Motorola Gm Series Detailed 6864115b62 A Manual
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Controlhead GM380/1280 Troubleshooting Flow Chart 3-7 3.0 Controlhead GM380/1280 Troubleshooting Flow Chart 3.1 On/Off R0854 Pin TAB1 when pressed =5V ? J0801 PIN2 > 10V ? J0801 PIN2 =5V? Check / Replace Q0853 / R0853 YES NO YES NO YES NOCheck / Replace D0852 / R0852 Check / Replace Volume Pot R0854 Check / Replace Q0851 Radio can not be switched on via ON/OFF Volume Knob YES R0854 Pin TAB = 5V?NOCheck / Replace R0855 / VR0855 / D0855 C0856 Press and hold On / Off Volume Knob

3-8TROUBLESHOOTING CHARTS 3.2 Microprocessor Power Up Alert Tone is audible on external speaker but volume knob does not operate and no indicators are on TP0876 =5V ? NO YES U0871 Pin 73 EXTAL = 8 MHzTP0866 = 0V NO Check / Replace R0873 / U0873 / U0871Check / Replace R0866 / C0866 / Q0866 / R0863 Check / Replace R0861 / R0862 / D0861 C0861 / C0862 / U0861 C0863 / C0864 / C0865 1 NO YESYES

Controlhead GM380/1280 Troubleshooting Flow Chart 3-9 3.3 Microprocessor 1 Data Signal on J0801 Pin 5 BUS+ ? Data Signal on TP0877 SCI_RX ? Data Signal on TP0878 SCI_TX ? Check / Replace D0872 / R0887 YES YES YES NO NO NOCheck / Replace U0871 Check Radio Controller Check / Replace R0888 / R0889 Measure with scope while rotating Volume Pot

3-10TROUBLESHOOTING CHARTS 3.4 Display TP0973 Voltage Sense between 2V and 2.4V ? Activity on Address & Data lines A0 / D0...D7 / CS1 of U0971 ? NO YES YES NO Check / Replace Flex connection Resistors on Address & Data lines and LCD Module Check / Replace LCD Module Check for shortage U0871 Power Up Alert Tone is audible, volume knob does operate, indicator/backlight is on but nothing is seen on the display.

Controlhead GM380/1280 Troubleshooting Flow Chart 3-11 3.5 Keypad Backlight U0871 Pin 25 is toggling ? Base of Q0943 > 0.7V ? Collector of Q0943 >5V & < 11V ? Check / Replace Q0941 / R0955 / R0957 YES YES YES NO NO NO Check / Replace Q0943 / U0941 / R0941 R0943 / R0949 / R0951 Check for shortage U0871 Check / Replace R0945 / C0943 / R0947 Power Up Alert Tone is audible, volume knob does operate, display is on but no keypad backlight.

3-12TROUBLESHOOTING CHARTS 3.6 Display Backlight U0871 Pin 24 is toggling ? Base of Q0963 > 0.7V ? Collector of Q0963 >5V & < 11V ? Check / Replace Q0961 / R0975 / R0977 YES YES YES NO NO NO Check / Replace Q0963 / U0941 / R0961 R0963 / R0969 / R0971 Check for shortage U0871 Check / Replace R0965 / C0963 / R0967 Power Up Alert Tone is audible, volume knob does operate, display is on but no display backlight.

Chapter 4 CONTROLHEAD PCB / SCHEMATICS / PARTS LISTS 1.0 Allocation of Schematics and Circuit Boards .Table 4-1 Controlhead Diagrams and Parts Lists PCB : Controlhead GM140/340/640 8486146B07 Main Board Top Side 8486146B07 Main Board Bottom SidePage 4-3 Page 4-3 SCHEMATICS Sheet 1 of 2 Sheet 2 of 2 Page 4-4 Page 4-5 Parts List 8486146B07Page 4-6 Table 4-2 Controlhead Diagrams and Parts Lists PCB : Controlhead GM160/360/660 8486155B06 Main Board Top Side 8486155B06 Main Board Bottom SidePage 4-7 Page 4-7 SCHEMATICS Sheet 1 of 4 Sheet 2 of 4 Sheet 3 of 4 Sheet 4 of 4 Page 4-8 Page 4-9 Page 4-10 Page 4-11 Parts List 8486155B06Page 4-12 Table 4-3 Controlhead Diagrams and Parts Lists PCB : Controlhead GM380/1280 8486178B03 Main Board Top Side 8486178B03 Main Board Bottom SidePage 4-13 Page 4-13 SCHEMATICS Sheet 1 of 4 Sheet 2 of 4 Sheet 3 of 4 Sheet 4 of 4 Page 4-14 Page 4-15 Page 4-16 Page 4-17 Parts List 8486178B03Page 4-18

Controlhead GM140/340/640 - PCB 8486146B07 / Schematics4-32.0 Controlhead GM140/340/640 - PCB 8486146B07 / Schematics D0871 D0872 D0873 D0874 D0875D0876 D0877D0878D0879 D0881 D0884 D0885 D0886 D0887 D0888 2 3 5 7 9 864 10 J0811 JU0852 JU0853 JU0854 4 1 235 R0823 S0861 S0862 S0863 S0864S0865 S0866 ZWG0130114-A C0802 C0803 C0804 C0805 C0806 C0808 C0809 C0810C0811 C0813 C0815 C0816 C0817 C0818C0819 C0821 C0822 C0823C0824 C0831 C0832 C0833 C0843 D0821 D0822 D0831 12 J0801 1 2 P0801 Q0821 Q0822 Q0823 Q0841 Q0843 Q0871 Q0872 Q0873 Q0874 Q0875 Q0876 Q0877 Q0878 Q0879 Q0881 Q0885 R0810 R0811 R0812 R0813 R0814 R0815 R0816 R0821 R0822 R0824 R0825 R0831 R0832 R0833 R0834 R0835 R0836 R0837 R0838 R0839R0841 R0842R0843 R0844 R0845R0847 R0849 R0852 R0853R0854 R0861 R0862R0864 R0866R0867R0871 R0872 R0873 R0874 R0875 R0876R0877 R0878 R0879 R0880R0881 R0885 TP0831 TP0832TP0833 TP0834TP0835 TP0836 TP0837 TP0838 1 4917 33 U0831 1 4 5 8 U0832 3U0833 U0835 VR0811 VR0816 VR0817 VR0821VR0822 VR0823 64 1 1 ZWG0130113 B MOTOROLAc 8486146B07-0 Controlhead GM140/340/640 - PCB8486146B07ZWG0130114-A Top Side ZWG0130113-B Bottom Side

4-4Controlhead GM140/340/640 - PCB 8486146B07 / Schematics HOOK GROUND MIC 10 GM300CONTROL HEAD PTT_IRDECODER 7CONNECTOR 8J0801 9 MICROPHONE CONNECTOR SCI_RX BOOT_VPP J0811 RESETBOOT_MODE WARIS HANDSET_AUDIO 1 CONTROLLER KEYPAD ID CONTROL HEAD ID SCI_TX EXT_KP_ROW EXT_KP_COL FLT_A+ 4 5 6 BUS+ 2 3 5V VR0822 5.6VR0843 2.2K NU GND INPUT RESET_ 7 U0835 MC33464N-45ATRJ0801-8 JU0853 SWITCH C0833R0833 0.1uF 2 47K10K R0844 55 VDD 22 VRH 21 VRL 23 VSS1 VSS2 24 49 VSS3 45 XIRQ 33 XTAL PE3_AN3 19 PE4_AN4 14 16 PE5_AN5 PE6_AN6 18 PE7_AN7 20 43 RESET28 STRA_AS 30 STRB_RW* PD1_TXD 50 PD2_MISO 51 PD3_MOSI 52 53 PD4_SCK PD5_SS* 54PE0_AN0 13 PE1_AN1 15 PE2_AN2 17PC1_AD136 PC2_AD237 PC3_AD338 PC4_AD439 40 PC5_AD5 PC6_AD641 PC7_AD742 PD0_RXD 47 PB1_A911 PB2_A1010 PB3_A119 PB4_A128 7 PB5_A13 PB6_A146 PB7_A155 PC0_AD034 64 PA1_IC2 63 PA2_IC1 62 PA3_OC5_OC1 59 PA4_OC4_OC1 58 PA5_OC3_OC1 57 PA6_OC2_OC1 56 PA7_PA1_OC1 PB0_A812 NC3 4 NC4 26 NC5 3235 NC6 44 NC7 NC848 60 NC9 1 PA0_IC3 29 CLK_E 31 EXTAL 46 IRQ 27 MODA_LIR* 25 MODB_VSTBY NC1 2 NC1061 3 NC2MC68HC711E9 U0831 7 J0801-11 J0801-7 3 TP0832 50K NEG POS TAB TAB1VARR0823 4.7K R0824 J0811-5 1 0Q0843 NU R0835 100 0 R0839 R0847 22 J0811-4 270 R0814 R0815 0.1uF C0832 13K C0831 3.3uF J0811-1 1 C0823 .01uF 2 0 62 C0809 NU 82pF Q0823 D082210 R0813 1 C1 3 C2 2 GND 4 R0812 CSTCC8.00MGU0833 22 5.6V 5 VR0821 100KR0853 8 5.6V VR0823 J0811-10 0 P0801-2 5 4 J0801-9 TP0837 INPUT 2 NC1 3 NC2 5NC36 NC47 8 NC5 RESET1 U0832 MC33064 GND 4 Q0821J0811-6J0801-10 J0801-6 JU0852 SWITCHJU0854 6 1 SWITCH C0804 470pF 0 R0852 100K C0817 82pF J0811-8 7R0845 4.7K NU VR0811 33V 470pF NU 470pFC0818 C0816 33K R0837NU C0808 470pF 470pFC0806 10K 3R0841 R0811 51K J0811-3 J0811-2 1MEGR0831 VR0816 20V13K J0811-9R0810 4 TP08331 10K R0821 47K J0801-14 R0849 P0801-1 2.2K R0832J0801-3 J0801-5 TP0838 TP0834 NU 470pF NU C0810 470pF 32 C0819 100K R0854 6 1 J0801-12 R0838 10K J0811-7 R0834 270 20V VR0817 2.2uFJ0801-4 C0822 470pF NU5 24K C0821R0816 R082251K 470pF C0815C0811 470pF TP0831 R0836 10K TP0836J0801-13 J0801-1 NU J0801-2 470pF C0802 C0803 470pF 470pF C0843C0813 TP0835 470pF NU C0824 .01uFR0825 1K D0821C0805 82pF Q0822R0842 47KQ0841 INT_KP_ROWINT_KP_COLUSW_5V 5V 5V 5V 5V FLT_A+ BUS+EXT_KP_ROW MIC EXT_KP_COL FLT_A+ D08315V CH_KP_ID(0:7) LED_CNTRL(0:8) CH_REQUEST 5VCH_REQUEST 5V 5V 5V5V PTT_IRDEC HOOK ON_OFF_SENSE ON_OFF_CONTROL 5V USW_5V VOLUMEVOLUME EXT_KP_ROWEXT_KP_COL PTT_IRDECFLT_A+ FLT_A+5V 5V PTT_IRDECSCI_TX SCI_TXBUS+ 5V 5V BL_GREEN ON_OFF_SENSE 5V HOOK 5V 5VHANDSET_AUDIO ON_OFF_CONTROL FLT_A+ MIC BUS+ HANDSET_AUDIO 5V Controlhead GM140/340/640 - Schematic Sheet 1 of 2 ZWG01300239-A