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Multi-Tech Systems Mvp400, Mvp800 Voice/fax Over Ip Networks User Guide

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101 Glossary
Gatekeeper: An H.323 entity that provides address translation, control access, and sometimes bandwidth management to the LAN for H.323
Gateway:  1. A functional unit that interconnects two computer networks with different network architectures. A gateway connects networks or
systems of different architectures. A bridge interconnects networks or systems with the same or similar architectures. 2. A network that
connects hosts. 3. An H.323 entity that provides real-time, two-way...

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102 MultiVOIP 400/800 User Guide
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network):    An International telecommunications standard for transmitting voice, video and data over a
digital communications line. ISDN is a  world-wide telecommunications service that uses digital transmission and switching technology to
support voice and digital data communications. Frame relay was partially based on ISDNs data link layer protocol (LAPD). Frame relay can
be used to transmit across ISDN services offering...

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103 Glossary
Management Information Base (MIB):  A database of network management information used by the Common Management Information
Protocol (CMIP) and the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
Megacom:   An AT&T service with a normal WATS line (typically T1) between the customer premise and the AT&T serving class 4 CO  are
the customers responsibility.
MegaLink:    BellSouths leased T1 service.
Message:  Associated with such terms as packet, frame, and segment. 1. In information theory, an...

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104 MultiVOIP 400/800 User Guide
Outage:   The measure of the time during which a circuit  is not available for use due to service interrupt. Outage is the complement of circuit
availability (100% minus  % available = % outage).
Out-of-band:  Signaling that is separated from the channel carrying the information (i.e., the voice/data/video signal is separate from the
carrier signal). Dialing and various other supervisory signals are included in the signaling element. Contrast In-band signaling.
Out of...

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105 Glossary
Quality of Service (QoS): Guarantees network bandwidth and availability for applications.
Quantizing:  The process of analog-to-digital conversion by assigning a range, from the contiguous analog values, to a discrete number.
Random Access Memory  (RAM):    A computers primary workspace. All data must be stored in RAM (even for a short while), before
software can use the processor to manipulate the data. Before a PC can do anything useful it must move programs from disk to RAM. When

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106 MultiVOIP 400/800 User Guide
Signaling:  The process of establishing, maintaining, accounting for, and terminating a connection between two endpoints (e.g., the user
premises and the telco CO). Central office signals to the user premises can include ringing, dial tone, speech signals, etc. Signals from the
users phone can include off-hook, dialing, speech to far-end party, and on-hook signals. In-band signaling techniques include pulse and tone
dialing. With common channel signaling, information is...

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107 Glossary
Terminal: 1) The screen and keyboard device used in a mainframe environment for interactive data entry. Terminals have no box, which is
to say they have no file storage or processing capabilities. 2) An H.323 endpoint that provides for real-time, two-way communications with
another terminal, gateway, or H.323 MCU. An H.323 terminal must provide audio and may also provide video and/or data.
Terminal  Adapter (TA):  An ISDN DTE device for connecting a non-ISDN terminal device to the ISDN...

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108 MultiVOIP 400/800 User Guide 

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109 Index
About the Internet ........................................... 84
Accessories, ordering ..................................... 84
Adding phone entries
Gatekeeper ................................................. 32
Proprietary .................................................. 34
Application, typical ........................................... 8
Applications setup, changing .......................... 64
Archie ............................................................. 87
Auto Call...

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110 MultiVOIP 400/800 User Guide
Multi-Techs Web site .................................. 84
Internet protocol (IP) ...................................... 88
IP default setup, Master ................................. 27
IP default setup, Slave ................................... 41
IP parameters, changing ................................ 62
IP statistics ..................................................... 65
Jitter buffer, dynamic ...................................... 57
Jitter value...
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