LG Television 19LE5300 User Manual
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71 WATCHING T V / CHANNEL CONTROL ie) Change the input la\fel using Blue \futton INPUT LABEL This indicat\fs which d\fvic\f is conn\fct\fd to which input port. 1INPUTSelect the desired input source. 2Select the la\fel. 3 BACKReturn to the previous menu. EXITReturn to TV viewing. Input Listꔂ Moveꔉ Enter TVUSB AVComponent RGB-PCHDMI1 HDMI2HDMI3 Input Label AV◀VCR▶ Component◀▶ RGB-PC◀▶ HDMI2◀▶ HDMI1◀▶ ꔍ Close � Input Label� Exit BLUE i.e) i.e)

WATCHING TV / CHANNEL CONTROL WATCHING T V / CHANNEL CONTROL 72 RESET TO FACTORY DEFAULT (INITIAL SETTING) This \bunction r\fs\fts th\f TV to \bactory d\f\bault and \fras\fs all stor\fd chann\fls. ꔛ When selecting “Lock Sys\fem - On” in the LOCK menu, the message to enter the password appears. ꔛ If you forget your password, press “0\b3\b2\b5” on the remote control. 1MENUSelect OPTION. 2ENTERSelect Ini\fia\b Se\f\fing. 3ENTERSelect Yes. 4ENTERTV turns off automatically and starts factory reset. OPTIONꔂ Move ꔉ Enter ꔀꔉ • Language• Caption : Off• Power Indicator• Initial Setting• Set ID : 1• Mode Setting : Home Use OPTIONꔂ Move ꔉ Enter ꔀꔉ • Language• Caption : Off• Power Indicator• Initial Setting• Set ID : 1• Mode Setting : Home UseNoYes All user settings and channel settings will be reset. Still continue?!

73 WATCHING T V / CHANNEL CONTROL MODE SETTING D\f\bault s\fl\fction is “Home Use”. W\f r\fcomm\fnd s\ftting th\f TV to “Home Use” mod\f \bor th\f b\fst pictur\f in your hom\f \fnvironm\fnt. ꔛ “S\fore Demo” Mode is only intended for use in retail environments. Customers can adjust the “ Pic\fure menu \b Pic\fure mode” manually while inspecting the TV, \fut the TV will automatically return to preset in\b store mode after 5 minutes. ꔛ “S\fore Demo” Mode is an optimal setting for displaying at stores. “Store Demo” mode initializes the TV to set the image quality . 1MENUSelect OPTION. 2ENTERSelect Mode Se\f\fing. 3ENTERSelect Home Use. 4 BACKReturn to the previous menu. EXITReturn to TV viewing. OPTIONꔂ Move ꔉ EnterOPTIONꔂ Move ꔉ Enter • Language• Caption : Off• Power Indicator• Initial Setting• Set ID : 1• Mode Setting : Home Use Selecting the environment.Choose the setting mode you want.i Home UseStore Demo • Demo ModeOff Close Select [Home Use] when setting TV up in-home. You can adjust picture quality accordingly through Picture Mode menu option. ꔉꔠ • Language• Caption : Off• Power Indicator• Initial Setting• Set ID : 1• Mode Setting : Home Use For 19/22/26/32/37/42/47/55LE5300, 22/26LE5500, 42/47/55LE7300, 37/42/47LD450C, 55LD520C, 32/42/47/55LD520, 42/47/55LD630, 42/47/55LE530C

WATCHING TV / CHANNEL CONTROL WATCHING T V / CHANNEL CONTROL 74 DEMO MODE Displays a slid\f show to \fxplain th\f various \b\fatur\f o\b this TV. 1MENUSelect OPTION. 2ENTERSelect Mode Se\f\fing. 3ENTERSelect S\fore Demo. 4ENTERSelect On. 5 EXIT Return to TV viewing. After a while, Demo Mode. starts. If you want to stop the demo, press any \futton (Except VOL +, \b and MUTE \futton). OPTIONꔂ Move ꔉ EnterOPTIONꔂ Move ꔉ Enter • Language• Caption : Off• Power Indicator• Initial Setting• Set ID : 1• Mode Setting : Store Demoꔉꔠ • Language• Caption : Off• Power Indicator• Initial Setting• Set ID : 1• Mode Setting : Home Use Selecting the environment.Choose the setting mode you want. Select [Store Demo] for in-store dsplay. For use in-home, select [Home Use]. i Home UseStore Demo • Demo ModeOff Close

75 WATCHING T V / CHANNEL CONTROL OffCinema GameSport AV MODE AV Mod\f toggl\fs through pr\fs\ft Vid\fo and Audio s\fttings. 1AV MODE Press the AV MODE \futton repeatedly to select the desired source. 2ENTER ꔛ If you select “Cinema” in AV mode, Cinema will \fe selected \foth for “PICTURE menu \b Picture Mode” and “AUDIO menu \b Sound Mode” respectively. ꔛ If you select “ Off” in AV mode, the “Pic\fure Mode” and “ Sound Mode” return to previous selected value. ꔛ Off: Disa\fles the AV MODE. ꔛ Cinema: Optimizes video and audio for watching movies. ꔛ Spor\f: Optimizes video and audio for watching sports events. ꔛ Game: Optimizes video and audio for playing games. When playing a video game using PlayStation or X\fox, it is recom \b mended to use the Game mode. When in Game mode, functions related to picture quality will \fe opti \b mized for playing games.

WATCHING TV / CHANNEL CONTROL WATCHING T V / CHANNEL CONTROL 76 SIMPLINK SIMPLINK allows you to control and play oth\fr AV d\fvic\fs conn\fct\fd with HDMI cabl\f without addi- tional cabl\fs and s\fttings. This TV may work with d\fvic\fs with HDMI-CEC support, but only d\fvic\fs with th\f logo ar\f \bully support\fd. SIMPLINK can b\f turn\fd on and o\b\b in th\f us\fr m\fnus. 1Display SIMPLINK menu. 2Select On. 3ENTERSelect the desired device. 4ENTERControl connected AV devices. ꔉ Enter � Exit ◀ On ▶ Watch TV ◀ ▶ ◀ ▶ HDD Recorder ◀ ▶ DISC 1HDD/DVD-R VCR 1HD HT SpeakerTV Speaker ꔉ Enter � Exit ◀ On ▶ Watch TV ◀ ▶ ◀ ▶ HDD Recorder ◀ ▶ DISC 1HDD/DVD-R VCR 1HD HT SpeakerTV Speaker 1 TV viewing: Switch to the previous TV channel regardless of the current mode. 2 DISC p\bayback: Select and play discs. When multiple discs are availa\fle, the disc devices are conveniently displayed at the \fottom of the screen. 3 VCR p\bayback: Control the connected VCR. 4 HDD Recordings p\bayback : Control recordings stored in HDD. 5 Audio Ou\f \fo Home Thea\fer speaker/ Audio Ou\f \fo TV : Select Home Theater speaker or TV speaker for Audio Out. ►When no device is con\b nected (displayed in gray) ►Selected Device ►When a device is conect \b ed (displayed in \fright color) 1 2 3 4 5

77 WATCHING T V / CHANNEL CONTROL SIMPLINK Functions ꔛ Direc\f P\bay: After connecting AV devices to the TV, you can directly control the devices and play media without additional settings. ꔛ Se\bec\f AV device: Ena\fles you to select one of the AV devices connected to the TV. ꔛ Disc p\bayback: Control connected AV devices \fy pressing the ꕌꕍ< >, ENTER , ꕖ, ꕗ, ꕘ, ꕚ and ꕙ \fut\b tons. ꔛ Power off a\b\b devices: When you power off the TV, all connected devices are turned off. ꔛ Swi\fch audio-ou\f: Offers an easy way to switch audio\bout. ꔛ Sync Power on: When the equipment with Simplink function connected HDMI terminal starts to play, The TV will automatically turn on. Note: To operate SIMPLINK, an HDMI ca\fle over Version 1.3 with *CEC function should \fe used. (*CEC: Consumer Electronics Control). (A device, which is connected to the TV through a HDMI ca\fle \fut does not support SIMPLINK, does not provide this function) ! ? ! ? NOTE ► Connect the HDMI/DVI IN or HDMI IN terminal of the TV to the rear terminal (HDMI terminal) of the SIMPLINK device with the HDMI ca\fle ► When you switch the Input source with the INPUT \futton on the remote control, the SIMPLINK device will stop. ► When you select a device with home theater functionality, the sound output automatically switches to the home theater speakers and the TV speakers are turned off. ► If a connected SIMPLINK home theater system doesn’t play the audio from the TV, connect the DIGITAL AUDIO OUT terminal on the \fack of the TV to the DIGITAL AUDIO IN terminal on the \fack of the SIMPLINK device with an OPTICAL ca\fle.

MY MEDIA MY MEDIA 78 CONNECTION METHOD MY MEDIA USB Connec\fion ConnecttheUSB de vice t o the USB IN jackonthe \fide o f TV\b1 USB IN IN 3 H/P Memory Key Precaut\fons \bhen us\fng the USB dev\fce ►OnlyaUSB \f torage de vice i\f r ecognizable\b ►ConnectingaUSB \f torage de vice thr ough a USB hub i\f no t \f upported\b ►AUSB\ftorage de vice which u\f e\f it \f o wn driv er may no t be r ecognized\b ►Therecognition\fpeed o f a USB \f torage de vice may depend on e ach de vice\b ► Plea\fedono t turn o ff the T V or unplug the USB de vice when the c onnected USB \f torage de vice i\fworking\bWhen \f uch de vice i\f \f uddenly \f eparated or unplugged, the \f tored file \f or the USB \ftoragedevicemay be damaged\b ►Onlyu\fea USB \f torage de vice which ha\f normal mu\fic file \f, image file \f, or mo vie file \f\b ►Plea\feu\feonly a USB \f torage de vice which w a\f f ormatted a\f a F AT 3 2 or NTF S file \f y\ftem pr o- videdwiththe W indow\f oper ating \f y\ftem\b O ther\f may no t be r ecognized\b ►SomeUSB\f torage de vice\f r equire a po wer adap ter\b The po wer adap ter mu\f t be c onnected in ordertobe \f een b y the TV\b ►Ifadevice i\f no t r ecognized b y the T V, tr y a diff erent c able\b Ex ce\f\fively long c able\f ar e no t \f up- ported\b ► SomeUSB \f torage de vice\f may no t be \f upported or oper ate pr operly\b ►Plea\febackup impor tant file \f bec au\fe da ta on USB de vice c ould be damaged\b D ata management i\fcon\fumer'\fr e\fpon\fibility and a\f a r e\fult, the manuf acturer doe \f no t c over da ta damage\b ►Ifyour USB memory device ha\f multiple partition\f, or if y ou u\fe a USB multi-card reader, y ou can u\feupto 4 par tition\f or USB memor y de vice\f\b ►Inca\feof USB \f torage de vice\f f ormatted a\f NTF S, dele tion i\f no t \f upported\b ►Filealignmentme thod o f USB \f torage de vice i\f \fimilar t o W indow XP and file name \f c an be up to100Engli\fh char acter\f\b ►Therecommendedc apacity i\f 1TB or le \f\f f or a USB ext ernal har d di\fk and 3 2 GB or le \f\f f or USB memory\b ► Ifa USB ext ernal har d di\fk with a “E nergy Sa ving” f unction doe \fn’t w ork, turn the har d di\fk o ff and onagainto mak e it w ork pr operly\b R efer t o the u\f er manual o f the USB ext ernal har d di\fk\b ►USB\ftoragede vice\f belo w USB 2 \b0 ar e \f upported a\f w ell\b B ut they may no t w ork pr operly in the movieli\ft\b

79 MY MEDIA ENTRY MODE The M\b Media menu will open au\foma\ficall\b when \bou inser\f a USB drive. M\b Media can also be accessed b\b choosing M\b Media in \fhe user menu. On USB device, \bou can no\f add a new folder or dele\fe \fhe exis\fing folder. When remov\fng the USB dev\fce SelecttheUSB Dev\fcemenubefore removingtheUSB de vice\b ꔛThi\fTVcan view JPG image file \f, HD DivX file\forplay MP3 audio file \f\b 1Q.MENUSelectUSB Dev\fce\b 2ENTERSelectEject\b 1MENUSelectMY MEDIA\b 2ENTERSelectMov\fe L\fst, Photo L\fst or Mus\fc L\fst\b 3ENTER Movie List MY MEDIA Photo List Music List Except32/42/47LD420, 32/37/42/47LD450,37/42/47LD450C,32/42/47/55LD520,55LD520C,42/47/55LE530C

MY MEDIA MY MEDIA 80 MOVIE LIST (Except 32/42/47LD420, 32/37/42/47LD450, 37/42/47LD450C, 32/42/47/55LD520, 55LD520C, 42/47/55LE530C) Precaut\fons \bhen play\fng the v\fdeo f\fles ►Someu\fer-created \f ubtitle\f may no t w ork pr operly\b ►Some\fpecialchar acter\f ar e no t \f upported in \f ubtitle\f\b ►HTMLtag\far e no t \f upported in \f ubtitle\f\b ►Timeinformationin an ext ernal \f ubtitle file \fhould be arr anged in a\f cending or der t o be play ed\b ►The\fcreenmay \f uffer t emporary int erruption\f (image \f toppage, f a\fter playback, e tc\b) when the audiolanguagei\f changed\b ►Adamagedvideo file may no t be play ed c orrectly, or \f ome f unction\f may no t be u\f able\b ►Videofile\fpr oduced with \f ome enc oder\f may no t be play ed c orrectly\b ►Ifthevideo and audio \f tructure o f r ecorded file i\f no t int erleaved, the file no t playback pr operly\b ►Videowithr e\folution higher than ma ximum r e\folution \f upported f or e ach f rame, c annot be guar- anteedfor\fmoo th playback\b ►Videofile\fo ther than the \fpecified t ype\f and f ormat\f may no t w ork pr operly\b ►Themoviefile enc oded b y the GMC ( Global Mo tion C ompen\fation) i\f no t \f upported\b ►Only250K orean char acter\f, 5 00 le tter\f and 5 00 number \f ar e \f upported f or e ach line o f the \fubtitle\b ► Only10000 \f ync block \f ar e \f upported within the \f ubtitle file\b ►Wedonot guar antee \fmoo th playback o f pr ofile\f enc oded le vel 4 \b1 or higher in H\b 264/AVC\b ►DTSAudioc odec i\f no t \f upported\b ►Avideofile mor e than 30GB in file \fiz e i\f no t \f upported f or playback\b ►Playingavideo via a USB c onnection tha t doe \fn’t \f upport high \fpeed may no t w ork pr operly\b ►USB\ftoragede vice\f belo w USB 2 \b0 ar e \f upported a\f w ell\b B ut they may no t w ork pr operly in the movieli\ft\b ►Thevideofile and it \f \f ubtitle file mu\f t be loc ated in the \f ame f older\b Atthi\f time, a video file name and it \f \f ubtitle file name mu\f t be identic al f or it t o be di\fplay ed\b ►Whenyouar e w atching a mo vie via the Mo vie Li\f t f unction, y ou c an adju\f t the pictur e with the ENERGYSAVINGand A V MODE butt on on the r emote c ontrol\b U \fer \f etup f or e ach pictur e mode i\fnot\fupported\b Themovie li\f t i\f activa ted onc e a USB driv e i\f de tected\b It i\f u\f ed when playing mo vie file \f on the TV\b Itdi\fplay\fall o f the video file \f it r ecognize\f\b TheOn-ScreenDi\fplay on y our model may be \flightly diff erent\b Supported mov\fe f\fle ꔛRe\folution:under19 20 pix el (width ) x 1080 pix el (height) ꔛFrameRate:under 30 f rame/\fec ( 1920x1080), under 60 f rame/\fec ( 1280x720) ꔛMaxbitrateo f play able video file: 2 0 Mbp\f (Mega bit per \f econd) ꔛBitrate: within 3 2 kbp\f t o 3 20 kbp\f (MP3) ꔛSupportedexternal \f ubtitle f ormat: * \b\fmi/*\b\frt/*\b\fub (Micr oDVD,Subviewer1\b0/2\b0)/*\ba\f\f/*\b\f\fa/*\btxt (TMPlayer)/*\bp\fb(PowerDivX) ꔛSupportedInternal \f ubtitle f ormat: only , XSUB (It i\f the \f ubtitle f ormat u\f ed in DivX6 file \f)