LG Television 19LE5300 User Manual
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161 APPENDIX END OF \bERMS AND CONDI\bIONS How to \fpply these terms to your new progr\fms If you develop \f new progr\fm, \fnd you w\fnt it to be of the gre\ftest possible use to the public, the best w\fy to \fchieve this is to m\fke it free softw\fre which everyone c\fn redis- tribute \fnd ch\fnge under these terms. \bo do so, \ftt\fch the following notices to the progr\fm. It is s\ffest to \ftt\fch them to the st\frt of e\fch source file to most effectively convey the exclusion of w\frr\fnty; \fnd e\fch file should h\fve \ft le\fst the "copyright" line \fnd \f pointer to where the full notice is found. one line to give the progr\fm's n\fme \fnd \f brief ide\f of wh\ft it does. Copyright (C) \bhis progr\fm is free softw\fre; you c\fn redistribute it \fnd/ or modify it under the terms of the GNU Gener\fl Public License \fs published by the Free Softw\fre Found\ftion; either version 2 of the license, or (\ft your option) \fny l\fter version. \bhis progr\fm is distributed in the hope th\ft it will be useful, but WI\bHOU\b ANY WARRAN\bY; without even the implied w\frr\fnty of MERCHAN\bABILI\bY or FI\bNESS FOR A PAR\bICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Gener\fl Public License for more det\fils. You should h\fve received \f copy of the GNU Gener\fl Public License \flong with this progr\fm; if not, write to the Free Softw\fre Found\ftion, Inc., 51 Fr\fnklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. Also \fdd inform\ftion on how to cont\fct you by electronic \fnd p\fper m\fil. If the progr\fm is inter\fctive, m\fke it output \f short notice like this when it st\frts in \fn inter\fctive mode: Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) ye\fr n\fme of \futhor Gnomovision comes with ABSOLU\bELY NO WARRAN\bY; for det\fils type ‘show w’. \bhis is free softw\fre, \fnd you \fre welcome to redistribute it under cert\fin conditions; type ‘show c’ for det\fils. \bhe hypothetic\fl comm\fnds ‘show w’ \fnd ‘show c’ should show the \fppropri\fte p\frts of the Gener\fl Public License. Of course, the comm\fnds you use m\fy be c\flled some - thing other th\fn ‘show w’ \fnd ‘show c’; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items-wh\ftever suits your progr\fm. You should \flso get your employer (if you work \fs \f pro - gr\fmmer) or your school, if \fny, to sign \f “copyright dis - cl\fimer” for the progr\fm, if necess\fry. Here is \f s\fmple; \flter the n\fmes: Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby discl\fims \fll copyright interest in the progr\fm ‘Gnomovision’ (which m\fkes p\fsses \ft compilers) written by J\fmes H\fcker. sign\fture of \by Coon, 1 April 1989 \by Coon, President of Vice \bhis Gener\fl Public License does not permit incorpor\fting your progr\fm into propriet\fry progr\fms. If your progr\fm is \f subroutine libr\fry, you m\fy consider it more useful to permit linking propriet\fry \fpplic\ftions with the libr\fry. If this is wh\ft you w\fnt to do, use the GNU Lesser Gener\fl Public License inste\fd of this license.
162 APPENDIX APPENDIX Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Softw\fre Found\ftion, Inc. 51 Fr\fnklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Everyone is permitted to copy \fnd distribute verb\ftim cop- ies of this license document, but ch\fnging it is not \fllowed. [\bhis is the first rele\fsed version of the Lesser GPL. It \flso counts \fs the successor of the GNU Libr\fry Public License, version 2, hence the version number 2.1.] Pre\fmble \bhe licenses for most softw\fre \fre designed to t\fke \fw\fy your freedom to sh\fre \fnd ch\fnge it. By contr\fst, the GNU Gener\fl Public Licenses \fre intended to gu\fr\fntee your freedom to sh\fre \fnd ch\fnge free softw\fre - to m\fke sure the softw\fre is free for \fll its users. \bhis license, the Lesser Gener\fl Public License, \fpplies to some speci\flly design\fted softw\fre p\fck\fges - typic\flly libr\fries - of the Free Softw\fre Found\ftion \fnd other \futhors who decide to use it. You c\fn use it too, but we suggest you first think c\frefully \fbout whether this license or the ordin\fry Gener\fl Public License is the better str\ft - egy to use in \fny p\frticul\fr c\fse, b\fsed on the expl\fn\f - tions below. When we spe\fk of free softw\fre, we \fre referring to free - dom of use, not price. Our Gener\fl Public Licenses \fre designed to m\fke sure th\ft you h\fve the freedom to dis - tribute copies of free softw\fre (\fnd ch\frge for this service if you wish); th\ft you receive source code or c\fn get it if you w\fnt it; th\ft you c\fn ch\fnge the softw\fre \fnd use pieces of it in new free progr\fms; \fnd th\ft you \fre informed th\ft you c\fn do these things. \bo protect your rights, we need to m\fke restrictions th\ft forbid distributors to deny you these rights or to \fsk you to surrender these rights. \bhese restrictions tr\fnsl\fte to cert\fin responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the libr\fry or if you modify it. For ex\fmple, if you distribute copies of the libr\fry, whether gr\ftis or for \f fee, you must give the recipients \fll the rights th\ft we g\fve you. You must m\fke sure th\ft they, too, receive or c\fn get the source code. If you link other code with the libr\fry, you must provide complete object files to the recipients, so th\ft they c\fn relink them with the libr\fry \ffter m\fking ch\fnges to the libr\fry \fnd recompiling it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. We protect your rights with \f two-step method: (1) we copy - right the libr\fry, \fnd (2) we offer you this license, which gives you leg\fl permission to copy, distribute \fnd/or mod - ify the libr\fry. \bo protect e\fch distributor, we w\fnt to m\fke it very cle\fr th\ft there is no w\frr\fnty for the free libr\fry. Also, if the libr\fry is modified by someone else \fnd p\fssed on, the recipients should know th\ft wh\ft they h\fve is not the origin\fl version, so th\ft the origin\fl \futhor's reput\ftion will not be \fffected by problems th\ft might be introduced by others. Fin\flly, softw\fre p\ftents pose \f const\fnt thre\ft to the exis - tence of \fny free progr\fm. We wish to m\fke sure th\ft \f comp\fny c\fnnot effectively restrict the users of \f free pro - gr\fm by obt\fining \f restrictive license from \f p\ftent holder. \bherefore, we insist th\ft \fny p\ftent license obt\fined for \f version of the libr\fry must be consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. Most GNU softw\fre, including some libr\fries, is covered by the ordin\fry GNU Gener\fl Public License. \bhis license, the GNU Lesser Gener\fl Public License, \fpplies to cert\fin des - ign\fted libr\fries, \fnd is quite different from the ordin\fry Gener\fl Public License. We use this license for cert\fin libr\fries in order to permit linking those libr\fries into non- free progr\fms. When \f progr\fm is linked with \f libr\fry, whether st\ftic\flly or using \f sh\fred libr\fry, the combin\ftion of the two is leg\flly spe\fking \f combined work, \f deriv\ftive of the origi - n\fl libr\fry. \bhe ordin\fry Gener\fl Public License therefore permits such linking only if the entire combin\ftion fits its criteri\f of freedom. \bhe Lesser Gener\fl Public License permits more l\fx criteri\f for linking other code with the libr\fry. We c\fll this license the "Lesser" Gener\fl Public License bec\fuse it does Less to protect the user's freedom th\fn the ordin\fry Gener\fl Public License. It \flso provides other free softw\fre developers Less of \fn \fdv\fnt\fge over com- peting non-free progr\fms. \bhese dis\fdv\fnt\fges \fre the re\fson we use the ordin\fry Gener\fl Public License for m\fny libr\fries. However, the Lesser license provides \fdv\fn - t\fges in cert\fin speci\fl circumst\fnces. For ex\fmple, on r\fre occ\fsions, there m\fy be \f speci\fl need to encour\fge the widest possible use of \f cert\fin libr\fry, so th\ft it becomes \f de-f\fcto st\fnd\frd. \bo \fchieve this, non-free progr\fms must be \fllowed to use the libr\fry. A more frequent c\fse is th\ft \f free libr\fry does the s\fme job \fs widely used non-free libr\fries. In this c\fse, there is little to g\fin by limiting the free libr\fry to free softw\fre only, so we use the Lesser Gener\fl Public License. In other c\fses, permission to use \f p\frticul\fr libr\fry in non- free progr\fms en\fbles \f gre\fter number of people to use \f l\frge body of free softw\fre. For ex\fmple, permission to use the GNU C Libr\fry in non-free progr\fms en\fbles m\fny more people to use the whole GNU oper\fting system, \fs well \fs its v\fri\fnt, the GNU/Linux oper\fting system. GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1, Febru\fry 1999
163 APPENDIX Although the Lesser Gener\fl Public License is Less protec- tive of the users' freedom, it does ensure th\ft the user of \f progr\fm th\ft is linked with the Libr\fry h\fs the freedom \fnd the wherewith\fl to run th\ft progr\fm using \f modified ver - sion of the Libr\fry. \bhe precise terms \fnd conditions for copying, distribution \fnd modific\ftion follow. P\fy close \fttention to the differ - ence between \f "work b\fsed on the libr\fry" \fnd \f "work th\ft uses the libr\fry". \bhe former cont\fins code derived from the libr\fry, where\fs the l\ftter must be combined with the libr\fry in order to run. GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE \bERMS AND CONDI\bIONS FOR COPYING, DIS\bRIBU\bION AND MODIFICA\bION 0. \bhis license \fgreement \fpplies to \fny softw\fre libr\fry or other progr\fm which cont\fins \f notice pl\fced by the copyright hold er or other \futhorized p\frty s\fying it m\fy be distributed under the terms of this Lesser Gener\fl Public License (\flso c\flled “this license”). E\fch license is \fddressed \fs "you". A “libr\fry” me\fns \f collection of softw\fre functions \fnd/or d\ft\f prep\fred so \fs to be conveniently linked with \fpplic\ftion progr\fms (which use some of those functions \fnd d\ft\f) to form execut\fbles. \bhe “Libr\fry”, below, refers to \fny such softw\fre libr\fry or work which h\fs been distributed under these terms. A “work b\fsed on the Libr\fry” me\fns either the Libr\fry or \fny deriv\ftive work under copyright l\fw: th\ft is to s\fy, \f work cont\fining the libr\fry or \f portion of it, either verb\f - tim or with modific\ftions \fnd/or tr\fnsl\fted str\fightfor - w\frdly into \fnother l\fngu\fge. (Herein\ffter, tr\fnsl\ftion is included without limit\ftion in the term “modific\ftion”.) “Source code” for \f work me\fns the preferred form of the work for m\fking modific\ftions to it. For \f libr\fry, complete source code me\fns \fll the source code for \fll modules it cont\fins, plus \fny \fssoci\fted interf\fce defi - nition files, plus the scripts used to control compil\ftion \fnd inst\fll\ftion of the libr\fry. Activities other th\fn copying, distribution \fnd modific\f- tion \fre not covered by this license; they \fre outside its scope. \bhe \fct of running \f progr\fm using the Libr\fry is not restricted, \fnd output from such \f progr\fm is covered only if its contents constitute \f work b\fsed on the libr\fry (independent of the use of the Libr\fry in \f tool for writing it). Whether th\ft is true depends on wh\ft the libr\fry does \fnd wh\ft the progr\fm th\ft uses the libr\fry does. 1. You m\fy copy \fnd distribute verb\ftim copies of the libr\fry's complete source code \fs you receive it, in \fny medium, provided th\ft you conspicuously \fnd \fppropri - \ftely publish on e\fch copy \fn \fppropri\fte copyright notice \fnd discl\fimer of w\frr\fnty; keep int\fct \fll the notices th\ft refer to this license \fnd to the \fbsence of \fny w\frr\fnty; \fnd distribute \f copy of this license \flong with the Libr\fry. You m\fy ch\frge \f fee for the physic\fl \fct of tr\fnsferring \f copy, \fnd you m\fy \ft your option offer w\frr\fnty pro - tection in exch\fnge for \f fee. 2. You m\fy modify your copy or copies of the Libr\fry or \fny portion of it, thus forming \f work b\fsed on the Libr\fry, \fnd copy \fnd distribute such modific\ftions or work under the terms of section 1 \fbove, provided th\ft you \flso meet \fll of these conditions: \f) \bhe modified work must itself be \f softw\fre libr\fry. b) You must c\fuse the files modified to c\frry prominent notices st\fting th\ft you ch\fnged the files \fnd the d\fte of \fny ch\fnge. c) You must c\fuse the whole of the work to be licensed \ft no ch\frge to \fll third p\frties under the terms of this license. d) If \f f\fcility in the modified Libr\fry refers to \f function or \f t\fble of d\ft\f to be supplied by \fn \fpplic\ftion progr\fm th\ft uses the f\fcility, other th\fn \fs \fn \frgu - ment p\fssed when the f\fcility is invoked, then you must m\fke \f good f\fith effort to ensure th\ft, in the event \fn \fpplic\ftion does not supply such function or t\fble, the f\fcility still oper\ftes, \fnd performs wh\ft - ever p\frt of its purpose rem\fins me\fningful. (For ex\fmple, \f function in \f libr\fry to compute squ\fre roots h\fs \f purpose th\ft is entirely well-defined indepen - dent of the \fpplic\ftion. \bherefore, Subsection 2d requires th\ft \fny \fpplic\ftion-supplied function or t\fble used by this function must be option\fl: if the \fpplic\ftion does not supply it, the squ\fre root function must still compute squ\fre roots.) \bhese requirements \fpply to the modified work \fs \f whole. If identifi\fble sections of th\ft work \fre not derived from the libr\fry, \fnd c\fn be re\fson\fbly consid - ered independent \fnd sep\fr\fte works in themselves, then this license, \fnd its terms, do not \fpply to those sections when you distribute them \fs sep\fr\fte works. But when you distribute the s\fme sections \fs p\frt of \f whole which is \f work b\fsed on the libr\fry, the distribu - tion of the whole must be on the terms of this license, whose permissions for other licenses extend to the entire whole, \fnd thus to e\fch \fnd every p\frt reg\frdless of who wrote it. \bhus, it is not the intent of this section to cl\fim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; r\fther, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribu - tion of deriv\ftive or collective works b\fsed on the libr\fry. In \fddition, mere \fggreg\ftion of \fnother work not b\fsed on the libr\fry with the libr\fry (or with \f work b\fsed on the libr\fry) on \f volume of \f stor\fge or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this license.
164 APPENDIX APPENDIX 3. You m\fy opt to \fpply the terms of the ordin\fry GNU Gener\fl Public License inste\fd of this License to \f given copy of the Libr\fry. \bo do this, you must \flter \fll the notices th\ft refer to this License, so th\ft they refer to the ordin\fry GNU Gener\fl Public License, version 2, inste\fd of to this License. (If \f newer version th\fn version 2 of the ordin\fry GNU Gener\fl Public License h\fs \fppe\fred, then you c\fn specify th\ft version inste\fd if you wish.) Do not m\fke \fny other ch\fnge in these notices. Once this ch\fnge is m\fde in \f given copy, it is irrevers- ible for th\ft copy, so the ordin\fry GNU Gener\fl Public License \fpplies to \fll subsequent copies \fnd deriv\ftive works m\fde from th\ft copy. \bhis option is useful when you wish to copy p\frt of the code of the libr\fry into \f progr\fm th\ft is not \f libr\fry. 4. You m\fy copy \fnd distribute the libr\fry (or \f portion or deriv\ftive of it, under Section 2) in object code or exe - cut\fble form under the terms of Sections 1 \fnd 2 \fbove provided th\ft you \fccomp\fny it with the complete cor - responding m\fchine-re\fd\fble source code, which must be distributed under the terms of sections 1 \fnd 2 \fbove on \f medium custom\frily used for softw\fre inter - ch\fnge. If distribution of object code is m\fde by offering \fccess to copy from \f design\fted pl\fce, then offering equiv\f - lent \fccess to copy the source code from the s\fme pl\fce s\ftisfies the requirement to distribute the source code, even though third p\frties \fre not compelled to copy the source \flong with the object code. 5. A progr\fm th\ft cont\fins no deriv\ftive of \fny portion of the Libr\fry, but is designed to work with the Libr\fry by being compiled or linked with it, is c\flled \f “work th\ft uses the Libr\fry”. Such \f work, in isol\ftion, is not \f deriv\ftive work of the Libr\fry, \fnd therefore f\flls outside the scope of this license. However, linking \f “work th\ft uses the libr\fry” with the Libr\fry cre\ftes \fn execut\fble th\ft is \f deriv\ftive of the Libr\fry (bec\fuse it cont\fins portions of the libr\fry), r\fther th\fn \f “work th\ft uses the libr\fry”. \bhe execut\fble is therefore covered by this license. Section 6 st\ftes terms for distribution of such execut\fble. When \f “work th\ft uses the libr\fry” uses m\fteri\fl from \f he\fder file th\ft is p\frt of the libr\fry, the object code for the work m\fy be \f deriv\ftive work of the libr\fry even though the source code is not. Whether this is true is especi\flly signific\fnt if the work c\fn be linked without the libr\fry, or if the work is itself \f libr\fry. \bhe threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by l\fw. If such \fn object file uses only numeric\fl p\fr\fmeters, d\ft\f structure l\fyouts \fnd \fccessories, \fnd sm\fll m\fc - ros \fnd sm\fll inline functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object file is unrestricted, reg\frdless of whether it is leg\flly \f deriv\ftive work. (Execut\fble cont\fining this object code plus portions of the libr\fry will still f\fll under Section 6.) Otherwise, if the work is \f deriv\ftive of the libr\fry, you m\fy distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. Any execut\fble cont\fining th\ft work \flso f\fll under Section 6, whether or not they \fre linked directly with the libr\fry itself. 6. As \fn exception to the sections \fbove, you m\fy \flso combine or link \f "work th\ft uses the libr\fry" with the libr\fry to produce \f work cont\fining portions of the libr\fry, \fnd distribute th\ft work under terms of your choice, provided th\ft the terms permit modific\ftion of the work for the customer's own use \fnd reverse engi - neering for debugging such modific\ftions. You must give prominent notice with e\fch copy of the work th\ft the libr\fry is used in it \fnd th\ft the Libr\fry \fnd its use \fre covered by this license. You must supply \f copy of this license. If the work during execution dis - pl\fys copyright notices, you must include the copyright notice for the libr\fry \fmong them, \fs well \fs \f reference directing the user to the copy of this license. Also, you must do one of these things: \f) Accomp\fny the work with the complete correspond- ing m\fchine-re\fd\fble source code for the libr\fry including wh\ftever ch\fnges were used in the work (which must be distributed under Sections 1 \fnd 2 \fbove); \fnd, if the work is \fn execut\fble linked with the Libr\fry, with the complete m\fchine-re\fd\fble “work th\ft uses the Libr\fry”, \fs object code \fnd/or source code, so th\ft the user c\fn modify the libr\fry \fnd then relink to produce \f modified execut\fble cont\fining the modified libr\fry. (It is understood th\ft the user who ch\fnges the contents of definitions files in the libr\fry will not necess\frily be \fble to recompile the \fpplic\ftion to use the modified definitions.) b) Use \f suit\fble sh\fred libr\fry mech\fnism for linking with the libr\fry. A suit\fble mech\fnism is one th\ft (1) uses \ft run time \f copy of the libr\fry \flre\fdy present on the user’s computer system, r\fther th\fn copying libr\fry functions into the execut\fble, \fnd (2) will oper - \fte properly with \f modified version of the libr\fry, if the user inst\flls one, \fs long \fs the modified version is interf\fce-comp\ftible with the version th\ft the work w\fs m\fde with. c) Accomp\fny the work with \f written offer, v\flid for \ft le\fst three ye\frs, to give the s\fme user the m\fteri\fls specified in Subsection 6, \fbove, for \f ch\frge no more th\fn the cost of performing this distribution. d) If distribution of the work is m\fde by offering \fccess to copy from \f design\fted pl\fce, offer equiv\flent \fccess to copy the \fbove specified m\fteri\fls from the s\fme pl\fce. e) Verify th\ft the user h\fs \flre\fdy received \f copy of these m\fteri\fls or th\ft you h\fve \flre\fdy sent this user \f copy.
165 APPENDIX For \fn execut\fble, the required form of the "work th\ft uses the libr\fry" must include \fny d\ft\f \fnd utility pro- gr\fms needed for reproducing the execut\fble from it. However, \fs \f speci\fl exception, the m\fteri\fls to be distributed need not include \fnything th\ft is norm\flly distributed (in either source or bin\fry form) with the m\fjor components (compiler, kernel, \fnd so on) of the oper\fting system on which the execut\fble runs, unless th\ft component itself \fccomp\fnies the execut\fble. It m\fy h\fppen th\ft this requirement contr\fdicts the license restrictions of other propriet\fry libr\fries th\ft do not norm\flly \fccomp\fny the oper\fting system. Such \f contr\fdiction me\fns you c\fnnot use both them \fnd the libr\fry together in \fn execut\fble th\ft you distribute. 7. You m\fy pl\fce libr\fry f\fcilities th\ft \fre \f work b\fsed on the libr\fry side-by-side in \f single libr\fry together with other libr\fry f\fcilities not covered by this license, \fnd distribute such \f combined libr\fry, provided th\ft the sep\fr\fte distribution of the work b\fsed on the Libr\fry \fnd of the other libr\fry f\fcilities is otherwise permitted, \fnd provided th\ft you do these two things: \f) Accomp\fny the combined libr\fry with \f copy of the s\fme work b\fsed on the Libr\fry, uncombined with \fny other libr\fry f\fcilities. \bhis must be distributed under the terms of the sections \fbove. b) Give prominent notice with the combined libr\fry of the f\fct th\ft p\frt of it is \f work b\fsed on the libr\fry, \fnd expl\fining where to find the \fccomp\fnying uncombined form of the s\fme work. 8. You m\fy not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or dis- tribute the libr\fry except \fs expressly provided under this license. Any \fttempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the libr\fry is void, \fnd will \futom\ftic\flly termin\fte your rights under this license. However, p\frties who h\fve received copies, or rights, from you under this license will not h\fve their licenses termin\fted so long \fs such p\frties rem\fin in full compli\fnce. 9. You \fre not required to \fccept this license, since you h\fve not signed it. However, nothing else gr\fnts you permission to modify or distribute the libr\fry or its deriv\ftive works. \bhese \fctions \fre prohibited by l\fw if you do not \fccept this license. \bherefore, by modifying or distributing the libr\fry (or \fny work b\fsed on the libr\fry), you indic\fte your \fccept\fnce of this license to do so, \fnd \fll its terms \fnd conditions for copying, distribut - ing or modifying the libr\fry or works b\fsed on it. 10. E\fch time you redistribute the libr\fry (or \fny work b\fsed on the Libr\fry), the recipient \futom\ftic\flly receives \f license from the origin\fl licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the libr\fry subject to these terms \fnd conditions. You m\fy not impose \fny further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights gr\fnted herein. You \fre not responsible for enforcing compli\fnce by third p\frties with this license. 11. If, \fs \f consequence of \f court judgment or \flleg\ftion of p\ftent infringement or for \fny other re\fson (not lim - ited to p\ftent issues), conditions \fre imposed on you (whether by court order, \fgreement or otherwise) th\ft contr\fdict the conditions of this license, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this license. If you c\fnnot distribute so \fs to s\ftisfy simult\fneously your oblig\ftions under this license \fnd \fny other pertinent oblig\ftions, then \fs \f consequence you m\fy not distrib - ute the libr\fry \ft \fll. For ex\fmple, if \f p\ftent license would not permit roy\flty-free redistribution of the libr\fry by \fll those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only w\fy you could s\ftisfy both it \fnd this license would be to refr\fin entirely from distri - bution of the libr\fry. If \fny portion of this section is held inv\flid or unenforce- \fble under \fny p\frticul\fr circumst\fnce, the b\fl\fnce of the section is intended to \fpply, \fnd the section \fs \f whole is intended to \fpply in other circumst\fnces. It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe \fny p\ftents or other property right cl\fims or to contest v\flidity of \fny such cl\fims; this section h\fs the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free soft - w\fre distribution system which is implemented by pub - lic license pr\fctices. M\fny people h\fve m\fde generous contributions to the wide r\fnge of softw\fre distributed through th\ft system in reli\fnce on consistent \fpplic\f - tion of th\ft system; it is up to the \futhor/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute softw\fre through \fny other system \fnd \f license c\fnnot impose th\ft choice. \bhis section is intended to m\fke thoroughly cle\fr wh\ft is believed to be \f consequence of the rest of this license. 12. If the distribution \fnd/or use of the libr\fry is restricted in cert\fin countries either by p\ftents or by copyrighted interf\fces, the origin\fl copyright holder who pl\fces the libr\fry under this license m\fy \fdd \fn explicit geogr\fph - ic\fl distribution limit\ftion excluding those countries, so th\ft distribution is permitted only in or \fmong countries not thus excluded. In such c\fse, this license incorpor\ftes the limit\ftion \fs if written in the body of this license. 13. \bhe Free Softw\fre Found\ftion m\fy publish revised \fnd/or new versions of the Lesser Gener\fl Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be simil\fr in spirit to the present version, but m\fy differ in det\fil to \fddress new problems or concerns. E\fch version is given \f distinguishing version number. If the libr\fry specifies \f version number of this license which \fpplies to it \fnd “\fny l\fter version”, you h\fve the option of following the terms \fnd conditions either of th\ft version or of \fny l\fter version published by the Free Softw\fre Found\ftion.
166 APPENDIX APPENDIX If the libr\fry does not specify \f license version number, you m\fy choose \fny version ever published by the Free Softw\fre Found\ftion. 14. If you wish to incorpor\fte p\frts of the libr\fry into other free progr\fms whose distribution conditions \fre incom- p\ftible with these, write to the \futhor to \fsk for permis - sion. For softw\fre which is copyrighted by the Free Softw\fre Found\ftion, write to the Free Softw\fre Found\ftion; we sometimes m\fke exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two go\fls of preserv - ing the free st\ftus of \fll deriv\ftives of our free softw\fre \fnd of promoting the sh\fring \fnd reuse of softw\fre gener\flly. NO WARRAN\bY 15. BECAUSE \bHE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, \bHERE IS NO WARRAN\bY FOR \bHE LIBRARY, \bO \bHE EX\bEN\b PERMI\b\bED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEP\b WHEN O\bHERWISE S\bA\bED IN WRI\bING \bHE COPYRIGH\b HOLDERS AND/OR O\bHER PAR\bIES PROVIDE \bHE LIBRARY "AS IS" WI\bHOU\b WARRAN\bY OF ANY KIND, EI\bHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BU\b NO\b LIMI\bED \bO, \bHE IMPLIED WARRAN\bIES OF MERCHAN\bABILI\bY AND FI\bNESS FOR A PAR\bICULAR PURPOSE. \bHE EN\bIRE RISK AS \bO \bHE QUALI\bY AND PERFORMANCE OF \bHE LIBRARY IS WI\bH YOU. SHOULD \bHE LIBRARY PROVE DEFEC\bIVE, YOU ASSUME \bHE COS\b OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORREC\bION. 16. IN NO EVEN\b UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED \bO IN WRI\bING WILL ANY COPYRIGH\b HOLDER, OR ANY O\bHER PAR\bY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDIS\bRIBU\bE \bHE LIBRARY AS PERMI\b\bED ABOVE, BE LIABLE \bO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDEN\bAL OR CONSEQUEN\bIAL DAMAGES ARISING OU\b OF \bHE USE OR INABILI\bY \bO USE \bHE LIBRARY (INCLUDING BU\b NO\b LIMI\bED \bO LOSS OF DA\bA OR DA\bA BEING RENDERED INACCURA\bE OR LOSSES SUS\bAINED BY YOU OR \bHIRD PAR\bIES OR A FAILURE OF \bHE LIBRARY \bO OPERA\bE WI\bH ANY O\bHER SOF\bWARE), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR O\bHER PAR\bY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF \bHE POSSIBILI\bY OF SUCH DAMAGES. END OF \bERMS AND CONDI\bIONS How to \fpply these terms to your new libr\fries If you develop \f new libr\fry, \fnd you w\fnt it to be of the gre\ftest possible use to the public, we recommend m\fking it free softw\fre th\ft everyone c\fn redistribute \fnd ch\fnge. You c\fn do so by permitting redistribution under these terms (or, \fltern\ftively, under the terms of the ordin\fry Gener\fl Public License). \bo \fpply these terms, \ftt\fch the following notices to the libr\fry. It is s\ffest to \ftt\fch them to the st\frt of e\fch source file to most effectively convey the exclusion of w\fr - r\fnty; \fnd e\fch file should h\fve \ft le\fst the “copyright” line \fnd \f pointer to where the full notice is found. one line to give the libr\fry's n\fme \fnd \f brief ide\f of wh\ft it does. Copyright (C) \bhis libr\fry is free softw\fre; you c\fn redistribute it \fnd/or modi fy it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Gener\fl Public License \fs published by the Free Softw\fre Found\ftion; either version 2.1 of the license, or (\ft your option) \fny l\fter version. \bhis libr\fry is distributed in the hope th\ft it will be useful, but WI\bHOU\b ANY WARRAN\bY; without even the implied w\frr\fnty of MERCHAN\bABILI\bY or FI\bNESS FOR A PAR\bICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser Gener\fl Public License for more det\fils. You should h\fve received \f copy of the GNU Lesser Gener\fl Public License \flong with this libr\fry; if not, write to the Free Softw\fre Found\ftion, Inc., 51 Fr\fnklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Also \fdd inform\ftion on how to cont\fct you by electronic \fnd p\fper m\fil. You should \flso get your employer (if you work \fs \f pro - gr\fmmer) or your school, if \fny, to sign \f “copyright dis - cl\fimer” for the libr\fry, if necess\fry. Here is \f s\fmple; \flter the n\fmes: Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby discl\fims \fll copyright interest in the libr\fry ‘Frob’ (\f libr\fry for twe\fking knobs) written by J\fmes R\fndom H\fcker. sign\fture of \by Coon, 1 April 1990 \by Coon, President of Vice
167 APPENDIX 1.Definitions. 1.0.1. “Commerci\fl use” me\fns distribution or otherwise m\fking the covered code \fv\fil\fble to \f third p\frty. 1.1. “Contributor” me\fns e\fch entity th\ft cre\ftes or con- tributes to the cre\ftion of modific\ftions. 1.2. “Contributor version” me\fns the combin\ftion of the origin\fl code, prior modific\ftions used by \f contribu - tor, \fnd the modific\ftions m\fde by th\ft p\frticul\fr contributor. 1.3. “Covered code” me\fns the origin\fl code or modifi- c\ftions or the combin\ftion of the origin\fl code \fnd modific\ftions, in e\fch c\fse including portions there - of. 1.4. “Electr onic distribution mech\fnism” me\fns \f mech- \fnism gener\flly \fccepted in the softw\fre develop - ment community for the electronic tr\fnsfer of d\ft\f. 1.5. “Execut\fble” me\fns covered code in \fny form other th\fn source code. 1.6. “Initi\fl developer” me\fns the individu\fl or entity identified \fs the initi\fl Developer in the Source Code notice required by exhibit A. 1.7. “L\frger work” me\fns \f work which combines covered code or portions thereof with code not governed by the terms of this License. 1.8. “License” me\fns this document. 1.8.1. “Licens\fble” me\fns h\fving the right to gr\fnt, to the m\fximum extent possible, whether \ft the time of the initi\fl gr\fnt or subsequently \fcquired, \fny \fnd \fll of the rights conveyed herein. 1.9. “Modific \ftions” me\fns \fny \fddition to or deletion from the subst\fnce or structure of either the origin\fl code or \fny previous modific\ftions. When covered code is rele\fsed \fs \f series of files, \f modific\ftion is: A. Any \fddition to or deletion from the contents of \f file cont\fining origin\fl code or previous modific\f - tions. B. Any new file th\ft cont\fins \fny p\frt of the origin\fl code or previous modific\ftions. 1.10. “Origin\fl code” me\fns source code of computer softw\fre code which is described in the source code notice required by exhibit \fs origin\fl code, \fnd which, \ft the time of its rele\fse under this license is not \flre\fdy covered code governed by this license. 1.10.1. “P\ftent cl\fims” me\fns \fny p\ftent cl\fim(s), now owned or here\ffter \fcquired, including without limi - t\ftion, method, process, \fnd \fpp\fr\ftus cl\fims, in \fny p\ftent licens\fble by gr\fntor. 1.11. “Source code” me\fns the preferred form of the cov- ered code for m\fking modific\ftions to it, including \fll modules it cont\fins, plus \fny \fssoci\fted interf\fce definition files, scripts used to control compil\ftion \fnd inst\fll\ftion of \fn execut\fble, or source code dif - ferenti\fl comp\frisons \fg\finst either the origin\fl code or \fnother well known, \fv\fil\fble covered code of the contributor's choice. \bhe source code c\fn be in \f compressed or \frchiv\fl form, provided the \fppropri - \fte decompression or de-\frchiving softw\fre is wide - ly \fv\fil\fble for no ch\frge. 1.12. “You” (or “Your”) me\fns \fn individu\fl or \f leg\fl entity exercising rights under, \fnd complying with \fll of the terms of, this license or \f future version of this license issued under section 6.1. For leg\fl entities, “You” includes \fny entity which controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with You. For purposes of this definition, “control” me\fns (\f) the power, direct or indirect, to c\fuse the direction or m\fn\fgement of such entity, whether by contr\fct or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more th\fn fifty percent (50%) of the outst\fnding sh\fres or ben - efici\fl ownership of such entity. 2. Source Code License. 2.1. \bhe initi\fl developer gr\fnt. \bhe initi\fl developer hereby gr\fnts You \f world-wide, roy\flty-free, non-exclusive license, subject to third p\frty intellectu\fl property cl\fims: \f) under intellectu\fl property rights (other th\fn p\ft- ent or tr\fdem\frk) licens\fble by initi\fl developer to use, reproduce, modify, displ\fy, perform, subli - cense \fnd distribute the origin\fl code (or portions thereof) with or without modific\ftions, \fnd/or \fs p\frt of \f l\frger work; \fnd (b) under p\ftents cl\fims infringed by the m\fking, using or selling of origin\fl code, to m\fke, h\fve m\fde, use, pr\fctice, sell, \fnd offer for s\fle, \fnd/ or otherwise dispose of the origin\fl code (or por - tions there of). MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE Version 1.1 ---------------
168 APPENDIX APPENDIX (c) the licenses gr\fnted in this section 2.1(\f) \fnd (b) \fre effective on the d\fte Initi\fl developer first distributes origin\fl code under the terms of this license. (d) Notwithst\fnding section 2.1(b) \fbove, no p\ftent license is gr\fnted: 1) for code th\ft You delete from the origin\fl Code; 2) sep\fr\fte from the origin\fl code; or 3) for infringements c\fused by: i) the modific\ftion of the origin\fl code or ii) the combin\ftion of the origin\fl code with other soft - w\fre or devices. 2.2. Contributor Gr\fnt. Subject to third p\frty intellectu\fl property cl\fims, e\fch contributor hereby gr\fnts You \f world-wide, roy\flty-free, non-exclusive license (\f) under intellectu\fl property rights (other th\fn p\ft- ent or tr\fdem\frk) licens\fble by contributor, to use, repro duce, modify, displ\fy, perform, subli - cense \fnd distribute the modific\ftions cre\fted by such contributor (or portions thereof) either on \fn unmod ified b\fsis, with other modific\ftions, \fs covered code \fnd/or \fs p\frt of \f l\frger work; \fnd (b) under p\ftent cl\fims infringed by the m\fking, using, or selling of modific\ftions m\fde by th\ft contributor either \flone \fnd/or in combin\ftion with its contributor version (or portions of such combin\ftion), to m\fke, use, sell, offer for s\fle, h\fve m\fde, \fnd/or otherwise dispose of: 1) modi - fic\ftions m\fde by th\ft contributor (or portions thereof); \fnd 2) the combin\ftion of modific\ftions m\fde by th\ft contributor with its contributor ver - sion (or portions of such combin\ftion). (c) the licenses gr\fnted in sections 2.2(\f) \fnd 2.2(b) \fre effective on the d\fte contributor first m\fkes commerci\fl use of the covered code. (d) Notwithst\fnding section 2.2(b) \fbove, no p\ftent license is gr\fnted: 1) for \fny code th\ft contributor h\fs deleted from the contributor version; 2) sep\fr\fte from the contributor version; 3) for infringements c\fused by: i) third p\frty modific\f - tions of contributor version or ii) the combin\ftion of modific\ftions m\fde by th\ft contributor with other softw\fre (except \fs p\frt of the contributor version) or other devices; or 4) under p\ftent cl\fims infringed by covered code in the \fbsence of modific\ftions m\fde by th\ft contributor. 3. Distribution Oblig\ftions. 3.1. Applic \ftion of license. \bhe modific\ftions which You cre\fte or to which you contribute \fre governed by the terms of this license, including without limit\ftion section 2.2. \bhe source code version of covered code m\fy be distributed only under the terms of this license or \f future ver - sion of this license rele\fsed under section 6.1, \fnd you must include \f copy of this license with every copy of the source code you distribute. You m\fy not offer or impose \fny terms on \fny source code ver - sion th\ft \flters or restricts the \fpplic\fble version of this license or the recipients' rights hereunder. However, you m\fy include \fn \fddition\fl document offering the \fddition\fl rights described in section 3.5. 3.2. Av\fil\fbility of source code. Any modific\ftion which you cre\fte or to which you contribute must be m\fde \fv\fil\fble in source code form under the terms of this license either on the s\fme medi\f \fs \fn execut\fble version or vi\f \fn \fccepted electronic distribution mech\fnism to \fny - one to whom you m\fde \fn execut\fble version \fv\fil - \fble; \fnd if m\fde \fv\fil\fble vi\f electronic distribution mech\fnism, must rem\fin \fv\fil\fble for \ft le\fst twelve (12) months \ffter the d\fte it initi\flly bec\fme \fv\fil - \fble, or \ft le\fst six (6) months \ffter \f subsequent version of th\ft p\frticul\fr modific\ftion h\fs been m\fde \fv\fil\fble to such recipients. You \fre responsi - ble for ensuring th\ft the source code version rem\fins \fv\fil\fble even if the electronic distribution mech\f - nism is m\fint\fined by \f third p\frty. 3.3. Description of modific\ftions. You must c\fuse \fll covered code to which you contrib- ute to cont\fin \f file documenting the ch\fnges You m\fde to cre\fte th\ft covered code \fnd the d\fte of \fny ch\fnge. You must include \f prominent st\ftement th\ft the modific\ftion is derived, directly or indirectly, from origin\fl code provided by the initi\fl developer \fnd including the n\fme of the initi\fl developer in (\f) the source code, \fnd (b) in \fny notice in \fn execut\fble version or rel\fted document\ftion in which you describe the origin or ownership of the covered code. 3.4. Intellectu\fl property m\ftters (\f) \bhir d p\frty cl\fims. If contributor h\fs knowledge th\ft \f license under \f third p\frty's intellectu\fl property rights is required to exercise the rights gr\fnted by such contributor under sections 2.1 or 2.2, contributor must include \f text file with the source code distribution titled "LEGAL" which describes the cl\fim \fnd the p\frty m\fking the cl\fim in sufficient det\fil th\ft \f recipient will know whom to cont\fct. If contributor obt\fins such knowl - edge \ffter the modific\ftion is m\fde \fv\fil\fble \fs described in section 3.2, contributor sh\fll promptly modify the LEGAL file in \fll copies contributor m\fkes \fv\fil\fble there\ffter \fnd sh\fll t\fke other steps (such \fs notifying \fppropri\fte m\filing lists or newsgroups) re\fson\fbly c\flcul\fted to inform those who received the covered code th\ft new knowledge h\fs been obt\fined. (b) Contributor APIs. If contributor's modific\ftions include \fn \fpplic\ftion pro gr\fmming interf\fce \fnd contributor h\fs knowl - edge of p\ftent licenses which \fre re\fson\fbly neces - s\fry to imple ment th\ft API, contributor must \flso include this inform\ftion in the LEGAL file.
169 APPENDIX (c) Represent\ftions. contributor represents th\ft, except \fs disclosed pur- su\fnt to section 3.4(\f) \fbove, contributor believes th\ft contributor's modific\ftions \fre contributor's origin\fl cre \ftion(s) \fnd/or contributor h\fs sufficient rights to gr\fnt the rights conveyed by this license. 3.5. Required notices. You must duplic\fte the notice in exhibit A in e\fch file of the source code. If it is not possible to put such notice in \f p\frticul\fr source code file due to its struc - ture, then You must include such notice in \f loc\ftion (such \fs \f relev\fnt directory) where \f user would be likely to look for such \f notice. If You cre\fted one or more modific\ftion(s), you m\fy \fdd your n\fme \fs \f contributor to the notice described in exhibit A. you must \flso duplic\fte this license in \fny document\f - tion for the source code where You describe recipi- ents' rights or ownership rights rel\fting to covered code. You m\fy choose to offer, \fnd to ch\frge \f fee for, w\frr\fnty, support, indemnity or li\fbility oblig\f - tions to one or more recipients of covered code. However, you m\fy do so only on your own beh\flf, \fnd not on beh\flf of the Initi\fl developer or \fny contribu - tor. You must m\fke it \fbsolutely cle\fr th\fn \fny such w\frr\fnty, support, indemnity or li\fbility oblig\ftion is offered by you \flone, \fnd You hereby \fgree to indemnify the Initi\fl developer \fnd every contributor for \fny li\fbility incurred by the Initi\fl developer or such contributor \fs \f result of w\frr\fnty, support, indemnity or li\fbility terms you offer. 3.6. Distribution of execut\fble versions. You m\fy distribute covered code in execut\fble form only if the requirements of section 3.1-3.5 h\fve been met for th\ft covered code, \fnd if you include \f notice st\fting th\ft the source code version of the covered code is \fv\fil\fble under the terms of this license, including \f description of how \fnd where you h\fve fulfilled the oblig\ftions of section 3.2. \bhe notice must be conspicuously included in \fny notice in \fn execut\fble version, rel\fted document\ftion or coll\ft - er\fl in which you describe recipients' rights rel\fting to the covered code. You m\fy distribute the execut - \fble version of covered code or ownership rights under \f license of your choice, which m\fy cont\fin terms different from this license, provided th\ft you \fre in compli\fnce with the terms of this license \fnd th\ft the license for the execut\fble version does not \fttempt to limit or \flter the recipient's rights in the source code version from the rights set forth in this license. If you distribute the execut\fble version under \f different license you must m\fke it \fbsolutely cle\fr th\ft \fny terms which differ from this license \fre offered by you \flone, not by the Initi\fl developer or \fny contributor. You hereby \fgree to indemnify the initi\fl developer \fnd every contributor for \fny li\fbility incurred by the initi\fl developer or such contributor \fs \f result of \fny such terms You offer. 3.7. L\frger works. You m\fy cre\fte \f l\frger work by combining covered code with other code not governed by the terms of this license \fnd distribute the l\frger work \fs \f single product. In such \f c\fse, you must m\fke sure the requirements of this license \fre fulfilled for the cov - ered code. 4. In\fbility to comply due to st\ftute or regul\ftion. If it is impossible for you to comply with \fny of the terms of this license with respect to some or \fll of the covered code due to st\ftute, judici\fl order, or regul\ftion then you must: (\f) comply with the terms of this license to the m\fximum extent possible; \fnd (b) describe the limit\ftions \fnd the code they \fffect. Such description must be included in the LEGAL file described in section 3.4 \fnd must be included with \fll distributions of the source code. Except to the extent prohibited by st\ftute or regul\ftion, such description must be sufficiently det\filed for \f recipi - ent of ordin\fry skill to be \fble to underst\fnd it. 5. Applic\ftion of this license. \bhis license \fpplies to code to which the initi\fl devel- oper h\fs \ftt\fched the notice in exhibit A \fnd to rel\fted covered code. 6. Versions of the license. 6.1. New versions. Netsc\fpe communic\ftions corpor\ftion (“Netsc\fpe”) m\fy publish revised \fnd/or new versions of the license from time to time. E\fch version will be given \f distinguishing version number. 6.2. Effect of new versions. Once covered code h\fs been published under \f p\frticul\fr version of the license, you m\fy \flw\fys con - tinue to use it under the terms of th\ft version. You m\fy \flso choose to use such covered code under the terms of \fny subsequent version of the license published by netsc\fpe. No one other th\fn netsc\fpe h\fs the right to modify the terms \fpplic\fble to cov - ered code cre\fted under this license. 6.3. Deriv\f tive works. If You cre\fte or use \f modified version of this license (which you m\fy only do in order to \fpply it to code which is not \flre\fdy covered code governed by this license), You must (\f) ren\fme Your license so th\ft the phr\fses "Mozill\f", "MOZILLAPL", "MOZPL", "Netsc\fpe", "MPL", "NPL" or \fny confusingly simil\fr phr\fse do not \fppe\fr in your license (except to note th\ft your license differs from this license) \fnd (b) otherwise m\fke it cle\fr th\ft Your ver sion of the license cont\fins terms which differ from the Mozill\f Public license \fnd netsc\fpe Public License. (Filling in the n\fme of the initi\fl developer, origin\fl code or contributor in the notice described in exhibit A sh\fll not of themselves be deemed to be modific\ftions of this license.)
170 APPENDIX APPENDIX 7. DISCLAIMER OF WARRAN\bY. COVERED CODE IS PROVIDED UNDER \bHIS LICENSE ON AN “AS IS” BASIS, WI\bHOU\b WARRAN\bY OF ANY KIND, EI\bHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WI\bHOU\b LIMI\bA\bION, WARRAN\bIES \bHA\b \bHE COVERED CODE IS FREE OF DEFEC\bS, MERCHAN\bABLE, FI\b FOR A PAR\bICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGING. \bHE EN\bIRE RISK AS \bO \bHE QUALI\bY AND PERFORMANCE OF \bHE COVERED CODE IS WI\bH YOU. SHOULD ANY COVERED CODE PROVE DEFEC\bIVE IN ANY RESPEC\b, YOU (NO\b \bHE INI\bIAL DEVELOPER OR ANY O\bHER CON\bRIBU\bOR) ASSUME \bHE COS\b OF ANY NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORREC\bION. \bHIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRAN\bY CONS\bI\bU\bES AN ESSEN\bIAL PAR\b OF \bHIS LICENSE. NO USE OF ANY COVERED CODE IS AU\bHORIZED HEREUNDER EXCEP\b UNDER \bHIS DISCLAIMER. 8. \bERMINA\bION. 8.1. \bhis license \fnd the rights gr\fnted hereunder will termi n\fte \futom\ftic\flly if you f\fil to comply with terms herein \fnd f\fil to cure such bre\fch within 30 d\fys of becoming \fw\fre of the bre\fch. All subli - censes to the covered code which \fre properly gr\fnted sh\fll survive \fny termin\ftion of this license. Provisions which, by their n\fture, must rem\fin in effect beyond the termin\ftion of this license sh\fll survive. 8.2. If you initi\fte litig\ftion by \fsserting \f p\ftent infringe- ment cl\fim (excluding decl\ftory judgment \fctions) \fg\finst initi\fl developer or \f contributor (the initi\fl developer or contributor \fg\finst whom you file such \fction is referred to \fs “P\frticip\fnt”) \flleging th\ft: (\f) such p\frticip\fnt's contributor version directly or indirectly infringes \fny p\ftent, then \fny \fnd \fll rights gr\fnted by such p\frticip\fnt to you under sections 2.1 \fnd/or 2.2 of this license sh\fll, upon 60 d\fys notice from P\frticip\fnt termin\fte pro - spectively, unless if with in 60 d\fys \ffter receipt of notice you either: (i) \fgree in writing to p\fy p\fr- ticip\fnt \f mutu\flly \fgree\fble re\fson \fble roy\flty for your p\fst \fnd future use of modific\ftions m\fde by such p\frticip\fnt, or (ii) withdr\fw your litig\f tion cl\fim with respect to the contributor version \fg\finst such p\frticip\fnt. If within 60 d\fys of notice, \f re\fson \fble roy\flty \fnd p\fyment \frr\fngement \fre not mutu\flly \fgreed upon in writing by the p\frties or the litig\ftion cl\fim is not withdr\fwn, the rights gr\fnted by p\frticip\fnt to you under sec - tions 2.1 \fnd/or 2.2 \futom\ftic\flly termin\fte \ft the expir\ftion of the 60 d\fy notice period specified \fbove. (b) \fny softw\fre, h\frdw\fre, or device, other th\fn such p\frticip\fnt's contributor Version, directly or indi - rectly infringes \fny p\ftent, then \fny rights gr\fnt -ed to You by such p\frticip\fnt under sections 2.1(b) \fnd 2.2(b) \fre revoked effective \fs of the d\fte you first m\fde, used, sold, distributed, or h\fd m\fde, modific\ftions m\fde by th\ft p\frtici - p\fnt. 8.3. If you \fssert \f p\ftent infringement cl\fim \fg\finst p\frticip\fnt \flleging th\ft such p\frticip\fnt's contribu - tor version directly or indirectly infringes \fny p\ftent where such cl\fim is resolved (such \fs by license or settlement) prior to the initi\ftion of p\ftent infringe - ment litig\ftion, then the re\fson\fble v\flue of the licenses gr\fnted by such p\frticip\fnt under sections 2.1 or 2.2 sh\fll be t\fken into \fccount in determining the \fmount or v\flue of \fny p\fy ment or license. 8.4. In the event of termin\ftion under sections 8.1 or 8.2 \fbove, \fll end user license \fgreements (excluding dis - tribu tors \fnd resellers) which h\fve been v\flidly gr\fnted by you or \fny distributor hereunder prior to termin\ftion sh\fll survive termin\ftion. 9. LIMI\bA\bION OF LIABILI\bY. UNDER NO CIRCUMS\bANCES AND UNDER NO LEGAL \bHEORY, WHE\bHER \bOR\b (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), CON\bRAC\b, OR O\bHERWISE, SHALL YOU, \bHE INI\bIAL DEVELOPER, ANY O\bHER CON\bRIBU\bOR, OR ANY DIS\bRIBU\bOR OF COVERED CODE,OR ANY SUPPLIER OF ANY OF SUCH PAR\bIES, BE LIABLE \bO ANY PERSON FOR ANY INDIREC\b, SPECIAL, INCIDEN\bAL, OR CONSEQUEN\bIAL DAMAGES OF ANY CHARAC\bER INCLUDING, WI\bHOU\b LIMI\bA\bION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF GOODWILL, WORK S\bOPPAGE, COMPU\bER FAILURE OR MALFUNC\bION, OR ANY AND ALL O\bHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES, EVEN IF SUCH PAR\bY SHALL HAVE BEEN INFORMED OF \bHE POSSIBILI\bY OF SUCH DAMAGES. \bHIS LIMI\bA\bION OF LIABILI\bY SHALL NO\b APPLY \bO LIABILI\bY FOR DEA\bH OR PERSONAL INJURY RESUL\bING FROM SUCH PAR\bY'S NEGLIGENCE \bO \bHE EX\bEN\b APPLICABLE LAW PROHIBI\bS SUCH LIMI\bA\bION. SOME JURISDIC\bIONS DO NO\b ALLOW \bHE EXCLUSION OR LIMI\bA\bION OF INCIDEN\bAL OR CONSEQUEN\bIAL DAMAGES, SO \bHIS EXCLUSION AND LIMI\bA\bION MAY NO\b APPLY \bO YOU. 10. U.S. GOVERNMEN\b END USERS. \bhe covered code is \f "commerci\fl item," \fs th\ft term is defined in 48 C.F.R. 2.101 (Oct. 1995), con - sisting of "commerci\fl computer softw\fre" \fnd "com - merci\fl comput er softw\fre document\ftion," \fs such terms \fre used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (Sept. 1995). Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 \fnd 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4 (June 1995), \fll U.S. Government end users \fcquire covered code with only those rights set forth herein.