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Lucent Technologies Lucent Call Centers Little Instruction Book For Advanced Administration
Lucent Technologies Lucent Call Centers Little Instruction Book For Advanced Administration
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Index 149 Lucent Call Center’s Little Instruction Book for advanced administration 585-210-936 Issue 1 December 1999 I inflow vector,79 Interflow VDN field,99 Interflow VDN/vector,95 Interflow, Lookahead,74 interflow-qpos command,83 Interflow-Qpos EWT Threshold field,85 intrahour interval,45 L LAI,59 Least Occupied Agent (LOA),125 linking an Application Plan to a primary VDN ,100 list history,69 list trace ewt,68 list trace vec,68 listing agent trace data,19 LOA Expert Agent Distribution (EAD-LOA) ,125 overview,125 Uniform Call Distribution (UCD-LOA) ,125 local,94 Location Name field,99 Look-Ahead Interflow,59 lookahead interflow attempts,89 lookahead interflow completions,89 M maintenance BSR ,107, 109 Call Vectoring,68 ELAI,88 making adjustments Advocate ,141 master ACD,34 messaging skill,66 messaging split,80 MIA Expert Agent Distribution (EAD-MIA) ,126 overview,126 Uniform Call Distribution (UCD-MIA) ,126 minimum EWT threshold,85 minimum expected wait time, setting,85 Most Idle Agent (MIA),126 moving extensions between splits ,15 multi-agent skill, changing,9 Multiple Skill Queuing,59 multi-user mode,34 N Num field,99 Number of Agents Staffed,70 O oldest-call wait,86 online books ,xviii origin,94 outflow vector,78 overload thresholds,119

Index 150 Lucent Call Center’s Little Instruction Book for advanced administration 585-210-936 Issue 1 December 1999 P Percent Allocation,4 description,116 example,124 phantom call,90 Predicted Wait Time (PWT),115 primary VDN,94 primary vector,94 PWT,115 Q queue-to skill/best,67 queue-to split,81, 82 queuing, multiple skill,59 R remote switch,94 reply-best,67, 81 report Agent Occupancy ,89 Call Profile,70 Error Log,38 Graphical Skill Overload,141 Multi-ACD Call Flow by VDN,71 Split Skill by Interval,70 Split/Skill,27 Trunk Group Members,28 Trunk Group Summary by Interval ,71 VDN Call Profile,27 Vector Configuration,32 reserve skills Call Selection Override ,120 description,118 Rolling Average Speed of Answer,57 rolling-asa,57 route-to,67, 78, 81 route-to digits with coverage,86 route-to number with coverage,86 routing adjunct ,59 Best Service,59 CentreVu Virtual,73 S Select Agent/Template window,5 selecting elements of BSR Application Plan ,96 sequential flow,55 service level defining ,26 reports,27 Service Level Supervisor description ,118 overload thresholds,119 reserve skill,118 Service Objective,117 Service Observe,69 setting the minimum Expected Wait Time ,85 setting user adjustments,107 single-user mode,34 Skill Level description ,116 example with Service Objective,123 example without Service Objective ,123 skill level, changing,11 Skill List,10 skills assigned ,5 reserve level,118

Index 151 Lucent Call Center’s Little Instruction Book for advanced administration 585-210-936 Issue 1 December 1999 Split Skill by Interval Report,70 Split/Skill Report,27 Status Poll VDN field,99 Status Poll VDN/Vector,95 stop,67, 82 storage intervals,45 Storage Intervals window,45 summarizing data,42 switch information, viewing,47 Switch Node field,99 switch setup,47 Switch Setup window,47 switch time zone offset,45 T talk time,52 Template,5 timetable,30 top skill, changing,6 trace vdn,68 tracing an agent’s call activity,17 training courses,iii troubleshooting, ELAI,90 trunk group members,28 Trunk Group Members Report,28 Trunk Group Summary by Interval Report ,71 turning data collection off and on,36 U UCD-LOA description ,93 example,128 UCD-MIA description ,93 example,130 unconditional branching,55 Uniform Call Distribution - Least Occupied Agent (UCD-LOA) ,93 Uniform Call Distribution - Most Idle Agent (UCD-MIA) ,93 V VDN,54 assignments,30 busy hour report,71 description,54 historical report,70 interflow,95 multi-ACD Call Flow Report,71 primary,94 service observe,69 skill preferences, changing,24 status poll,95 VDN Activity,71 VDN Call Profile Report,27 VDN Calls,58 vector,54 BSR commands,103 call acceptance commands,80 call denial commands,81 commands,66 configurations,32 inflow,79 interflow,95 list changes,69 maintenance,68 outflow,78 primary,94 reports,69, 70 samples,104 status poll,95 trace call flow,68 tracking events,68

Index 152 Lucent Call Center’s Little Instruction Book for advanced administration 585-210-936 Issue 1 December 1999 Vector Configuration Report,32 Vector Contents window,64 Vector Directory Number (VDN),54 Vector Directory Number form,94 Vector Editor,64 vector events,68 vector,call,54 vectoring, call,50 vectors,54 writing,64 writing, BSR,106 viewing agent skill ,2 free space,44 storage intervals,45 switch information,47 trunk group members,28 vector configurations,32 W wait-time,67, 81 wait-time hearing i-silent,81 warnings,data storage,38 web sites case status ,155 electronic library,155 frequently asked questions,155 Lucent Customer Self-Service center ,xviii self service center,155 software downloads,155 troubleshooting,155 week start day,45 week stop day,46 weekly data,43 window Activate Agents Trace ,17 Call Profile Setup,26 Call Work Codes,22 Change Agents Skills,4 Change Extension Split Assignments ,12 Change VDN Skill Preferences,24 CMS State,34 Data Collection,34, 36 Data Storage Allocation,38 Data Summarizing,42 Free Space Allocation,44 List Agents Traced,19 Move Extensions Between Splits,15 Multi-Agent Skill Change,9 Select Agent/Template,5 Storage Intervals,45 Switch Setup,47 System Setup,33 VDN Assignments,30 Vector Contents,64 writing BSR vectors,106 writing vectors,64

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Lucent Call Center’s Little Instruction Book for advanced administration 585-210-936 Issue 1 December 1999 Customer Self-Service web sites 155 Customer Self-Service web sites Looking for a quick and easy way to get more information or assistance? We recommend you visit our self-service web site to find the tools and resources you need to accomplish your day to day communication activities! http://support.lucent.com/ Case status Review the status of your maintenance requests by entering your case number. You can get the status for any ope case or for a case closed within the last 60 days. Frequently asked questions View answers to frequently asked questions for all of you Lucent call center products. Software downloads Access product software, upgrades, patches, presentations and help guides and information pertinent to your Lucent Technologies products. Troubleshooting Find instructions on basic product maintenance, including job aids, technical troubleshooting articles, and screen videos. Electronic library material Search and view over 1100 documents in our Electronic Library. Available are: System and Feature Descriptions, Administration Guides, and Maintenance Manuals. Documents and manuals are available for nearly all systems and adjuncts, large or small.

TELL US WHAT YOU THINK email: [email protected] fax: 303-538-1741 write: Lucent Technologies Product Documentation Rm 22-2H15, 11900 N. Pecos St., Denver, CO 80234 Why this new book? You’ve told us that you want step-by-step instructions on everyday administration tasks for your call center, and we’ve been listening. This book contains the information you need for advanced call center administration.