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Lucent Technologies Centrevu Advocate Release 8 User Guide
Lucent Technologies Centrevu Advocate Release 8 User Guide
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Custom CentreVu® Advocate Solutions CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide Planning Your Call Center—CentreVu Advocate with EAS2-19 Within an Organization 2 In order to receive meaningful measurements to manage a single organization, the solutions implemented must be consistent for all agents and skills, and the solutions must be comparable (that is, the solutions must have the same objective or else not interact). Certain CentreVu Advocate solutions work in opposition to each other, and confusion can result from mixing solutions when agents span skills and/or organizations. Additional decisions must be made for administering agents within an organization. Once system-level and organization-level decisions have been made, skill-level decisions and agent-level decisions must also be administered. Hunt Group Ty p eUCD-MIA Greatest NeedSkill Level, Percent AllocationTop Skill Hunt Group Form UCD-LOA *Agents with same skill sets will have similar occupancy.Greatest NeedSkill Level, Percent AllocationTop Skill EAD-MIA Higher skill agents will answer calls.Skill Level Percent Allocation EAD-LOA All agents at the same skill level will have similar occupancy.Skill Level Percent Allocation *Recommended in most cases. Option ChoiceExpected Result Works WithWorks AgainstNot Used WithWhere Decided

Custom CentreVu® Advocate Solutions CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide Planning Your Call Center—CentreVu Advocate with EAS2-20 Skill Level Decisions 2 When administering agents within an organization, decide if Service Level Supervisor? will be Y or N. If Yes (Y) is chosen, when a skill goes over an expected wait time threshold, additional reserve agent resources will be brought in to help the skill. If No (N) is chosen, then the existing agent resources will be required to handle the incoming call load. Skill Level Decision Ta b l e 2 Skill-level decisions for call and agent selection need to be made for individual skills within an organization. The following table includes the decision that should be made, the choices available, the expected results, the other call center solutions that the results will work with, and is not used with, and where the decision is administered. Option ChoiceExpected Result Works WithWorks AgainstNot Used WithWhere Decided Service Level SupervisorY Lower maximum oldest call waiting.All other solutions Hunt Group form N Level 1 Threshold1-9999 secondsLower maximum oldest call waiting.All other solutionsHunt Group form Level 2 Threshold1-9999 secondsLowest maximum oldest call waiting.All other solutions Hunt Group form Acceptable Service Level1-9999 secondsDifferent levels of service.Service Objective Percent AllocationHunt Group form, administered on the CentreVu Supervisor Split/Skill Call Profile Setup window

Custom CentreVu® Advocate Solutions CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide Planning Your Call Center—CentreVu Advocate with EAS2-21 Agent Level Decisions 2 The following agent-level decisions must be made on the Agent Login ID form or through CentreVu Supervisor when administering individual agents within an organization: lSkill Mix: Each agent may have up to 20 skills administered. You must decide which mix of skills an individual agent will have. lSkill Level: Each agent may be assigned a skill level of 1 through 16 or for each administered skill (1 is the highest level, 16 is the lowest), or 1 or 2 for reserve level skills. You must decide which level each agent will be assigned for each administered skill in the mix. All standard skills have a skill level. lReserve Skills: Each agent may have administered reserve skills, with reserve levels 1 or 2. Agents with reserve skills could be automatically brought in to service a skill if that skill is one of their assigned reserve skills and Service Level Supervisor is administered. Agents who are reserve level 1 will be activated when the skill reaches threshold 1, and agents with a reserve level of 2 will be activated when the skill reaches its level 2 threshold. Agents have a skill level or a reserve level on a particular skill, not both. lPercent Allocation: Agents can be administered with a percentage for each of their standard skills. The total of all percentages must be equal to 100 percent or zero percent if all skills are reserve skills. Agents will then receive calls based on their percent allocation if their call handling preference is Percent Allocation. NOTE:

Custom CentreVu® Advocate Solutions CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide Planning Your Call Center—CentreVu Advocate with EAS2-22 Agent Level Decisions Table 2 Agent-level decisions for call and agent selection need to be made for individual agents within an organization. The following table includes the decisions that should be made, the choices available, the expected results, the other call center solutions that the results will work with, against, and is not used with, and where the decision is administered. Option ChoiceExpected Result Works WithWorks AgainstNot Used WithWhere Decided Skill Mix Up to 20 skills All solutionsAgent Login ID form CentreVu Supervisor Skill Level Level 1-16 EAD-MIA EAD-LOAUCD-MIA UCD-LOAPercent Allocation Greatest NeedAgent Login ID form CentreVu Supervisor Reserve SkillsLevel R1 or R2Overload skills are handled automatically.All solutions Percent Allocation, when agents are handling overload calls frequently Agent Login ID form CentreVu Supervisor Percent Allocation1-100%, or 0% for a reserve level skillCall distribution is weighted according to the defined percentages.EAD-LOA UCD-LOAEAD-MIA UCD-MIAGreatest Need, Skill Level, Predicted Wait Time, Service ObjectiveAgent Login ID form CentreVu Supervisor

Custom CentreVu® Advocate Solutions CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide Planning Your Call Center—CentreVu Advocate with EAS2-23 Call Center Example 2 In general, call selection and agent selection algorithms are paired to work together: An example is administering a call center to match the most qualified agent with the call that agent is best able to handle. The call selection method you would choose is the Skill Level agent call handling preference to select the call that the agent is most qualified to handle; that is, a call from the agent’s highest-level skill. You would use the Expert Agent Distribution-Most Idle Agent (EAD-MIA) or the Expert Agent Distribution-Least Occupied Agent (EAD-LOA) agent selection method to select the most qualified agent for the call. Either of these methods would select the most available, most qualified (that is, highest level agent in that skill) to handle the call. EAD-LOA, in particular, would spread the call selection among agents at each skill level more evenly by selecting the highest-skill level available agent who is the least occupied overall, and not necessarily the agent who was the first to hang up from a previous call. The combinations that are most effective are: lEAD-MIA or EAD-LOA with Skill Level call handling preference lUCD-MIA or UCD-LOA with Greatest Need call handling preference lUCD-LOA with Percent Allocation call handling preference. The result of administering a call center in this manner is that calls waiting in queue for certain skills are answered faster and the work is spread more evenly among agents assigned to the skills at equal skill levels.

Custom CentreVu® Advocate Solutions CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide Combining CentreVu Advocate Solutions to Meet Call Center Needs2-24 Combining CentreVu Advocate Solutions to Meet Call Center Needs 2 Overview2Call center administrators may have many different objectives for matching callers with agents. In order to meet these objectives, call centers often have individual agents assigned to many different skills. The CentreVu Advocate features, in combination with existing EAS features, can be used to meet a variety of business needs by taking advantage of agents in multiple skills. Some general call center business needs are described in this section. For additional information on combining solutions to create a custom call center environment, see Chapter 11, “Administer CentreVu® Advocate on DEFINITY® ECS” in this document. Match Caller With Most Qualified Agent 2 To match a caller with the most qualified agent, assign skill levels that identify an agent’s level of expertise. For agent selection, use EAD-MIA or EAD-LOA (EAS) to select the most qualified agent available. For call selection, use the Skill Level Call handling preference to select the call that the agent is most qualified to handle. Build Stronger Relationships with Some Customers 2 CentreVu Advocate features can be used to provide better service (as measured by the average speed of answer) to important customers, relative to regular customers. For agent selection in this scenario, use EAD-MIA or EAD-LOA to select the most qualified agent for a call. For call selection, use the Service Objective CentreVu Advocate feature to differentiate levels of service by giving more important customers shorter service objectives and regular customers longer service objectives. The Predicted Wait Time CentreVu Advocate feature can also be used to give better service to smaller, more personalized skills. Alternately, with the Percent Allocation call handling preference, a higher percent allocation than required for some skills can be assigned (selectively over staff), which provides better service to customers in those skills.

Custom CentreVu® Advocate Solutions CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide Combining CentreVu Advocate Solutions to Meet Call Center Needs2-25 Improve Overall Call Center Efficiency 2 To improve overall call center efficiency (call handling and agent occupancy), use UCD-LOA (best option) or EAD-LOA (better option) for agent selection to make the work load more uniform among agents. For call selection use the Greatest Need call handling preference, which lowers the average speed of answer; Service Level Supervisor, which will lower the maximum wait time; or Predicted Wait TIme, which evens out the average speed of answer. Help Schedule Agents with Multiple Skills 2 The Percent Allocation CentreVu Advocate call handling preference was designed to make agent scheduling easier. With this feature, a percentage of an agent’s time can be dedicated to each of the agent’s skills. The Service Level Supervisor CentreVu Advocate feature can be used in conjunction with the Percent Allocation call handling preference to override these allocations if the forecast on which the allocation is based is not accurate. Treat All Agents the Same 2 In order to treat all agents the same in call distribution, use UCD-MIA or UCD-LOA for agent selection to select an agent without reference to the agent’s skill level. In a case where the agent’s skill level is not used in agent selection, use the Greatest Need call handling preference. Greatest Need selects a call without reference to the answering agent’s skill level (for a given queue priority, call selection is based on time in queue). Percent Allocation can also be used to control overall agent idle time by creating agent pools and more evenly distributing calls. Treat Some Agents Differently 2 To select the best agents, use EAD-MIA or EAD-LOA for agent selection to keep the most qualified agents working in their higher skill level calls. For call selection, use the Skill Level call handling preference and assign higher skill levels to the skills that the agent is more qualified to handle. Additionally, by using the Service Level Supervisor CentreVu Advocate feature, agents with only reserve skills assigned receive calls when one or more of their skills is over threshold, and not before.

Custom CentreVu® Advocate Solutions CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide Combining CentreVu Advocate Solutions to Meet Call Center Needs2-26 Improve Agent Fairness 2 For agent selection, use UCD-LOA (best option) or EAD-LOA (better option) to make the work load more uniform among agents (in particular, those agents with many skills relative to agents with fewer skills). For call selection, use the Percent Allocation call handling preference and assign equal percentages to all agents for favored and unfavored skills. Automate Supervisor Actions 2 Supervisors often move agents from one skill to another or adjust an agent’s skill levels to try and meet call center objectives or to improve an individual agent’s workload. Use Service Level Supervisor to monitor the performance of a particular skill (using the Expected Wait Time for the skill), automatically adjust the number of agents assigned to the skill, and change the assigned agents’ call selection process to provide a higher level of service for a skill in trouble. In addition, the Predicted Wait Time CentreVu Advocate feature automatically gives preference to smaller skills while the Service Objective feature automatically minimizes the deviation between each skill’s acceptable service level and its service objective. Combining CentreVu Advocate Solutions Table 2 The following table shows which EAS/CentreVu Advocate features are compatible with each other and which ones are not. The comments column includes information regarding implementation and problem- solving. In general, implementing solutions that combine any of the four “Agents Available” solutions or combine any of the three call handling preference solutions (Greatest Need, Skill Level, and Percent Allocation) is not recommended. If a solution is not listed as specifically compatible or incompatible with another CentreVu Advocate solution, then the effect is neutral. Please refer to the “Call Center Solution” chapters in this document for details on reports, feature administration, and feature descriptions.

Custom CentreVu® Advocate Solutions CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide Combining CentreVu Advocate Solutions to Meet Call Center Needs2-27 Solution Works With Works Against Comments When Agents Are Available UCD-MIA lService Level Supervisor lService Objective lGreatest Need lDirect Agent Calls lUCD-LOA lEAD-MIA lEAD-LOA lPercent AllocationUCD-MIA is only used when agents are available for a call. It is compatible with other call selection methods, but not with the percent allocation call handling preference. UCD-LOA lService Level Supervisor lService Objective lGreatest Need lPercent Allocation lDirect Agent Calls lUCD-MIA lEAD-MIA lEAD-LOAUCD-LOA will distribute calls to the least occupied agent available. It can be used in conjunction with other call center solutions. It should not be combined with other solutions in the “agents available” category, and works best with greatest need call handling preference. EAD-MIA lService Level Supervisor lService Objective lSkill Level lDirect Agent Calls lTop Skill lUCD-MIA lUCD-LOA lEAD-LOA lPercent Allocation lGreatest NeedEAD-MIA is an EAS solution that works best with skill-level solutions. EAD-MIA selects the most idle agent in a skill by skill level.

Custom CentreVu® Advocate Solutions CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide Combining CentreVu Advocate Solutions to Meet Call Center Needs2-28 EAD-LOAlService Level Supervisor lService Objective lSkill Level lDirect Agent Calls lTop Skill lUCD-MIA lEAD-MIA lUCD-LOA lPercent AllocationEAD-LOA will make agent work load more uniform by selecting the least occupied agent in a skill for a call. Therefore, EAD-LOA works best with skill level solutions. When Calls Are in Queue for One or More of an Agent’s Skills Skill Level (call handling preference) lEAD-MIA lEAD-LOA lService Level Supervisor lPredicted Wait Time lService Objective lDirect Agent Calls lTop Skill lGreatest Need lPercent AllocationSkill Level is one type of agent call handling preference. It works best with the EAS solutions, EAD-MIA and EAD-LOA. Greatest Need (call handling preference) lUCD-MIA lUCD-LOA lService Level Supervisor lPredicted Wait Time lService Objective lDirect Agent Calls lSkill Level lPercent Allocation lTop Skill lEAD-MIA lEAD-LOAGreatest need is a call handling preference that is based on the oldest call waiting in queue. Therefore, it works well with other call- based solutions (particularly UCD solutions). Solution Works With Works Against Comments