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Loewe Individual 32 Lcd Operating Instructions

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Page 1

	 Individual	32	Selection	HD+/DR+
Operating Instructions

Page 2

Please	fold	out	this	page.
Remote Control – TV Functions ...............................................................3
Control unit front side of the device  .......................................................4
Connections rear side of the device ........................................................5
Welcome ........................................................................\
Scope of delivery...

Page 3

3	-
Remote Control – TV Functions
Switch	on/off– 	to 	standby 	mode	..................................................(page 	11)
Switch 	over 	to 	radio 	mode	(1	.....................(page 	11; 	page 	34)
Switch 	over 	to 	operate 	DVD 	player	..........................(page 	50)
Set 	sound 	mode	 (page 	18)
Select 	station 	directly;MENU: 	Enter 	numbers 	or 	letters	..............................(page 	16)
AV 	selection	.............................................................(page 	17)

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Control unit front side of the device
(1			Radio 	only 	for 	DVB 	reception, 	provided 	the 	station 	broadcasts 	this.	Otherwise 	switch 	over 	to 	an 	audio 	input.
I     N     D     I     V     I     D     U     A     L
Button +:
Station up
in the menu: to the right
On/Off button:
Switch on from the standby mode
Switch off from the standby mode
Button – :
Station down
in the menu: to the left 
     = Standby
     = Operation
     = Operation without on-screen display...

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Connections rear side of the device
(1	Digital 	twin 	satellite 	tune 	optionally 	available 	as 	an 	upgrade 	kit 	(see 	accessories, 	page 	55).
Connect antenna
output with ANT-TV
(tuner 1)
(Tuner 1)
mains switch
CONTROL - rotating stand control
RS-232C - serial interface
AUDIO IN1 L/R - audio input left/right (analogue)
AUDIO OUT L/R - audio output left right (analogue)
Satellite antenna
(Sat tuner 2)

Page 6

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Thank you!
At	Loewe, 	we 	combine 	the 	highest 	standards 	of 	technology, 	design 	and	user 	friendliness. 	This 	applies 	equally 	for 	TV, 	video 	and 	accessories.
Your	 new	TV	set	 is	equipped	 for	the	 TV	standard	 "HDTV"	(High	Definition 	Television). 	With 	its 	high 	resolution 	screen	and	 future-safe	 digital	interfaces	 HDMI	(High	Definition	Multimedia	 Interface),	it	offers	 the	possibility	 of	present-ing	HDTV	programmes	in	outstanding	picture	quality.	HDTV	 is	a...

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Operating convenience with wizards
This	TV	set	 offers	 user	prompting	 with	wizards	 that	take	 you	through	 the	settings	step-by-step.
You	can	return	to	the	previous	step	or	exit	the	wizard	at	any	time.
The wizards in overview
Initial installation
The	initial	installation	wizard	 helps	you	with	 the	initial	 installation	 and	connection	of	any	existing	equipment	(see	page	11).
Setting up the antenna
You	enter	 in	the	 antenna	 wizard	which	antenna	 signals	are	available	 to	you.	The...

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For your own safety and to prevent unnecessary damage to your device, read and comply with the following safety instructions:
Proper use and environmental conditions
This	TV 	set 	is 	designed 	exclusively 	for 	reception 	and 	reproduction 	of	video 	and 	audio 	signals 	and 	is 	designed 	for 	living 	rooms 	or 	office 	facilities,	and	 should	 not	be	operated	 in	rooms	 with	high	humidity,	such	 as	a	bathroom,	 or	sauna,	 or	where	 there	is	a	high	concentration of dust	(e.g.	workshops).
If	 the...

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For your safety
Energy consumption
Your	TV 	set 	is 	equipped 	with 	an 	eco-standby 	power 	supply. 	In 	the 	standby	mode, 	the 	power 	consumption 	drops 	to 	low 	power 	(see 	technical 	data 	on	page	 54).	If	you	 want	 to	save	 even	 more	 energy	 then	switch	 the	device	off	with 	the 	mains 	switch. 	However 	note 	that 	in 	this 	case, 	EPG 	(Electronic	Programme	 Guide)	data	will	be	lost,	 and	it	may	 be	that	 programmed	timer	recordings	cannot	be	executed	via	the	TV	device.
Packaging and...

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Installing the TV set
Install	as 	manually 	rotatable 	table 	unit 	with 	the 	Screen 	Table 	Stand	included.	See	Accessories	(page	55)	for	other	installation	possibilities.
Preparing the remote control unit
Inserting or replacing batteries
Press	 the	embossed	 arrow	and	push	 down	 the	battery	compartment	cover.
Insert	two 	alkaline 	manganese 	LR 	03 	(AAA) 	batteries;	ensure	that	the	+	and	–	poles	are	correctly	positioned!
Slide	the	cover	up	from	below.
Adjusting the remote control for...
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