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Lucent Technologies Centrevu Advocate Release 8 User Guide
Lucent Technologies Centrevu Advocate Release 8 User Guide
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Call Center Solution: Automate Agent Moves CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide Verifying the Solution Through Reports6-13 Flex Agents (Other)The number of flex agents in the OTHER state. Requires DEFINITY ECS R6 or later with CentreVu Advocate.FOTHER Flex Agents (Active)The number of flex agents on ACD calls, plus the number of flex agents in ACW, plus the number of flex agents with this skill that have an ACD call ringing.(FONACD + FINACW + FAGINRING) Reserve1 Agents (AUX)The number of reserve1 agents in AUX. Requires DEFINITY ECS R6 or later with CentreVu Advocate.R1INAUX Reserve1 Agents (Other)The number of reserve 1 agents in the OTHER state. Requires DEFINITY ECS R6 or later with CentreVu Advocate.R1OTHER Reserve1 Agents (Active)The number of reserve1 agents on ACD calls, plus the number of reserve1 agents in ACW, plus the number of reserve1 agents with this skill that have an ACD call ringing.(R1ONACD + R1INACW + R1AGINRIGN) Reserve2 Agents (AUX)The number of reserve2 agents in AUX. Requires DEFINITY ECS R6 or later with CentreVu Advocate.R2INAUX Reserve2 Agents (Other)The number of reserve2 agents in the OTHER state. Requires DEFINITY ECS R6 or later with CentreVu Advocate.R2OTHER Reserve2 Agents (Active)The number of reserve2 agents on ACD calls, plus the number of reserve2 agents in ACW, plus the number of reserve2 agents with this skill that have an ACD call ringing.(R2ONACD + RSINACW + R2AGINRING) Report Heading DescriptionDatabase Item/ Calculation, Table Name

Call Center Solution: Automate Agent Moves CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide Verifying the Solution Through Reports6-14 Real-Time Graphical Active Agents Report 6 This report, which is available only for customers who have DEFINITY ECS R6 or later switches with EAS and have purchased CentreVu Advocate, displays how many agents of different types are active for a selected skill. If CentreVu Advocate is not activated, the fields of the report which pertain to CentreVu Advocate will not be populated. Things to Know for CentreVu Advocate6 Here are some things you need to know about this report. lYou can access this report from the Real-Time Split/Skill Category selector menu. lCall center supervisors can use this report to see the number of Top, Flex, Reserve1, and Reserve2 agents staffed. The supervisor will also be able to see the number of each of those categories of agents who are active for the skill. lThis report consists of two charts, as well as individual data items and field labels. lThis report has a two-dimensional bar chart, with the following information: — The title of the chart is “Top Agents Active,” and is centered above the bar chart. — The x-axis contains the labels, “This Skill” and “Other Skills,” while the y-axis shows the number of agents. lThis report has a three-dimensional pie chart, with the following information for the number of agents active for the specified skill: — The title of the chart is “Active Agents for xxx,” where xxx is the specified skill, and is centered above the pie chart. — The pie chart’s legend will be displayed by default, and shows Top, Flex, Reserve1, and Reserve2 agents. — The number of agents for each category are displayed. lThe database items used in the Graphical Active Agents report are stored in the csplit table. lThe chart type can be changed. See the CentreVu® Supervisor Version 8 Reports document (585-210-929) for more information.

Call Center Solution: Automate Agent Moves CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide Verifying the Solution Through Reports6-15 Input Fields6The following table describes the input fields on the real-time Graphical Active Agents report input window. You must fill in the report input window to run the report. Item Description Skill:Fill in the Skill input name or number for which you want to run the report. You can enter a skill name only if the name has been defined in the Dictionary. Refresh Every SecondsEnter the number of seconds (3 to 600) to specify how rapidly CentreVu CMS should update the report data. The default for the Refresh Every Seconds: field in this window is your assigned minimum refresh rate plus 15 seconds. To find out what your minimum refresh rate is, or to change it, check with your CentreVu CMS administrator. Enable Report ThresholdsCheck the Enable Report Thresholds option to start the report with report thresholds running. Uncheck the option if you do not want to run report thresholds. Run MinimizedCheck the Run Minimized option to run the report in a minimized window. Uncheck the option to run the report at full size.

Call Center Solution: Automate Agent Moves CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide Verifying the Solution Through Reports6-16 Report Example6The following report is an example of a Graphical Active Agents report. Report Description6The following table describes the report fields. Report Heading DescriptionDatabase Item/ Calculation, Ta b l e N a m e Skill:The name or number of the skill (up to 20 characters) that is selected for this report. syn(SPLIT) Top Agents Staffed:The current number of top agents that are staffed in SPLIT. Available with Generic 3 and Generic 2.2 switches with the EAS feature. However, “top” database items are significant only for Generic 3 switches and the ECS with EAS. TSTAFFED = TAVA I L A B L E + TAGINRING + TONACD + TINACW + TINAUX + TOTHER.TSTAFFED Flex Agents Staffed:The number of agents who are staffing the skill, but are neither top or reserve agents. This field will contain backup agents if the CentreVu Advocate feature is not used, because the database item consists of agents whose roll in the skill is backup (regardless of the administration of CentreVu Advocate), allocation, or roving. Requires DEFINITY ECS R6 or later with CentreVu Advocate.FSTAFFED

Call Center Solution: Automate Agent Moves CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide Verifying the Solution Through Reports6-17 Skill StateThe current state of the skill, compared to the administered thresholds. Requires DEFINITY ECS R6 or later with CentreVu Advocate.syn(SKSTATE) Reserve1 Agents Staffed:The number of agents staffing this skill as reserve1. Requires DEFINITY ECS R6 or later with CentreVu Advocate.R1STAFFED Reserve2 Agents Staffed:The number of agents staffing this skill as reserve2. Requires DEFINITY ECS R6 or later with CentreVu Advocate.R2STAFFED Top Agents Active chart— “This Skill”The number of top agents logged into the skill, who are on inbound and outbound ACD calls, plus the number of top agents who are in ACW for ACD calls, plus the number of top agents who have ACD calls ringing and are not doing anything else.TONACD + TINACW + TAGINRING Report Heading DescriptionDatabase Item/ Calculation, Ta b l e N a m e

Call Center Solution: Automate Agent Moves CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide Verifying the Solution Through Reports6-18 Top Agents Active chart— “Other Skills”The number of top agents that are doing other work. Agents are logged into multiple splits/skills other than this one (on an ACD call or in ACW, or ACD calls ringing). For Generic 3, while in Auto-in or Manual-in mode: the agent put any call on hold and has performed no further action; the agent is on a direct call or in ACW for a direct agent call; the agent is dialing to place a call or to activate a feature; an extension call or a direct agent ACD call is ringing with no other activity. For Generic 3 EAS with multiple call handling, agents are available for other, multiple call handling skills. Agent POSITIONS will show up in TOTHER directly after the link to the switch comes up and directly after the agents log in before the CentreVu CMS is notified of the agent’s work state. Available with Generic 3 and Generic 2.2 switches with the EAS feature. However, “top” database items are only significant for Generic 3 switches and ECS with EAS. TOTHER includes TDA_INACW and TDA_ONACD.TOTHER Agents Active chart—Top AgentsThe number of top agents logged into the skill, who are on inbound and outbound ACD, plus the number of top agents who are in ACW for ACD calls, plus the number of top agents who have ACD calls ringing and are not doing anything else.TONACD + TINACW + TAGINRING Agents Active chart—Flex AgentsThe number of flex agents on ACD calls, plus the number of flex agents in ACW, plus the number of flex agents with this skill that have an ACD call ringing.FONACD + FINACW + FAGINRING Agents Active chart— Reserve1 AgentsThe number of reserve1 agents on ACD calls, plus the number of reserve1 agents in ACW, plus the number of reserve1 agents with this skill that have an ACD call ringing.R1ONACD + R1INACW + R1AGINRING Report Heading DescriptionDatabase Item/ Calculation, Ta b l e N a m e

Call Center Solution: Automate Agent Moves CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide Verifying the Solution Through Reports6-19 Reserve1 AUX Agents Report 6 This report, which is available only for customers who have DEFINITY ECS R6 or later switches with EAS and have purchased CentreVu Advocate, displays the Reserve1 agents who are in AUX and the time in AUX, for a specified skill. When this report is accessed from the report menu, it displays as the Reserve1 AUX Agents Report. When it is accessed by drilling down from the AUX work state, it displays as the Reserve1 AUX Work State Report. Things to Know for CentreVu Advocate6 Here are some things you need to know about this report: lYou can access this report the following ways: — From the Real-Time Agent Category selector menu. — By drilling down to this report from the AUX work state of Reserve1 agents, or R1INAUX. lCall center managers can use this report to see the Reserve1 agents in each AUX work state, for a specified skill. For each agent, the manager will also be able to see information such as the length of time in the AUX work state. lThe database items used for the Reserve1 AUX Agents report are stored in the csplit and cagent tables. lThis report consists of a table and two data fields. The report table contains a row for each agent who is in the specified state for the specified skill. lThe report caption will read “Reserve1 AUX Work State Report— xxx,” where xxx is the skill name string specified by the user. Agents Active chart— Reserve2 AgentsThe number of reserve2 agents on ACD calls, plus the number of reserve2 agents in ACW, plus the number of reserve2 agents with this skill that have an ACD call ringing.R2ONACD + R2INACW + R2AGINRING Report Heading DescriptionDatabase Item/ Calculation, Ta b l e N a m e

Call Center Solution: Automate Agent Moves CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide Verifying the Solution Through Reports6-20 Report Example6The following report is an example of a Reserve1 AUX Agents report. Report Description6This table describes the report fields for the report. Report Heading DescriptionDatabase Item/ Calculation, Ta b l e N a m e Skill:The name or number of the skill (up to 20 characters) that is selected for this report. syn(SPLIT) Reserve1 Agents in AUXThe number of reserve1 agents in AUX. Requires DEFINITY ECS R6 or later with CentreVu Advocate.R1INAUX Agent NameThe name of the agent. syn(LOGID) Login IDThe Login ID that was used to staff the EXTENSION. Agents in multiple splits/skills have one LOGID.LOGID RoleAgent’s service role for this SPLIT, as defined in the Dictionary. Requires DEFINITY ECS R6 or later with CentreVu Advocate.syn(ROLE)

Call Center Solution: Automate Agent Moves CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide Verifying the Solution Through Reports6-21 Active Split/SkillUse WORKSKILL for the following call conditions: lWhen an agent is on a skill or direct agent ACD call or in ACW (this is the skill associated with the call or ACW). lWhen an agent is available, in AUX or in OTHER (this is null [blank]). lWhen an agent is on an AUXIN/AUXOUT call (this is OLDEST_LOGON skill). lWhen an agent is on an AUXIN/AUXOUT call from the available state, while in AUX or with an AUXIN/AUXOUT call on hold (this is OLDEST_LOGON skill). lWhen an agent is on an AUXOUT call with an ACD call on hold (this is the skill associated with the ACD call). NOTE: WORKSKILL differs from WORKSPLIT only in the case that the agent is available. In this case, WORKSKILL will be blank and WORKSPLIT will contain one of the skills in which the agent is available. For releases with the EAS feature active, it is recommended to use WORKSKILL instead of WORKSPLIT in reports. Requires a Generic 2.2 or Generic 3 Version 2 or later switch with the EAS feature.syn(WORKSKILL) LevelThe skill level associated with the agent’s current WORKSKILL, when WORKSKILL is not null. Requires a Generic 2.2 or Generic 3 Version 2 or later switch with the EAS feature. For CentreVu Advocate, in the cagent table, WORKSKLEVEL contains either a skill level (1-16) for a normal skill, or a reserve level (1 or 2) for a reserve skill. This WORKSKLEVEL applies to WORKSKILL.syn(WORKSKLEVEL) Report Heading DescriptionDatabase Item/ Calculation, Ta b l e N a m e

Call Center Solution: Automate Agent Moves CentreVu® Advocate Release 8 User Guide Verifying the Solution Through Reports6-22 Reserve2 AUX Agents Report 6 This report, which is available only for customers who have DEFINITY ECS R6 or later switches with EAS and have purchased CentreVu Advocate, displays the Reserve2 agents who are in AUX and the time in AUX, for a specified skill. When this report is accessed from the report menu, it displays as the Reserve2 AUX Agents Report. When it is accessed by drilling down from the AUX work state, it displays as the Reserve2 AUX Work State Report. Things to Know for CentreVu Advocate6 Here are some things you need to know about this report: lYou can access this report the following ways: — From the Real-Time Agent Category selector menu. — By drilling down to this report from the AUX work state of Reserve1 agents, or R2INAUX. lCall center managers can use this report to see the Reserve2 agents in each AUX work state, for a specified skill. For each agent, the manager will also be able to see information such as the length of time in the AUX work state. lThe database items used for the Reserve2 AUX Agents report are stored in the csplit and cagent tables. lThis report consists of a table and two data fields. The report table contains a row for each agent who is in the specified state for the specified skill. lThe report caption will read “Reserve2 AUX Work State Report— xxx,” where xxx is the skill name string specified by the user. TimeThe elapsed time since the last agent WORKMODE change for any split/skill. This item is not reset if the DIRECTION changes, but WORKMODE remains the same. For example, if the agent goes from AUX to AUXOUT to AUX, AGTIME continues without resetting.AGTIME Report Heading DescriptionDatabase Item/ Calculation, Ta b l e N a m e