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Loewe Individual 32 Lcd Operating Instructions

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    31	-
    Programming timer recordings via Teletext
    ➠  Teletext	is	started,	if	not,	press	the TEXT button.
    Call	the	programme	pages	of	the	current	station.Change	preset	page	numbers,	see	this	page.
    Green button: Go	to	the	appropriate	page.
    	6	Select	the	desired	programme,		OK	 to	programme	the	recording.
    Change	the	appropriate	 recording	data	in	the	 following	menu 	Timer data	if 	necessary 	(see 	also 	page 	46, 	the 	direct	recording	path).
     OK	to	confirm.
    Teletext menu
    In	 the	 Teletext	 menu	you	can,	 among	 other	things,	 activate	 news,	reveal	pages	and	configure	the	teletext	with	the	Settings	menu	function.
    Starting the Teletext menu
    ➠  Teletext	is	started,	if	not,	press	the	TEXT button.
    Call	the	Teletext	menu.
    Explanations of the Teletext menu functions:
    Shows	 current	 messages	 as	screen	 insert,	in	the	 form	 of	subtitles,	 in	current	 TV	mode.	 Only	possible	 for	pages	which	also	broadcast	news.
    Shows	 concealed	 information,	 e.g.	for	quiz	 questions	 or	VPS	times	in	the	programme	preview	pages.
    A	wizard	 for	recording	via	 teletext	 helps	you	programme	a	connected	recorder,	see	also	the	left	column.
    Other	Teletext	menu	functions:
    Definition 	of 	the 	first 	Teletext 	programme 	preview 	page 	if	this 	deviates 	from 	the 	factory 	setting 	(page 	301).
    Definition	 of	the	 Teletext	 subtitle	pages	for	every	 station	if	this	deviates	from	the	factory	setting	(page	150).	
    Definition 	of 	up 	to 	six 	Teletext 	pages 	which 	can 	be 	called	later 	from 	a 	list 	in 	the 	Assist+	menu.
    Teletext	 character	 set	can	 be	switched	 to	another	 lan-guage.
    Improved	graphic	representation	of	the	Teletext.	(Not	offered	by	all	stations.)
    T a g e s s c h a u   .   .   .   .      1 1 0 / 1 1 2    K u l t u r .   .   .   .   .     .   .   .   .   .     5 0 0W e t t e r .   .   .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .               1 7 0    G e s e l l s c h a f t    .   .   .   .   .    5 3 0S p o r t .   .   .   .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .  2 0 0 / 6 0 0    L o t t o / T o t o .   .    .   .   .   .   .      6 6 6T V   G u i d e   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  3 0 0 / 4 0 0    W i r t s c h a f t .   .     .   .   .   .   .    7 0 0
    P o l i t i k :   D i e   n e u e n   G e s e t z e s e n t w ü r f e   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1 2 0W i r d   a u c h   d e r   N a h v e r k e h r   t e u r e r ?  .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1 2 1A u s t r a l i e n :   K e i n e   Z u g e s t ä n d n i s s e   .    .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1 2 2T o t e   b e i   Z u g u n g l ü c k   i n   S c h w e d e n    .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   5 3 2T e n n i s :   A u f t a k t m a t c h   w u r d e   a b g e b r o c h e n    .   .   .   .   .   .   .    2 0 4F o r m e l   1 :   N e u e s   R e g l e m e n t   f ü r   M o t o r e n .   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .    2 1 3F u s s b a l l :   H e i m s i e g   f ü r   d e n   M e i s t e r   .   .   .   .   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .     2 0 4
        1 0 0       1 0 0        A R D t e x t                    D o       0 7 .   0 9 .   0 6                 1 4   :   1 4   :   4 2
    –            +I n h a l t                                          t a g e s s c h a u
    1 3 : 0 0   A R D - M i t t a g s m a g a z i n   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .     3 1 21 4 : 0 0   T a g e s s c h a u   
    OKENDINFORevealNewsflashTeletext menuRecording wizardSettings
    Recording	wizard	
    Preview	pages
    Sub-title 	pages
    Personal 	text	pages
    Character 	set
    Downloaded	From	TV-Manual.com	Manuals 
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    Conditional Access Module (CA module)
    In	order	 to	receive	 coded	digital	stations,	 a	Conditional	 Access	Module	(CA	module)	 and	a	Smart	 Card	must	 be	inserted	 in	the	CI	 slot	 of	your	TV	set	(see	page	5).	
    The	 CA	module	 and	the	Smart	 Card	are	not	 part	 of	the	 TV	set's	 scope	 of	delivery.	They	are	usually	available	from	your	dealer.
    Inserting the Smart Card into the CA module
    Push	the	Smart	 Card	into	the	CA	module	 as	far	 as	it	goes	 so	that	 the	side	with	 the	gold	 coloured	 contact	chip	is	facing	 the	side	 of	the	 CA	module	marked	 with	the	provider's	 logo.	Note	the	direction	 of	the	 arrow	 printed	on	the	Smart	Card.
    Inserting the CA module in the CI slot
    ➠	Switch	off	the	TV	set's	mains	switch.
    Remove	the	cover	from	the	rear	of	the	set.
    Carefully	 insert	the	CA	module	 in	CI	 slot	 1	or	 CI	slot	 2	with	the	contact	side	forward.
    If	you	 are	standing	 in	front	 of	the	 TV	set	 (display)	 then	the	logo	 on	the	 CA	module	 must	be	pointing	 to	the	 rear.	Do	not	 use	force.	 Make	sure	the	module	 is	not	 twisted	in	the	process.
    If	the	 CA	module	 is	correctly	 installed,	 the	ejector	 button	protrudes	a	little	further.
    Switch	on	the	TV	set.
    The	following	dialogue	appears:
     OK start	the	search	wizard.
    Check	 the	recommended	 search	routine	 parameters	 and	then	start	the	search.
    Replace	the	cover.
    Calling CA module information
    ➠	This	menu	is	only	available	for	digital	stations.
    Call	TV menu.
    	34	Select	Settings,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select	Miscellaneous,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34		Select	CA module: xxx (xxx	corresponds	to	the	CA	module	provider),,
    	OK	to	call	information.
    The	content	 of	this	 menu	 depends	 on	the	 provider	 of	the	CA	module.
    Removing the CA module
    ➠	Switch	off	the	TV	set's	mains	switch.
    Remove	the	cover	from	the	rear	of	the	set.
    Press	 in	the	 ejector	 button	on	the	 appropriate	 module	drawer,	the	module	is	released.
    Remove	the	module	from	the	set.
    Replace	the	cover.
    ENDYour TV set hast detected a new CA module. This requires a station search for all new receivable station
    Search wizard
    Continue with OK
    Downloaded	From	TV-Manual.com	Manuals                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
    33	-
    6 Select	software	type: 
       Select	TV base software	or			 	DVB software,
    	OK	start	search.
    If	new	 versions	 are	available	 then	a	subsequent	 screen	message	will	be	displayed.
    Loading new software
    ➠ New	software	available	via	search.
    ➠  If 	a 	new 	TV 	and 	a 	new 	DVB 	software 	is 	available 	in 	the	automatic 	search 	for 	new 	software 	versions 	via 	satellite	 (1,	you 	can 	select 	the 	software 	type	to 	be 	updated.
    6	 	Select	update	option:	Load new software now Load new software after switch off to standby (update	after	switching	off)	Keep current software	(no	update	desired)
    	OK	more	or	exit	wizard.
    	OK	start	software update.
    A	bar 	is 	displayed 	to 	inform 	you 	about 	the 	progress 	of 	the	load 	process. 	During 	the 	loading 	process 	do 	not 	switch	off 	your 	device 	via 	the 	mains 	switch! 	This 	may 	last 	up 	to	20 	minutes. 	You 	will 	be 	informed 	when 	it 	is 	finished.
    At	the	end	of	loading:	Turn	 off	the	 TV	set	 off	with	 the	mains	 switch	 and	turn	 it	on	again. 	This 	is 	not 	necessary 	when 	loading 	the 	software	with	 the	update	 option	Load new software after switch off to standby	mode.
    If	a	new	 software	 has	not	 been	 updated	 via	satellite	(1,	you 	will 	be 	reminded 	of 	this 	several 	times 	when 	switching	on	the	set.
    Software update
    TV base software and DVB software
    You 	can 	update 	your 	TV’s 	TV-Basic 	and 	DVB 	software. 	The 	latest 	software	versions	 are	broadcast	 by	satellite	(1	(only	 Astra1	 at	the	 moment)	 or	can	be	installed	in	your	set	with	a	USB	stick.Please	contact	your	dealer	for	a	software	update	via	USB	stick.
    Automatic search for new software via satellite	(1
    The 	set 	automatically 	determines 	whether 	a 	new 	software 	version 	is	available	 per	satellite	 during	the	night	 when	 the	EPG	 data	 are	updated.	However	 the	TV	set	 must	 remain	 in	standby	 mode	for	this	 (do	not	 switch	off	the	set	with	the	mains	switch).
    If	a	new	 software	 version	has	been	 found,	 the	set	informs	 you	with	 an	on-screen	 message	the	next	 time	 it	is	 switched	 on	(see	 right	 column	–	Loading	new	software).
    Manual search for new software via USB /satellite	(1
    If	it	is	 not	 automatically	 displayed	that	a	new	 software	 is	available	 when	switching	on	the	set,	you	can	also	run	a	manual	search.	The	system 	first 	checks 	whether 	a 	software 	update 	is 	available 	on 	an 	inserted	USB 	stick. 	If 	not 	the 	system 	will 	search 	for 	an 	update 	via 	satellite	(1.
    Call	TV menu.
    	34	Select	Settings,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    34	Select	Miscellaneous,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    34	Select	Software update.		OK   calls	software	update	wizard.	The	software	versions	currently	loaded	in	the	set	are	listed.
    (1 		Digital 	twin 	satellite 	tune 	optionally 	available 	as 	an 	upgrade 	kit		(see 	accessories, 	page 	55).
    Software updateUpdate options
    Software update wizardA new software is available.
    TV base software:                  current V2.1.0         new V2.1.1
    Please specify whether and, if so, when you want to load the new softwar\
    Load new software nowLoad new software after switch off to standby Keep current softwareENDOK
    Software updateSoftware type
    Software update wizardCurrent TV base software:               V2.1.0Current DVB software:                  V1.3.0 
    You can now search for new software. Please select the software type and\
    start the search with the     button.
    TV base softwareDVB software
    -	34
    Radio mode 
    You	can	only	receive	radio	stations	via	DVB.	If	you	 do	not	 have	 DVB	radio	 reception	 then	you	can	play	 audio	 from	an	external	device	via	the	TV	set	using	the	audio/AV inputs.
    Radio mode on/off
    Radio	mode	on:	RADIO button	on	the	remote	control.
    or:		R on	the	TV	set	operating	ring.
    You	will	see	an	overview	of	radio	stations.
    If	data 	are 	transmitted 	by 	the 	station, 	then 	time 	and 	title	of 	the 	station 	will 	be 	displayed 	in 	the 	station 	list.
    Radio	mode	off:	
    TV button on	the	remote	control.
    or:		R	 on	the	TV	set	operating	ring.
    Explanation of the icons after the station name
    		Digital	DVB-T	station	(terrestrial	via	antenna)
    		 Digital	DVB-C	station	(via	cable)
    		 Digital	DVB-S	station	(via	satellite)
    		 Coded	station
    Setting the volume
    V+/V–	volume	louder	/	quieter.
    Other 	sound 	settings 	are 	the 	same 	as 	for 	the 	volume 	setting	in 	TV 	mode 	(see 	page 	18).
    Setting the sound mode
    Call	Sound mode. Other 	settings 	as 	for 	TV 	mode 	(see 	page 	18).
    Switching the screen on/off
    Red button: Switch	off	the	screen.
    The 	LED display on	the 	TV 	set 	changes 	from 	green 	to 	orange.
    Switch	on	the	screen	with	the	remote	control:Red button	or	OK	button.	
    Switch	on	the	screen	on	the	TV	set:Press	R	on	the	TV	set	operating	ring.
    Changing stations when the screen is off
    P+/P–	or	the	numeric buttons	of	the	remote	control.
    or:	+ / –	on	the	TV	set	operating	ring.
    Radio menu
    In	 the	 Radio	 menu	 you	can	set	the	 sound,	 search	for	and	 store	 radio	stations 	(automatically 	or 	manually), 	change 	stations 	and 	set 	switch-off/alarm	functions.The 	settings 	are 	made 	the 	same 	way 	they 	are 	made 	in 	TV 	mode.
    Call radio menu
    ➠  Radio	mode	switched	on,	if	not,	press	the RADIO button.
    Call	the	Radio menu.
    EPG – Electronic Programme Guide (radio)
    For	 the	 DVB	 radio	 stations	 you	can	also	 use	an	electronic	 programme	
    guide,	if	the	station	that	is	currently	active	supplies	data.
    Starting and ending EPG
    ➠  Radio	mode	switched	on,		if	not,	press	the	RADIO button.
    Switching	EPG	on	/	off
    The	EPG	 functions	 in	radio	 mode	 are	similar	 to	those	 in	TV	mode.	 More	information	 in	this	 regard	 is	available	starting	on	page	28.
    ENDINFOStationsSoundRadio menu
    Sound mode         ...Timer functions
    Radio:   102  BAYERN 1                             Stereo  2
    18:00 - 18:10  NachrichtenScan stationsPrevious stationChange sorting
          AUDIO DIGIT...      AUDIO IN2      AUDIO IN1      HDMI2/DVI      HDMI1/DVI      AVS      DVD-REC      DVD101  B5 AKTL        102  BAYERN 1      103  BR4 KLSK      104  SUNSHINE      
    Switch to ...Select stationScreen off/on
    106  ANTENNE      107  DLR            108  DLF            109  BAYERN3       110  MDR INFO      111  MDR FIGA      112  NDR KULT      113  SWR1          114  SWR2          115  WDR3          116  WDR5          117  OESTER1       
    35	-
    Yellow button:	Place	a	check	 mark	after	the	devices	 to	be	connected.
    In	the 	next 	step, 	the 	connection 	diagram 	shows 	how 	to	connect 	the 	new 	or 	preset 	devices 	to 	the 	rear 	of 	the 	TV	set 	(in 	this 	example 	the 	DVD 	player 	(DVD) 	to 	AV1,	the 	DVD	recorder 	(DVD•)	 to 	AV2).
    Select	 the	signal	 type	of	your	 set.	Leave	 the	setting	 on	automatic	if	you	are	not	sure.
    Hint:	Use	Euro	AV	cable	with	angled	connectors.
    continued	on	the	next	page	Ž
    Operating additional equipment
    Device connection wizard
    Connecting additional devices to the TV set
    The	device	connection	 wizard	serves	 to	connect	 new	devices	 to	the	 TV	set	or	make	wiring	changes.
    ➠  New	 devices	 should	not	be	connected	 until	they	have	been	registered	in	the	connection	wizard.
    Call TV menu.
    	34	Select	Connections,		6	 go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select	New devices/modifications. OK	 calls	the	wizard.
    END:	It	is	possible	to	run	the	wizard	only	partially	at	any	time.	You	have	to	confirm	changes	on	a	page	with	OK.
    Follow	the	instructions	on	the	TV	set.
    The 	following 	illustrations 	provide 	an 	overview 	of 	the	possible	options.
    The	 connection	 diagram	shows	the	devices	 that	are	cur-rently	 configured.	 DVD	player	 on	AV1	 and	DVD	 recorder	
    on	AV2	are	factory	pre-sets.
    Connection wizardConnect the satellite dishes or cable/terrestrial antennas of your AV equipment (recorder, decoder, ...) to the TV set according to the encl\
    osed operating manual. The connection wizard assists you when you connect you\
    r equipment to the TV set via the AV sockets AV1, AV2 and AVS or via theSD/HD-COMPONENT IN or HDMI1/2(DVI)* socket.
    Connection	diagram
    AV	equipment	selection
    Signal 	type
    Connection	example 	of 	a	DVD 	recorder
    Connection wizardSpecify all new AV devices to be connected and all connection changes to\
     the existing devices here.
    Proceed                          Connect/disconnect
    New devices/modificationsAV equipment selectionDVD player                     DVD recorder                    Video recorder                 Satellite receiverSetTopBox/dBoxDecoderCamcorder/cameraOther device(s) to AV1/2/SDevice to COMP.INDevice to HDMI1/DVIDevice to HDMI2/DVI
    Connection wizardNow the TV set assumes that you have connected the following equipment:
    AVS        AV1                AV2            COMP. IN     HDMI1   HDMI2
    DVD                 DVD
    New devices/modificationsSignal type at socket AV1Automatic CVBS/YCCVBSYCProceed
    TV	set
    DVD	recorder
    AUDIO	digital	In
    Downloaded	From	TV-Manual.com	Manuals 
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    Explanations of important settings
    The	signal	 type	of	the	 devices	 that	can	be	connected	 can	vary	greatly. 	If 	you 	are 	not 	sure, 	leave 	the 	setting 	for 	Signal	on	Automamtic CVBS/YC	(e.g. 	for 	DVD 	Player/Recorder) 	or	Autom.-VHS/SVHS (e.g.	 video	 recorder),	 otherwise	 select	the	right	 signal	 type.	See	the	glossary	 on	page	 56	for	further	information.
    If	the 	picture 	from 	a 	connected 	device 	is 	to 	be 	displayed	immediately 	on 	the 	TV 	set 	during 	playback, 	select 	yes.	 A	switching 	voltage 	is 	allowed 	so 	that 	you 	do 	not 	have 	to	switch 	over 	manually 	to 	see 	the 	picture 	of 	the 	connected	device. 	(See 	the 	operating 	manual 	of 	the 	connected 	re-production 	device.)	When 	playing 	from 	Digital 	Link 	Plus 	devices, 	the 	picture 	is	always 	displayed 	immediately, 	regardless 	of 	the 	setting.
    Select	 the	AV	socket	 to	which	 the	device	 of	which	 you	want	to 	hear 	the 	digital 	sound 	is 	connected. 	Connect 	the	digital	 output	 of	the	 external	 device	to	the	 digital	 input	of	the	 TV	set	 (see	 page	 45).	If	a	device	 with	digital	 audio	is	not	connected	then	select	no.	
    Connection possibilities for a DVD/video recorder
    There	are 	two 	possibilities 	for 	viewing 	the 	picture 	of 	the 	connected	recorder:
    1.	Use 	appropriate 	cables 	in 	conjunction 	with 	the 	connections 	assigned	by	 the	connection	 wizard.	This	 always	 offers	the	best	 quality	 and	the	greatest 	convenience, 	such 	as 	automatic 	switch 	over 	when	playing	from	a	connected	device.
    2.	 You	 are	using	 the	antenna	 connection	 between	recorder	and	TV	device.	However	this	reduces	the	quality.
    Connecting antenna to the DVD/video recorder
    If	you	 want	 to	receive	 and	record	 analogue	 stations,	it	is	 useful	 to	loop	the 	recorder 	into 	the 	antenna 	cable; 	as 	shown 	in 	the 	connection 	example	on	page	35	bottom	right.If 	the	 antenna 	connection 	is 	also 	used	 for	the	 playback	 because	the	devicers	are	not	 connected	 by	EURO-AV	 cables,	you	have	 to	search	 for	the	recorder	station	and	save	it	in	the	TV	set.	
    Proceed	 as	follows	 (see	also	 the	operating	 manual	of	the	 connected	recorder):
    ➠	Insert	a	DVD/cassette	and	press	play.	
    Call	AV selection.
     34	Select	VIDEO,		OK	 to	switch	over.
    If	no	 picture	 is	visible	 on	the	 TV	screen	 during	 recorder	playback, 	you 	have 	to 	search 	for 	the 	station 	or 	set 	it	manually.
    To 	avoid 	finding 	"normal" 	television 	stations 	when 	search-ing 	for 	stations, 	unplug 	the 	antenna 	plug 	on 	the 	recorder's	antenna 	input 	temporarily 	(the 	cable 	for 	the 	antenna	system).
    Manual station search:
    ➠ VIDEO	is	selected	by	the	AV selection.
    Call	TV menu.
    	34	Select	Settings,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select	Stations,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select	Manual adjustment,		OK to	call	other	settings.
    For	Channel	enter "E30".
    Blue button: Start	search.
    When	you	have	found	the	recorder	station:
    Red button: Overwrite	station	slot.
    Exit 	TV menu.
    Re-connect 	the 	antenna 	plug 	that 	you 	temporarily	unplugged.
    If	 disturbances	 should	now	occur	 because	 a	TV	 station	is	being	 broadcast	 on	the	 same	 channel	 as	the	 station	of	the	 recorder,	 then	you	must	 change	 the	transmission	channel	 on	the	 recorder	 and	scan	 for	the	 recorder	 again	on	the	TV	set.
    Operating additional equipment
    Signal	type
    Immediate	playback
    Assign 	digital	audio 	input
    Downloaded	From	TV-Manual.com	Manuals 
    37	-
    Operating additional equipment
    Connecting devices to the HDMI (DVI) 
    connections and playback
    The	HDMI	 connections	 (High	Definition	 Multimedia	 In-terface)	permit	digital	video	and	audio	 transmission	 via	a	connection	 cable	from	a	player,	 e.g.	from	 the	Loewe	Centros	2102/2172	HD	DVD	recorder.
    The	digital 	picture 	and 	sound 	data 	are 	transmitted 	without 	data 	compres-sion 	and 	therefore 	lose 	none 	of 	their 	quality. 	Analogue/digital 	conversion	is	 no	 longer	 necessary	 in	the	 connected	 devices,	which	also	would	 result	in	quality	losses.
    Using	a	DVI/HDMI	 adapter	cable,	the	digital	 video	signals	 of	a	DVI	 player	can	also 	be 	played 	via 	the 	compatible 	HDMI 	connection. 	The 	sound 	must	be	fed	in	additionally.	
    HDMI	and	DVI	both	use	the	same	copy	protection	method	HDCP.
    Connecting the device
    Call	TV menu.
     34	Select	Connections,		6	 go	to	the	menu	line	below.
     34	Select	New devices/modifications.
     OK	 calls	the	wizard.
    	OK	 Go	to	the	AV equipment selection	menu.	
    	6	Select	device	on	HDMI1/DVI	or	HDMI2/DVI.
    Yellow button:	Activate	HDMI1/DVI or HDMI2/DVI.
    Connect	the	device	by	an	HDMI	cable	(type	A,	19	pole)		to	the	HDMI1/DVI or HDMI2/DVI	socket	of	the	TV	set.
    If 	a 	DVI/HDMI 	adapter 	cable 	is 	used, 	the 	appropriate	sound 	can 	be 	fed 	in 	via 	the 	audio 	input 	socket 	AUDIO IN2 (analogue)	 or	AUDIO  DIGITAL  IN	(digital)	 on	the	 TV	set.	See	also	page	45.
    Playback from the device
    Call	AV selection.
    	34	Select	HDMI1/DVI or HDMI2/DVI	socket,		OK	 to	switch	over.
    Start	playback	on	the	connected	device.The	 best	 possible	 format	for	the	 picture	 will	be	detected	and	set	automatically.
    Connecting devices to the PC IN connection 
    and playback
    You	 can	connect	 a	PC	 or	a	SetTopBox	 (STB)	to	the	PC IN socket	 and	thus	 use	the	screen	 of	the	 TV	set	 as	an	output	device.
    ➠		When	 connecting	 the	TV	set	 to	a	PC,	 first	 set	your	 PC	to	one	 of	the	following	screen	resolutions:
     800 x 600      60 Hz		(SVGA)   1024 x 768  60 Hz		(XGA)	1280 x 1024  60 Hz		(SXGA)		1360 x 768  60 Hz  (WXGA)
    ➠		When	 connecting	 a	SetTopBox	 set	the	 following	 screen	resolutions	according	to	the	possibilities	of	the	SetTopBox:
     SDTV:   720 x 576i    720 x 480i    720 x 576p    720 x 480p
     HDTV:   1280 x 720p    1920 x 1080i
    Connecting the device
    Connect	the	device	 to	the	PC IN socket	 of	the	 TV	set	 via	the	VGA	cable.	See 	page 	38 	for 	the 	sound 	connection.
    Registration	in	the	connection	wizard	is	not	necessary.
    Playback from the device
    Call	AV selection.
    	34	Select	PC IN	socket,		OK	 to	switch	over.
    Adapting the geometry (only possible with certain signals)This	 is	where	 the	picture	 can	be	properly	 positioned	 and	the	position	of	the	 picture	 (horizontal	 and	vertical)	 can	be	moved	 so	that	 it	fills	 the	entire	screen.	
    Call	TV menu.
    	34	Selecting	and	adjusting	the	Geometry.
    Setting the colour standard (only possible with certain signals)
    Call	TV menu.
    34	Select	Picture,		6	 go	to	the	menu	line	below.
     34	Select	and	set	colour standard:
    	 	 for	PCs:	RGB,		 	 für	STB:	Ycc	(rare:	Ypp	or	RGB)
    If	the	 wrong	 standard	 is	set	 then	 the	colours	 will	not	 be	displayed	correctly.
    -	38
    The	sound	 is	played	 over	the	speakers	 of	the	 TV	set	 (only	
    with	connected	TV	speakers)	or	over	a	speaker	system.
    Alternatively, 	connect 	the 	digital 	audio 	output 	of 	the 	exter-nal 	device 	to 	the 	AUDIO	DIGITAL	IN	socket 	of 	the 	TV 	set.
    Call	TV menu.
     34	Select	Connections,		6	 go	to	the	menu	line	below.
     34	Select	New devices/modifications.
     OK	 calls	the	wizard.
    	OK	 Go	to	the	AV equipment selection	menu.		6	Select	device	at	COMP.IN.
    Yellow button:	Activate	COMP. IN.
    Leave 	the 	signal type at socket COMP. IN	in 	the 	connection	wizard	on	Automatic	for	the	time	being.
    If	necessary	change	it	to:	SDTV,	HDTV	or	ProScan.(Additional 	information 	is 	available 	in 	the 	operating	manual	for	the	connected	device.)
    In 	an 	analogue 	audio 	connection, 	the 	sound 	is 	auto-matically	 played	over	the	speakers	 of	the	 TV	set	 (only	 if	TV	speakers	are	connected)	or	over	a	speaker	system.
    A	digital	audio	signal	must	be	assigned	via	the	TV menu → Connections → Miscellaneous → Assign digital audio input	to	the	COMP.	IN	socket,	see	page	45.
    Playback from the device
    Call	AV selection.
    	34	Select	COMP. IN	socket,		OK	 to	switch	over.
    Adapting the geometry (only possible with certain signals)
    This	is	where	 the	picture	 can	be	properly	 positioned	 and	the	position	of	the	 picture	 (horizontal	 and	vertical)	 can	be	moved	 so	that	 it	fills	 the	entire	screen.	
    Call	TV menu.
    	34	Select	and	adapt	the	Geometry.
    Connecting the audio signal from the PC or from the SetTopBox
    Analogue audio signal:
    Connect	 the	analogue	 audio	signal	 from	the	PC	or	the	SetTopBox	 via	stereo	 cable	to	the	AUDIO IN2 jack	 on	the	TV	set.
    The	 sound	 is	played	 via	the	 speakers	 connected	 to	the	TV	set	or	a	speaker	system.
    Digital audio signal:
    ➠		An 	external 	digital 	audio 	signal 	can 	be 	reproduced 	via	the 	integrated 	Dolby 	Digital 	Decoder 	or 	via 	an 	externally	connected 	digital 	audio 	amplifier.
    Connect 	the 	digital 	audio 	signal 	from 	the 	PC 	or 	the	SetTop-Box 	via 	a 	simple 	cinch 	cable 	to 	the 	AUDIO DIGITAL IN	socket	on	the	TV	set.
    The 	digital 	audio 	input 	can 	be 	assigned 	to 	the 	PC 	IN 	socket	by 	the 	TV menu → Connections → Miscellaneous → Assign digital audio input,	see	page	45.
    For	an	external	digital	audio	amplifier:
    ➠  External	 audio	amplifier	 is	already	 set	in	the	sound	components	wizard	(see	page	44).
    Feed	 the	digital	 audio	signal	 of	the	AUDIO DIGITAL OUT	socket	on	the	TV	set	to	the	external	amplifier.
    Connecting devices to the Component IN 
    connection and playback
    DVD 	players/recorders 	with 	component 	video 	connections	can 	also 	be 	connected 	to 	the 	Cb/Pb Cr/Pr Y	sockets 	(SD/HD-COMPONENT) 	 of 	the 	TV 	set 	instead 	of 	to 	the 	EURO 	AV	sockets.The	 connecting	 cable	with	three	 cinch	 plugs	 transmits	 the	picture	 in-formation	 in	better	 quality	 than	is	transmitted	 by	a	EURO	 AV	cable.	 You	need	an	additional	cable	for	audio	transmission.
    Connecting the device
    Connect 	the 	component 	video 	outputs 	of 	the 	external	device 	via 	a 	triple 	cinch 	cable 	to 	the 	Cb/Pb Cr/Pr Y sockets	on	the 	TV 	set.
    Connect 	the 	analogue 	audio 	outputs 	of 	the 	external	
    device	to	the	AUDIO IN1 L/R sockets	on	the	TV	set.
    Operating additional equipment
    39	-
    Operating additional equipment
    Sound components wizard
    The	sound	components	 wizard	helps	 you	to	configure	 the	components	used	to	play	the	TV	sound.Depending	 on	what	 you	want	 to	use,	 active	 speakers,	 speaker	systems	and	analogue	and	digital	HiFi/AV	amplifiers	can	be	configured.	
    The	sound	components	wizard	is	set	to	TV	speakers	at	the	factory.
    Integrated Dolby Digital Decoder
    Your	TV	set	 is	equipped	 with	an	integrated	 Dolby	Digital	 Decoder.	 This	system	has	also	 been	 introduced	 to	the	 DVD	 video	 range	 and	digital	 TV	stations	can	also	broadcast	in	digital	multi-channel	sound.	
    For	playback	 of	5	audio	 channels	 the	surround	 sound	is	reinforced	 by	the	deepest 	frequencies 	from 	the 	subwoofer 	channel 	(SUB), 	(5.1 	reproduction	= 	5 	audio 	channels 	and 	1 	subwoofer). 	All 	5 	audio 	channels 	are 	reproduced	with	 the	full	frequency	 range	from	20-	20,000	 hertz	and	generate	 the	original	theatre	effect.
    The	Dolby	 Digital	 Decoder	 also	decodes	 dts,	MPEG	 and	the	analogue	Dolby	 Pro	Logic	 and	Dolby	 Pro	Logic	 II	signals,	 regardless	 of	whether	the	 audio	 signal	 is	transmitted	 by	an	 external	 device	or	received	 by	the	TV	set.
    DVDs	 or	CDs	 with	 PCM	 coded	 audio	format	 are	also	 decoded	 by	the	Dolby 	Digital 	Decoder. 	The 	CD/DVD 	player 	must 	be 	connected 	via 	a	coaxial,	 digital	connection	 to	the	 digital	 input	AUDIO DIGITAL IN	for	 this	(see	page	45).
    The	 audio	 signals	 decoded	 by	the	 Dolby	 Digital	 Decoder	 are	output	 via	the	AUDIO  LINK	interface.	 You	can	connect	 a	speaker	 system	such	as		the	Loewe	 "Individual	 Sound"	(see	page	 40)	or	active	 speakers	 (see	page	41)	to	the	AUDIO  LINK	interface	 and	configure	 these	with	the	sound	components	wizard.	
    Settings 	for 	speaker 	systems 	and 	active 	speakers 	which 	are 	connected 	via	the	AUDIO LINK	interface	to	the	Dolby	Digital	Decoder	of	the	TV	set:	
    Register	speaker	(system)	or	active	speaker.
    Setting	of	the	lower	limit	frequency	of	the	speakers.
    Setting	of	the	distances	between	listener	and	speakers.
    Level	settings	for	the	speakers.
    Setting	of	the	phase	position	for	the	subwoofer	channel.
    -	40
    Line IN
    Power OUT
    Bass Intensity
    Operating additional equipment
    Speaker system Loewe Individual Sound on 
    the Dolby Digital Decoder of the TV set
    The	arrangement	 of	speakers	 and	TV	set	 can	 look	 like	the	illustration	below:	
    The	front	 and	surround	 speakers	should	be	installed	 symmetrically	 to	the	TV	set	and	to	your	sitting	position.
    You	 can	place	 the	subwoofer	 anywhere	on	the	 floor.	 We	recommend	placing	it	in	front	asymmetrically	next	to	the	TV	set.
    The	TV	speakers	are	used	as	center	speakers.
    For	the	 settings	 in	the	sound	 components	 wizard	enter	 the	distances	 of	the	centre	 speaker,	 and	the	front	 and	surround	 speakers	to	your	 sitting	position.	This	guarantees	a	natural	spatial	image	of	the	sound.
    TV	set
    Individual	Sound	(subwoofer)
    Before 	connecting 	any 	devices 	ensure 	that 	they 	are 	switched 	off 	or	unplug	their	mains	plug.
    Subwoofer	without	AUDIO LINK	interface:
    Plug 	the 	adapter 	cable 	to 	the 	AUDIO LINK	interface 	of 	the 	TV 	set. 	Connect	the 	cinch 	connections 	of 	the 	adapter 	cable 	to 	the 	6-pin 	cinch 	connections	of 	the 	subwoofer. 	Use 	the 	cinch 	cable 	which 	comes 	with 	the 	subwoofer	for 	this.
    The	 cubic	 plug	cable	 connects	 the	master	 connection	 on	the	 subwoofer	to	the	cubic	plug	of	the	adapter	cable.
    The	 adapter	 and	cubic	 plug	cable	 are	available	 from	your	dealer	 (see	Accessories,	page	55).
    Subwoofer	with	AUDIO LINK interface:
    The	subwoofer 	is 	connected 	to 	the 	TV 	set 	via 	the 	AUDIO LINK	interface. 	Use	the 	AUDIO LINK	cable 	which 	comes 	with 	the 	subwoofer 	for 	this 	(illustrated	by 	the 	grey 	dotted 	line 	in 	the 	figure).
    TV	speaker	as	Center.
    Setup	example	for	Loewe	Individual	SoundConnecting	Loewe	Individual	Sound	(Subwoofer)	to	the	TV	set
    AUDIO	LINK	cable(subwoofer	with	AUDIO	LINK)
    6-pole	cinchcable
    adapter	cable(subwoofer	without	AUDIO	LINK)
    cubic	plug	cable
    Downloaded	From	TV-Manual.com	Manuals                         
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