
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NDA-30008 Revision 2.0Page 21 Guardian Operations Manual Installation Introduction Field Definitions Interval Index – The number by which the following time interval is indexed in the database and referred to by the group, extension, and authorization code databases. This number must lie within the range from 1 to 15. Begin Day of Week – The day of the week on which the interval begins and the group, authorization code, or extension is administratively turned off. The day of week can be one of the following values: 0: Sunday 4: Thursday 1: Monday 5: Friday 2: Tuesday 6: Saturday 3: Wednesday Begin Hour – The hour in which the interval begins and the group, authorization code, or extension is administratively turned off. The begin hour is a value between 0 and 23. Begin Min. – The minute at which the interval begins and the group, authorization code, or extension is administratively turned off. The begin minute is a value between 0 and 59. End Day of Week – The day of the week on which the interval ends and the group, authorization code, or extension is turned back on. The day of week can be one of the following values: 0: Sunday 4: Thursday 1: Monday 5: Friday 2: Tuesday 6: Saturday 3: Wednesday End Hour – The hour in which the interval ends and the group, authorization code, or extension is turned back on. The hour is a value between 0 and 23. End Minute – The minute at which the interval ends and the group, authorization code, or extension is turned back on. The minute is a value between 0 and 59. This completes creation of Guardian’s database support. See “NEAX Command Assignments” on page 22. to make the necessary command assignments at the NEAX2400 MAT or NEAX2000 MOC (or CAT). End Minute N 2 0 59 Short Integer 30 Table 2-8 Time Interval Database Field Entries

Page 22NDA-30008 Revision 2.0 Installation Introduction Guardian Operations Manual NEAX Command Assignments This guide assumes that data settings that affect the operation of all OAI software on a system-wide basis have already been assigned on the NEAX2400 Maintenance Administration Terminal (MAT) commands, the NEAX2000 Customer Administration Terminal (CAT), or the NEAX2000 Maintenance Operations Console (MOC). Such settings include, for instance, system index values and assignment of Interface I/O Port Data in the Interface Processor (IP). For more information about the system data settings and about the Guardian settings discussed in this section, refer to the OAI System Manual and the Command Manual for the specific NEAX system in use: Guardian is only effective if the Authorization Code or Forced Account Code service feature is engaged, and the station has been assigned to use the feature. The following data assignments set up this configuration on the NEAX MAT.MAT Assignments. NEAX2400 CommandsAMND: Assignment of Maximum Necessary Digits This command assigns the maximum number of digits to be read for the authorization code and the destination code. (a) When this command is used for forced account codes or authorization codes, the tenant number (TN) must be assigned as 0, regardless of what tenant number was configured in the application configuration. (b) Enter other information as requested by prompts, with the MND assigned to 10 digits. (c) The number of digits in the authorization code or forced account code must agree with the number of digits specified in the application configuration and in the database creation process. (d) Use the AATC command to provide the PBX with a backup database of au- thorization codes, in case the OAI application is not operating. ARSC Command: Assignment of Route Restriction Class This command assigns and displays route restriction information for a tenant and route number. This command actually activates the RSC. (Use the ASDT command to associate both the tenant and the service feature class assigned above to a specific station.) (a) Use the same tenant number that was configured for the application through the APM. (b) Enter other necessary information as requested by prompts, making sure that anything entered corresponds to the application configuration.

NDA-30008 Revision 2.0Page 23 Guardian Operations Manual Installation Introduction ASDT Command: Assignment of Station Data Use this command to associate both the tenant and the route restriction class assigned above to a specific station and to specify the telephone class of the station. (a) Use the same tenant number that was configured for the application through the APM. (b) Make sure that the station number and route restriction class entered to this command are the same that are entered to the ARSC command (and/or the ASFC command). ASFC Command: Assignment of Service Feature Class This command assigns the combinations of PBX call processing features to SFC values from 0 to 15, by tenant. Use of this command activates the specified feature. (Use the ASDT command to associate both the tenant and the service feature class assigned above to a specific station.) (a) Use the same tenant number that was configured for Guardian through the APM, Tenant #0. (b) Ensure that the SFI for the desired class(es) is enabled. (c) Enter other necessary information as requested by prompts, making sure that the service feature class assignment made through this command corre- sponds to the SFC as it is configured for the application through the APM. ASPA Command: Assignment of Special Access Code This command associates the authorization code to the access code. When the access code is dialed, it indicates that an authorization code follows and indicates the number of digits to be read. (a) Use the same tenant number that was configured for Guardian in its configuration in the APM and enter an access code (ACC) between 1 and 6 digits in length. (b) Enter the following data as requested by prompts: SRV (Kind of Service) = SSC (Service Code) CI (Connection Status Index) = N (Normal Service) SID (Service Feature Index) = 42 (Authorization Code and Forced Account Code) NND (Number of Necessary Digits) = Number of digits to be read, including the SID.

Page 24NDA-30008 Revision 2.0 Installation Introduction Guardian Operations Manual ASYD Command: Assignment of System Data (a) System Data 1: Index 43, bit 0 -- For remote access to PBX, is authorization code required after ring back tone (RBT)? 0 = Yes, 1 = No. Index 43, bit 2 -- Will SST be sent after dialing access code? 0 = No, 1 = Yes (b) System Data 2 : Index 3, bit 5 -- 0 = Authorization Code 1 = Forced Account Code AATC Command: Assignment of Authorization Code Data This command should be used to provide the PBX with a backup database of authorization codes, in case the OAI application is not operating. NEAX2000 CommandsUse the NEAX2000 Customer Administration Terminal (CAT), or the NEAX2000 Maintenance Operations Console (MOC) to enter these commands. (Refer to the NEAX2000 System Manuals for more information.) CM20: (Assignment of Access Code) Y=Tenant Group: Access Code for ID code class change. 1st data Access Code (1-3 digits) 2nd data Service Type :086: Authorization code Use A57 for the first digit of the authorization code :087: Forced Account code CM42: (Assignment of Maximum Digits for Authorization Code) Sets ID code digits. 1st data :11: Authorization code :12: Forced Account Code :13: Remote Access to System ID code 2nd data:01–10: Number of digits (The default is 10 digits.)

NDA-30008 Revision 2.0Page 25 Guardian Operations Manual Installation Introduction CMD79: (Assignment of Internet Address) Assigns the Internet Address of TCP/IP-Ethernet. 1st data 00–03: Division No. of Internet Address 2nd data 0–255: Address Data (1–3 digits) The Internet Address must be assigned to the 1st data 00–03 as follows: CM08: (Checking ID Codes Using AP01) Basic Functions 1st data: 217 Check ID code 2nd data::0: Check through MP :1: Check through AP01 package when using ACF. (Set checking through AP01 package when using ACF.) CMD53: (Handling of ID Codes When the IP is Down) Registers ID codes and temporary class data. 1st data: ID code 2nd data :a b b c c d d e e: Temporary class data :a: 0–2,9: Temporary class type :b b: 01–08: Temporary connection restriction class :c c: 01–15: Temporary service restriction class – A :d d: 01–15: Temporary service restriction class – B :e e: 01–15: Temporary service restriction class – C :NONE (Initial value) Note: This data uses PBX internal class change data when ACF is in operation and the AP is stopped. The number of digits is set through CMD7B 1st data (1)00 01 02 03 Internet Address: XXXXXXXXX [XXX: 2nd data (2)] XXX

Page 26NDA-30008 Revision 2.0 Installation Introduction Guardian Operations Manual CMD7B: (Number of ID Code Digits When IP down) ACF 1st data: 00: Number of ID code digits when AP stops during ACF operation 2nd data :1–3: Number of ID code digits when AP stops :0 (Initial Value):No ACF operation Initialization Follow steps 1-3 below to complete initialization. Step 1: Initialization in APMEnter the APM Operations Menu and initialize Guardian through the Non-CRT Application option, according to instructions provided in the APM Operations Manual. Step 2: Login PasswordThe first time you initialize Guardian and you enter guardadm at the login prompt, you must identify the password that is to be associated with that login ID. To assign a null password, enter the responses indicated for the following prompts: Prompt:UNIX login prompt Response:Enter guardadm and press Enter. Prompt:You do not have a password. 1. Select your own password 2. UNIX will select a password for you. Response:Select option 1 and press Enter. Prompt:A prompt asks for the new password, and another prompt requests verification of the password. Response:Press Enter at both prompts. This process assigns a null password. Step 3: Regular Entry to GuardianAt the UNIX login prompt, enter guardadm and press Enter. To exit the password input field, press Enter a second time. The Guardian password entry screen displays.

NDA-30008 Revision 2.0Page 27 Guardian Operations Manual Administration Chapter 3 Administration Overview The Guardian main menu provides tools which you can use to manage and generate reports from the record file, assign or alter passwords, and change or view the status of groups, authorization codes, and extensions. Figure 3-1 Main Menu GUARDIAN Enter Password:*** NEC PROPRIETARY *** to accept password, to quit(1) (2a) GUARDIAN *** SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION *** Arrow keys to move cursor, to select, to quit Set OAI Application Logical Name Modify Status Query Database Initialize Batch Control Initialize Record File Generate Reports Maintain Password Clear Status Values Quit GUARDIAN *** OPERATOR *** Arrow keys to move cursor, to select, to quit Query Generate Reports Query Database Quit GUARDIAN Modify Status *** ADMN/OPERATOR *** Arrow keys to move cursor, to select, to quit Query Database Generate Reports Quit(2b) (2c)

Page 28NDA-30008 Revision 2.0 Administration Guardian Operations Manual NotesGuardian menus are password protected. You can enter Guardian at one of the following levels by entering the appropriate password: Administrator level – Provides access to every menu option. The default password (guardadm) can be changed through the Administrator main menu Operator level – Allows you to view database information or to generate reports. You must assign this password through the Administrator main menu. Admn/Operator level - Provides access to all Operator level menus plus the modify status menu. All Guardian menu options are described briefly below. Each option is described in more detail in the remaining sections of this chapter: Set OAI Application Name – Allows you to specify a tenant by logical application name. The work you perform while working at the Administrator level applies only to the specified tenant. Modify Status – Use this menu option to modify the enable/disable status of a single group, authorization code, or extension. The System Administrator can also use this option to override the System Disable of an extension, if necessary. Note: The ID database can only be modified through the APM Database Administration menu. Query Database – Use this menu option to check a working database without making changes to it. This option enables the System Administrator to review the disable status of a group, authorization code, ID, or extension and the parameters by which it is defined in the database. Note: This menu option displays after you enter the Operator password. Initialize Batch Control – Initiates the Guardian control of batch modifications to the status of a large number of groups, authorization codes, or extensions. Data entry for this batch control is user-defined and provided. Initialize Record File – Reinitializes the record file in which data is collected about invalid call attempts and the ongoing status of groups, authorization codes, and extensions. Generate Reports – Generates various management and control reports about invalid call attempts; the status of groups, authorization codes, and extensions; and the history of processing activities logged in the record file. Note: This menu option displays after you enter the Operator password. Maintain Password – Allows you to change the password required for entry into the Guardian main menu. Administrators use this option to assign operator password(s). Clear Status Values – Removes all modifications to the working status of all groups, extensions, and authorization codes and reinstates the configured status of each.

NDA-30008 Revision 2.0Page 29 Guardian Operations Manual Administration Notes (Continued)The System Administrator also requires access to the APM Data Entry menu in order to maintain the Guardian databases. Note: Changes to the databases (i.e., adding, deleting, or modifying records) can only be made through the APM. The changes are processed into the Guardian working databases. Caution: If 80% of disk space has been used on the system, the following message appears immediately after you logon: “Disk free space warning.” When this message displays, you must free up disk space before performing other activities in the system. You can free up disk space by generating reports and then initializing the record file. If you do not generate the reports before you reinitialize the file, all of the data logged into the record file is lost when it is reinitialized. If you do not free up disk space when you receive this message, you may run out of disk space completely. When no disk space remains in the system, you must initialize the record file without generating the reports. The data logged into the record file is lost. Procedure Action Result At the login prompt, enter the Administrator, Operator or Admn/ Operator password and press Enter. The main menu displays. Using the arrow keys to position the cursor, select the desired menu option and press Enter.The desired option displays. To exit the main menu, select the Quit option and press Enter, or press ESC.The password screen reappears.

Page 30NDA-30008 Revision 2.0 Administration Guardian Operations Manual Set OAI Application Logical Name Guardian can serve multiple tenants (e.g., different departments, different campuses, etc.). Each tenant is identified by a unique logical name that is configured in the APM during installation. When you enter a logical name on this screen, all functions performed are implemented with the tenant associated to that logical name until the logical name is reset. One tenant could serve more than one switch. Logical names for each switch for that tenant must be entered. Up to ten logical names are permitted. Use the Set OAI Application Logical Name option on the main menu set or change the name of the tenant. This option can be accessed only under the Administrator password. Figure 3-2 Set Logical Name NotesThe first time entering the System Administration menu, access is denied access to other options until the logical name is entered. Once this application logical name is set, it remains in effect until changed again through this option, and access to other menu options is no longer restricted. If your system accommodates one tenant, you only need to enter the tenant name once. If your system accommodates more than one tenant, you will need to identify the tenant each time it changes before you use any other menu options. When you enter a new logical name, the system pauses for approximately 3 seconds while Guardian searches for the corresponding tenant. (1) (2)GUARDIAN *** SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION *** Arrow keys to move cursor, to select, to quit > Set OAI Application Logical Name Modify Status Query Database Initialize Batch Control Initialize Record File Generate Reports Maintain Password Clear Status Values Quit GUARDIAN Logical Name 1: to accept, to quit*** SET LOGICAL NAME *** Logical Name 2: . . . Logical Name 10: