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Lucent Technologies GuestWorks And DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8 Hospitality Operations Manual
Lucent Technologies GuestWorks And DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8 Hospitality Operations Manual
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-755 Issue 1 April 2000 Hospitality Operations 87 Guest Operations Artwork

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-755 Issue 1 April 2000 Hospitality Operations 88 Guest Operations Artwork

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-755 Issue 1 April 2000 Hospitality Operations 89 Guest Operations Artwork

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-755 Issue 1 April 2000 Hospitality Operations 90 Guest Operations Artwork

Index IN-91 DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-755 Issue 1 April 2000 IN Index Numerics 6408 telep hones,22 6424 telep hones,228410D telep hones,228434 telep hones,22 A ad ministrative mailb ox on INTUITY,59announcements,57 artwork masters,83, 84Attendant Bac kup,22Aud ichron record ing,30 aud it end-of-month,66end-of-week,66 Automatic Selec tion of DID Numb ers to Guest Roo ms,24Automatic Wakeup,5, 9, 29 B b ac kup c onsoles,22b uffering messag es for the printer,80 C Call Acc ounting alarms,54call records,69 Call Vec toring,57changing passwords,19 checking in,23checking out,6, 28console operations,21 Controlled Restric tions,43conventions,2cost reports,68 crisis alert,54crisis alert events,80 D d eleting c all rec ord s,69detail reports,67d ial b y name,20 DID Number Assig nments,24 Do Not Disturb,6, 13, 48documents,4Dual Wakeup,9 E Emergency Ac c ess to the Attend ant,14end -of-month aud it,66 end -of-week aud it,66 F failed wakeup calls,30, 42 Fax messag es,62, 63feature access codes,4, 73front d esk op erations,21 G g uest operations,9, 83, 84 H Hosp itality servic es,5housekeeping status,6, 55, 73, 79 I INTUITY Lod ging Call Ac counting,65INTUITY Lod ging lang uag e op tions,7INTUITY Lod ging messaging system,7, 59 J journal/sc hed ule p rinter,79 L lang uag e options,7log p rinters,79

DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Reports Guide 555-233-755 Issue 1 April 2000 Index IN-92 M maid status,55 messag e buffer for p rinter,80Messag e Retrieval,15Messag e Waiting lamp s ,7, 53notification,53messag es Fa x ,62, 63restoring deleted,62retrieving,15 retrieving for checked -out g uests,63multiapp earance telep hones,5 N names reg istration,6night audit,65 O occupancy,55, 56org anization of d oc ument,2 P passwords,19p ersonal g reeting s,18PMS alarms ,54integ ration,6p rinter reports,79 printers journal/sc hed ule,79 log,79status events,81types,81 p rinting key rep orts,67p rod uct sup port,4 R rec orded announc ements,57rec ording p ersonal g reeting s,18rep orts,75 cost,68detail,67printer,79 printing,67 restoring deleted messages,62retrieving messag es,15retrieving messag es for c hec ked -out guests,63 room oc cup anc y,55, 56 S single-line telephones,5 Speech Synthesizer circuit p ack,9, 13, 29, 48status c od es,55, 73 T telephones,226408,226424,22 8410D,228434,22Attend ant Backup,21 multiap p earanc e,5sing le-line,5typ es supp orted,5 Terminal Translation Initialization (TTI),7tones,3Trunk Answer Any Station (TAAS),22 V voic e messag ing,15, 24 W Wakeup Ac tivation via Tones,9wakeup c alls,57 Wo r k St a t u s,72

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