Motorola Xtl5000 Detailled 6881096c74 B Manual
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List of Figuresxix 6881096C74-BMay 25, 2005 Figure 7-86. HUE4040 Main Board Overall Block Diagram and Interconnections ................................7-132 Figure 7-87. HUE4040A Controller Block Diagram and Interconnections (Sheet 1 of 2) ......................7-133 Figure 7-88. HUE4040A Controller Block Diagram and Interconnections (Sheet 2 of 2) ......................7-134 Figure 7-89. HUE4040A Controller Urchin IC, MUX, and AD5320 DAC Schematic..............................7-135 Figure 7-90. HUE4040A Controller Audio Schematic ............................................................................7-136 Figure 7-91. HUE4040A Controller Power Control Schematic ..............................................................7-137 Figure 7-92. HUE4040A Frequency Generation Unit ............................................................................7-138 Figure 7-93. HUE4040A Receive VCO Schematic ................................................................................7-139 Figure 7-94. HUE4040A Transmit VCO Schematic ...............................................................................7-140 Figure 7-95. HUE4040A Receiver Back-End Schematic .......................................................................7-141 Figure 7-96. HUE4040A Receiver Front-End Schematic.......................................................................7-142 Figure 7-97. HUE4040A Receiver Mixer Schematic ..............................................................................7-143 Figure 7-98. HUE4040A Receiver Preselector Schematic ....................................................................7-144 Figure 7-99. HUE4040A Receiver IF Schematic ...................................................................................7-145 Figure 7-100.HUE4040A RF Power Amplifier (RF PA) Schematic ........................................................7-146 Figure 7-101.HUE4040A Output Network (ON) Schematic ...................................................................7-147 Figure 7-102.HUE4040A Secure Block Diagram and Interconnections ................................................7-148 Figure 7-103.HUE4040A Rear Accessory Connector Schematic ..........................................................7-149 Figure 7-104.HUE4040A Power Supply Schematic...............................................................................7-150 Figure 7-105.HUE4040A USB/RS232/SB9600 Schematic....................................................................7-151 Figure 7-106.HUE4040A Secure SB9600 Schematic............................................................................7-152 Figure 7-107.HUE4040A Secure Control-Head Connector Schematic (Sheet 1 of 2)...........................7-153 Figure 7-108.HUE4040A Secure Control-Head Connector Schematic (Sheet 2 of 2)...........................7-154 Figure 7-109.HUE4040A Secure Interface Connector Schematic .........................................................7-155 Figure 7-110.HUE4040A Secure Interface Board Schematic ................................................................7-156 Figure 7-111.HUE4040A Main Board Layout—Side 1 Top ...................................................................7-157 Figure 7-112.HUE4040A Main Board Layout—Side 1 Middle ...............................................................7-158 Figure 7-113.HUE4040A Main Board Layout—Side 1 Bottom ..............................................................7-159 Figure 7-114.HUE4040A Main Board Layout—Side 2 Top ...................................................................7-160 Figure 7-115.HUE4040A Main Board Layout—Side 2 Middle ...............................................................7-161 Figure 7-116.HUE4040A Main Board Layout—Side 2 Bottom ..............................................................7-162 Figure 7-117.HUF4017A Main Board Overall Block Diagram and Interconnections .............................7-174 Figure 7-118.HUF4017A Controller Block Diagram and Interconnections (Sheet 1 of 3)......................7-175 Figure 7-119.HUF4017A Controller Block Diagram and Interconnections (Sheet 2 of 3)......................7-176 Figure 7-120.HUF4017A Controller Block Diagram and Interconnections (Sheet 3 of 3)......................7-177 Figure 7-121.HUF4017A Controller Audio Schematic ...........................................................................7-178 Figure 7-122.HUF4017A Power, Data, Secure, and Front/Rear Connector Block Diagrams................7-179 Figure 7-123.HUF4017A USB/RS232/SB9600 Schematic ....................................................................7-180 Figure 7-124.Rear Accessory Connector (J0402) Schematic................................................................7-181 Figure 7-125.Control-Head Front Connector Schematic .......................................................................7-182 Figure 7-126.Controller Power Supply and Emergency Schematic .......................................................7-183 Figure 7-127.Controller RS232/SB9600 Schematic ..............................................................................7-184 Figure 7-128.Controller VIP Input/Output Schematic.............................................................................7-185 Figure 7-129.Controller Secure Interface Connector Schematic ...........................................................7-186 Figure 7-130.Secure Interface Board Schematic ...................................................................................7-187 Figure 7-131.HUF4017A Controller Urchin IC, MUX, and AD5320 DAC Schematic .............................7-188 Figure 7-132.HUF4017A Controller Power Supply Schematic ..............................................................7-189 Figure 7-133.HUF4017A Receiver Back-End Schematic ......................................................................7-190 Figure 7-134.HUF4017A Receiver Front-End Schematic (Sheet 1 of 2) ...............................................7-191 Figure 7-135.HUF4017A Receiver Front-End Schematic (Sheet 2 of 2) ...............................................7-192 Figure 7-136.HUF4017A Receiver Intermediate Frequency (IF) Schematic .........................................7-193 Figure 7-137.HUF4017A RF Power Amplifier (PA) Schematic (Sheet 1 of 2) .......................................7-194 Figure 7-138.HUF4017A RF Power Amplifier (PA) Schematic (Sheet 2 of 2) .......................................7-195 Figure 7-139.HUF4017A Frequency Generation Unit Overall Schematic (Sheet 1 of 2).......................7-196
xxList of Figures May 25, 20056881096C74-B Figure 7-140.HUF4017A Frequency Generation Unit Overall Schematic (Sheet 2 of 2).......................7-197 Figure 7-141.HUF4017A Frequency Generation Unit 800 MHz Receive Injection Schematic ..............7-198 Figure 7-142.HUF4017A Frequency Generation Unit 800 MHz Transmit Injection Schematic .............7-199 Figure 7-143.HUF4017A Main Board Layout—Side 1 Top ...................................................................7-200 Figure 7-144.HUF4017A Main Board Layout—Side 1 Middle ...............................................................7-201 Figure 7-145.HUF4017A Main Board Layout—Side 1 Bottom ..............................................................7-202 Figure 7-146.HUF4017A Main Board Layout—Side 2 Top ...................................................................7-203 Figure 7-147.HUF4017A Main Board Layout—Side 2 Middle ...............................................................7-204 Figure 7-148.HUF4017A Main Board Layout—Side 2 Bottom ..............................................................7-205 Figure 7-149.HUF4017A Daughtercard Module Board Layout ..............................................................7-206 Figure 8-1. HLN6883A/B, HLN6884A, HLN6885A/B Remote Interconnect Board Schematic (for Mid Power only) ..............................................................................................................8-2 Figure 8-2. HLN6883A/B, HLN6884A, HLN6885A/B Remote Interconnect Board Component Location Diagram (for Mid Power only) .................................................................................8-3 Figure 8-3. HLN6915B Remote Interconnect Board Schematic (for Mid Power only) .............................8-9 Figure 8-4. HLN6915B Remote Interconnect Board Component Location Diagram (for Mid Power only) ..............................................................................................8-10 Figure 8-5. HLN6901C, HLN6902C Remote Interconnect Board Schematic (for High Power only) .....8-13 Figure 8-6. HLN6901C, HLN6902C Remote Interconnect Board Component Location Diagram (for High Power only) ............................................................................................8-14 Figure 8-7. Secure Interface Board Component Location Diagram—Side 1 .........................................8-20 Figure 8-8. Secure Interface Board Component Location Diagram—Side 2 .........................................8-20 Figure 8-9. Motorcycle Signal-Routing Diagram ....................................................................................8-21
List of Tablesxxi 6881096C74-BMay 25, 2005 List of Tables Table 2-1. Control-Head VIP Locations ..................................................................................................2-6 Table 3-1. XTL 5000 Main Board Sections (VHF Mid Power)—Side 1 ..................................................3-2 Table 3-2. XTL 5000 Main Board Sections (VHF Mid Power)—Side 2 ..................................................3-3 Table 3-3. XTL 5000 Main Board Sections (VHF High Power)—Side 1 .................................................3-4 Table 3-4. XTL 5000 Main Board Sections (VHF High Power)—Side 2 .................................................3-5 Table 3-5. XTL 5000 Main Board Sections (UHF Range 1 Mid Power and UHF Range 2)—Side 1......3-6 Table 3-7. XTL 5000 Main Board Sections (UHF Range 1 High Power)—Side 1 ..................................3-8 Table 3-8. XTL 5000 Main Board Sections (UHF Range 1 High Power)—Side 2 ..................................3-9 Table 3-9. XTL 5000 Main Board Sections (700–800 MHz)—Side 1 ...................................................3-10 Table 3-10. XTL 5000 Main Board Sections (700–800 MHz)—Side 2 ................................................... 3-11 Table 3-11. VCO AUX Pin Logic UHF Range 1......................................................................................3-53 Table 3-12. VCO AUX Pin Logic UHF Range 2......................................................................................3-57 Table 3-13. Integrated Circuits Voltages.................................................................................................3-66 Table 3-14. Rear Connector Naming Scheme........................................................................................3-70 Table 3-15. Remote-Mount Interconnect Board Connector Naming Scheme ........................................3-70 Table 3-16. PA Condition Voltages at U0204, Pin 8...............................................................................3-74 Table 3-17. Programming Cables ...........................................................................................................3-77 Table 4-1. Power-Up Self-Check Error Codes........................................................................................4-3 Table 4-2. Operational Error Codes .......................................................................................................4-5 Table 4-3. Test Mode Channels ..............................................................................................................4-6 Table 4-4. VCO Frequency and Switching Logic ....................................................................................4-6 Table 4-5. AUX Output Frequency Requirements ..................................................................................4-7 Table 4-6. LV Frac-N U3751 Pin Descriptions (VHF) .............................................................................4-9 Table 4-7. Test Mode Channels UHF Range 1 (AUX 4 is not used for VCO selection in UHF) ...........4-12 Table 4-8. VCO Frequency Calculation and Switching Logic (UHF Range 1)......................................4-12 Table 4-9. LV Frac-N U6751 Pin Descriptions (UHF Range 1) ............................................................4-14 Table 4-10. Test Mode Channels UHF Range 2 (AUX 4 is not used for VCO selection in UHF) ...........4-17 Table 4-11. VCO Frequency Calculation and Switching Logic (UHF Range 2)......................................4-18 Table 4-12. LV Frac-N U6751 Pin Descriptions (UHF Range 2) ............................................................4-20 Table 4-13. Test Mode Channels (700–800 MHz) ..................................................................................4-23 Table 4-14. VCO Frequency Calculation and Switching Logic (700–800 MHz) .....................................4-23 Table 4-15. LV Frac-N U6751 Pin Descriptions (700–800 MHz) ............................................................4-26 Table 4-16. Standard Operating Bias: Power Lines................................................................................4-28 Table 4-17. Standard Operating Bias: Clock and Control Lines .............................................................4-29 Table 4-18. Standard Operating Bias: Audio Lines.................................................................................4-30 Table 4-19. Standard Operating Bias: VIP Lines (Dash Configuration) ..................................................4-32 Table 4-20. Standard Operating Bias: VIP Lines (Standard Remote Configuration) ..............................4-32 Table 4-21. Standard Operating Bias: VIP Lines (W3 Remote Configuration) .......................................4-33 Table 5-1. List of Troubleshooting Charts...............................................................................................5-1 Table 5-2. XTL 5000 Troubleshooting Table (700–800 MHz, 380-470 MHz and 136-174 MHz)............5-3 Table 5-3. XTL 5000 Troubleshooting Table (136-174 MHz, 380-470 MHz and 450-520 MHz Mid Power) ............................................................................................................................5-7 Table 5-4. XTL 5000 Receiver Troubleshooting Table (VHF Band) ..................................................... 5-11 Table 5-5. Board ID Jumper Configuration ...........................................................................................5-14 Table 5-6. RFPA DC Voltages ..............................................................................................................5-44 Table 5-7. RFPA DC Voltages ..................................................................................................... .........5-62 Table 6-1. List of Troubleshooting Waveforms .......................................................................................6-1 Table 6-2. TX and RX Audio Path Test Points for 1 kHz Sine Wave ....................................................6-13 Table 6-3. TX and RX Audio Path Test Points for 1 kHz Sine Wave ....................................................6-14 Table 7-1. List of Schematics, Component Location Diagrams, and Parts Lists ....................................7-1 Table 8-1. List of Interconnect Board Schematics and Component Location Diagrams ........................8-1 Table 9-1. Mid Power Dash Flex Cable J103 to P0401 Pin-Out List ......................................................9-1 Table 9-2. Mid Power Rear Accessory Flex Cable J2 to P0402 Pin-Out List .........................................9-1 Table 9-3. Mid Power Remote Flex Cable P502 to J0401 Pin-Out List ..................................................9-2 Table 9-4. High Power Remote Flex Cable P0401 to J512 Pin-Out List ................................................9-3
xxiiList of Tables May 25, 20056881096C74-B Table A-1. UCM Kit Listing..................................................................................................................... A-1 Table A-2. Secure Interface Board Kits.................................................................................................. A-1 Related Publications ASTRO Digital XTL 5000 Mobile Radio with W3 Control Head User’s Guide ................................ 6881096C67 ASTRO Digital XTL 5000 Mobile Radio with W4, W5, W7, and W9 Control Heads User’s Guide . 6881096C68 ASTRO Digital XTL 5000 Mobile Radio Installation Manual........................................................... 6881096C72 ASTRO Digital XTL 5000 Mobile Radios Universal Crypto Module Field Installation Instructions . 6881097C53 ASTRO Digital XTL 5000 VHF/UHF Range 1/UHF Range 2/700-800 MHz Mobile Radio Basic Service Manual ................................................................................................................ 6881096C73 ASTRO Digital Spectra and Digital Spectra Plus Mobile Radios W3/W4/W5/W7/W9 Control Head Models Service Manual ...................................................................................... 6881096C77 CPS Programming Installation Guide .............................................................................................6881095C44 KVL 3000 User’s Manual ................................................................................................................. 6881131E16 System 9000 Direct Entry Keyboard Instruction Manual ......................................................... 68P80101W22-B
Commercial Warranty Limited Warranty MOTOROLA COMMUNICATION PRODUCTS I. What This Warranty Covers And For How Long MOTOROLA INC. (“MOTOROLA”) warrants the MOTOROLA manufactured Communication Products listed below (“Product”) against defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of time from the date of purchase as scheduled below: Motorola, at its option, will at no charge either repair the Product (with new or reconditioned parts), replace it (with a new or reconditioned Product), or refund the purchase price of the Product during the warranty period provided it is returned in accordance with the terms of this warranty. Replaced parts or boards are warranted for the balance of the original applicable warranty period. All replaced parts of Product shall become the property of MOTOROLA. This express limited warranty is extended by MOTOROLA to the original end user purchaser only and is not assignable or transferable to any other party. This is the complete warranty for the Product manufactured by MOTOROLA. MOTOROLA assumes no obligations or liability for additions or modifications to this warranty unless made in writing and signed by an officer of MOTOROLA. Unless made in a separate agreement between MOTOROLA and the original end user purchaser, MOTOROLA does not warrant the installation, maintenance or service of the Product. MOTOROLA cannot be responsible in any way for any ancillary equipment not furnished by MOTOROLA which is attached to or used in connection with the Product, or for operation of the Product with any ancillary equipment, and all such equipment is expressly excluded from this warranty. Because each system which may use the Product is unique, MOTOROLA disclaims liability for range, coverage, or operation of the system as a whole under this warranty. II. General Provisions This warranty sets forth the full extent of MOTOROLAs responsibilities regarding the Product. Repair, replacement or refund of the purchase price, at MOTOROLAs option, is the exclusive remedy. THIS WARRANTY IS GIVEN IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER EXPRESS WARRANTIES. IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. IN NO EVENT SHALL MOTOROLA BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES IN EXCESS OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT, FOR ANY LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF TIME, INCONVENIENCE, COMMERCIAL LOSS, LOST PROFITS OR SAVINGS OR OTHER INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH PRODUCT, TO THE FULL EXTENT SUCH MAY BE DISCLAIMED BY LAW. ASTRO Digital XTL 5000 Mobile Radio UnitsOne (1) Year Product Accessories One (1) Year
May 25, 20056881096C74-B xxivCommercial Warranty III. State Law Rights SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LIMITATION ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY. This warranty gives specific legal rights, and there may be other rights which may vary from state to state. IV. How To Get Warranty Service You must provide proof of purchase (bearing the date of purchase and Product item serial number) in order to receive warranty service and, also, deliver or send the Product item, transportation and insurance prepaid, to an authorized warranty service location. Warranty service will be provided by Motorola through one of its authorized warranty service locations. If you first contact the company which sold you the Product, it can facilitate your obtaining warranty service. You can also call Motorola at 1-888-567-7347 US/Canada. V. What This Warranty Does Not Cover A. Defects or damage resulting from use of the Product in other than its normal and customary manner. B. Defects or damage from misuse, accident, water, or neglect. C. Defects or damage from improper testing, operation, maintenance, installation, alteration, modification, or adjustment. D. Breakage or damage to antennas unless caused directly by defects in material workmanship. E. A Product subjected to unauthorized Product modifications, disassemblies or repairs (including, without limitation, the addition to the Product of non-Motorola supplied equipment) which adversely affect performance of the Product or interfere with Motorolas normal warranty inspection and testing of the Product to verify any warranty claim. F. Product which has had the serial number removed or made illegible. G. Rechargeable batteries if: • any of the seals on the battery enclosure of cells are broken or show evidence of tampering. • the damage or defect is caused by charging or using the battery in equipment or service other than the Product for which it is specified. H. Freight costs to the repair depot. I. A Product which, due to illegal or unauthorized alteration of the software/firmware in the Product, does not function in accordance with MOTOROLAs published specifications or the FCC type acceptance labeling in effect for the Product at the time the Product was initially distributed from MOTOROLA. J. Scratches or other cosmetic damage to Product surfaces that does not affect the operation of the Product. K. Normal and customary wear and tear.
6881096C74-BMay 25, 2005 Commercial Warrantyxxv VI. Patent And Software Provisions MOTOROLA will defend, at its own expense, any suit brought against the end user purchaser to the extent that it is based on a claim that the Product or parts infringe a United States patent, and MOTOROLA will pay those costs and damages finally awarded against the end user purchaser in any such suit which are attributable to any such claim, but such defense and payments are conditioned on the following: A. that MOTOROLA will be notified promptly in writing by such purchaser of any notice of such claim; B. that MOTOROLA will have sole control of the defense of such suit and all negotiations for its settlement or compromise; and C. should the Product or parts become, or in MOTOROLAs opinion be likely to become, the subject of a claim of infringement of a United States patent, that such purchaser will permit MOTOROLA, at its option and expense, either to procure for such purchaser the right to continue using the Product or parts or to replace or modify the same so that it becomes noninfringing or to grant such purchaser a credit for the Product or parts as depreciated and accept its return. The depreciation will be an equal amount per year over the lifetime of the Product or parts as established by MOTOROLA. MOTOROLA will have no liability with respect to any claim of patent infringement which is based upon the combination of the Product or parts furnished hereunder with software, apparatus or devices not furnished by MOTOROLA, nor will MOTOROLA have any liability for the use of ancillary equipment or software not furnished by MOTOROLA which is attached to or used in connection with the Product. The foregoing states the entire liability of MOTOROLA with respect to infringement of patents by the Product or any parts thereof. Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for MOTOROLA certain exclusive rights for copyrighted MOTOROLA software such as the exclusive rights to reproduce in copies and distribute copies of such Motorola software. MOTOROLA software may be used in only the Product in which the software was originally embodied and such software in such Product may not be replaced, copied, distributed, modified in any way, or used to produce any derivative thereof. No other use including, without limitation, alteration, modification, reproduction, distribution, or reverse engineering of such MOTOROLA software or exercise of rights in such MOTOROLA software is permitted. No license is granted by implication, estoppel or otherwise under MOTOROLA patent rights or copyrights. VII. Governing Law This Warranty is governed by the laws of the State of Illinois, USA.
May 25, 20056881096C74-B xxviCommercial Warranty Notes
6881096C74-BMay 25, 2005 Model Numbering, Charts, and Specificationsxxvii Model Numbering, Charts, and Specifications Mobile Radio Model Numbering Scheme Figure 1. Mobile Radio Model Numbering Scheme Position 1 - Type of Unit M = Mobile L = Table Top Station Positions 2 & 3 - Model Series Position 4 - Frequency Band Less than 29.7MHz 29.7 to 35.99MHz 36 to 41MHz 42 to 50MHz 300 to 345MHz 66 to 80MHz 74 to 90MHz Product Specific VHF Range 136 to 162MHz 146 to 178MHz 174 to 210MHz 190 to 235MHz330 to 370MHz 366 to 410MHz 403 to 437MHz 438 to 482MHz 470 to 620MHz Product Specific UHF Range 806 to 870MHz* 825 to 870MHz 896 to 941MHz 403-470MHz 1.0 to 1.6GHz 1.5 to 2.0GHz Position 5 - Power Level 0 to 0.7 Watts 0.7 to 0.9 Watts 1.0 to 3.9 Watts 4.0 to 5.0 Watts 5.1 to 6.0 Watts 6.1 to 10 Watts 10.1 to 15 Watts 16 to 25 Watts 26 to 35 Watts Position 6 - Physical Packages RF Modem Operation Receiver Only Standard Control; No Display Standard Control; With Display Limited Keypad; No Display Limited Keypad; With Display Full Keypad; No Display Full Keypad; With Display Limited Controls; No Display Limited Controls; Basic Display Limited Controls; Limited Display Rotary Controls; Standard Display Enhanced Controls; Enhanced Display Low Profile; No Display Low Profile; Basic Display Low Profile; Basic Display, Full Keypad Tranceiver with Selectable Control Head VDV Control Head Control Head #2 Position 7 - Channel Spacing 0 = 1 = 5KHz 2 = 6.25KHz 3 = 10KHz 4 = 12.5KHz5 = 15KHz 6 = 20/25KHz 7 = 30KHz 8 = 12.5/25KHz 9 = Variable/Programmable Typical Model Number: Position: Position 8 - Primary Operation Conventional/Simplex Conventional/Duplex Trunked Twin Type Dual Mode Trunked Dual Mode Trunked/Duplex Trunked Type I Trunked Type II FDMA* Digital Dual Mode TDMA** Digital Dual Mode Single Sideband Global Positioning Satellite Capable Amplitude Companded Sideband (ACSB) Digital Dispatch Programmable Digital Interconnect Digital Multi-Service 9600 Capable TDMA * FDMA = Frequency Division Multiple Access ** TDMA = Time Division Multiple Access Position 9 - Primary System Type Conventional Privacy Plus Clear SMARTNET Advanced Conventional Stat-Alert Enhanced Privacy Plus Nauganet 888 Series Japan Specialized Mobile Radio (JSMR) Multi-Channel Access (MCA) CoveragePLUS MPT1327* - Public MPT1327* - Private Radiocom Tone Signalling Binary Signalling Phonenet IDEN Basic IDEN Advanced Feature JSMR Digital LTR Protocol Single Sideband Programmable Secure Conventional Secure SMARTNET TETRA SmartZone * MPT = Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications Position 10 - Feature Level 1 = Basic 2 = Limited Package 3 = Limited Plus 4 = Intermediate 5 = Standard Package6 = Standard Plus 7 = Expanded Package 8 = Expanded Plus 9 = Full Feature/ Programmable Position 11 - Version Version Letter (Alpha) - Major Change Position 12 - Unique Model Variations C = Cenelec N = Standard Package Positions 13 - 16 SP Model Suffix 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1213141516 M20 U R S 9 P W 1 A N S P 0 1 20 = XTL 5000 A B C D E F G H J K L M= = = = = = = = = = = =N P Q R S T U V W X Y Z= = = = = = = = = = = = A B C D E F G H J= = = = = = = = =36 to 60 Watts 61 to 110 Watts Up to 125 Watts 1 to 25 Watts 25 to 40 Watts 25 to 45 Watts 10 to 35 Watts 10 to 50 Watts 25 to 110 Watts K L M N P Q R S T= = = = = = = = = A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R S T U V W= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R S T= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 2= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = MAEPF-27634-B * For XTL 5000 K in Position 4 represents 136-174MHz. * For XTL 5000 Q in Position 4 represents 380-470MHz. * For XTL 5000 S in Position 4 represents 450-520MHz. * For XTL 5000 U in Position 4 represents 764-870MHz. Note: Values represented are not absolute, and are given to indicate range only. Note: Values represented are not absolute, and are given to indicate range only.
May 25, 20056881096C74-B xxviiiModel Numbering, Charts, and Specifications ASTRO XTL 5000 Motorcycle VHF 10-50 Watt Model Chart M20KSS9PW1AN 136–174 MHz OptionDescription G67AD ADD: Remote Control Microphone W4, W5, W7 G67AF ADD: Remote Mount No Control Head Needed G82AAADD: Motorcycle W4 Control Head G83AA ADD: Motorcycle W5 Control Head G84AA ADD: Motorcycle W7 Control Head G159ACADD: Encryption UCM Hdw 3-Day Key Ret G159AD ADD: Encryption UCM Hdw 30-Sec Key Ret W22AT ADD: Hand Microphone (Motorcycle WP Mic) W15AGADD: Black Weather Resistant Enclosure G151AA ADD: White Weather Resistant Enclosure B18CM ADD: Auxiliary Speaker Spec Motorcycle Item No.Description XXXHLN6863_ Accessory Connector X HUF4022_ VHF 136-174 MHz Main Board XX HLN6861_ Hardware Standard Install X HLN6842_ Motorcycle Hardware 800 15 w w/W90 XX HLN6884_ Motorcycle Interconnect Board XX HKN4191_ Mobile Power Cable XX HKN6062_ Motorcycle Control Head Cable 8’ XX HLN6865_ Remote Mount Control Head Interconnect X HLN6125_ Hardware Housing Front Remote XPMLN4019_ W4 Motorcycle Control Head XXHLN6105_ Spare Button Kit XXHLN6688_ Spare Button Kit XHLN6876_ Secure Interface Board 3-Day Key Retention XHLN6877_ Secure Interface Board 30-Sec Key Retention XHMN1079_ Motorcycle Palm Microphone X HSN6003_ Motorcycle Water Resistant Speaker X X HKN6032_ Motorcycle Power Cable X HLN1445_ White Motorcycle Enclosure and Hardware X HLN1446_ Black Motorcycle Enclosure and Hardware X = Item Included _ = the latest version kit. When ordering a kit, refer to your specific kit for the suffix number.