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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Amis Analog Networking Guide
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AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-37 Record Remote Machine Names (Optional) 5 2. Press (F7) to move to the sec ond pag e of the Sub sc rib er sc reen as shown in Figure 5-21. Figure 5-21. Subscriber Screen, Page 2 3. Enter y in the Announcement Control field . 4. Press (F3) to save your d ata and exit the sc reen. 5. Enter list machines at the c ommand p romp t. After you enter the c ommand , you see the List Mac hines sc reen as...
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AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-38 Record Remote Machine Names (Optional) 5 Figure 5-22. List Machines Screen 6. Print the sc reen, write d own the voic e IDs assoc iated with eac h remote mac hine, or look at the sc reen as you rec ord names. NOTE: Some remote mac hine profiles are used for a rang e of mac hines. Either voic e a name that is meaning ful for all mac hines in the rang e, or d o not voic e a name for these p rofiles. 7....
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AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-39 Administer Remote Subscribers (Optional) 5 Administer Remote Subscribers (Optional) Remote sub sc rib ers on systems ad ministered for AMIS one-step ad d ressing may b e ad ministered on the loc al system. Messag e Delivery rec ip ients may also b e ad ministered on the loc al system. Bec ause eac h remote sub sc rib er must b e manually ad ministered on the loc al mac hine, you may wish to ad...
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AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-40 Administer Remote Subscribers (Optional) 5 Figure 5-23. Add Remote Subscriber Screen 4.Complete the sc reen b y inserting the sub sc rib er’s name, extension, c ommunity ID, and mac hine name(s) as d esc rib ed in Chap ter 2, Planning and Desig n. 5. Press (F3) to ad d the remote sub sc riber to the loc al system’s database. 6. Rep eat the p roc ed ure for eac h remote sub sc rib er you need to ad...
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AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-41 Record Remote Subscriber Names (Optional) 5 Record Remote Subscriber Names (Optional) If you wish, you c an rec ord ad ministered remote sub sc rib ers’ names. Loc al sub sc rib ers who add ress messag es to these remote sub sc rib ers, or who inc lud e their ad d resses in mailing lists or p ersonal d irec tories, c an then hear name voic eb ac k to c onfirm that the ad d ress they entered is c orrec...
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AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-42 Test the Connection 5 6.Using the touc h-tone keyp ad, enter the ad d ress of the first subsc riber’s name you wish to rec ord as it ap p ears in the Extension field on the sc reen. 7. Sp eak the sub sc rib er’s name c learly when p romp ted . 8. Press to app rove the name, or p ress to d elete and rerec ord it. Press to listen to your rec ording , followed b y to ap prove or to d...
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AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-43 Test the Connection 5 6. Wait a few minutes, then c hec k your mailb ox. nIf the messag e c ould not b e delivered , you will have a new messag e notifying you that the messag e was und eliverab le. Access your outgoing mailbox by pressing and play the undeliverable messag e head er to find out the reason the d elivery attemp t failed . Dep end ing on the error messag e, c orrec t the most likely p...
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AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-44 Ongoing Administration 5 Ongoing Administration After you initially administer the AMIS analog network and p erform the tests, you may need to p erform ong oing mac hine and sub sc rib er ad ministration tasks. This sec tion c ontains p roc edures for up dating the AMIS analog ad ministration and inc lud es the following top ic s: nEd uc ating sub sc ribers nMaintaining the AMIS network nMonitoring...
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AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-45 Ongoing Administration 5 Monitor Logs and Traffic Reports The system administrator should display the administration log and traffic reports freq uently to verify g ood servic e, id entify p ossib le p rob lems, and ensure system sec urity. nExamine the ad ministration log daily or whenever an “ A” alarm ap p ears on the status line. nMonitor traffic information p ertaining to AMIS analog networking...
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AMIS Analog Networking 585-300-512 Issue 7 May 1999 Intuity System AMIS Administration 5-46 Ongoing Administration 5 4. Rep eat steps 2 and 3 for eac h remote mac hine you need to up d ate. NOTE: To enter information for another remote mac hine, enter the next remote mac hine name over the p revious name. When you p ress to move the c ursor to the next field , the information for the previous machine clears from the sc reen. 5. When you finish up d ating remote mac hines, press (F6) until...