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Lucent Technologies Centrevu Report Designer Version 8 User Guide
Lucent Technologies Centrevu Report Designer Version 8 User Guide
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Edit | Inputs CentreVu Report Designer Version 8 User Guide Viewing the Input Window6-15 Viewing the Input Window6 You can view what the input window will look like at any point during the process of designing the report by selecting Run from the Report menu. To return to the design mode from the report input menu, select the Cancel button.

Edit | Inputs CentreVu Report Designer Version 8 User Guide Viewing the Input Window6-16

Edit | Queries CentreVu Report Designer Version 8 User Guide Introduction7-1 7 Edit | Queries Introduction7 A report consists of fields, charts, and grids which display data that is retrieved from the Call Management System (CMS) database tables. The definition of what data is retrieved for a specific report is done using queries. This chapter teaches you to create queries for reports using the Query Assistant, which is accessed by selecting Query from the Edit menu. The sections of this chapter are: lDefining Queries for a Report lCreating a Real-Time or Historical Query lCreating an Integrated Query lEditing an Existing Real-Time or Historical Query lEditing an Existing Integrated Query lCopying a Query lDeleting a Query.

Edit | Queries CentreVu Report Designer Version 8 User Guide Defining Queries for a Report7-2 Defining Queries for a Report7 To complete the definition of a reports grids, charts, or fields, you must define the queries that select the rows of the appropriate tables in the CMS database. Queries are values for either database items or calculations. In most cases, the queries specify the input variables rather than specific values as criteria for retrieving information from the database. The input variables allow CMS to use the values entered in the Report Input window as the query criteria for the report. If you change the prompt in the Edit Inputs window, it is automatically updated in the query. Queries tell CentreVu® CMS two things: lWhere to get the data, and lHow to use the data. CentreVu CMS selects values from a table with both row and column identifiers. CentreVu CMS identifies rows of data according to the users inputs and the row search conditions you define. CentreVu CMS identifies columns according to the data expression you define here. For more information about SQL queries and the CMS Database Tables, refer to Chapter 18, “SQL Queries and CMS Database Tables Basics” and the CentreVu® CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations document (585-210-939).

Edit | Queries CentreVu Report Designer Version 8 User Guide Creating a Real-Time or Historical Query7-3 Creating a Real-Time or Historical Query7 To create a new query to be used in a Designer Report, complete the following steps from the Report Designer Design Mode window: 1. Select Query from the Edit menu. The Query Select “Select an existing query or add a new one” window appears as shown below: 2. Select the N ew button. The Query Assistant “Select a database and one or more tables for the query” window in appears as shown below:

Edit | Queries CentreVu Report Designer Version 8 User Guide Creating a Real-Time or Historical Query7-4 3. Depending on the type of report you are creating, select the Database radio button next to Real-Time or Historical. The tables that are available for the type of database (Real-Time, Historical, or Integrated) selected display. For instructions on creating an integrated query, see the “Creating an Integrated Query” section in this chapter. 4. In the T able list, highlight the name(s) of the table(s) which includes the database items that you want to include in the query. For Real- Time reports, you can select only one table name. For Historical reports, you can select up to three table names. Note that the calculations that are associated with the database items in the table(s) you choose will also be available for you to use in your query. For information on the database items and calculations available in each table, see the CentreVu® CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations document (585-210-939). 5. Select the N ext button. The Query Assistant “Add the database items and calculations for the SELECT portion of the query” window displays, as shown below. On this window, you will add and remove database items and calculations that will be included in the query.

Edit | Queries CentreVu Report Designer Version 8 User Guide Creating a Real-Time or Historical Query7-5 6. In either the Database I tems or Calculations box, highlight the first database item or calculation that you will reference in the query. To see a definition of the database item or calculation, click on the database item or calculation and then select the Data Item definition button. In the O ther box, you can type the names of Database Items or Calculations, strings, or constants that you want to use in the query. For instance, if you know that you would like the report to include information that subtracts the quantity of one database item from the quantity of another database item (for instance, ACDCALLS - ACDAUXOUTCALLS), then you could type a “-” in the Other box and add it to the list of Query Items. When you create the WHERE clause for the query, you can specify a calculation of ACDCALLS - ACDAUXOUTCALLS for the report. Constants that have been defined in the Dictionary are listed in the C alculations box in addition to the calculations. 7. Select the A dd button, or double click on the item. You can view any database item or calculation by selecting the database item or calculation and then selecting the Data Item Definition button The item is listed in the Q uery Items box. 8. Repeat Steps 6 and 7 until all of the database items and calculations that you believe will be referenced in the query are listed in the Q uery Items box. You can remove an item from the Q uery Items box by highlighting the item and selecting the Remove button. You can rearrange the order of the items in the Q uery Items box using the Move Up and Move Down buttons. You can edit an item in the Q uery Items box by highlighting the item and selecting the Edit button. When you select the Edit button, the following window appears as shown below: An example of how you might want to edit an item would be to create a custom calculation in the edit box. For instance, you may add “callsoffered -” to the abncalls item shown above, so that the item would then read “callsoffered - abncalls” and that is the calculation that would be available for you to use in the query.

Edit | Queries CentreVu Report Designer Version 8 User Guide Creating a Real-Time or Historical Query7-6 9. Select the Next button. The Query Assistant “Choose functions for the SELECT items” window appears as shown below: If you are creating a query that uses Integrated Data, the steps differ from this point on. See the “Creating an Integrated Query” section for the correct steps. You will use this window to assign aggregate (AVG, MAX, MIN, and SUM) functions to the Q uery Items. A function is a prefix that is attached to a database item, a calculation, parts of a calculation, or a calculation name. CMS will display only one value on the report if an aggregate function (SUM, AVG, MIN, or MAX) is assigned to a database item or calculation. 10. Highlight the first query item to which you want to assign an aggregate function. 11. Highlight the Function that you would like to assign to the item. The available functions are: lMAX — The MAX aggregate function retrieves the highest value for a calculation or database item over the time frame of the report. For example, if the Intrahour Split table contained data as shown in the following figure and you assigned the MAX function to the ACDCALLS database item, then ran the report for Split 1 for all intervals on 07/02/93, CMS would find all of the rows that are shown in bold. However, CMS would display only the value 418 (shown in the box), which is the maximum number of ACD calls in any single interval on 07/02/93. Likewise, if you assigned the MAX function to the

Edit | Queries CentreVu Report Designer Version 8 User Guide Creating a Real-Time or Historical Query7-7 ACDTIME and ACDCALLS database items and then defined a where clause of ACDTIME/ACDCALLS for a report field, CMS would display the value 101.53 (which is the highest average talk time in any single interval on 07/02/93). lMIN — The MIN aggregate function retrieves the lowest value for a calculation or database item over the time frame of the report. For example, using the previous example, if you assigned the MIN function to the ACDCALLS database item (instead of the MAX function) and then ran the report for Split 1 for all intervals on 07/02/93, CMS would display only the value 394 which is the smallest number of ACD calls in any single interval on 07/02/93. lSUM — The SUM aggregate function retrieves the sum of all values for a calculation or database item over the time frame of the report. For example, if the Intrahour Split table contained data as shown in above and you assign the SUM function to the ACDCALLS database item, then ran the report for Split 1 and all intervals on 07/02/93, CMS would add all of the values for the ACDCALLS column on that date to display the value 1611. lAV G — The AV G aggregate function retrieves the average of all values found over the time frame of the report. Using the sample table in above, if you assigned the AVG function to the ACDCALLS database item, and then ran the report for Split 1 for all intervals on 07/02/95, the value 402.75, which is the average of 399, 400, 394, and 418, would be displayed on the report. 12. Repeat Steps 10 and 11 until you have assigned Functions to the appropriate Query Items. DATE STARTTIMESPLIT ACDCALLSABANDONSACDTIMEABNTIME 34 18 30 4114 34 4012 33 4613 20 3615 22 39 10 31 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . . .... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . . .... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . . .... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . ..... .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . 391 142 480 491 297 399 299 138 400 300 225 394 323 105 418 246 100 417 247 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1000 1000 1100 1100 1100 0800 0800 0800 0900 0900 0900 1000 1000 1000 1100 1100 1100 0800 0800 070193 070193 070193 070193 070193 070293 070293 070293 070293 070293 070293 070293 070293 070293 070293 070293 070293 070393 070393 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1299 1340589 980 1256704 1188 1322367 1109 17452569 7616 1452402 549 789 203 603 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26308 37856 10281 21173 3481912115 4000229881 15628 24303 3617811523 29602 3765112530 26789 333899786 19768 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Edit | Queries CentreVu Report Designer Version 8 User Guide Creating a Real-Time or Historical Query7-8 If you are creating a Real-Time query, you must assign Functions to all of the query items, or to none of the query items. Therefore, if any one of the query items does not have an applicable aggregate function, you cannot assign an aggregate function to any of the query items. 13. Select the N ext button. 14. If you did not select more than one Historical database table for your query, skip to Step 19. If you selected the Historical Database for your query and are using more than one table in the query, the “Specify all field joins for the tables” window appears as shown below: This window allows you to require that items between two or three tables be equal in order to be used in the report. For instance, you might want to select the “acd” item from each agent and make a join clause to ensure that the report is for the same ACD information across the tables. 15. Highlight an item in one of the table lists. 16. Highlight an item in one or both of the remaining table lists. 17. Select the J oin button. The join clause is shown in the Join C riteria box. 18. Repeat Steps 15 through 17 until all of the necessary join clauses are listed. 19. The Query Assistant “Enter the SQL WHERE criteria” window displays, as shown below.