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Land Rover Defender Electrical Library Elld970e Rover Manual

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    DEFENDER 97MY 4.1
    DESCRIPTION Although akey isused inthe normal waytolock andunlock thevehicle, this
    will not fully armtheengine immobilisation/alarm system.Thesystem isfully
    armed withanRF handset, whichtransmits arolling code.Thiscode is
    received bythe alarm ECU.Ifa door isopened withoutthealarm ECU
    receiving thecorrect signalfromthehandset, thealarm willsound.
    The alarm ECUalsoinforms theengine immobilisation ECUifan incorrect
    signal isreceived. Inthis case, theimmobilisation ECUwould failtoprovide a
    feed tothe starter relay,immobilising theengine.
    Passive immobilisation (iffitted) isalso afeature, withapassive coilfitted
    around theignition barrel.Thiswillactivate 30seconds aftertheignition is
    turned offand thedrivers doorisopened. Alternatively, passiveimmobilisation
    will occur 5minutes afterthevehicle isunlocked, orthe ignition isturned off.
    When attempting torestart thevehicle, passive immobilisation canbeswitched
    off using either theRFhandset orthe EKA code.
    The EKA code isentered bythe following process;
    1. With thedrivers doorclosed, insertthekey into theignition switch,turnto
    position IIand hold inthis position for5seconds. Thenswitch off.
    2. Turn theignition switchtoposition IIthe required numberoftimes to
    enter thefirst digit ofthe code (ifthe first digit is4, turn thekey toposition
    II and then back to0 four times).
    3. Open thedrivers door(toenter thefirst digit) andthen close thedoor
    4. Turn thestarter switchtoposition IIand back to0 the required number
    of times toenter theSECOND digitofthe code.
    5. Open thedrivers door(toenter thesecond digit)andthen close thedoor
    6. Turn thestarter switchtoposition IIand back to0 the required number
    of times toenter theTHIRD digitofthe code.
    7. Open thedrivers door(toenter thethird digit) andthen close thedoor
    8. Turn thestarter switchtoposition IIand back to0 the required number
    of times toenter theFOURTH digitofthe code. 
    4.2 DEFENDER97MY
    Finally, OPENandCLOSE thedrivers door.Ifthe code hasbeen entered
    correctly, theanti-theft indicatorlampwillextinguish andtheengine can
    be started.
    NOTE: Ifthe vehicle hasbeen previously armed,andthehandset is
    inoperative, thealarm willsound throughout theEKA entering
    OPERATION Feed fromthepositive batteryterminal isconnected tothe engine compartment
    fuse box(C632-1) byabrown wire.Current flowsthrough fusiblelink1and
    fusible link2ofthe engine compartment fusebox,which areconnected in
    parallel. Fusiblelink1(C907-1) suppliesaconstant batteryfeedto;
    TheBBUS (C666-2) onablack wire,Fuse21(C965-1) onabrown wire,Pin86(C964-30) ofthe alarm sounder relayonabrown wire,Pin30(C964-30) ofthe alarm sounder relayonabrown wire,Theanti-theft alarmLED(C240-2) onabrown wire.
    Fusible link2(C907-2) suppliesafeed to;
    Theignition switch(C028-1) onabrown wire,Thestarter relay(C151-87) onabrown wire,Fuse1(C580-1) ofthe passenger compartment fuseboxonabrown wire,Fuse2(C580-3) ofthe passenger compartment fuseboxonabrown wire.
    ALARMFuse 21(C965-2) suppliesaconstant batteryfeedtothe alarm ECU(C061-25)
    on abrown wire.Thealarm ECUissupplied apermanent earth(C057-11) bya
    black wire.Thealarm ECU(C057-8) alsoreceives aconstant batteryfeedfrom
    fuse 1ofthe passenger compartment fusebox(C580-2) onapurple wire.This
    feed isthen used topower thehazard warning lamps(C057-1 &C057-6).
    When thevehicle alarmhasbeen armed, thealarm ECUreceives anumber of
    inputs. TheRHdoor switch (C054-1) isconnected tothe alarm ECU(C061-5)
    by aslate/white wire.When thedoor isclosed, theswitch isopen. Inthis
    condition, thealarm ECU(C057-5) suppliestheBBUS (C666-3) withbattery
    voltage. Whenthedoor isopened, thedoor switch closes, providing ashort to
    earth. Thealarm ECUresponds bysupplying theBBUS withareduced
    voltage. Sensing thisdrop involtage, theBBUS sounds. 
    DEFENDER 97MY 4.3
    same principle istrue ofthe LHdoor switch andthebonnet switch.TheLH
    door switch (C033-1) isconnected tothe alarm ECU(C061-16) bya
    purple/blue wire,andthebonnet switch(C007-2) isconnected tothe alarm
    ECU (C061-9) byaorange/blue wire.Thebonnet switchisearthed (C007-1) on
    a black wire.Bothinteract withtheBBUS inexactly thesame wayasthe RH
    door switch.
    In addition tobeing supplied withaconstant batteryfeed(C666-2), theBBUS
    also hasitsown internal powersupply, andisearthed (C666-4) onablack
    wire. The alarm ECU(C061-20) alsoprovides afeed forthe ultrasonic modules
    (C359-1 &C889-1) onblack/brown wires.Themodules areearthed (C359-2 &
    C889-2) onblack wires. When themodules detectmovement, theysupply the
    alarm ECU(C061-3) withashort series ofpulses onawhite/black wire.Once
    the alarm ECUdetects thesepulses, theBBUS isagain sounded.
    To disarm thealarm system, theRFhandset isused. Thesignal transmitted by
    the handset isreceived bythe aerial. Theaerial isconnected tothe alarm ECU
    (C061-26) byan orange/slate wire.
    The anti-theft alarmLEDisused asavisual deterrent andisconnected tothe
    alarm ECU(C057-4) byapink wire. Toilluminate theLED, thealarm ECU
    provides apath toearth (C057-11). Toextinguish theLED, theECU provides it
    (C240-1) withavoltage equaltothat provided byfusible link1.As the potential
    difference acrosstheLED isnow 0volts, theLED isextinguished. Inthis way,
    the ECU cancontrol theflashing sequence ofthe LED.
    The alarm ECUalsocontrols theinterior lamps.TheECU (C061-1) providesa
    feed tothe interior lampunit(C357-1) onapurple/white wire.Thisinforms the
    lamp unittoextinguish theinterior lamps.Whentheinterior lampunitreceives
    a reduced feedfrom thealarm ECU,itilluminates theinterior lamps.
    The alarm andimmobilisation systemscanbeinterrogated throughthe
    diagnostic socket(C040-8), whichisconnected tothe alarm ECU(C061-17) by
    an orange/light greenwire. 
    4.4 DEFENDER97MY
    theignition switchinposition II,power flowsacross theswitch (C094-1)
    and supplies afeed tofuse 20ofthe passenger compartment fusebox
    (C580-39) onawhite wire,andtothe engine immobilisation ECU(C868-8 &
    C863-5) onablack wire.
    The immobilisation ECUisprovided withapermanent earth(C863-1) ona
    black wire.
    Fuse 20ofthe passenger compartment fusebox(C580-40) isconnected tothe
    alarm ECU(C061-10) byagreen wire,theengine immobilisation warninglamp
    (C961-1) onagreen wire,andtheBBUS (C666-1) onablack wire.The
    warning lampandtheBBUS areconnected toparallel.
    The engine immobilisation warninglamp(C962-1) isconnected tothe alarm
    ECU (C057-9) byan orange wire.Toilluminate thelamp, theECU provides an
    earth (C057-11). Toextinguish thelamp, theECU provides afeed equal tothat
    provided byfuse 20.Asthe potential difference acrossthelamp isnow 0volts,
    the lamp isextinguished. Inthis way, thealarm ECUcancontrol theflashing
    sequence ofthe lamp.
    The alarm ECU(C061-14) isconnected tothe immobilisation ECU(C863-9) by
    a black wire.Thealarm ECUwillinform theimmobilisation ECUthatthealarm
    system isarmed.
    When theignition switchisturned tothe crank position (C090-1), powerflows
    across theswitch tothe starter relay(C151-85) onawhite/red wire.Withthe
    engine immobilised, thealarm ECU(C057-10) providesafeed equal tothe
    ignition feedtothe starter relay(C151-86) onablack/orange wire.Asthe
    potential difference acrosstherelay coilis0volts, therelay failstoenergise.
    If the engine ismobilised, thealarm ECUwithdraws thisfeed andprovides an
    earth pathforthe relay. Thisenergises therelay andallows theignition feed
    from fusible link2ofthe engine compartment fuseboxtoflow across therelay
    (C151-87 &C151-30) andonto theimmobilisation ECU(C863-6) ona
    brown/red wire.When theimmobilisation ECUreceives aninput fromthe
    starter relay,itin turn provides afeed tothe starter motorsolenoid (C179-1) on
    a black wire.Theengine willnow start. 
    DEFENDER 97MY 4.5
    immobilisation ECUalsocontrols thefuel cut-off solenoid (C198-1), which
    is connected (C863-4)byablack wire.Theimmobilisation ECUfailstoprovide
    the solenoid afeed ifthe vehicle hasbeen immobilised.
    In addition tothe features directlycontrolled bythe immobilisation ECU,a
    passive coilisfitted around theignition barrel.Thisisauser friendly wayof
    re-mobilising theengine. Thepassive coil(C663-1) receivesapower supply
    from thealarm ECU(C057-7) onanorange/green wire.
    The passive coilisonly energised whentheignition switchisin position IIand
    the engine isin an immobilised state.Thecoilcreates amagnetic fieldthat
    excites acoil inthe RFhandset. Thiscauses thehandset totransmit acode to
    the alarm ECUtomobilise theengine.
    NOTE: Forthepassive coiltooperate correctly, theignition key
    and theRFhandset mustbeon the same keyring.
    NOTE: Passive immobilisation isnot fitted inall markets. Check
    vehicle specification. 
    4.6 DEFENDER97MY
    DESCRIPTION The charging systemconsists ofan alternator containing arectifier packand
    regulator tomaintain aconstant directcurrent (dc)voltage inthe system. The
    alternator isbelt driven fromthecrankshaft andcooled byafan mounted
    behind thepulley. Thealternator hasafixed coilwound statorinwhich afield
    coil rotor rotates. Sliprings conduct currenttoand from thefield coils via2
    carbon brushes. Theregulator sensesoutputvoltage andcontrols thisto
    approximately 14volts.
    Feed fromthepositive batteryterminal isconnected tothe engine compartment
    fuse box(C632-1) byabrown wire.Current passesthrough fusiblelink2and
    fusible link3,which areconnected inparallel. Fusiblelink2(C907-2) is
    connected tothe ignition switch(C028-1) byabrown wire.Withtheignition
    switch inposition II(C094-1), afeed issupplied tothe ignition/no charge
    warning lamp(C230-5) onawhite wire.
    The warning lamp(C230-5) isearthed viathe diode (C118-1) ona
    yellow/brown wireandthrough thealternator fieldwindings (C185-1) ona
    brown/yellow wire.Theflow ofcurrent through thewarning lampsandfield
    windings partiallymagnetises therotor. Aresistor (C037-1 &C038-1) iswired
    in parallel withthewarning lampstoensure continued excitervoltage inthe
    event ofbulb failure.
    When theengine starts,themagnetised rotorrotates withinthestator windings,
    generating a3phase alternating current(ac)andvoltage whichrisesrapidly
    with rotor speed. Thefield diodes convert theaccurrent todirect current (dc)
    and thegenerated voltageisfed back tothe field windings. Asthe feed back
    voltage increases, themagnetic influenceofthe rotor alsoincreases, resulting
    in self-excitation ofthe rotor. Generated currentandvoltage increases with
    rotor speed untilthealternator isfully excited. 
    DEFENDER 97MY 4.7
    thealternator outputsavoltage equaltothat supplied bythe battery, the
    warning lampisextinguished asthe potential difference acrossthelamp is0
    volts. Thediode between thealternator andwarning lampprevents reverse
    flow. The regulator functions asan electronic controlswitchonthe earth sideofthe
    field coils. Theregulator rapidlyswitches theearth circuit offand ontocontrol
    the generated voltageandcurrent tosafe limits.
    If the battery isin alow state ofcharge orcurrent drawfromtheelectrical
    system ishigh andcauses avoltage drop,thealternator chargesatits
    maximum rateuntil 14volts isgenerated. Asbattery voltage rises,the
    generator currentoutputreduces.
    Feed fromthepositive batteryterminal isconnected tothe engine compartment
    fuse box(C632-1) byabrown wire.Current passesthrough fusiblelink2and
    fusible link3,which areconnected inparallel. Fusiblelink2(C907-2) is
    connected tothe ignition switch(C028-1) byabrown wire.
    When theignition switchisturned tothe crank position, powerflowsacross
    the switch (C090-1) tothe starter relaycoil(C151-85) onawhite/red wire.
    Current thenflows fromthestarter relay(C151-86) tothe alarm ECU(C057-10)
    on ablack/orange wire.Assuming thealarm ECUhasreceived thecorrect
    code fromtheRFhandset, itwill complete thepath toearth (C057-11) ona
    black wireandenergize thestarter relay.
    Power fromfusible link2(C907-2) cannow flowacross thestarter relayswitch
    and onto theengine immobilisation ECU(C863-6). Again,assuming thealarm
    ECU hasreceived thecorrect codefromtheRFhandset, itwill inform the
    engine immobilisation ECU(C863-10) toprovide afeed tothe starter motor
    solenoid (C179-1) onablack wire.Thisfeed willenergize thesolenoid,
    allowing apositive feedfrom thebattery toflow across thesolenoid (C178-1)
    and power thestarter motor.Anearth isprovided bythe starter motor. 
    4.8 DEFENDER97MY
    Glow Plugs
    Glowplugs arefitted tothe TDi engine toassist starting. Aconstant batteryfeed
    is supplied byfusible link3(C907-3) tothe glow plugtimer (C189-5) ona
    brown wire.When theignition switchisturned toposition II,asecond feedis
    supplied tothe glow plugtimer (C189-3). Thistriggers afeed (C189-6) tothe
    glow plugs.
    With theignition switchinposition II,theglow plugwarning lamp(C230-4) is
    provided afeed viafuse 17(C580-33) ofthe passenger compartment fusebox
    on awhite wire.Thewarning lamp(C233-10) isconnected tothe glow plug
    timer (C189-2) byayellow/black wire.
    When theglow plugtimer provides afeed forthe glow plugs (C189-6), it
    simultaneously providesanearth path(C189-4) forthe warning lamp.Aftera
    set period, feedtothe glow plugs, andtheearth pathforthe warning lampare
    cut; extinguishing thewarning lamp. 
    DEFENDER 97MY 4.9
    DESCRIPTION The charging systemconsists ofan alternator containing arectifier packand
    regulator tomaintain aconstant directcurrent (dc)voltage inthe system. The
    alternator isbelt driven fromthecrankshaft andcooled byafan mounted
    behind thepulley. Thealternator hasafixed coilwound statorinwhich afield
    coil rotor rotates. Sliprings conduct currenttoand from thefield coils via2
    carbon brushes. Theregulator sensesoutputvoltage andcontrols thisto
    approximately 14volts.
    Feed fromthepositive batteryterminal isconnected tofusible link2(C632-1)
    of the engine compartment fuseboxbyabrown wire.Fusible link2(C907-2)
    supplies afeed tothe ignition switch(C28-1) onabrown wireandthestarter
    relay (C151-87), alsoonabrown wire.
    With theignition switchinposition II(C094-1), afeed issupplied tothe
    ignition coil(C156-1) andtheignition amplifier module(C633-3) onwhite wires.
    The ignition switchalsoprovides afeed tothe ignition/no chargewarning lamp
    (C230-4) onawhite wire.Thewarning lampisearthed (C230-5) viathe diode
    (C118-1) onayellow/brown wireandthrough thealternator fieldwindings
    (C185- 1)on abrown/yellow wire.Theflow ofcurrent through thewarning lamp
    and field windings partiallymagnetises therotor. Aresistor (C038-1 &C037-1)
    is wired inparallel withthewarning lamptoensure continued excitervoltage in
    the event ofbulb failure.
    When theengine starts,themagnetised rotorrotates withinthestator windings,
    generating a3phase alternating current(a.c.)andvoltage whichrisesrapidly
    with rotor speed. Thefield diodes convert thea.c. current todirect current (d.c.)
    and thegenerated voltageisfed back tothe field windings. Asthe feed back
    voltage increases, themagnetic influenceofthe rotor alsoincreases, resulting
    in self-excitation ofthe rotor. Generated currentandvoltage increases with
    rotor speed untilthealternator isfully excited. 
    4.10 DEFENDER97MY
    thealternator outputsavoltage equaltothat supplied bythe battery, the
    warning lampisextinguished asthe potential difference acrossthelamp is0
    volts. Thediode between thealternator andwarning lampprevents reverse
    flow. The regulator functions asan electronic controlswitchonthe earth sideofthe
    field coils. Theregulator rapidlyswitches theearth circuit offand ontocontrol
    the generated voltageandcurrent tosafe limits.
    If the battery isin alow state ofcharge orcurrent drawfromtheelectrical
    system ishigh andcauses avoltage drop,thealternator chargesatits
    maximum rateuntil 14volts isgenerated. Asbattery voltage rises,the
    generator currentoutputreduces.
    Feed fromthepositive batteryterminal isconnected tothe engine compartment
    fuse box(C632-1) byabrown wire.Fusible link2(C907-2) thenprovides a
    constant batteryfeedtothe ignition switch(C028-1) andthestarter relay
    (C151-87). Bothareconnected bybrown wires.
    Withtheignition switchinposition II(C094-1), afeed issupplied tothe fuel
    pump relay(C298-85) onawhite wire.Therelay isconnected (C298-86)ona
    white/brown wiretothe oilpressure switch(C187-1). Whentheengine isnot
    turning over,there isno oilpressure. Inthis condition, theoilpressure switchis
    in the closed position. Thisprovides anearth pathandenergises thefuel
    pump relay.
    The ignition switch(C094-1) alsoprovides afeed topin 87A ofthe fuel pump
    relay (C298-87A) onawhite wire.Withtheoilpressure switchinthe closed
    position, theenergised fuelpump relayisunable toprovide afeed tothe fuel
    pump (C115-2) 
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