Mitel SX 200 DIGITAL Pabx General Descriptions Manual
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ACD JELEMARKEJER FeatureAgents Supervisor Senior Supervisor 9 109-094-620-NAIssue 3 Revision 1identifying the group’s function. Members are added to the group though CDE by entering a l-to 5-digit ID number and optional name for each agent. Each agent group has four timers that govern events such as: lthe time granted to an agent for completing paperwork after an ACD call, l the length of time a call will remain unanswered in the group before over- flowing, and lturning on and off visual indicators...
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ACD TELEMARKETER Application PackageSenior Supervisor, Agent Groups may report directly to the Senior Supervisor. The Senior Supervisor does not answer ACD calls.The SUPERSET telephone used by the Senior Supervisor is equipped with special feature keys, similar to the Supervisor set, with emphasis on queue activity. Refer to Section 5, Sets Description - General, and Section 8, Senior Supervisor Sets for details of the Senior Supervisor’s SUPERSET telephone. ACD PATH 3.20The ACD TELEMARKETER feature...
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ACD TELEMARKETER Featureconnect” (COS Option 812) controls ACD access for loop start trunks. By de- fault this option is disabled, blocking loop start trunks from entering ACD. Path Rerouting3.24 The ACD Path Access Code can be placed in the call rerouting table to link existing routing schemes (such as D,lD trunk routing points) to the ACD system. Rerouting to ACD paths is set up as follows: lFor dial-in trunks, the system uses the current routing for incoming calls to send calls to an ACD path. 0For...
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ACD TE6EMARKETER Application Package To limit the time that a caller remains on the line waiting for an agent, the system can also be programmed to drop interflowed calls. In addition, the customer can program the system to force an immediate in- terflow as soon as the system determines that the call is unlikely to be an- swered at the primary agent group, or at any of the overflow groups. Calls interflowed to a system speedcall are treated by the system as an exter- nal call forward. This means that...
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ACD TELEMARKETER FeatureRecording Groups Recording Group Operation RAD Failure 9 109-094-620-NAIssue 3 Revision 1 telephone to the PABX. The RAD’s message is played when the unit is trig-gered by ringing current. In the ACD TELEMARKETER feature, the recorded messages are given while callers are waiting in the queue for a free agent. The SX-200 DIGITAL system supports both intelligent and dumb RADs. An in- telligent device hangs up when the message is finished. A dumb device pro- vides a fixed-length...
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ACD T&LEMARKETER Application Package Failure to Hang Up: The system detects failure to hang up when the system ends the recording. The hangup time is set by COS option 404- Recording Failure to Hangup Timer, which has a range of 1 through 255 seconds. The timer starts after the PABX hangs-up on the RAD. The RAD must clear down within the programmed interval. Otherwise, the PABX puts the RAD into DND, turns on the console alarm icon, and creates an entry in the mainte- nance log as shown in the following...
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4. CONFIGURING AN ACD SYSTEM 4.1The communications manager planning the installation of anACD ELEMARKETH? system may find the information in this section of the practice can help in determining the final system configuration. Since thor- ough planning can ensure maximum performance from the ACD system, the following guidelines have been developed to help define the customer re- quirements. INCOMING CALLS 4.2As the most critical element of an ACD system is the timely handling of incoming calls, the...
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ACD THEMARKETER Application Package RECORDED ANNOUNCEMENT PLANNING 4.4Used properly, recorded announcements are a valuable tool in theACD TEfEMARKETER system. The following suggestions can help you gain the most from the recordings. lSupply a company introduction to the caller. “Thank you for calling .__.. “, followed by reassurance that the first available agent will answer the call. lConsider the advertising potential while the caller is waiting for service. Use the recorded announcements to promote...
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Configuring An ACD SystemAGENT GROUP PLANNER ACD TELEMARKETERTM INSTRUCTIONSUse this planner as an aid in distributing the work-load ofthe agent groups. Complete this form before the Path Plan-ner.Oncecompleted,transferthe AgentGroupNumbertotheapproprrategroup(Primary, lst.2nd.or3rd)on Line3 of the Path Planner. 1 .OverflowtrmerdefauIt is9 minutes(maximum 54 minutes).This isthe maximum time a call can be queued on thegroupbeforeoverflowing. Prediction mayallowtheoverflowbefore thetimerexprres....
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ACD TELEMARKETER Application Package Agent Group #Name Overflow Time 1st Threshold 2nd ThresholdAfter Work Paths Using ThisGroup PATH PLANNER 4.7The top field in each box, labeled Agent Group #, specifies the num- ber of the agent group. This information will be used later when assigning primary and overflow agent groups to the ACD paths. 4.8The Name field specifies the name of the agent group. During CDE, transfer this informat.ion from the Agent Group Planner sheet to the Name field on the ACD Agent...