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Motorola Sse 5000 6881094c12 A Manual

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Chapter 5 Radio Alignment Procedures
This chapter describes radio alignment procedures for both the receiver and transmitter.
5.1 Radio Alignment Test Setup
A personal computer (PC) and tuner software (RVN4181) are required to align the radio. Refer to the 
Customer Programming Software (CPS) Installation Guide (Motorola publication part number 
6881095C44) for setup procedures for the software, and to the on-line help in the CPS for complete 
field programming information. To perform the alignment...

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November 11, 20046881094C12-A
5-2Radio Alignment Procedures: Reading the Radio
5.2 Reading the Radio
Select Tuner from the START menu. To read the radio, use the File > Read Device menu or click on 
5.3 Tuner Menu
Figure 5-2 illustrates how the alignment screens are organized. To access a screen, double-click on 
the desired screen name in the Tu n e r menu.
Figure 5-2.  Tuner Software Main Menu
5.4 Radio Information
Figure 5-3 shows a typical Radio Information screen. This screen is informational only...

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6881094C12-ANovember 11, 2004
Radio Alignment Procedures: Transmitter Alignments 5-3
5.5 Transmitter Alignments
5.5.1 Softpot
The alignment screens introduce the concept of the “softpot,” an analog SOFTware-controlled 
POTentiometer used for adjusting all transceiver alignment controls.
Each alignment screen provides the ability to increase or decrease the softpot value by using a slider 
or the spin buttons in the New Softpot Value box, or by entering the new value from the keyboard 
directly into the...

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November 11, 20046881094C12-A
5-4Radio Alignment Procedures: Transmitter Alignments
NOTE:Reference oscillator alignment is required after replacing (or servicing) the transceiver board.
To align the reference oscillator:
1. Select the Reference Oscillator alignment screen. See Figure 5-5.
Figure 5-5.  Reference Oscillator Alignment Screen
2. Left-click the PTT Toggle button on the screen to make the radio transmit. The screen 
indicates whether the radio is transmitting.
3. Measure the transmit RF...

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6881094C12-ANovember 11, 2004
Radio Alignment Procedures: Transmitter Alignments 5-5
To align transmit power:
1. Select the TX Power (Low or High) alignment screen. The screen will indicate the transmit 
frequencies to be used. See Figure 5-6 and Figure 5-7.
2. Left-click the desired frequency field (starting with the highest frequency shown).
3. Left-click the PTT Toggle button on the screen to make the radio transmit. The screen 
indicates whether the radio is transmitting.
4. Measure the transmit...

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5-6Radio Alignment Procedures: Transmitter Alignments
Figure 5-6.  Transmit Power Alignment Screen (High Power)
Figure 5-7.  Transmit Power Alignment Screen (Low Power) 

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6881094C12-ANovember 11, 2004
Radio Alignment Procedures: Transmitter Alignments 5-7
5.5.4 Transmit Deviation Balance Alignment
This alignment procedure balances the modulation contributions of the low- and high-frequency 
portions of a baseband signal. Proper alignment is critical to the operation of signalling schemes that 
have very low frequency components (for example, PL) and could result in distorted waveforms if 
improperly adjusted.
This procedure needs to be performed at multiple frequencies to...

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November 11, 20046881094C12-A
5-8Radio Alignment Procedures: Transmitter Alignments
8. Repeat Steps 2 through 7 for all frequencies.
9. Left-click the Program All button on the screen to dekey the radio and save the tuned values.
10. Left-click the Close button on the screen to return to the Transmitter Alignments menu.
5.5.5 Transmit Deviation Limit Alignment
This alignment procedure limits the modulation of a baseband signal. It is used for primary 
modulation limiting.
This procedure needs to be...

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6881094C12-ANovember 11, 2004
Radio Alignment Procedures: Performance Testing 5-9
6. Repeat the above process for all frequencies.
7. Left-click the Program All button on the screen to dekey the radio and save the tuned values.
8. Left-click the Close button on the screen to return to the Transmitter Alignments menu.
5.6 Performance Testing
5.6.1 Transmitter Test Pattern
The Transmitter Test Pattern test is used to transmit specific test patterns at a desired frequency so 
that the user can perform tests...

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November 11, 20046881094C12-A
5-10Radio Alignment Procedures: Performance Testing
4. Click on the “Program All” button to save the new calibration factor.
Figure 5-11.  Battery Reading Calibration Screen 
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