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Loewe Individual 32 Lcd Operating Instructions

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    11	-
    Turning the set on/off
    Switching the TV set to standby mode
    Press	the 	mains 	switch 	on 	the 	bottom 	of 	the 	set.
    The	 display	 in	the	 control	 panel	on	the	 front	 of	the	 set	will	be	illuminated	red,	the	set	is	now	in	standby	mode.
    Switching the TV on/off on the control unit
    Press	 the	on/off	 button	 in	the	 middle	 to	switch	 the	TV	set	on/off.
    Meaning	of	the	display	colour:
    Red:		 Standby	modeGreen:	 TV	set	is	switched	onOrange:		
    Radio	mode,	TV	set	receives	EPG	data	or	timer	recording	active
    Switching the set on with the remote control
    Press	the	on/off	button.
    or:	numeric	buttons	(0–99).
    or:	TV	button.
    or:	OK	button	–	station	list	is	called.
    Switching the set off with the remote control
    Press	the	on/off	button.
    ➠  Before 	switching 	off 	the 	set 	with 	the 	mains 	switch, 	we	recommend	you	to	switch	it	to	standby	mode.
    Switching on/switching to radio mode
    Press	R	on	the	TV	control	unit.
    or:	RADIO button	on	the	remote	control.
    (radio	mode,	see	page	34).
    First installation wizard
    First installation after switching on for the first timeThis	 wizard	 starts	automatically	 after	the	set	is	switched	 on	for	 the	 first	time,	 however	 it	can	 also	 be	called	 later	manually	 in	the	 TV	index,	see	Repeat initial installation on	page	14.
    The	 first	 step	 with	 the	wizard	 starts	when	 selecting	 the	language	for 	the 	user 	prompts. 	From 	this 	point 	on 	follow	the	instructions	on	your	TV	set.
    Brief explanation of button functions:
    Press 	the 	ring 	(up, 	down, 	left, 	right) 	to 	move 	the 	cursor	and 	to 	select 	settings.
    By	 pressing	 the	OK button a	setting	 is	confirmed	 and	you	will	go	to	the	next	step.
    You	 can	select	 or	remove	 several	items	with	the	yellow button	(see	example	below).When	 an	element	 is	selected,	 it	is	 marked	 by	a	check-mark	.	
    Use 	this 	button 	to 	go 	back 	one 	step.
    Exit	the	wizard	with	the	END button	(if	available).
    An 	example 	of 	multiple 	selection 	using 	the 	yellow button.
    continued	on	the	next	page	Ž
    Initial installation
    First installation wizardWhich language do you want to use for operation?
    Initial installationLanguageSprache    D                       Kieli        SFLanguage   GB                    Jezik       SLOLangue     F                       Jazyk      SKLingua      I                       Lisan      TRIdioma      E                       Språk      STaal        NL                     Sprog      DKJazyk      CZ                  Idioma      PΓλώσσα    GR                  Язык      RUS                                      Język      PL                   Språk      NNyelv      HProceed
    Initial installationConnect antenna cable(s)Antenna cable(s) for:            to antenna socket(s):Antenna/cable (analogue)        ANT TV        DVB-T                        ANT TV        DVB-C                        ANT TVDVB-S (cable 1)                ANT SAT        DVB-S (cable 2)                ANT SAT2                              Connect/disconnectProceed                        BackOK
    Downloaded	From	TV-Manual.com	Manuals 
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    Start	the	automatic	station	search	with	OK.	
    First	TV	stations,	then	radio	stations	are	searched	for.
    The	stations	 found	in	the	 automatic	 search	are	divided	into 	the 	appropriate 	station 	blocks 	depending 	on 	the	previously	 selected	antenna	 cables	(signal	 sources).	 Sub-sequently	 the	stations	 can	only	 be	re-sorted	 within	these	blocks.	At 	the 	beginning 	of 	the 	station 	list 	you 	will 	find 	the	block	with	the	stations	of	the	preferred	signal	source.
    Any 	mixed 	sorting 	of 	stations 	from 	different 	signal 	sources	is	only	possible	with	the	favourites	list.
    In 	conclusion 	the 	connection 	wizard 	and 	the 	sound 	com-ponents	 wizard	will	 start;	 with	their	 help	you	can	register	and	 set	your	 video	 devices,	 decoders,	 speaker	system,	or	a	HiFi/AV	 amplifier	 and	connect	 them	to	the	 TV	set.	DVD	 players	 and	DVD	 recorders	 are	already	 registered	at	the	factory.	You	can 	start 	the	connection 	wizard 	and	the	sound	components 	wizard 	manually 	later 	and 	add 	new 	devices.	Further 	information 	is 	available 	from 	page 	35 	(Connection	wizard)	and	page	39	(Sound	components	wizard).
    If	 you	 have	 registered	 and	connected	 a	recorder	 in	the	connection 	wizard, 	the 	Digital 	Link 	Plus 	transmission	begins	 at	the	 end	 of	the	sound	 components	 wizard.	If	a	Digital 	Link 	Plus 	capable 	recorder 	is 	connected, 	the	
    station	 list	of	the	 analogue	 stations	is	transmitted	 to	the	external	recorder.
    You	 can	also	 call	Digital	 Link	Plus	under	TV menu → Con-nections → Digital Link Plus.If	you	 have	 not	connected	 a	Digital	 Link	Plus	capable	recorder,	you	can	abort	the	transmission.
    Explanations of the DVB-T antenna:
    With	 good	 reception	 conditions	 a	room	 antenna	 can	be	used	for	DVB-T	(socket	ANT2).
    Under 	less 	favourable 	reception 	conditions, 	it 	is 	advisable	
    to	 use	 an	active	 antenna	 which	has	to	be	 set	 accordingly	in	the	 initial	 installation	 or	in	the	TV menu	→	Connections	→	Antenna  DVB	→	Antenna  DVB-T	(see	 DVB-T	 antenna	on	this	page).
    If	the 	location 	is 	outside 	of 	the 	normal 	transmission	range	 then	a	directional	 antenna	can	be	used	 to	improve	reception	quality.
    Initial installation
    Explanations of the setting possibilities:
    Select	the	country	for	country-specific	pre-settings.
    Antenna/cable (analogue): analogue	stations	via	 cable/antennaDVB-T:	digital,	terrestrial	stationsDVB-C:	digital	stations	via	cableDVB-S (line 1):	 digital	stations	via	satellite	(1
    DVB-S (line 2): digital	stations	via	satellite	(1
    If	you	 are	using	 an	active	 antenna,	 then	select	yes (5V) for	the	antenna	power	supply.
    The	conventional 	settings 	will 	be 	derived 	from 	the 	selection	of 	set 	location. 	Only 	change 	this 	if 	you 	know 	other 	symbol	rates 	and 	modulation 	types 	or 	if 	you 	have 	to 	specify 	the	network 	ID 	for 	your 	cable 	network 	(information 	available	from 	your 	cable 	network 	provider). 	If 	you 	want 	to 	run 	the	station 	search 	independently 	of 	the 	channel 	grid, 	select	frequency 	search 	for 	the 	search 	method.
    Select	 which	 satellite(s)	 you	receive	 from	a	list.	 For	more	than	 one	satellite,	 select	the	type	 of	your	 changeover	switch	or	communal	satellite	system	additionally.	Ask	your	dealer	in	this	regard.
    Specify 	here 	whether 	the 	high 	band 	of 	the 	selected 	satellite	is 	to 	be 	searched 	in 	addition 	to 	the 	low 	band.
    Normally,	 you	do	not	 need	 to	change	 the	values	 for	high	and 	low 	band, 	unless 	the 	LNC 	(LNB) 	of 	your 	satellite	system	 uses	a	different	 oscillator	 frequency	 (important	for	the	frequency	display).After	you	have	 made	 these	settings,	 you	should	 receive	the	picture 	and 	sound 	of 	the 	selected 	satellites 	(only 	with	Astra1	and	HOTBIRD).
    The	 symbol	 rates	are	specified	 by	the	 satellite	 provider	and	normally	do	not	need	to	be	changed.
    Select	the 	signal 	source 	that 	provides 	the 	stations 	to 	be 	on	top	of	your	station	list	(starting	with	station	slot	1).
    DVB-S 	settings 	only 	possible 	if 	digital 	twin 	satellite 	tuners 	have 	been 	retrofitted		(see 	accessories, 	page 	55).
    Location	of	TV	set
    Antenna	selection
    DVB-T:	Antenna
    DVB-C:	Settings
    DVB-S	(1:	Satellite	system
    High	band
    LNC	frequencies	Low	Band	/	High	Band
    Symbol	rates
    Favoured	signal	source	
    Start	search
    Connecting additional devices
    Digital	LinkPlus
    Room	antenna
    Active	antenna
    Unidirectional	antenna
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    Positioning/aligning DVB-T antenna
    If	you	 are	receiving	 one	or	more	 DVB-T	 stations	 with	picture	 and	sound	interference	 then	you	should	 change	 the	installation	 location	and	align-ment 	of 	the 	antenna. 	Ask 	your 	dealer 	to 	tell 	you 	which 	channels 	are 	used	to	broadcast	the	DVB-T	stations	in	your	region.
    ➠  In	normal	TV	mode,	without	other	displays.		A	DVB-T	station	is	received	and	selected.	
    Call	TV menu.
    	34	Select	Settings,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select	Stations,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select	Manual adjustment,		OK	 call	manual	adjustment.
    The	 signal	 source	 is	already	 on	DVB-T	 due	to	the	 station	preselection.	
    Position	 and	align	 the	antenna	 in	such	 a	manner	 that	maximum	values	for	C/N and	Level	are	obtained.
    Blue button: Start	search.
    Search	for 	DVB-T 	stations 	one 	after 	another 	and 	compare	values 	for 	C/N	and 	Level.Then 	position/align 	the 	antenna 	to 	the 	weakest 	station	so 	that 	maximum 	values 	for 	C/N and 	Level	are 	obtained.
    Thereafter 	perform 	an 	automatic 	search 	for 	all 	DVB-T	stations,	see	page	22.
    Explanation of the setting possibilities:
    Depending 	on 	the 	selected 	channel 	and 	country 	the	associated	 bandwidth	 of	7	or	 8	MHz	 will	be	set	 auto-matically.
    Initial installationOperating convenience
    General information on menu operation
    Use	 the	MENU  button	to	 call	 menus	 for	the	 various	 modes.	 Additional	menus	can	be	called	directly	with	the	remote	control.The	menus	 are	displayed	 at	the	 bottom	 of	the	 screen.	 At	the	 top	 you	 get	additional	 information	 about	the	selected	 menu	item	(see	info	display	on	page	14).	
    ➠ In	normal	TV	mode,	without	other	displays.
    Call	TV menu.
    Example: Selecting and executing functions
    34	Select	Picture,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select	Brightness,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Set	Brightness.
    			Go	to	the	Brightness	menu	line		to	make	other	picture	settings.
    	34	Select	more ...	,		OK call	more ...	functions.
    	34	Select	Auto format,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select	on / off.
    Conclude	the	settings.
    Inputs via numeric buttons
    Letters 	have 	to 	be 	entered 	for 	specific 	functions. 	Like	using	 a	mobile	 phone	keypad	 (1	to	 9),	 press	 a	numeric	button	until	the	desired	character	appears.	
    The 	available 	letters 	are 	imprinted 	on 	the 	individual	
    numeric	buttons.
    ENDINFOSoundConnectionsRecordingSettingsPictureTV menu
    Picture adjustment       ...
    PictureHere you can adjust among other things: Contrast, colour, brightness, picture adjustment, sharpness, picture format.
    Manual adjustmentSignal source          DVB-T                           DVB-C    DVB-S     AChannel              E05Frequency            177.50 MHzBandwidth            7 MHzName                12 TestC/N 96               Level 99Overwrite stationSearch
    Signal sourceSelect the area in which you want the broadcaster to search here. You ca\
    n use the          button to automatically select station by station.
    -	14
    Operating convenience
    The index in the TV set
    You	can	start	 all	wizards	 and	many	 operating	 functions	directly	from	this	point.	 The	complete	 function	scope	of	the	 TV	set	 can	 thus	 be	easily	understood.Alphabetic 	sorting 	is 	preceded 	by 	the 	items 	Language,	Integrated features	and	Repeat initial installation.
    Call index
    ➠ In	normal	TV	mode,	without	other	displays.
    Call	Index.
    You	will	see	an	info	text	for	the	highlighted	keyword	in	the	info	display.
    If	 an	 OK	 symbol	 appears	 in	the	 marked	 line,	this	function	can	be	called	directly	with	OK.
    Selecting a keyword
    Enter	initial	letters	with	the	numeric buttons	like	with	a	
    mobile	phone	keypad	(see	page	13).
    or	go	with:
    	34	to	the	preceding	/	next	letters,
    	6	from	line	to	line,
    P+/P–	scroll	backwards	or	forwards	in	whole	pages.
    	 Example:	You	want 	to 	have 	the 	TV 	set 	switch 	off 	automatically 	at	
    a 	specific 	time:	 	 Select	the	keyword	Switch off → Automatic,	with	OK	you	will	go	to	the	setting.
    The info display
    The	 info	 display	 shows	a	content-based	 info	text	for	each	 menu	 item	at	the	top 	edge 	of 	the 	screen 	to 	help 	you 	in 	making 	the 	settings. 	In 	conjunc-tion	with	the	index	it	creates	a	convenient	control	system.
    ➠ A	menu	is	displayed.
    The	 factory	 setting	makes	the	info	 display	 appear	 auto-matically 	for 	each 	menu 	item. 	In 	this 	case 	you 	can	temporarily	hide	the	info	texts	with	the	INFO button.
    The	 automatic	 info	display	 can	be	hidden	 via	a	menu	setting.	 Then	it	can	 be	displayed	 once	by	pressing	 the	INFO	button.
    You	can	tell	if	an	 info	 text	is	available	 by	an	INFO	icon	that	is	shown	in	the	lower	right	above	the	menu	bar.
    Permanently display or hide the automatic info display
    Once 	you 	have 	become 	familiar 	with 	how 	to 	operate 	the 	TV 	set, 	you 	can	switch 	off 	the 	automatic 	info 	display.
    ➠ In	normal	TV	mode,	without	other	displays.
    Call	TV menu.
    	34	Select	Settings,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select	Miscellaneous,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select	On-screen displays,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select	Automatic info,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below:	yes	/	no.
    ENDINFOSoundPictureConnectionsConnectionsRecordingSettingsTV menu
    SettingsHere, you can search for the stations automatically or manually as well \
    as setthe menu language, timer functions, parental lock, on-screen displays, e\
    Stations             ...END
    P+P–OKaz-Activate                    Previous/next letterSelect letter                Page ↓↑
    IndexLanguageIntegrated featuresRepeat initial installation*Access codeASSIST+Automatic dimmerAutomatic station programming
    You can select your language for operating the TV set.
    15	-
    TV menu – Overview diagram
    Operating convenience
    Radio menu – Overview diagram
    Parental lock
    Timer functions
    TV menu
    On-screen displays
    Time and date
    Radio menu
    SoundStationTimer functions
    Recording wizard (1
    Timer list
    Pre-record time
    Post record time
    New devices/modifications (1
    Sound components (1
    Antenna DVB (1
    Digital Link Plus
    MiscellaneousManual adjustment of AV standardAssign digital audio inputAllow switching voltageRGB insertion at AV2
    Switch off times (4
    Alarm times (4
    Wake up withWake up signal volume
    TimeDeviation from Universal TimeDateBeginning of daylight-saving timeEnd of daylight-saving time
    Auto volumeAV output signalMaximum volumeSwitch on volumeVolume adjustment forcurrent station
    Picture adjustment
    Colour intensity
    Colour temperature
    Digital Noise Control (DNC)
    On-screen display timeOn-screen display positionVolumeAutomatic info
    Search wizard (1
    Manual adjustment
    Change stations
    Search wizard (1
    Manual adjustmentChange stationsSelect/change favourites
    Image+Picture formatMove picture up/down(3
    Auto formatFilm quality improvement (DMM)
    Sound mode
    DPLII mode (6
    Sound adjustment
    Headphone volume
    Sound mode
    DPLII mode (6
    Sound adjustment
    Headphone volume
    DVB character set
    Activate switch-off positionSet switch-off positionBasic adjustment
    Western EuropeanPolishStandard
    Loudspeaker sound (2
    Headphone sound (2
    Auto volumeAV output signalMaximum volumeSwitch on volumeVolume adjustment forcurrent station
    Switch off times (4
    Alarm times (4
    Wake up with
    Wake up signal volumeRotate TV (7
    Software update (1
    CA module: xxx (5
    DVB subtitles
    (1		A 	wizard 	is 	started 	here.(2		 Menu 	items 	only 	appear 	for 	analogue 	stations.(3		 Menu 	item 	only 	appears 	with 	certain 	picture 	formats 	(see 	page 	20).(4		 Summary 	of 	individual 	menu 	terms.(5		 Menu 	item 	only 	appears 	if 	a 	CA 	module 	is 	plugged 	in 	(see page 32).(see 	page 	32) ..(6		Menu 	item 	only 	appears 	with 	certain 	sound 	mode 	settings.(7			 Menu 	item 	only 	appears 	when, 	for 	example, 	a 	stand 	with 	motor 	drive 	is 	used 	(see 	page 	55).
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    Select station
    With the keys P+ and P– on the remote control
    P+/P–	station	up/down.
    The	station	 display	with	sound	 identification	 is	displayed	briefly.
    ➠  If	favourites	 are	selected,	 the	station	 is	switched	 over	in	the	favourites	list	with	P+/P–	(see	page	17).
    ➠  The	symbols 	for 	the 	sound 	identification 	are 	described	on	page	21.	
    ➠  If	 there	 are	additional	 languages	 or	DVB	 subtitles	 for	DVB	stations,	 then	language	 and	subtitle	 selection	 is	shown	below	the	station	display.	➠  See	also	 page	 21:	Additional	 selection	possibilities	 for	DVB	stations.
    With the numeric keys of the remote control
    1-digit stations
    Keep	the  numeric  button	pressed	 for	one	 second,	 the	station	changes	immediately.
    or:	Press	the numeric button	briefly, 	the 	station 	changes 	after	
    2	seconds	(changes 	immediately 	in 	case 	up 	to 	9 	stations	are 	stored).
    2-digit and 3-digit stations
    Press	first	(and	second)	numeric button	briefly.
    Keep 	the 	last 	numeric button pressed 	for 	one 	second, 	the	station	changes	immediately.
    or:	Press	 all	the	numeric buttons	briefly,	 the	station	 changes	after	2	seconds	 (changes	 ilmmediately	 up	to	99	 or	999	stored	stations).
    4-digit stations
    Press 	all 	four 	numeric buttons,	the 	station 	changes 	imme-diately.
    ➠  If	 favourites	 are	selected,	 the	station	 in	the	 favourites	list	is	switched	 to	with	 the	numeric	 buttons	(see	page	
    17).	A	maximum	two-digit	station	input	is	possible.
    ➠  If	you 	select 	an 	unoccupied 	station 	slot, 	the 	next 	avail-able	station	is	switched	to.
    With the station list
    ➠  In	normal	TV	operation,	without	further	displays,	no	favourites	selected:
    	OK	 call	Station list.
    P+/P–	scroll	in	the	pages	of	the	station	list.
    634	Mark	stations.
    or:	Enter 	the 	number 	of 	the 	station 	with 	the 	numeric buttons.
    The	marked	station	is	shown	as	a	small	picture.
     OK the	marked	station	is	called.
    Blue button:	Changes 	sorting 	from 	numeric to	alphabetic.
    Enter	initial	letters	with	the	numeric buttons	like	with	a	mobile	phone	keypad	(see	page	13).	
    The	first	station	for	the	specified	letters	is	marked.
    634Mark	stations.
     OK the	marked	station	is	called.
    Station list
    21:00 - 21:45  Urlaubsparadies - ToskanaScan stationsChange stationsChange sorting
          COMP. IN      HDMI1/DVI      HDMI2/DVI      VGA      AVS      DVD      VCR    0  VIDEO    1  Das Erste           2  ZDF                3  WDR Köln          4  Bayrisches FS   
    Switch to ...Select stationFavourites
        5  hr-fernsehen          6  Phoenix              7  BR-alpha             8  3sat                 9  EinsExtra           10  EinsFestival         11  EinsPlus            12  ZDFinfokanal        13  ZDFdokukanal      14  ZDFtheaterkan      15  arte                16  DAS VIERTE       
    Page ↑↓
    Station list
    21:00 - 21:45  Urlaubsparadies - ToskanaScan stationsChange stationsChange sorting
    3sat                 9Live                
    arte                  ARD                 AVS
    Bayrisches FS         BR-alpha             BR
    Switch to ...Select letterFavourites
    Das Erste             DSF                  DVDDVD-REC
    EinsExtra             EinsFestival           EinsPlus              Eurosport            
    Page ↑↓
    Daily operation
    Sorting	numerically
    Sorting	alphabetically
    short		short		long
    all	short
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    Daily operation
    With the favourites lists
    You	can	save	 and	call	your	 favourite	 stations	in	6	favourites	 lists	(e.g.	 for	multiple	 users).	Each	favourites	 list	can	 contain	 up	to	99	 stations.	 After	initial	installation,	 10	stations	 from	the	station	 list	are	 already	 stored	in	the	first	 list.	Change	 the	favourites	 list	to	 suit	 your	 requirements	 (see	Put  together – changing favourites lists	on	page	24).
    ➠	In	normal	TV	mode,	without	other	displays:
     OK	 calls	the	station	list.
    Red button:	calls	the	favourites	list.
    Select	station	directly	with	numeric buttons.	
    P+/P–	scroll	in	the	pages	of	the	favourites	list.
    	6	Mark	stations.
    	OK the	marked	station	is	called.
    	34	Select	other	favourites	list
    ➠  Other	favourites	 lists	can	 only	 be	selected	 if	they	 also	contain	stations.
    Red button:	 Back	to	the	station	list.
    Green button:		
    Scan	 all	stations	 of	the	 currently	 selected	favourites	list.
    Yellow button: Change	the	favourites	lists,	see	page	24.
    Explanation of the favourites lists
    The	selection	 made	with	the	red	button	 (station	 list	or	favourites	 list)	is	
    retained 	until 	the 	next 	call. 	All 	inputs 	then 	refer 	exclusively 	to 	the 	currently	selected	favourites	list.	
    If	 favourites	 are	selected,	 the	name	 of	the	 favourites	 list	appears	 after	the	station	name.
    Explanation of the icons following station names:
    		Digital	DVB-T	station	(terrestrial	via	antenna)
    		 Digital	DVB-C	station	(via	cable)
    		 Digital	DVB-S	station	(via	satellite)
    		 Coded	station
    Select video source
    ➠	 Please	ensure	that	the	appropriate	 devices	have	also	been	 registered	with	the	device	connection	wizard	(see	page	35).
    Via AV selection
    Call AV selection.
    	34	Select	desired	device	or	connection,
    	OK to	switch	over.
    A	signal	from	the	selected	video	source	should	now	be	visible.
    Via station list
    ➠	In	normal	TV	mode,	without	other	displays:
     OK call	the	station	list.
    In 	numerical 	sorting 	the 	connections 	or 	devices 	are 	always	at	the	beginning	of	the	list.In 	alphabetic 	sorting, 	the 	connections 	or 	devices 	are	sorted	in	alphabetically.
    634	Select	connection/device.
    	OK to	switch	over.
    P+P–Switch to ...Station list
    Favourites 1Favourites
      1 Das Erste            2 ZDF                3 WDR Köln            4 Bayrisches FS        5 hr-fernsehen          6 Phoenix              7 BR-alpha            8 3sat                9 EinsPlus           10 EinsExtra          11 MTV              12 VIVA              Select stationPage ↑↓Scan stationsChange favourites09-
    Station list
    Scan stationsChange stationsChange sorting
          COMP. IN      HDMI1/DVI      HDMI2/DVI      VGA      AVS      DVD      VCR    0  VIDEO              1  Das Erste           2  ZDF                3  WDR Köln          4  Bayrisches FS   
    Switch to ...Select stationFavourites
        5  hr-fernsehen          6  Phoenix              7  BR-alpha             8  3sat                 9  EinsExtra           10  EinsFestival         11  EinsPlus            12  ZDFinfokanal        13  ZDFdokukanal      14  ZDFtheaterkan      15  arte                16  DAS VIERTE         
    Page ↑↓
    -	18
    Daily operation
    Adjusting the sound
    Switching sound off/on
    Sound	off;Sound	on:	Press	button	again	or	set	volume	V+.
    Setting the volume
    V+/V–	volume	louder	/	quieter.
    The	volume	bar	will	be	shown	briefly	if	no	other	menu	is	displayed.
    Setting the sound mode
    Call	Sound mode.
    	34	Select	the	number	of	speakers	you	want	to	hear.
    Additional sound settings for volume adjustment and for Sound mode:
    ➠		As 	long 	as 	you 	can 	still 	see 	the 	volume 	bar 	or 	the	selection	of	speakers	for	sound	mode:
    		Call	additional	sound	settings.
    	34	Select	sound	setting,
    	6	 Go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Make	changes.
    Sound settings via the TV menu
    ➠ In	normal	TV	mode,	without	other	displays.
    Call	TV menu.
    34	Select Sound,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select	desired	sound	setting,	6	 Go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Make	changes.
    Explanations of the sound settings:
    Select	 the	number	 of	speakers	 you	want	 to	hear.	 The	selection	 depends	on	the	 connected	 sound	components	(from	page	39)	and	on	the	transmitted	audio	signal.
    ➠  If	the	 number	 of	speakers	 appears	in	brackets,	 the	sound	of 	missing 	speakers 	is 	transmitted 	by 	the 	existing	speakers 	(virtual).
    The	 momentarily	 reproduced	audio	signal	 is	output	 with	the	ideal	number	of	speakers.
    Play	centre	sound	or	mono	(left/right).Play	front	sound	(L/R	stereo).Play	front	and	centre	sound.Play	front	and	surround	sound.Play	front,	surround	and	centre	sound.
    ➠  You	can	also	 enter	 the	number	 of	speakers	 with	the	numeric	buttons	of	the	remote	control.
    play	via 	an 	external 	HiFi 	amplifier. 	Selection 	is 	only	possible	 if	an	 amplifier	 has	been	 selected	 in	the	sound	components	wizard.
    Speech,	 Classical,	 Pop,	Custom	 music,	and	Custom	 film	sound.
    Adjust	the	headphones	volume.
    Proper	boost	of	bass	and	treble	tones	at	low	volume.
    Here	you	can	make	 Dolby	 Pro	Logic	 II	sound	 settings	 for	movie,	music,	matrix	and	personal	 settings.	Menu	item	only	appears	with	certain	sound	mode	settings.
    call	with	OK.
    Selection	 possibility	 Mono/Stereo	 or	Sound	 1	or	 Sound	2	for	 two-sound	 broadcasts	separately	for	speakers	 and	headphones.	Only	available	for	analogue	stations.
    Reduces	volume 	differences, 	e.g. 	for 	advertisements 	that	are	too	loud.
    Sound	selection	for	two-sound	broadcasts.
    Determining	the	maximum	volume	that	can	be	set.
    Specify	 the	volume	 that	is	set	 when	 switching	 on	the	 TV	set	with	 the	mains	 switch.	 This	does	 not	affect	 switching	the	set	on	from	standby	mode.
    The	volume 	can 	differ 	according 	to 	the 	individual 	stations.	If	 the	 sound	 is	too	 loud	 or	too	 quiet	 in	relation	 to	other	stations, 	adjust 	the 	volume. 	When 	the 	menu 	is 	open, 	you	can	 select	 the	stations	 one	after	 another	 with	P+/P–	and	adjust	every	single	station	conveniently.
    Sound	mode
    Sound	adjustment
    Headphone 	vol.
    DPLII	mode
    more ...
    Sound		Speakers/	Headphones
    Auto	Volume
    AV	output	signal
    Maximum	volume
    Switch	on	volume
    Volume	adjustment	for	current	station
    ENDSound adjustmentVolumeSound modeDPLII mode24Headphone volume
    4Sound mode         ...(5)optimal321
    19	-
    Daily operation
    Adjusting the picture
    Call	TV menu.
    	34	Select	Picture,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select	the	desired	picture	function,		6	 go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Make	changes.
    Explanations of the picture settings
    Switches	the	picture	 parameters	 between	standard	and	personal	values.
    Adjust	contrast.
    Adjust	the	colour.
    Set	warmer	or	cooler	tints	for	the	picture.
    Adjust	the	brightness	of	the	picture.
    Adjust	the	contour	sharpness	of	the	picture.
    Removes	or	reduces	the	signal	noise	in	the	picture.
    Call	with	OK.
    Image	improvement	on/off	and	demo	mode.
    Setting	possibilities 	for 	the 	picture 	format 	(see 	page 	20).
    Move 	picture 	vertically 	(see 	page 	20).
    With	Auto	 format	switched	 on,	the	TV	set	 recognises	 the	picture	format	for	Cinemascope	or	wide	screen	 movies	and	adapts	accordingly.
    Reduce	image	jolting.
    Standard values / personal values for picture adjustment
    Call	TV menu.
    	34	Select	Picture,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select	Picture adjustment,
    	6	 go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    34	Select	desired	values	for	picture,	OK	 call	selected	values	for	picture.
    Explanations for picture adjustment
    Custom	 adjustments	 of	contrast,	colour	intensity,	colour	temperature,	brightness,	sharpness	and	digital	 noise	supression	are	 saved	 in	the	per-sonal	 values.	There	 are	separate	personal	 values	for	 every	 signal	 source	(TV	analog,	TV	digital,	HD	analog,	HD	digital,	PC,	PhotoViewer).	
    By	selecting	Standard values	the	 picture	 parameters	 are	reset	 to	factory	values	for	the	respective	currently	active	signal	source.For 	an 	explanation 	of 	the 	signal 	source; 	see 	glossary: 	Signal  input groups.
    In	the	 index	 of	the	 TV	set,	 all	the	 picture	 and	sound	 adjustments	 can	be	reset 	to 	the 	factory 	values 	for 	all 	signal 	sources 	in 	one 	step 	under 	Reset pic-ture/sound	or	Initialise picture/sound	or	Factory settings picture/sound.
    Operation without remote control
    Changing the station on the TV set
    + / –	Station	up/down.
    Switching radio on or off or switching to radio
    R  Radio	on 	/ 	off 	or 	switching 	between 	TV 	and 	radio.
    Calling the TV menu on the set
    ➠ Service is	for	customer	service	personnel	only.
      M call Direct control on TV set	menu,
    – / +	select	function.
    M	or	R	go	to	the	menu	line	below,– / +	make	changes.
     M	 move	up	one	menu	line,	– / +	select	other	function.
    BrightnessVolumeDirect control on TV set
    19ContrastPicture formatStationAV selection
    ENDINFOSoundConnectionsRecordingSettingsPictureTV menu
    Picture adjustment       ...
    PictureHere you can adjust among other things: Contrast, colour, brightness, picture adjustment, sharpness, picture format.
    ENDINFOContrastColour temperatureColour intensityPicture adjustmentPicture (standard values, TV digital)TV menu
    Picture adjustmentHere, you can switch between the preset standard values for contrast, co\
    lourintensity, colour temperature, brightness, focus and digital noise reduc\
    tionand your own personal values. Each of the signal input groups „TV ana\
    logue“, „TV digital“, „HD analogue“, „HD digital“, „PC“ \
    and „PhotoViewer“ has its ownvalues. Refer to printed operating manual.
    Standard values (TV digital)               ...
    OKPicture adjustmentPicture (personal values, TV digital)TV menu
    Standard values (TV digital)Personal values (TV digital)
    Picture	adjustment
    Colour 	intensity
    Colour		temperature
    more ...
    Picture	format
    Vertical	picture	hold
    Auto	format
    Downloaded	From	TV-Manual.com	Manuals 
    -	20
    Daily operation
    Button functions
    Each	operating	 mode	of	the	 TV	set	 (TV,	 Radio,	 Teletext,	 EPG,	or	Picture	in	Picture)	 has	a	separate	 menu	and	separate	 functions	 for	the	 coloured	buttons.	 The	assignment	 of	the	 coloured	 buttons	is	illustrated	 in	the	description	of	the	individual	operating	modes.	Below,	 some	of	the	 button	 functions	 are	listed	 which	 you	need	 for	daily	operation	of	your	TV	set.
    Functions of the coloured buttons in TV mode
    Red button:	Digital	Recorder:	DR	archive	on/off.
    Green button: Call	menu	Teletext	subtitles.
    	34	Select	size	of	the	Teletext	subtitles,
    	OK	 show	Teletext	subtitles.	 	 (display	only	if	subtitles	are	available).
    END:	Teletext	subtitles	off.
    Yellow button:	Go	to	the	last	viewed	station.Use 	this 	button 	to 	quickly 	switch 	back 	and 	forth 	between	two	stations.
    Blue button:	Show	programme	info.
    Permanent display of time
    Press	twice	in	rapid	succession,	the	time	is	permanently	displayed.
    K or	END:	Hide	time.
    Selecting the picture format
    Press	 the	picture	 format	button	 until	the	desired	 picture	format	is	marked	or
    	34	to	select	the	desired	picture	format.
    The	Panorama	picture	 format	can	be	switched	 between	proportionally	correct	and	format	filling	reproduction.Dark	margins 	are 	visible 	on 	the 	right 	and 	left 	of 	the 	picture	in	proportionally	correct	reproduction.
    Switching	 over:	Keep	 the	M	button	 on	the	 set	pressed,	at	the	 same	 time	press	 the	Picture format	button	 on	the	remote	control	briefly.	
    Resetting:	Press	the	same	button	combination	again.
    Explanations of the picture formats
    ➠  Setting	possibilities	depend	on	the	displayed	picture	content.
    	16:9	 Proportionally	correct	display	of	16:9	programmes.
    	4:3	 Proportionally	correct	display	of	4:3	programmes.
    	Panorama	Proportionally 	correct 	or 	format 	filling 	reproduction 	(delivery(delivery	status)	of 4:3 broadcasts on the 16:9 screen. Station logosof	4:3 	broadcasts 	on 	the 	16:9 	screen. 	Station 	logos	and 	subtitles 	remain 	intact.		 	 See	above 	for 	switching 	Panorama 	mode.
    	Cinema	 Proportionally	 correct,	format	filling	display	 of	4:3	 broad-casts	on	16:9	screens.	
    	Zoom	 Proportionally 	correct 	display. 	Maximum 	picture 	magnification.	
    	PALplus	 Is	 a	4:3-compatible	 16:9	picture	 broadcast	 supplied	by	the	station	which	is	detected	automatically.		
    If	a	high-resolution	 picture	signal	is	displayed	 on	the	 TV	set	or	fed	 in	via	 the	 interfaces	 PC	IN,	 HDMI1/DVI,	 HDMI2/DVI	or	COMP.	 IN,	the	 picture	 formats	16:9	TV,	4:3	TV	as	well	as	16:9	PC,	4:3	PC	and	Zoom	can	be	set.
    Move picture vertically
    ➠ In	normal	TV	mode,	without	other	displays:
    	6	Move	picture	up/down.
    To	 show	 subtitles	 or	news	 tickers	 which	have	been	 cut	off,	the	picture	 can	be	moved	 up	or	down	 in	the	 picture	formats 	Panorama,	Cinema	 and 	Zoom	(not 	with 	high	resolution	signal)	with	the	arrow buttons	6.
    Call Assist+
    Call	the	Assist+	menu.
    	3434	 	Select	DR	archive,	Radio,	Favourites,	PhotoViewer,	Index,	Personal	text	pages.
    	OK	 calls	the	function.
    Detailed info (teletext)Programme previewDetailed infoProgramme info          14:43
    1  ARD14:30 - 15.15    Urlaubsparadies Toskana   
    ENDINFOOKwith double sizewith normal sizeTeletext subtitles
       14:42
    OKENDINFOPhotoViewerIndexRadioDR archiveASSIST+
    ActivateOKFavouritesPersonal text pages
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