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Loewe Individual 32 Lcd Operating Instructions

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Programming timer recordings via Teletext
➠  Teletext	is	started,	if	not,	press	the TEXT button.
Call	the	programme	pages	of	the	current	station.Change	preset	page	numbers,	see	this	page.
Green button: Go	to	the	appropriate	page.
	6	Select	the	desired	programme,		OK	 to	programme	the	recording.
Change	the	appropriate	 recording	data	in	the	 following	menu 	Timer data	if 	necessary 	(see 	also 	page 	46, 	the 	direct	recording	path).
 OK	to	confirm.
Teletext menu
In	 the	 Teletext	 menu	you	can,...

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Conditional Access Module (CA module)
In	order	 to	receive	 coded	digital	stations,	 a	Conditional	 Access	Module	(CA	module)	 and	a	Smart	 Card	must	 be	inserted	 in	the	CI	 slot	 of	your	TV	set	(see	page	5).	
The	 CA	module	 and	the	Smart	 Card	are	not	 part	 of	the	 TV	set's	 scope	 of	delivery.	They	are	usually	available	from	your	dealer.
Inserting the Smart Card into the CA module
Push	the	Smart	 Card	into	the	CA	module	 as	far	 as	it	goes	 so	that	 the	side	with	 the	gold	 coloured...

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6 Select	software	type: 
   Select	TV base software	or			 	DVB software,
	OK	start	search.
If	new	 versions	 are	available	 then	a	subsequent	 screen	message	will	be	displayed.
Loading new software
➠ New	software	available	via	search.
➠  If 	a 	new 	TV 	and 	a 	new 	DVB 	software 	is 	available 	in 	the	automatic 	search 	for 	new 	software 	versions 	via 	satellite	 (1,	you 	can 	select 	the 	software 	type	to 	be 	updated.
6	 	Select	update	option:	Load new software now Load new software after...

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Radio mode 
You	can	only	receive	radio	stations	via	DVB.	If	you	 do	not	 have	 DVB	radio	 reception	 then	you	can	play	 audio	 from	an	external	device	via	the	TV	set	using	the	audio/AV inputs.
Radio mode on/off
Radio	mode	on:	RADIO button	on	the	remote	control.
or:		R on	the	TV	set	operating	ring.
You	will	see	an	overview	of	radio	stations.
If	data 	are 	transmitted 	by 	the 	station, 	then 	time 	and 	title	of 	the 	station 	will 	be 	displayed 	in 	the 	station 	list.
Radio	mode	off:	

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Yellow button:	Place	a	check	 mark	after	the	devices	 to	be	connected.
In	the 	next 	step, 	the 	connection 	diagram 	shows 	how 	to	connect 	the 	new 	or 	preset 	devices 	to 	the 	rear 	of 	the 	TV	set 	(in 	this 	example 	the 	DVD 	player 	(DVD) 	to 	AV1,	the 	DVD	recorder 	(DVD•)	 to 	AV2).
Select	 the	signal	 type	of	your	 set.	Leave	 the	setting	 on	automatic	if	you	are	not	sure.
Hint:	Use	Euro	AV	cable	with	angled	connectors.
continued	on	the	next	page	Ž
Operating additional equipment...

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Explanations of important settings
The	signal	 type	of	the	 devices	 that	can	be	connected	 can	vary	greatly. 	If 	you 	are 	not 	sure, 	leave 	the 	setting 	for 	Signal	on	Automamtic CVBS/YC	(e.g. 	for 	DVD 	Player/Recorder) 	or	Autom.-VHS/SVHS (e.g.	 video	 recorder),	 otherwise	 select	the	right	 signal	 type.	See	the	glossary	 on	page	 56	for	further	information.
If	the 	picture 	from 	a 	connected 	device 	is 	to 	be 	displayed	immediately 	on 	the 	TV 	set 	during 	playback, 	select 	yes.	 A...

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Operating additional equipment
Connecting devices to the HDMI (DVI) 
connections and playback
The	HDMI	 connections	 (High	Definition	 Multimedia	 In-terface)	permit	digital	video	and	audio	 transmission	 via	a	connection	 cable	from	a	player,	 e.g.	from	 the	Loewe	Centros	2102/2172	HD	DVD	recorder.
The	digital 	picture 	and 	sound 	data 	are 	transmitted 	without 	data 	compres-sion 	and 	therefore 	lose 	none 	of 	their 	quality. 	Analogue/digital 	conversion	is	 no	 longer	 necessary	 in	the...

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The	sound	 is	played	 over	the	speakers	 of	the	 TV	set	 (only	
with	connected	TV	speakers)	or	over	a	speaker	system.
Alternatively, 	connect 	the 	digital 	audio 	output 	of 	the 	exter-nal 	device 	to 	the 	AUDIO	DIGITAL	IN	socket 	of 	the 	TV 	set.
Call	TV menu.
 34	Select	Connections,		6	 go	to	the	menu	line	below.
 34	Select	New devices/modifications.
 OK	 calls	the	wizard.
	OK	 Go	to	the	AV equipment selection	menu.		6	Select	device	at	COMP.IN.
Yellow button:	Activate	COMP. IN.
Leave 	the...

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Operating additional equipment
Sound components wizard
The	sound	components	 wizard	helps	 you	to	configure	 the	components	used	to	play	the	TV	sound.Depending	 on	what	 you	want	 to	use,	 active	 speakers,	 speaker	systems	and	analogue	and	digital	HiFi/AV	amplifiers	can	be	configured.	
The	sound	components	wizard	is	set	to	TV	speakers	at	the	factory.
Integrated Dolby Digital Decoder
Your	TV	set	 is	equipped	 with	an	integrated	 Dolby	Digital	 Decoder.	 This	system	has	also	 been	 introduced	 to...

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Line IN
Power OUT
Bass Intensity



Operating additional equipment
Speaker system Loewe Individual Sound on 
the Dolby Digital Decoder of the TV set
The	arrangement	 of	speakers	 and	TV	set	 can	 look	 like	the	illustration	below:	
The	front	 and	surround	 speakers	should	be	installed	 symmetrically	 to	the	TV	set	and	to	your	sitting...
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